/* $NetBSD: udf_vnops.c,v 2007/11/06 23:31:23 matt Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2006 Reinoud Zandijk * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed for the * NetBSD Project. See http://www.NetBSD.org/ for * information about NetBSD. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: udf_vnops.c,v 2007/11/06 23:31:23 matt Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include /* defines plimit structure in proc struct */ #include #include /* define FWRITE ... */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "udf.h" #include "udf_subr.h" #include "udf_bswap.h" #define VTOI(vnode) ((struct udf_node *) vnode->v_data) /* externs */ extern int prtactive; /* implementations of vnode functions; table follows at end */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_inactive(void *v) { struct vop_inactive_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct proc *a_p; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; if (prtactive && vp->v_usecount != 0) vprint("udf_inactive(): pushing active", vp); VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0); DPRINTF(LOCKING, ("udf_inactive called for node %p\n", VTOI(vp))); /* * Optionally flush metadata to disc. If the file has not been * referenced anymore in a directory we ought to free up the resources * on disc if applicable. */ return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_reclaim(void *v) { struct vop_reclaim_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct udf_node *node = VTOI(vp); if (prtactive && vp->v_usecount != 0) vprint("udf_reclaim(): pushing active", vp); /* purge old data from namei */ cache_purge(vp); DPRINTF(LOCKING, ("udf_reclaim called for node %p\n", node)); /* dispose all node knowledge */ udf_dispose_node(node); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_read(void *v) { struct vop_read_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct uio *a_uio; int a_ioflag; kauth_cred_t a_cred; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct uio *uio = ap->a_uio; int ioflag = ap->a_ioflag; struct uvm_object *uobj; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); struct file_entry *fe; struct extfile_entry *efe; uint64_t file_size; vsize_t len; void *win; int error; int flags; /* XXX how to deal with xtended attributes (files) */ DPRINTF(READ, ("udf_read called\n")); /* can this happen? some filingsystems have this check */ if (uio->uio_offset < 0) return EINVAL; assert(udf_node); assert(udf_node->fe || udf_node->efe); /* TODO set access time */ /* get directory filesize */ if (udf_node->fe) { fe = udf_node->fe; file_size = udf_rw64(fe->inf_len); } else { assert(udf_node->efe); efe = udf_node->efe; file_size = udf_rw64(efe->inf_len); } if (vp->v_type == VDIR) { /* protect against rogue programs reading raw directories */ if ((ioflag & IO_ALTSEMANTICS) == 0) return EISDIR; } if (vp->v_type == VREG || vp->v_type == VDIR) { const int advice = IO_ADV_DECODE(ap->a_ioflag); /* read contents using buffercache */ uobj = &vp->v_uobj; flags = UBC_WANT_UNMAP(vp) ? UBC_UNMAP : 0; error = 0; while (uio->uio_resid > 0) { /* reached end? */ if (file_size <= uio->uio_offset) break; /* maximise length to file extremity */ len = MIN(file_size - uio->uio_offset, uio->uio_resid); if (len == 0) break; /* ubc, here we come, prepare to trap */ win = ubc_alloc(uobj, uio->uio_offset, &len, advice, UBC_READ); error = uiomove(win, len, uio); ubc_release(win, flags); if (error) break; } /* TODO note access time */ return error; } return EINVAL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_write(void *v) { struct vop_write_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct uio *a_uio; int a_ioflag; kauth_cred_t a_cred; } */ *ap = v; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_write called\n")); ap = ap; /* shut up gcc */ /* TODO implement writing */ return EROFS; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * `Special' bmap functionality that translates