File:  [] / src / sys / arch / amd64 / conf / MICROVM
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Wed Jan 15 13:16:22 2025 UTC (3 weeks, 1 day ago) by imil
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Add support for command line MMIO devices, at least qemu and
Firecracker pass MMIO virtual devices mapping through the kernel
command line.
This driver is based on Colin Percival's FreeBSD virtio_mmio_cmdline.c

The following kernel options are needed

options MPBIOS

As are these drivers

pv* at pvbus?
virtio* at pv?

Exemple qemu usage on a Linux host to boot a NetBSD guest:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
       -M microvm,x-option-roms=off,rtc=on,acpi=off,pic=off,accel=kvm \
       -m 256 -cpu host -kernel ${KERNEL} \
       -append "root=ld0a console=com rw -v" \
       -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0 \
       -drive file=${IMG},format=raw,id=hd0 \
       -device virtio-net-device,netdev=net0 \
       -netdev user,id=net0,ipv6=off,hostfwd=::2200-:22 \
       -global virtio-mmio.force-legacy=false -display none -serial stdio

A lightweight kernel configuration named MICROVM if available for this
use case.

# $NetBSD: MICROVM,v 1.1 2025/01/15 13:16:22 imil Exp $
# MICROVM kernel configuration, for use with Qemu microvm machine type
# or Firecracker.
# Stripped-down configuration with no PCI, use VirtIO over MMIO virtual
# bus instead. ACPI is disabled as Firecracker doesn't support it,
# use legacy MP tables instead.
# Exemple qemu usage on a Linux host to boot a NetBSD guest:
# qemu-system-x86_64							\
# 	-M microvm,x-option-roms=off,rtc=on,acpi=off,pic=off,accel=kvm	\
# 	-m 256 -cpu host -kernel ${KERNEL} 				\
# 	-append "root=ld0a console=com rw -z"				\
# 	-display none -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0		\
# 	-drive file=${IMG},format=raw,id=hd0				\
# 	-device virtio-net-device,netdev=net0 				\
# 	-netdev user,id=net0,ipv6=off,hostfwd=::2200-:22		\
# 	-global virtio-mmio.force-legacy=false -serial stdio

machine amd64 x86 xen
include         "conf/std"      # MI standard options
include         "arch/xen/conf/std.xenversion"

options         CPU_IN_CKSUM
options         EXEC_ELF64      # exec ELF binaries
options         EXEC_SCRIPT     # exec #! scripts
options         MTRR
options         MULTIPROCESSOR

options         CHILD_MAX=1024  # 160 is too few
options         OPEN_MAX=1024   # 128 is too few

mainbus0 at root
cpu* at mainbus?
ioapic* at mainbus? apid ?

options 	INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE	# embed config file in kernel binary
maxusers	8		# estimated number of users

options 	INSECURE	# disable kernel security levels - X needs this

options 	RTC_OFFSET=0	# hardware clock is this many mins. west of GMT

options 	PIPE_SOCKETPAIR	# smaller, but slower pipe(2)

# Xen PV support for PVH and HVM guests, needed for PVH boot
options 	XENPVHVM
options 	XEN
hypervisor*	at mainbus?		# Xen hypervisor
xenbus*	 	at hypervisor?		# Xen virtual bus
xencons*	at hypervisor?		# Xen virtual console

# Include NetBSD 10 compatibility
options		COMPAT_100
# Because gcc omits the frame pointer for any -O level, the line below
# is needed to make backtraces in DDB work.
makeoptions	COPTS="-O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer"

# File systems
#include "conf/filesystems.config"
file-system FFS
file-system EXT2FS
file-system KERNFS
file-system MFS
file-system TMPFS
file-system PTYFS
file-system MSDOSFS
file-system PROCFS

# File system options
# ffs
options 	FFS_NO_SNAPSHOT	# No FFS snapshot support
options 	WAPBL		# File system journaling support

# Networking options
#options 	GATEWAY		# packet forwarding
options 	INET		# IP + ICMP + TCP + UDP
options 	INET6		# IPV6

# Kernel root file system and dump configuration.
config		netbsd	root on ? type ?

# Device configuration

# ACPI will be used if present. If not it will fall back to MPBIOS
options 	MPBIOS			# configure CPUs and APICs using MPBIOS
# Provide bug-for-bug compatibility with Linux in MP Table searching
# and parsing.  Firecracker relies on these bugs.

#pci*	at mainbus? bus ?
#acpi0	at mainbus0

# ISA bus support
isa0	at mainbus?

# ISA serial interfaces
com0	at isa? port 0x3f8 irq 4	# Standard PC serial ports

# Virtual bus for non-PCI devices
pv* at pvbus?

## Virtio devices
# Use MMIO by default
virtio* at pv?
#virtio* at acpi?
#virtio* at pci? dev ? function ?	# Virtio PCI device
#viomb*	at virtio?			# Virtio memory balloon device

ld*	at virtio?			# Virtio disk device
vioif*	at virtio?			# Virtio network device
viornd* at virtio?			# Virtio entropy device
viocon* at virtio?

vio9p*	at virtio?			# Virtio 9P device
#vioscsi* at virtio?
#scsibus* at vioscsi?

pseudo-device	md			# memory disk device (ramdisk)
#options 	MEMORY_DISK_HOOKS	# enable md specific hooks
#options 	MEMORY_DISK_DYNAMIC	# enable dynamic resizing
pseudo-device	vnd			# disk-like interface to files
#options 	VND_COMPRESSION		# compressed vnd(4)

## network pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	bpfilter		# Berkeley packet filter
pseudo-device	loop			# network loopback

## miscellaneous pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	pty			# pseudo-terminals
# userland interface to drivers, including autoconf and properties retrieval
pseudo-device	drvctl

file-system	PUFFS
pseudo-device	putter

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