/* $netBSD: iscsi_main.c,v 2011/05/02 07:01:11 agc Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2004,2005,2006,2011 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Wasabi Systems, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "iscsi_globals.h" #include #include #include #include /*------------------------- Global Variables ------------------------*/ extern struct cfdriver iscsi_cd; #if defined(ISCSI_DEBUG) int iscsi_debug_level = ISCSI_DEBUG; #endif /* Device Structure */ iscsi_softc_t *sc = NULL; /* the list of sessions */ session_list_t iscsi_sessions = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(iscsi_sessions); /* connections to clean up */ connection_list_t iscsi_cleanupc_list = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(iscsi_cleanupc_list); session_list_t iscsi_cleanups_list = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(iscsi_cleanups_list); bool iscsi_detaching = FALSE; struct lwp *iscsi_cleanproc = NULL; /* the number of active send threads (for cleanup thread) */ uint32_t iscsi_num_send_threads = 0; /* Our node name, alias, and ISID */ uint8_t iscsi_InitiatorName[ISCSI_STRING_LENGTH] = ""; uint8_t iscsi_InitiatorAlias[ISCSI_STRING_LENGTH] = ""; login_isid_t iscsi_InitiatorISID; /******************************************************************************/ /* System interface: autoconf and device structures */ void iscsiattach(int); static void iscsi_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux); static int iscsi_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static int iscsi_detach(device_t, int); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(iscsi, sizeof(struct iscsi_softc), iscsi_match, iscsi_attach, iscsi_detach, NULL); static dev_type_open(iscsiopen); static dev_type_close(iscsiclose); struct cdevsw iscsi_cdevsw = { .d_open = iscsiopen, .d_close = iscsiclose, .d_read = noread, .d_write = nowrite, .d_ioctl = iscsiioctl, .d_stop = nostop, .d_tty = notty, .d_poll = nopoll, .d_mmap = nommap, .d_kqfilter = nokqfilter, .d_discard = nodiscard, .d_flag = D_OTHER }; /******************************************************************************/ STATIC void iscsi_scsipi_request(struct scsipi_channel *, scsipi_adapter_req_t, void *); STATIC void iscsi_minphys(struct buf *); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Open and Close device interfaces. We don't really need them, because we don't * have to keep track of device opens and closes from userland. But apps can't * call ioctl without a handle to the device, and the kernel doesn't hand out * handles without an open routine in the driver. So here they are in all their * glory... *******************************************************************************/ int iscsiopen(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct lwp *l) { DEB(99, ("ISCSI Open\n")); return 0; } int iscsiclose(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct lwp *l) { DEB(99, ("ISCSI Close\n")); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * The config Match routine. * Not much to do here, either - this is a pseudo-device. */ static int iscsi_match(device_t self, cfdata_t cfdata, void *arg) { return 1; } /* * iscsiattach: * Only called when statically configured into a kernel */ void iscsiattach(int n) { int err; cfdata_t cf; err = config_cfattach_attach(iscsi_cd.cd_name, &iscsi_ca); if (err) { aprint_error("%s: couldn't register cfattach: %d\n", iscsi_cd.cd_name, err); config_cfdriver_detach(&iscsi_cd); return; } if (n > 1) aprint_error("%s: only one device supported\n", iscsi_cd.cd_name); cf = kmem_alloc(sizeof(struct cfdata), KM_NOSLEEP); if (cf == NULL) { aprint_error("%s: couldn't allocate cfdata\n", iscsi_cd.cd_name); return; } cf->cf_name = iscsi_cd.cd_name; cf->cf_atname = iscsi_cd.cd_name; cf->cf_unit = 0; cf->cf_fstate = FSTATE_NOTFOUND; (void)config_attach_pseudo(cf); return; } /* * iscsi_attach: * One-time inits go here. Not much for now, probably even less later. */ static void iscsi_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { DEBOUT(("ISCSI: iscsi_attach, parent=%p, self=%p, aux=%p\n", parent, self, aux)); sc = (iscsi_softc_t *) device_private(self); sc->sc_dev = self; if (kthread_create(PRI_NONE, 0, NULL, iscsi_cleanup_thread, NULL, &iscsi_cleanproc, "Cleanup") != 0) { panic("Can't create cleanup thread!"); } aprint_normal("%s: