/* $NetBSD: ops.c,v 1.23 2010/10/11 05:37:58 manu Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2010 Emmanuel Dreyfus. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "perfuse_priv.h" #include "fuse.h" extern int perfuse_diagflags; static int xchg_msg(struct puffs_usermount *, puffs_cookie_t, perfuse_msg_t *, size_t, enum perfuse_xchg_pb_reply); static int no_access(puffs_cookie_t, const struct puffs_cred *, mode_t); static void fuse_attr_to_vap(struct perfuse_state *, struct vattr *, struct fuse_attr *); static int node_lookup_dir_nodot(struct puffs_usermount *, puffs_cookie_t, char *, size_t, struct puffs_node **); static int node_lookup_common(struct puffs_usermount *, puffs_cookie_t, const char*, struct puffs_node **); static int node_mk_common(struct puffs_usermount *, puffs_cookie_t, struct puffs_newinfo *, const struct puffs_cn *pcn, perfuse_msg_t *); static ssize_t fuse_to_dirent(struct puffs_usermount *, puffs_cookie_t, struct fuse_dirent *, size_t); static int readdir_buffered(puffs_cookie_t, struct dirent *, off_t *, size_t *, const struct puffs_cred *, int *, off_t *, size_t *); static void requeue_request(struct puffs_usermount *, puffs_cookie_t opc, enum perfuse_qtype); static int dequeue_requests(struct perfuse_state *, puffs_cookie_t opc, enum perfuse_qtype, int); #define DEQUEUE_ALL 0 /* * From , inside #ifdef _KERNEL section */ #define IO_SYNC (0x40|IO_DSYNC) #define IO_DSYNC 0x00200 #define IO_DIRECT 0x02000 /* * From , inside #ifdef _KERNEL section */ #define F_WAIT 0x010 #define F_FLOCK 0x020 #define OFLAGS(fflags) ((fflags) - 1) /* * Borrowed from src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c and src/sys/sys/vnode.h */ const enum vtype iftovt_tab[16] = { VNON, VFIFO, VCHR, VNON, VDIR, VNON, VBLK, VNON, VREG, VNON, VLNK, VNON, VSOCK, VNON, VNON, VBAD, }; const int vttoif_tab[9] = { 0, S_IFREG, S_IFDIR, S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR, S_IFLNK, S_IFSOCK, S_IFIFO, S_IFMT, }; #define IFTOVT(mode) (iftovt_tab[((mode) & S_IFMT) >> 12]) #define VTTOIF(indx) (vttoif_tab[(int)(indx)]) int perfuse_node_close_common(pu, opc, mode) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; int mode; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; int op; uint64_t fh; struct fuse_release_in *fri; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; struct puffs_node *pn; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pn = (struct puffs_node *)opc; pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn); if (puffs_pn_getvap(pn)->va_type == VDIR) { op = FUSE_RELEASEDIR; mode = FREAD; } else { op = FUSE_RELEASE; } /* * Destroy the filehandle before sending the * request to the FUSE filesystem, otherwise * we may get a second close() while we wait * for the reply, and we would end up closing * the same fh twice instead of closng both. */ fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, mode); perfuse_destroy_fh(pn, fh); /* * release_flags may be set to FUSE_RELEASE_FLUSH * to flush locks. lock_owner must be set in that case */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, op, sizeof(*fri), NULL); fri = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_release_in); fri->fh = fh; fri->flags = 0; fri->release_flags = 0; fri->lock_owner = pnd->pnd_lock_owner; fri->flags = (fri->lock_owner != 0) ? FUSE_RELEASE_FLUSH : 0; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FH) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64", fh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, pnd->pnd_ino, fri->fh); #endif if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, NO_PAYLOAD_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); error = 0; out: if (error != 0) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: freed fh = 0x%"PRIx64" but filesystem " "returned error = %d", __func__, fh, error); return error; } /* ARGSUSED1 */ static int xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, len, wait) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; perfuse_msg_t *pm; size_t len; enum perfuse_xchg_pb_reply wait; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pnd = NULL; if ((struct puffs_node *)opc != NULL) pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if ((perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FILENAME) && (opc != 0)) DPRINTF("file = \"%s\" flags = 0x%x\n", perfuse_node_path(opc), PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags); #endif if (pnd) pnd->pnd_flags |= PND_INXCHG; error = ps->ps_xchg_msg(pu, pm, len, wait); if (pnd) { pnd->pnd_flags &= ~PND_INXCHG; (void)dequeue_requests(ps, opc, PCQ_AFTERXCHG, DEQUEUE_ALL); } return error; } static int no_access(opc, pcr, mode) puffs_cookie_t opc; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; mode_t mode; { struct puffs_node *pn; struct vattr *va; /* * pcr is NULL for self open through fsync or readdir. * In both case, access control is useless, as it was * done before, at open time. */ if (pcr == NULL) return 0; /* * pcr is NULL for self open through fsync or readdir. * In both case, access control is useless, as it was * done before, at open time. */ if (pcr == NULL) return 0; pn = (struct puffs_node *)opc; va = puffs_pn_getvap(pn); return puffs_access(va->va_type, va->va_mode, va->va_uid, va->va_gid, mode, pcr); } static void fuse_attr_to_vap(ps, vap, fa) struct perfuse_state *ps; struct vattr *vap; struct fuse_attr *fa; { vap->va_type = IFTOVT(fa->mode); vap->va_mode = fa->mode; vap->va_nlink = fa->nlink; vap->va_uid = fa->uid; vap->va_gid = fa->gid; vap->va_fsid = ps->ps_fsid; vap->va_fileid = fa->ino; vap->va_size = fa->size; vap->va_blocksize = fa->blksize; vap->va_atime.tv_sec = (time_t)fa->atime; vap->va_atime.tv_nsec = (long) fa->atimensec; vap->va_mtime.tv_sec = (time_t)fa->mtime; vap->va_mtime.tv_nsec = (long)fa->mtimensec; vap->va_ctime.tv_sec = (time_t)fa->ctime; vap->va_ctime.tv_nsec = (long)fa->ctimensec; vap->va_birthtime.tv_sec = 0; vap->va_birthtime.tv_nsec = 0; vap->va_gen = 0; vap->va_flags = 0; vap->va_rdev = fa->rdev; vap->va_bytes = fa->size; vap->va_filerev = (u_quad_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL; vap->va_vaflags = 0; if (vap->va_blocksize == 0) vap->va_blocksize = DEV_BSIZE; if (vap->va_size == (size_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) /* XXX */ vap->va_size = 0; return; } /* * Lookup name in directory opc * We take special care of name being . or .. * These are returned by readdir and deserve tweaks. */ static int node_lookup_dir_nodot(pu, opc, name, namelen, pnp) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; char *name; size_t namelen; struct puffs_node **pnp; { char *path; struct puffs_node *dpn = (struct puffs_node *)opc; int error; /* * is easy as we already know it */ if (strncmp(name, ".", namelen) == 0) { *pnp = (struct puffs_node *)opc; return 0; } /* * For .. we just forget the name part */ if (strncmp(name, "..", namelen) == 0) namelen = 0; namelen = PNPLEN(dpn) + 1 + namelen + 1; if ((path = malloc(namelen)) == NULL) DERR(EX_OSERR, "malloc failed"); (void)snprintf(path, namelen, "%s/%s", perfuse_node_path((puffs_cookie_t)dpn), name); error = node_lookup_common(pu, opc, path, pnp); free(path); return error; } static int node_lookup_common(pu, opc, path, pnp) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; const char *path; struct puffs_node **pnp; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_entry_out *feo; struct puffs_node *pn; size_t len; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FILENAME) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, file = \"%s\" looking up \"%s\"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, perfuse_node_path(opc), path); #endif /* * Is the node already known? */ TAILQ_FOREACH(pnd, &PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_children, pnd_next) { if ((pnd->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) || (strcmp(pnd->pnd_name, path) != 0)) continue; /* * We have a match */ if (pnp != NULL) *pnp = (struct puffs_node *)(pnd->pnd_pn); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FILENAME) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, file = \"%s\" found " "cookie = %p, ino = %"PRId64" for \"%s\"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, perfuse_node_path(opc), (void *)pnd->pnd_pn, pnd->pnd_ino, path); #endif return 0; } len = strlen(path) + 1; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_LOOKUP, len, NULL); (void)strlcpy(_GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, char *), path, len); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*feo), wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; feo = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_entry_out); pn = perfuse_new_pn(pu, path, opc); PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_ino = feo->nodeid; fuse_attr_to_vap(ps, &pn->pn_va, &feo->attr); pn->pn_va.va_gen = (u_long)(feo->generation); if (pnp != NULL) *pnp = pn; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FILENAME) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, looked up opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64" " "file = \"%s\"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, pn, feo->nodeid, path); #endif out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } /* * Common final code for methods that create objects: * perfuse_node_mkdir * perfuse_node_mknod * perfuse_node_symlink */ static int node_mk_common(pu, opc, pni, pcn, pm) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct puffs_newinfo *pni; const struct puffs_cn *pcn; perfuse_msg_t *pm; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct puffs_node *pn; struct fuse_entry_out *feo; struct fuse_setattr_in *fsi; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*feo), wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; feo = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_entry_out); if (feo->nodeid == PERFUSE_UNKNOWN_INO) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: no ino", __func__); pn = perfuse_new_pn(pu, pcn->pcn_name, opc); PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_ino = feo->nodeid; fuse_attr_to_vap(ps, &pn->pn_va, &feo->attr); pn->pn_va.va_gen = (u_long)(feo->generation); puffs_newinfo_setcookie(pni, pn); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FILENAME) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, file = \"%s\", flags = 0x%x " "ino = %"PRId64"\n", __func__, (void *)pn, pcn->pcn_name, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_flags, feo->nodeid); #endif ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); /* * Set owner and group */ (void)puffs_cred_getuid(pcn->pcn_cred, &pn->pn_va.va_uid); (void)puffs_cred_getgid(pcn->pcn_cred, &pn->pn_va.va_gid); pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, (puffs_cookie_t)pn, FUSE_SETATTR, sizeof(*fsi), NULL); fsi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_setattr_in); fsi->uid = pn->pn_va.va_uid; fsi->gid = pn->pn_va.va_gid; fsi->valid = FUSE_FATTR_UID|FUSE_FATTR_GID; /* * A fuse_attr_out is returned, but we ignore it. */ error = xchg_msg(pu, (puffs_cookie_t)pn, pm, sizeof(struct fuse_attr_out), wait_reply); /* * The parent directory needs a sync */ PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags |= PND_DIRTY; out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } static ssize_t fuse_to_dirent(pu, opc, fd, fd_len) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct fuse_dirent *fd; size_t fd_len; { struct dirent *dents; size_t dents_len; ssize_t written; uint64_t fd_offset; struct fuse_dirent *fd_base; size_t len; fd_base = fd; fd_offset = 0; written = 0; dents = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_dirent; dents_len = (size_t)PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_dirent_len; do { char *ndp; size_t reclen; reclen = _DIRENT_RECLEN(dents, fd->namelen); /* * Check we do not overflow the output buffer * struct fuse_dirent is bigger than struct dirent, * so we should always use fd_len and never reallocate * later. * If we have to reallocate,try to double the buffer * each time so that we do not have to do it too often. */ if (written + reclen > dents_len) { if (dents_len == 0) dents_len = fd_len; else dents_len = MAX(2 * dents_len, written + reclen); dents = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_dirent; if ((dents = realloc(dents, dents_len)) == NULL) DERR(EX_OSERR, "malloc failed"); PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_dirent = dents; PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_dirent_len = dents_len; /* * (void *) for delint */ ndp = (char *)(void *)dents + written; dents = (struct dirent *)(void *)ndp; } /* * Filesystem was mounted without -o use_ino * Perform a lookup to find it. * XXX still broken */ if (fd->ino == PERFUSE_UNKNOWN_INO) { struct puffs_node *pn; if (node_lookup_dir_nodot(pu, opc, fd->name, fd->namelen, &pn) != 0) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "node_lookup_dir_nodot failed"); fd->ino = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_ino; } dents->d_fileno = fd->ino; dents->d_reclen = (unsigned short)reclen; dents->d_namlen = fd->namelen; dents->d_type = fd->type; strlcpy(dents->d_name, fd->name, fd->namelen + 1); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_READDIR) DPRINTF("%s: translated \"%s\" ino = %"PRId64"\n", __func__, dents->d_name, dents->d_fileno); #endif dents = _DIRENT_NEXT(dents); written += reclen; /* * Move to the next record. * fd->off seems unreliable, for instance, flusterfs * does not clear the unused bits, and we get * 0xffffffffb9b95040 instead of just 0x40. Use * record alignement instead. */ len = FUSE_DIRENT_ALIGN(sizeof(*fd) + fd->namelen); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_READDIR) DPRINTF("%s: record at %"PRId64"/0x%"PRIx64" " "length = %zd/0x%zx. " "next record at %"PRId64"/0x%"PRIx64" " "max %zd/0x%zx\n", __func__, fd_offset, fd_offset, len, len, fd_offset + len, fd_offset + len, fd_len, fd_len); #endif fd_offset += len; /* * Check if next record is still within the packet * If it is not, we reached the end of the buffer. */ if (fd_offset >= fd_len) break; /* * (void *) for delint */ ndp = (char *)(void *)fd_base + (size_t)fd_offset; fd = (struct fuse_dirent *)(void *)ndp; } while (1 /* CONSTCOND */); /* * Adjust the dirent output length */ if (written != -1) PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_dirent_len = written; return written; } /* ARGSUSED4 */ static int readdir_buffered(opc, dent, readoff, reslen, pcr, eofflag, cookies, ncookies) puffs_cookie_t opc; struct dirent *dent; off_t *readoff; size_t *reslen; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; int *eofflag; off_t *cookies; size_t *ncookies; { struct dirent *fromdent; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; char *ndp; pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); while (*readoff < pnd->pnd_dirent_len) { /* * (void *) for delint */ ndp = (char *)(void *)pnd->pnd_dirent + (size_t)*readoff; fromdent = (struct dirent *)(void *)ndp; if (*reslen < _DIRENT_SIZE(fromdent)) break; memcpy(dent, fromdent, _DIRENT_SIZE(fromdent)); *readoff += _DIRENT_SIZE(fromdent); *reslen -= _DIRENT_SIZE(fromdent); dent = _DIRENT_NEXT(dent); } #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_READDIR) DPRINTF("%s: readoff = %"PRId64", " "pnd->pnd_dirent_len = %"PRId64"\n", __func__, *readoff, pnd->pnd_dirent_len); #endif if (*readoff >= pnd->pnd_dirent_len) { free(pnd->pnd_dirent); pnd->pnd_dirent = NULL; pnd->pnd_dirent_len = 0; *eofflag = 1; } return 0; } static void requeue_request(pu, opc, type) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; enum perfuse_qtype type; { struct perfuse_cc_queue pcq; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG struct perfuse_state *ps; ps = perfuse_getspecific(pu); #endif pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); pcq.pcq_type = type; pcq.pcq_cc = puffs_cc_getcc(pu); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pnd->pnd_pcq, &pcq, pcq_next); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_REQUEUE) DPRINTF("%s: REQUEUE opc = %p, pcc = %p (%s)\n", __func__, (void *)opc, pcq.pcq_cc, perfuse_qtypestr[type]); #endif puffs_cc_yield(pcq.pcq_cc); TAILQ_REMOVE(&pnd->pnd_pcq, &pcq, pcq_next); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_REQUEUE) DPRINTF("%s: RESUME opc = %p, pcc = %p (%s)\n", __func__, (void *)opc, pcq.pcq_cc, perfuse_qtypestr[type]); #endif return; } /* ARGSUSED0 */ static int dequeue_requests(ps, opc, type, max) struct perfuse_state *ps; puffs_cookie_t opc; enum perfuse_qtype type; int max; { struct perfuse_cc_queue *pcq; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; int dequeued; pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); dequeued = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(pcq, &pnd->pnd_pcq, pcq_next) { if (pcq->pcq_type != type) continue; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_REQUEUE) DPRINTF("%s: SCHEDULE opc = %p, pcc = %p (%s)\n", __func__, (void *)opc, pcq->pcq_cc, perfuse_qtypestr[type]); #endif puffs_cc_schedule(pcq->pcq_cc); if (++dequeued == max) break; } #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_REQUEUE) DPRINTF("%s: DONE opc = %p\n", __func__, (void *)opc); #endif return dequeued; } void perfuse_fs_init(pu) struct puffs_usermount *pu; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_init_in *fii; struct fuse_init_out *fio; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); if (puffs_mount(pu, ps->ps_target, ps->ps_mountflags, ps->ps_root) != 0) DERR(EX_OSERR, "puffs_mount failed"); /* * Linux sends theses flags: * FUSE_ASYNC_READ | FUSE_POSIX_LOCKS | FUSE_ATOMIC_O_TRUNC * FUSE_EXPORT_SUPPORT | FUSE_BIG_WRITES | FUSE_DONT_MASK * * Linux also sets max_readahead at 32 pages (128 kB) */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, 0, FUSE_INIT, sizeof(*fii), NULL); fii = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_init_in); fii->major = FUSE_KERNEL_VERSION; fii->minor = FUSE_KERNEL_MINOR_VERSION; fii->max_readahead = 32 * PAGE_SIZE; fii->flags = (FUSE_ASYNC_READ|FUSE_POSIX_LOCKS|FUSE_ATOMIC_O_TRUNC); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, 0, pm, sizeof(*fio), wait_reply)) != 0) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "init message exchange failed (%d)", error); fio = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_init_out); ps->ps_max_readahead = fio->max_readahead; ps->ps_max_write = fio->max_write; ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return; } int perfuse_fs_unmount(pu, flags) struct puffs_usermount *pu; int flags; { perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct perfuse_state *ps; puffs_cookie_t opc; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); opc = (puffs_cookie_t)puffs_getroot(pu); pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_DESTROY, 0, NULL); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply)) != 0){ DWARN("unmount %s", ps->ps_target); if (!(flags & MNT_FORCE)) goto out; } DPRINTF("%s unmounted, exit\n", ps->ps_target); exit(0); out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_fs_statvfs(pu, svfsb) struct puffs_usermount *pu; struct statvfs *svfsb; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct fuse_statfs_out *fso; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); opc = (puffs_cookie_t)puffs_getroot(pu); pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_STATFS, 0, NULL); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*fso), wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; fso = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_statfs_out); svfsb->f_flag = ps->ps_mountflags; svfsb->f_bsize = fso->st.bsize; svfsb->f_frsize = fso->st.frsize; svfsb->f_iosize = ((struct puffs_node *)opc)->pn_va.va_blocksize; svfsb->f_blocks = fso->st.blocks; svfsb->f_bfree = fso->st.bfree; svfsb->f_bavail = fso->st.bavail; svfsb->f_bresvd = fso->st.bfree - fso->st.bavail; svfsb->f_files = fso->st.files; svfsb->f_ffree = fso->st.ffree; svfsb->f_favail = fso->st.ffree;/* files not reserved for root */ svfsb->f_fresvd = 0; /* files reserved for root */ svfsb->f_syncreads = ps->ps_syncreads; svfsb->f_syncwrites = ps->ps_syncwrites; svfsb->f_asyncreads = ps->ps_asyncreads; svfsb->f_asyncwrites = ps->ps_asyncwrites; svfsb->f_fsidx.__fsid_val[0] = (int32_t)ps->ps_fsid; svfsb->f_fsidx.__fsid_val[1] = 0; svfsb->f_fsid = ps->ps_fsid; svfsb->f_namemax = MAXPATHLEN; /* XXX */ svfsb->f_owner = ps->ps_owner_uid; (void)strlcpy(svfsb->f_mntonname, ps->ps_target, _VFS_NAMELEN); if (ps->ps_filesystemtype != NULL) (void)strlcpy(svfsb->f_fstypename, ps->ps_filesystemtype, _VFS_NAMELEN); else (void)strlcpy(svfsb->f_fstypename, "fuse", _VFS_NAMELEN); if (ps->ps_source != NULL) strlcpy(svfsb->f_mntfromname, ps->ps_source, _VFS_NAMELEN); else strlcpy(svfsb->f_mntfromname, _PATH_FUSE, _VFS_NAMELEN); out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_fs_sync(pu, waitfor, pcr) struct puffs_usermount *pu; int waitfor; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; { /* * FUSE