# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2003/08/24 15:11:19 he Exp $ ### what we need: DIR_TOP= ${.CURDIR}/../../../../.. DIR_SA = ${DIR_TOP}/lib/libsa DIR_KERN= ${DIR_TOP}/lib/libkern DIR_KERN_MD= ${DIR_TOP}/lib/libkern/arch/$(MACHINE_ARCH) .PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../boot $(DIR_SA) $(DIR_KERN) $(DIR_KERN_MD) # prefer our assembler versions over assembler, and assembler over C: .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .out .o .po .so .s .S .c .cc .C .f .y .l .ln .m4 .sh FILES= bootxx_ffs bootxx_fd BINDIR=/usr/mdec COBJS = main.o console.o xd.o twiddle.o bzero.o gets.o COBJS+= lseek.o open.o read.o close.o dev.o errno.o COBJS+= ufs.o ustarfs.o panic.o vers.o files.o SOBJS = alloc.o ashrdi3.o ashldi3.o bcopy.o muldi3.o printf.o startit.o SOBJS += strlen.o strcmp.o fstat.o SOBJS += libstubs.o memcmp.o memmove.o memset.o strncmp.o OBJS= $(SOBJS) $(COBJS) DEFS = -D_STANDALONE -DINSECURE -D_PRIMARY_BOOT .NOPATH: ${OBJS} x.out f.out libboot.a xxstart.o ### main target: ### realall: machine m68k ${FILES} CLEANFILES += bootxx_ffs bootxx_fd x.out f.out xxstart.o fdstart.o libboot.a vers.c machine m68k .include ### special rules for bootblocks ### INCPATH = -nostdinc -I${DIR_TOP} -I${DIR_TOP}/lib/libsa -I${.CURDIR} INCPATH += -I${.CURDIR}/../boot -I${.CURDIR}/../../.. INCPATH += -I${.CURDIR}/../aout2bb -I$(.CURDIR) -I${DESTDIR}/usr/include AFLAGS += -m68030 -l CAFLAGS += -Wa,-l -Wa,-m68030 ${INCPATH} -D_PRIMARY_BOOT COPTIM= -O -fomit-frame-pointer -fcse-follow-jumps -fcse-skip-blocks -Wa,-l -m68060 -Wa,-m68030 CFLAGS= -ffreestanding ${COPTIM} ${INCPATH} ${DEFS} -Wall #-Wstrict-prototypes NETBSD_VERS!= sh ${.CURDIR}/../../../../../conf/osrelease.sh DEFS+= -DNETBSD_VERS='"${NETBSD_VERS}"' # Use small daddr_t to avoid code bloat DEFS+= -D__daddr_t=int32_t .c.o: ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -S $< -o $*.s ${TXLT} < $*.s | ${AS} ${AFLAGS} -o $*.o rm $*.s .s.o: ; ${CC} ${CAFLAGS} ${COPTS} -x assembler-with-cpp -o $@ -c $< .S.o: ; ${CC} ${CAFLAGS} ${COPTS} -x assembler-with-cpp -o $@ -c $< bootxx_ffs: x.out ${RELOC2BB} x.out $@ || ${NM} -u x.out bootxx_fd: f.out ${RELOC2BB} -F f.out $@ || ${NM} -u f.out x.out: xxstart.o libboot.a ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} -r -dc -e _start -o $@ $> ${SIZE} $@ ${NM} -u $@ f.out: fdstart.o libboot.a ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} -r -dc -e _start -o $@ $> ${SIZE} $@ ${NM} -u $@ xxstart.o: ${.CURDIR}/../boot/bbstart.s ${CC} ${CAFLAGS} ${COPTS} -x assembler-with-cpp \ -o $@ -c $> fdstart.o: ${.CURDIR}/../boot//bbstart.s ${CC} -DAUTOLOAD=8192 ${CAFLAGS} ${COPTS} -x assembler-with-cpp \ -o $@ -c $> libboot.a: ${OBJS} ${AR} r $@ $> && ${RANLIB} $@ .PHONY: vers.c vers.c: ${.CURDIR}/../boot/version sh ${DIR_TOP}/conf/newvers_stand.sh -NDM ${.CURDIR}/../boot/version "amiga" machine: -rm -f $@ ln -s ${DIR_TOP}/arch/amiga/include $@ m68k: -rm -f $@ ln -s ${DIR_TOP}/arch/m68k/include $@ # make sure these are built: ${COBJS}: ${TXLT} ${FILES}: ${RELOC2BB} .include "${.CURDIR}/../Makefile.booters"