all incomming requests to * translate to vop_strategy() calls with the same blocknumbers effectively * not translating at all. */ int udf_trivial_bmap(void *v) { struct vop_bmap_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; daddr_t a_bn; struct vnode **a_vpp; daddr_t *a_bnp; int *a_runp; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; /* our node */ struct vnode **vpp = ap->a_vpp; /* return node */ daddr_t *bnp = ap->a_bnp; /* translated */ daddr_t bn = ap->a_bn; /* origional */ int *runp = ap->a_runp; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); uint32_t lb_size; /* get logical block size */ lb_size = udf_rw32(udf_node->ump->logical_vol->lb_size); /* could return `-1' to indicate holes/zeros */ /* translate 1:1 */ *bnp = bn; /* set the vnode to read the data from with strategy on itself */ if (vpp) *vpp = vp; /* set runlength of maximum block size */ if (runp) *runp = MAXPHYS / lb_size; /* or with -1 ? */ /* return success */ return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_strategy(void *v) { struct vop_strategy_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct buf *a_bp; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct buf *bp = ap->a_bp; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); uint32_t lb_size, from, sectors; int error; DPRINTF(STRATEGY, ("udf_strategy called\n")); /* check if we ought to be here */ if (vp->v_type == VBLK || vp->v_type == VCHR) panic("udf_strategy: spec"); /* only filebuffers ought to be read by this, no descriptors */ assert(bp->b_blkno >= 0); /* get sector size */ lb_size = udf_rw32(udf_node->ump->logical_vol->lb_size); /* calculate sector to start from */ from = bp->b_blkno; /* calculate length to fetch/store in sectors */ sectors = bp->b_bcount / lb_size; assert(bp->b_bcount > 0); /* NEVER assume later that this buffer is already translated */ /* bp->b_lblkno = bp->b_blkno; */ DPRINTF(STRATEGY, ("\tread vp %p buf %p (blk no %"PRIu64")" ", sector %d for %d sectors\n", vp, bp, bp->b_blkno, from, sectors)); /* check assertions: we OUGHT to always get multiples of this */ assert(sectors * lb_size == bp->b_bcount); /* determine mode */ error = 0; if (bp->b_flags & B_READ) { /* read buffer from the udf_node, translate vtop on the way*/ udf_read_filebuf(udf_node, bp); return bp->b_error; } printf("udf_strategy: can't write yet\n"); return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_readdir(void *v) { struct vop_readdir_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct uio *a_uio; kauth_cred_t a_cred; int *a_eofflag; off_t **a_cookies; int *a_ncookies; } */ *ap = v; struct uio *uio = ap->a_uio; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); struct file_entry *fe; struct extfile_entry *efe; struct fileid_desc *fid; struct dirent *dirent; uint64_t file_size, diroffset, transoffset; uint32_t lb_size; int error; DPRINTF(READDIR, ("udf_readdir called\n")); /* This operation only makes sense on directory nodes. */ if (vp->v_type != VDIR) return ENOTDIR; /* get directory filesize */ if (udf_node->fe) { fe = udf_node->fe; file_size = udf_rw64(fe->inf_len); } else { assert(udf_node->efe); efe = udf_node->efe; file_size = udf_rw64(efe->inf_len); } dirent = malloc(sizeof(struct dirent), M_UDFTEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); /* * Add `.' pseudo entry if at offset zero since its not in the fid * stream */ if (uio->uio_offset == 0) { DPRINTF(READDIR, ("\t'.' inserted\n")); strcpy(dirent->d_name, "."); dirent->d_fileno = udf_calchash(&udf_node->loc); dirent->d_type = DT_DIR; dirent->d_namlen = strlen(dirent->d_name); dirent->d_reclen = _DIRENT_SIZE(dirent); uiomove(dirent, _DIRENT_SIZE(dirent), uio); /* mark with magic value that we have done the dummy */ uio->uio_offset = UDF_DIRCOOKIE_DOT; } /* we are called just as long as we keep on pushing data in */ error = 0; if ((uio->uio_offset < file_size) && (uio->uio_resid >= sizeof(struct dirent))) { /* allocate temporary space for fid */ lb_size = udf_rw32(udf_node->ump->logical_vol->lb_size); fid = malloc(lb_size, M_UDFTEMP, M_WAITOK); if (uio->uio_offset == UDF_DIRCOOKIE_DOT) uio->uio_offset = 0; diroffset = uio->uio_offset; transoffset = diroffset; while (diroffset < file_size) { DPRINTF(READDIR, ("\tread in fid stream\n")); /* transfer a new fid/dirent */ error = udf_read_fid_stream(vp, &diroffset, fid, dirent); DPRINTFIF(READDIR, error, ("read error in read fid " "stream : %d\n", error)); if (error) break; /* * If there isn't enough space in the uio to return a * whole dirent, break off read */ if (uio->uio_resid < _DIRENT_SIZE(dirent)) break; /* remember the last entry we transfered */ transoffset = diroffset; /* skip deleted entries */ if (fid->file_char & UDF_FILE_CHAR_DEL) continue; /* skip not visible files */ if (fid->file_char & UDF_FILE_CHAR_VIS) continue; /* copy dirent to the caller */ DPRINTF(READDIR, ("\tread dirent `%s', type %d\n", dirent->d_name, dirent->d_type)); uiomove(dirent, _DIRENT_SIZE(dirent), uio); } /* pass on last transfered offset */ uio->uio_offset = transoffset; free(fid, M_UDFTEMP); } if (ap->a_eofflag) *ap->a_eofflag = (uio->uio_offset == file_size); #ifdef DEBUG if (udf_verbose & UDF_DEBUG_READDIR) { printf("returning offset %d\n", (uint32_t) uio->uio_offset); if (ap->a_eofflag) printf("returning EOF ? %d\n", *ap->a_eofflag); if (error) printf("readdir returning error %d\n", error); } #endif free(dirent, M_UDFTEMP); return error; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_lookup(void *v) { struct vop_lookup_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *dvp = ap->a_dvp; struct vnode **vpp = ap->a_vpp; struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; struct udf_node *dir_node, *res_node; struct udf_mount *ump; struct long_ad icb_loc; const char *name; int namelen, nameiop, islastcn, mounted_ro; int vnodetp; int error, found; dir_node = VTOI(dvp); ump = dir_node->ump; *vpp = NULL; DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("udf_lookup called\n")); /* simplify/clarification flags */ nameiop = cnp->cn_nameiop; islastcn = cnp->cn_flags & ISLASTCN; mounted_ro = dvp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY; /* check exec/dirread permissions first */ error = VOP_ACCESS(dvp, VEXEC, cnp->cn_cred, cnp->cn_lwp); if (error) return error; DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\taccess ok\n")); /* * If requesting a modify on the last path element on a read-only * filingsystem, reject lookup; XXX why is this repeated in every FS ? */ if (islastcn && mounted_ro && (nameiop == DELETE || nameiop == RENAME)) return EROFS; DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\tlooking up cnp->cn_nameptr '%s'\n", cnp->cn_nameptr)); /* look in the nami cache; returns 0 on success!! */ error = cache_lookup(dvp, vpp, cnp); if (error >= 0) return error; DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\tNOT found in cache\n")); /* * Obviously, the file is not (anymore) in the namecache, we have to * search for it. There are three basic cases: '.', '..' and others. * * Following the guidelines of VOP_LOOKUP manpage and tmpfs. */ error = 0; if ((cnp->cn_namelen == 1) && (cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.')) { DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\tlookup '.'\n")); /* special case 1 '.' */ VREF(dvp); *vpp = dvp; /* done */ } else if (cnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) { /* special case 2 '..' */ DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\tlookup '..'\n")); /* first unlock parent */ VOP_UNLOCK(dvp, 0); /* get our node */ name = ".."; namelen = 2; found = udf_lookup_name_in_dir(dvp, name, namelen, &icb_loc); if (!found) error = ENOENT; if (!error) { DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\tfound '..'