does not seem to have a FS sync callback. * Maybe do not even register this callback */ return puffs_fsnop_sync(pu, waitfor, pcr); } /* ARGSUSED0 */ int perfuse_fs_fhtonode(pu, fid, fidsize, pni) struct puffs_usermount *pu; void *fid; size_t fidsize; struct puffs_newinfo *pni; { DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: UNIMPLEMENTED (FATAL)", __func__); return 0; } /* ARGSUSED0 */ int perfuse_fs_nodetofh(pu, cookie, fid, fidsize) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t cookie; void *fid; size_t *fidsize; { DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: UNIMPLEMENTED (FATAL)", __func__); return 0; } #if 0 /* ARGSUSED0 */ void perfuse_fs_extattrctl(pu, cmd, cookie, flags, namespace, attrname) struct puffs_usermount *pu; int cmd, puffs_cookie_t *cookie; int flags; int namespace; const char *attrname; { DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: UNIMPLEMENTED (FATAL)", __func__); return 0; } #endif /* 0 */ /* ARGSUSED0 */ void perfuse_fs_suspend(pu, status) struct puffs_usermount *pu; int status; { return; } int perfuse_node_lookup(pu, opc, pni, pcn) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct puffs_newinfo *pni; const struct puffs_cn *pcn; { struct puffs_node *pn; int error; error = 0; /* * Special case for .. */ if (strcmp(pcn->pcn_name, "..") == 0) pn = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_parent; else error = node_lookup_common(pu, (puffs_cookie_t)opc, pcn->pcn_name, &pn); if (error != 0) return error; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; /* * If that node had a pending reclaim, wipe it out. */ PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_flags &= ~PND_RECLAIMED; puffs_newinfo_setcookie(pni, pn); puffs_newinfo_setvtype(pni, pn->pn_va.va_type); puffs_newinfo_setsize(pni, (voff_t)pn->pn_va.va_size); puffs_newinfo_setrdev(pni, pn->pn_va.va_rdev); return error; } int perfuse_node_create(pu, opc, pni, pcn, vap) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct puffs_newinfo *pni; const struct puffs_cn *pcn; const struct vattr *vap; { perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct perfuse_state *ps; struct fuse_create_in *fci; struct fuse_entry_out *feo; struct fuse_open_out *foo; struct puffs_node *pn; const char *name; size_t namelen; size_t len; int error; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; #if notyet /* * XXX create needs -WX on the parent directory. No pcr is * given here, we cannot enforce this. */ if (no_access(opc, pcr, PUFFS_VWRITE|PUFFS_VEXEC)) return EACCES; #endif /* * If create is unimplemented: Check that it does not * already exists, and if not, do mknod and open */ ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); if (ps->ps_flags & PS_NO_CREAT) { error = node_lookup_common(pu, opc, pcn->pcn_name, &pn); if (error == 0) return EEXIST; error = perfuse_node_mknod(pu, opc, pni, pcn, vap); if (error != 0) return error; error = node_lookup_common(pu, opc, pcn->pcn_name, &pn); if (error != 0) return error; /* * FUSE does the open at create time, while * NetBSD will open in a subsequent operation. * We need to open now, in order to retain FUSE * semantics, but we have no credentials to use * since the PUFFS interface gives no pcr here. * * open with NULL pcr will skip permission checks. * There is no security hole, since we know we * can open this file: we just created it. The * calling process will not get a file descriptor * before the kernel sends the open operation, * which will have a pcr, anyway. */ opc = (puffs_cookie_t)pn; error = perfuse_node_open(pu, opc, FWRITE, NULL); if (error != 0) return error; return 0; } name = pcn->pcn_name; namelen = pcn->pcn_namelen + 1; len = sizeof(*fci) + namelen; /* * flags should use O_WRONLY instead of O_RDWR, but it * breaks when the caller tries to read from file. * * mode must contain file type (ie: S_IFREG), use VTTOIF(vap->va_type) */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_CREATE, len, NULL); fci = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_create_in); fci->flags = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR; fci->mode = vap->va_mode | VTTOIF(vap->va_type); fci->umask = 0; /* Seems