attached. major = %d\n", iscsi_cd.cd_name, cdevsw_lookup_major(&iscsi_cdevsw)); } /* * iscsi_detach: * Cleanup. */ static int iscsi_detach(device_t self, int flags) { DEBOUT(("ISCSI: detach\n")); kill_all_sessions(); iscsi_detaching = TRUE; while (iscsi_cleanproc != NULL) { wakeup(&iscsi_cleanupc_list); tsleep(&iscsi_cleanupc_list, PWAIT, "detach_wait", 20 * hz); } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ typedef struct quirktab_t { const char *tgt; const char *iqn; uint32_t quirks; } quirktab_t; static const quirktab_t quirktab[] = { { "StarWind", "iqn.2008-08.com.starwindsoftware", PQUIRK_ONLYBIG }, { "UNH", "iqn.2002-10.edu.unh.", PQUIRK_NOBIGMODESENSE | PQUIRK_NOMODESENSE | PQUIRK_NOSYNCCACHE }, { "NetBSD", "iqn.1994-04.org.netbsd.", 0 }, { "Unknown", "unknown", 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0 } }; /* loop through the quirktab looking for a match on target name */ static const quirktab_t * getquirks(const char *iqn) { const quirktab_t *qp; size_t iqnlen, quirklen; if (iqn == NULL) iqn = "unknown"; iqnlen = strlen(iqn); for (qp = quirktab ; qp->iqn ; qp++) { quirklen = strlen(qp->iqn); if (quirklen > iqnlen) continue; if (memcmp(qp->iqn, iqn, quirklen) == 0) break; } return qp; } /******************************************************************************/ /* * map_session * This (indirectly) maps the existing LUNs for a target to SCSI devices * by going through config_found to tell any child drivers that there's * a new adapter. * Note that each session is equivalent to a SCSI adapter. * * Parameter: the session pointer * * Returns: 1 on success, 0 on failure * * ToDo: Figuring out how to handle more than one LUN. It appears that * the NetBSD SCSI LUN discovery doesn't use "report LUNs", and instead * goes through the LUNs sequentially, stopping somewhere on the way if it * gets an error. We may have to do some LUN mapping in here if this is * really how things work. */ int map_session(session_t *session) { struct scsipi_adapter *adapt = &session->sc_adapter; struct scsipi_channel *chan = &session->sc_channel; const quirktab_t *tgt; if (sc == NULL) { /* we haven't gone through the config process */ /* (shouldn't happen) */ DEBOUT(("Map: No device pointer!\n")); return 0; } /* * Fill in the scsipi_adapter. */ adapt->adapt_dev = sc->sc_dev; adapt->adapt_nchannels = 1; adapt->adapt_request = iscsi_scsipi_request; adapt->adapt_minphys = iscsi_minphys; adapt->adapt_openings = CCBS_PER_SESSION; adapt->adapt_max_periph = CCBS_PER_SESSION; /* * Fill in the scsipi_channel. */ if ((tgt = getquirks(chan->chan_name)) == NULL) { tgt = getquirks("unknown"); } chan->chan_name = tgt->tgt; chan->chan_defquirks = tgt->quirks; chan->chan_adapter = adapt; chan->chan_bustype = &scsi_bustype; chan->chan_channel = 0; chan->chan_flags = SCSIPI_CHAN_NOSETTLE; chan->chan_ntargets = 1; chan->chan_nluns = 16; /* ToDo: ??? */ chan->chan_id = session->id; session->child_dev = config_found(sc->sc_dev, chan, scsiprint); return session->child_dev != NULL; } /* * unmap_session * This (indirectly) unmaps the existing all LUNs for a target by * telling the config system that the adapter has detached. * * Parameter: the session pointer * * Returns: 1 on success, 0 on failure */ int unmap_session(session_t *session) { device_t dev; int rv = 1; if ((dev = session->child_dev) != NULL) { session->child_dev = NULL; if (config_detach(dev, 0)) rv = 0; } return rv; } /******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * SCSI interface routines *****************************************************************************/ /* * iscsi_scsipi_request: * Perform a request for the SCSIPI layer. */ void iscsi_scsipi_request(struct scsipi_channel *chan, scsipi_adapter_req_t req, void *arg) { struct scsipi_adapter *adapt = chan->chan_adapter; struct scsipi_xfer *xs; session_t *session; int flags; struct scsipi_xfer_mode *xm; session = (session_t *) adapt; /* adapter is first field in session */ switch (req) { case ADAPTER_REQ_RUN_XFER: DEB(9, ("ISCSI: scsipi_request RUN_XFER\n")); xs = arg; flags = xs->xs_control; if ((flags & XS_CTL_POLL) != 0) { xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP; DEBOUT(("Run Xfer request with polling\n")); scsipi_done(xs); return; } /* * NOTE: It appears that XS_CTL_DATA_UIO is not actually used anywhere. * Since it really would complicate