\n")); /* try to create/reuse the node */ error = udf_get_node(ump, &icb_loc, &res_node); if (!error) { DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\tnode retrieved/created OK\n")); *vpp = res_node->vnode; } } /* try to relock parent */ vn_lock(dvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY); } else { DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\tlookup file\n")); /* all other files */ /* lookup filename in the directory; location icb_loc */ name = cnp->cn_nameptr; namelen = cnp->cn_namelen; found = udf_lookup_name_in_dir(dvp, name, namelen, &icb_loc); if (!found) { DPRINTF(LOOKUP, ("\tNOT found\n")); /* * UGH, didn't find name. If we're creating or naming * on the last name this is OK and we ought to return * EJUSTRETURN if its allowed to be created. */ error = ENOENT; if (islastcn && (nameiop == CREATE || nameiop == RENAME)) error = 0; if (!error) { error = VOP_ACCESS(dvp, VWRITE, cnp->cn_cred, cnp->cn_lwp); if (!error) { /* keep the component name */ cnp->cn_flags |= SAVENAME; error = EJUSTRETURN; } } /* done */ } else { /* try to create/reuse the node */ error = udf_get_node(ump, &icb_loc, &res_node); if (!error) { /* * If we are not at the last path component * and found a non-directory or non-link entry * (which may itself be pointing to a * directory), raise an error. */ vnodetp = res_node->vnode->v_type; if ((vnodetp != VDIR) && (vnodetp != VLNK)) { if (!islastcn) error = ENOTDIR; } } if (!error) { *vpp = res_node->vnode; } } } /* * Store result in the cache if requested. If we are creating a file, * the file might not be found and thus putting it into the namecache * might be seen as negative caching. */ if (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY) cache_enter(dvp, *vpp, cnp); DPRINTFIF(LOOKUP, error, ("udf_lookup returing error %d\n", error)); return error; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_getattr(void *v) { struct vop_getattr_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct vattr *a_vap; kauth_cred_t a_cred; struct proc *a_p; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); struct udf_mount *ump = udf_node->ump; struct vattr *vap = ap->a_vap; struct file_entry *fe; struct extfile_entry *efe; struct timestamp *atime, *mtime, *attrtime; uint32_t nlink; uint64_t filesize, blkssize; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; DPRINTF(CALL, ("udf_getattr called\n")); /* get descriptor information */ if (udf_node->fe) { fe = udf_node->fe; nlink = udf_rw16(fe->link_cnt); uid = (uid_t)udf_rw32(fe->uid); gid = (gid_t)udf_rw32(fe->gid); filesize = udf_rw64(fe->inf_len); blkssize = udf_rw64(fe->logblks_rec); atime = &fe->atime; mtime = &fe->mtime; attrtime = &fe->attrtime; } else { assert(udf_node->efe); efe = udf_node->efe; nlink = udf_rw16(efe->link_cnt); uid = (uid_t)udf_rw32(efe->uid); gid = (gid_t)udf_rw32(efe->gid); filesize = udf_rw64(efe->inf_len); /* XXX or obj_size? */ blkssize = udf_rw64(efe->logblks_rec); atime = &efe->atime; mtime = &efe->mtime; attrtime = &efe->attrtime; } /* do the uid/gid translation game */ if ((uid == (uid_t) -1) && (gid == (gid_t) -1)) { uid = ump->mount_args.anon_uid; gid = ump->mount_args.anon_gid; } /* fill in struct vattr with values from the node */ VATTR_NULL(vap); vap->va_type = vp->v_type; vap->va_mode = udf_getaccessmode(udf_node); vap->va_nlink = nlink; vap->va_uid = uid; vap->va_gid = gid; vap->va_fsid = vp->v_mount->mnt_stat.f_fsidx.__fsid_val[0]; vap->va_fileid = udf_calchash(&udf_node->loc); /* inode hash XXX */ vap->va_size = filesize; vap->va_blocksize = udf_node->ump->discinfo.sector_size; /* wise? */ /* * BUG-ALERT: UDF doesn't count '.' as an entry, so we'll have to add * 1 to the link count if its a directory we're requested attributes * of. */ if (vap->va_type == VDIR) vap->va_nlink++; /* access times */ udf_timestamp_to_timespec(ump, atime, &vap->va_atime); udf_timestamp_to_timespec(ump, mtime, &vap->va_mtime); udf_timestamp_to_timespec(ump, attrtime, &vap->va_ctime); vap->va_gen = 1; /* no multiple generations yes (!?) */ vap->va_flags = 0; /* no flags */ vap->va_rdev = udf_node->rdev; vap->va_bytes = blkssize * udf_node->ump->discinfo.sector_size; vap->va_filerev = 1; /* TODO file revision numbers? */ vap->va_vaflags = 0; /* TODO which va_vaflags? */ return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_setattr(void *v) { struct vop_setattr_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct vattr *a_vap; kauth_cred_t a_cred; struct proc *a_p; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); struct udf_mount *ump = udf_node->ump; struct vattr *vap = ap->a_vap; uid_t uid, nobody_uid; gid_t gid, nobody_gid; /* shut up gcc for now */ ap = ap; vp = vp; uid = 0; /* XXX gcc */ gid = 0; /* XXX gcc */ udf_node = udf_node; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_setattr called\n")); /* * BUG-ALERT: UDF doesn't count '.' as an entry, so we'll have to * subtract 1 to the link count if its a directory we're setting * attributes on. See getattr. */ if (vap->va_type == VDIR) vap->va_nlink--; /* do the uid/gid translation game */ nobody_uid = ump->mount_args.nobody_uid; nobody_gid = ump->mount_args.nobody_gid; if ((uid == nobody_uid) && (gid == nobody_gid)) { uid = (uid_t) -1; gid = (gid_t) -1; } /* TODO implement setattr!! NOT IMPLEMENTED yet */ return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Return POSIX pathconf information for UDF file systems. */ int udf_pathconf(void *v) { struct vop_pathconf_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_name; register_t *a_retval; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); uint32_t bits; DPRINTF(CALL, ("udf_pathconf called\n")); switch (ap->a_name) { case _PC_LINK_MAX: *ap->a_retval = (1<<16)-1; /* 16 bits */ return 0; case _PC_NAME_MAX: *ap->a_retval = NAME_MAX; return 0; case _PC_PATH_MAX: *ap->a_retval = PATH_MAX; return 0; case _PC_PIPE_BUF: *ap->a_retval = PIPE_BUF; return 0; case _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED: *ap->a_retval = 1; return 0; case _PC_NO_TRUNC: *ap->a_retval = 1; return 0; case _PC_SYNC_IO: *ap->a_retval = 0; /* synchronised is off for performance */ return 0; case _PC_FILESIZEBITS: bits = 32; if (udf_node) bits = 32 * vp->v_mount->mnt_dev_bshift; *ap->a_retval = bits; return 0; } return EINVAL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_open(void *v) { struct vop_open_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_mode; kauth_cred_t a_cred; struct proc *a_p; } */ *ap = v; DPRINTF(CALL, ("udf_open called\n")); ap = 0; /* XXX gcc */ return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_close(void *v) { struct vop_close_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_fflag; kauth_cred_t a_cred; struct proc *a_p; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); DPRINTF(CALL, ("udf_close called\n")); udf_node = udf_node; /* shut up gcc */ simple_lock(&vp->v_interlock); if (vp->v_usecount > 1) { /* TODO update times */ } simple_unlock(&vp->v_interlock); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_access(void *v) { struct vop_access_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; int a_mode; kauth_cred_t a_cred; struct proc *a_p; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; mode_t mode = ap->a_mode; kauth_cred_t cred = ap->a_cred; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); struct file_entry *fe; struct extfile_entry *efe; mode_t node_mode; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; DPRINTF(CALL, ("udf_access called\n")); /* get access mode to compare to */ node_mode = udf_getaccessmode(udf_node); /* get uid/gid pair */ if (udf_node->fe) { fe = udf_node->fe; uid = (uid_t)udf_rw32(fe->uid); gid = (gid_t)udf_rw32(fe->gid); } else { assert(udf_node->efe); efe = udf_node->efe; uid = (uid_t)udf_rw32(efe->uid); gid = (gid_t)udf_rw32(efe->gid); } /* check if we are allowed to write */ switch (vp->v_type) { case VDIR: case VLNK: case VREG: /* * normal nodes: check if we're on a read-only mounted * filingsystem and bomb out if we're trying to write. */ if ((mode & VWRITE) && (vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY)) return