matters to handle offsets * into scatter-gather lists, and a number of other drivers don't * handle uio-based data as well, XS_CTL_DATA_UIO isn't * implemented in this driver (at least for now). */ if (flags & XS_CTL_DATA_UIO) { xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP; DEBOUT(("Run Xfer with data in UIO\n")); scsipi_done(xs); return; } send_run_xfer(session, xs); DEB(9, ("scsipi_req returns\n")); return; case ADAPTER_REQ_GROW_RESOURCES: DEBOUT(("ISCSI: scsipi_request GROW_RESOURCES\n")); return; case ADAPTER_REQ_SET_XFER_MODE: DEB(5, ("ISCSI: scsipi_request SET_XFER_MODE\n")); xm = (struct scsipi_xfer_mode *)arg; xm->xm_mode = PERIPH_CAP_TQING; scsipi_async_event(chan, ASYNC_EVENT_XFER_MODE, xm); return; default: break; } DEBOUT(("ISCSI: scsipi_request with invalid REQ code %d\n", req)); } /* cap the transfer at 64K */ #define ISCSI_MAX_XFER 65536 /* * iscsi_minphys: * Limit a transfer to our maximum transfer size. */ void iscsi_minphys(struct buf *bp) { if (bp->b_bcount > ISCSI_MAX_XFER) { bp->b_bcount = ISCSI_MAX_XFER; } } /***************************************************************************** * SCSI job execution helper routines *****************************************************************************/ /* * iscsi_done: * * A CCB has completed execution. Pass the status back to the * upper layer. */ void iscsi_done(ccb_t *ccb) { struct scsipi_xfer *xs = ccb->xs; /*DEBOUT (("iscsi_done\n")); */ if (xs != NULL) { xs->resid = ccb->residual; switch (ccb->status) { case ISCSI_STATUS_SUCCESS: xs->error = 0; break; case ISCSI_STATUS_CHECK_CONDITION: xs->error = XS_SENSE; #ifdef ISCSI_DEBUG { uint8_t *s = (uint8_t *) (&xs->sense); DEB(5, ("Scsipi_done, error=XS_SENSE, sense data=%02x " "%02x %02x %02x...\n", s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3])); } #endif break; case ISCSI_STATUS_TARGET_BUSY: xs->error = XS_BUSY; break; case ISCSI_STATUS_SOCKET_ERROR: case ISCSI_STATUS_TIMEOUT: xs->error = XS_SELTIMEOUT; break; default: xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP; break; } DEB(99, ("Calling scsipi_done (%p), err = %d\n", xs, xs->error)); scsipi_done(xs); DEB(99, ("scsipi_done returned\n")); } } /* Kernel Module support */ #include MODULE(MODULE_CLASS_DRIVER, iscsi, NULL); /* Possibly a builtin module */ #ifdef _MODULE static const struct cfiattrdata ibescsi_info = { "scsi", 1, {{"channel", "-1", -1},} }; static const struct cfiattrdata *const iscsi_attrs[] = { &ibescsi_info, NULL }; CFDRIVER_DECL(iscsi, DV_DULL, iscsi_attrs); static struct cfdata iscsi_cfdata[] = { { .cf_name = "iscsi", .cf_atname = "iscsi", .cf_unit = 0, /* Only unit 0 is ever used */ .cf_fstate = FSTATE_NOTFOUND, .cf_loc = NULL, .cf_flags = 0, .cf_pspec = NULL, }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL } }; #endif static int iscsi_modcmd(modcmd_t cmd, void *arg) { #ifdef _MODULE devmajor_t cmajor = NODEVMAJOR, bmajor = NODEVMAJOR; int error; #endif switch (cmd) { case MODULE_CMD_INIT: #ifdef _MODULE error = config_cfdriver_attach(&iscsi_cd); if (error) { return error; } error = config_cfattach_attach(iscsi_cd.cd_name, &iscsi_ca); if (error) { config_cfdriver_detach(&iscsi_cd); aprint_error("%s: unable to register cfattach\n", iscsi_cd.cd_name); return error; } error = config_cfdata_attach(iscsi_cfdata, 1); if (error) { aprint_error("%s: unable to attach cfdata\n", iscsi_cd.cd_name); config_cfattach_detach(iscsi_cd.cd_name, &iscsi_ca); config_cfdriver_detach(&iscsi_cd); return error; } error = devsw_attach(iscsi_cd.cd_name, NULL, &bmajor, &iscsi_cdevsw, &cmajor); if (error) { aprint_error("%s: unable to register devsw\n", iscsi_cd.cd_name); config_cfdata_detach(iscsi_cfdata); config_cfattach_detach(iscsi_cd.cd_name, &iscsi_ca); config_cfdriver_detach(&iscsi_cd); return error; } if (config_attach_pseudo(iscsi_cfdata) == NULL) { aprint_error("%s: config_attach_pseudo failed\n", iscsi_cd.cd_name); config_cfattach_detach(iscsi_cd.cd_name, &iscsi_ca); config_cfdriver_detach(&iscsi_cd); return ENXIO; } #endif return 0; break; case MODULE_CMD_FINI: #ifdef _MODULE error = config_cfdata_detach(iscsi_cfdata); if (error) return error; config_cfattach_detach(iscsi_cd.cd_name, &iscsi_ca); config_cfdriver_detach(&iscsi_cd); devsw_detach(NULL, &iscsi_cdevsw); #endif return 0; break; case MODULE_CMD_AUTOUNLOAD: return EBUSY; break; default: return ENOTTY; break; } }