EROFS; break; case VBLK: case VCHR: case VSOCK: case VFIFO: /* * special nodes: even on read-only mounted filingsystems * these are allowed to be written to if permissions allow. */ break; default: /* no idea what this is */ return EINVAL; } /* TODO support for chflags checking i.e. IMMUTABLE flag */ /* ask the generic vaccess to advice on security */ return vaccess(vp->v_type, node_mode, uid, gid, mode, cred); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_create(void *v) { struct vop_create_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; struct vattr *a_vap; } */ *ap = v; struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_create called\n")); /* error out */ PNBUF_PUT(cnp->cn_pnbuf); vput(ap->a_dvp); return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_mknod(void *v) { struct vop_mknod_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; struct vattr *a_vap; } */ *ap = v; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_mknod called\n")); /* error out */ PNBUF_PUT(ap->a_cnp->cn_pnbuf); vput(ap->a_dvp); return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_remove(void *v) { struct vop_remove_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode *a_vp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *dvp = ap->a_dvp; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_remove called\n")); /* error out */ vput(dvp); vput(vp); return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_link(void *v) { struct vop_link_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode *a_vp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *dvp = ap->a_dvp; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_link called\n")); /* error out */ /* XXX or just VOP_ABORTOP(dvp, a_cnp); ? */ if (VOP_ISLOCKED(vp) == LK_EXCLUSIVE) VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0); PNBUF_PUT(cnp->cn_pnbuf); vput(dvp); return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_symlink(void *v) { struct vop_symlink_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; struct vattr *a_vap; char *a_target; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *dvp = ap->a_dvp; struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_symlink called\n")); /* error out */ VOP_ABORTOP(dvp, cnp); vput(dvp); return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_readlink(void *v) { struct vop_readlink_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; struct uio *a_uio; kauth_cred_t a_cred; } */ *ap = v; #ifdef notyet struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct uio *uio = ap->a_uio; kauth_cred_t cred = ap->a_cred; #endif ap = ap; /* shut up gcc */ DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_readlink called\n")); /* TODO read `file' contents and process pathcomponents into a path */ return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_rename(void *v) { struct vop_rename_args /* { struct vnode *a_fdvp; struct vnode *a_fvp; struct componentname *a_fcnp; struct vnode *a_tdvp; struct vnode *a_tvp; struct componentname *a_tcnp; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *tvp = ap->a_tvp; struct vnode *tdvp = ap->a_tdvp; struct vnode *fvp = ap->a_fvp; struct vnode *fdvp = ap->a_fdvp; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_rename called\n")); /* error out */ if (tdvp == tvp) vrele(tdvp); else vput(tdvp); if (tvp != NULL) vput(tvp); /* release source nodes. */ vrele(fdvp); vrele(fvp); return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_mkdir(void *v) { struct vop_mkdir_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode **a_vpp; struct componentname *a_cnp; struct vattr *a_vap; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *dvp = ap->a_dvp; struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_mkdir called\n")); /* error out */ PNBUF_PUT(cnp->cn_pnbuf); vput(dvp); return ENOTSUP; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_rmdir(void *v) { struct vop_rmdir_args /* { struct vnode *a_dvp; struct vnode *a_vp; struct componentname *a_cnp; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct vnode *dvp = ap->a_dvp; struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp; int error; cnp = cnp; /* shut up gcc */ DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_rmdir called\n")); error = ENOTSUP; /* error out */ if (error != 0) { vput(dvp); vput(vp); } return error; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_fsync(void *v) { struct vop_fsync_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; kauth_cred_t a_cred; int a_flags; off_t offlo; off_t offhi; struct proc *a_p; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; DPRINTF(NOTIMPL, ("udf_fsync called\n")); vp = vp; /* shut up gcc */ return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int udf_advlock(void *v) { struct vop_advlock_args /* { struct vnode *a_vp; void *a_id; int a_op; struct flock *a_fl; int a_flags; } */ *ap = v; struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp; struct udf_node *udf_node = VTOI(vp); struct file_entry *fe; struct extfile_entry *efe; uint64_t file_size; DPRINTF(LOCKING, ("udf_advlock called\n")); /* get directory filesize */ if (udf_node->fe) { fe = udf_node->fe; file_size = udf_rw64(fe->inf_len); } else { assert(udf_node->efe); efe = udf_node->efe; file_size = udf_rw64(efe->inf_len); } return lf_advlock(ap, &udf_node->lockf, file_size); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Global vfs vnode data structures for udfs */ int (**udf_vnodeop_p) __P((void *)); const struct vnodeopv_entry_desc udf_vnodeop_entries[] = { { &vop_default_desc, vn_default_error }, { &vop_lookup_desc, udf_lookup }, /* lookup */ { &vop_create_desc, udf_create }, /* create */ /* TODO */ { &vop_mknod_desc, udf_mknod }, /* mknod */ /* TODO */ { &vop_open_desc, udf_open }, /* open */ { &vop_close_desc, udf_close }, /* close */ { &vop_access_desc, udf_access }, /* access */ { &vop_getattr_desc, udf_getattr }, /* getattr */ { &vop_setattr_desc, udf_setattr }, /* setattr */ /* TODO */ { &vop_read_desc, udf_read }, /* read */ { &vop_write_desc, udf_write }, /* write */ /* WRITE */ { &vop_lease_desc, genfs_lease_check }, /* lease */ /* TODO? */ { &vop_fcntl_desc, genfs_fcntl }, /* fcntl */ /* TODO? */ { &vop_ioctl_desc, genfs_enoioctl }, /* ioctl */ /* TODO? */ { &vop_poll_desc, genfs_poll }, /* poll */ /* TODO/OK? */ { &vop_kqfilter_desc, genfs_kqfilter }, /* kqfilter */ /* ? */ { &vop_revoke_desc, genfs_revoke }, /* revoke */ /* TODO? */ { &vop_mmap_desc, genfs_mmap }, /* mmap */ /* OK? */ { &vop_fsync_desc, udf_fsync }, /* fsync */ /* TODO */ { &vop_seek_desc, genfs_seek }, /* seek */ { &vop_remove_desc, udf_remove }, /* remove */ /* TODO */ { &vop_link_desc, udf_link }, /* link */ /* TODO */ { &vop_rename_desc, udf_rename }, /* rename */ /* TODO */ { &vop_mkdir_desc, udf_mkdir }, /* mkdir */ /* TODO */ { &vop_rmdir_desc, udf_rmdir }, /* rmdir */ /* TODO */ { &vop_symlink_desc, udf_symlink }, /* symlink */ /* TODO */ { &vop_readdir_desc, udf_readdir }, /* readdir */ { &vop_readlink_desc, udf_readlink }, /* readlink */ /* TEST ME */ { &vop_abortop_desc, genfs_abortop }, /* abortop */ /* TODO/OK? */ { &vop_inactive_desc, udf_inactive }, /* inactive */ { &vop_reclaim_desc, udf_reclaim }, /* reclaim */ { &vop_lock_desc, genfs_lock }, /* lock */ { &vop_unlock_desc, genfs_unlock }, /* unlock */ { &vop_bmap_desc, udf_trivial_bmap }, /* bmap */ /* 1:1 bmap */ { &vop_strategy_desc, udf_strategy }, /* strategy */ /* { &vop_print_desc, udf_print }, */ /* print */ { &vop_islocked_desc, genfs_islocked }, /* islocked */ { &vop_pathconf_desc, udf_pathconf }, /* pathconf */ { &vop_advlock_desc, udf_advlock }, /* advlock */ /* TEST ME */ { &vop_bwrite_desc, vn_bwrite }, /* bwrite */ /* ->strategy */ { &vop_getpages_desc, genfs_getpages }, /* getpages */ { &vop_putpages_desc, genfs_putpages }, /* putpages */ { NULL, NULL } }; const struct vnodeopv_desc udf_vnodeop_opv_desc = { &udf_vnodeop_p, udf_vnodeop_entries };