unused by libfuse */ (void)strlcpy((char*)(void *)(fci + 1), name, namelen); len = sizeof(*feo) + sizeof(*foo); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, len, wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; feo = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_entry_out); foo = (struct fuse_open_out *)(void *)(feo + 1); if (feo->nodeid == PERFUSE_UNKNOWN_INO) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: no ino", __func__); /* * Save the file handle and inode in node private data * so that we can reuse it later */ pn = perfuse_new_pn(pu, name, opc); perfuse_new_fh((puffs_cookie_t)pn, foo->fh, FWRITE); PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_ino = feo->nodeid; fuse_attr_to_vap(ps, &pn->pn_va, &feo->attr); pn->pn_va.va_gen = (u_long)(feo->generation); puffs_newinfo_setcookie(pni, pn); /* * The parent directory needs a sync */ PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags |= PND_DIRTY; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & (PDF_FH|PDF_FILENAME)) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, file = \"%s\", flags = 0x%x " "ino = %"PRId64", wfh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)pn, pcn->pcn_name, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_flags, feo->nodeid, foo->fh); #endif out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); /* * create is unimplmented, remember it for later, * and start over using mknod and open instead. */ if (error == ENOSYS) { ps->ps_flags |= PS_NO_CREAT; return perfuse_node_create(pu, opc, pni, pcn, vap); } return error; } int perfuse_node_mknod(pu, opc, pni, pcn, vap) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct puffs_newinfo *pni; const struct puffs_cn *pcn; const struct vattr *vap; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_mknod_in *fmi; const char* path; size_t len; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; /* * Only superuser can mknod objects other than * directories, files, socks, fifo and links. * * Create an object require -WX permission in the parent directory * * XXX The PUFFS interface gives us no pcr here, we cannot perfom * access control. */ switch (vap->va_type) { case VDIR: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case VREG: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case VFIFO: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case VSOCK: /* FALLTHROUGH */ #if notyet if (no_access(opc, pcr, PUFFS_VWRITE|PUFFS_VEXEC)) return EACCES; #endif break; default: /* VNON, VBLK, VCHR, VBAD */ #if notyet if (!puffs_cred_isjuggernaut(pcr)) return EACCES; #endif break; } ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); path = pcn->pcn_name; len = sizeof(*fmi) + pcn->pcn_namelen + 1; /* * mode must contain file type (ie: S_IFREG), use VTTOIF(vap->va_type) */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_MKNOD, len, NULL); fmi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_mknod_in); fmi->mode = vap->va_mode | VTTOIF(vap->va_type); fmi->rdev = (uint32_t)vap->va_rdev; fmi->umask = 0; /* Seems unused bu libfuse */ (void)strlcpy((char *)(void *)(fmi + 1), path, len - sizeof(*fmi)); return node_mk_common(pu, opc, pni, pcn, pm); } int perfuse_node_open(pu, opc, mode, pcr) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; int mode; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; perfuse_msg_t *pm; mode_t pmode; mode_t fmode; int op; struct fuse_open_in *foi; struct fuse_open_out *foo; struct puffs_node *pn; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pn = (struct puffs_node *)opc; pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); pm = NULL; error = 0; if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; if (puffs_pn_getvap(pn)->va_type == VDIR) { op = FUSE_OPENDIR; pmode = PUFFS_VREAD; } else { op = FUSE_OPEN; if (mode & FWRITE) pmode = PUFFS_VWRITE|PUFFS_VREAD; else pmode = PUFFS_VREAD; } /* * Opening a directory require R-- on the directory * Opening a file requires R-- for reading, -W- for writing * In both cases, R-- is required on the parent. */ if ((no_access((puffs_cookie_t)pnd->pnd_parent, pcr, PUFFS_VREAD)) || (no_access(opc, pcr, pmode))) { error = EACCES; goto out; } /* * libfuse docs say O_CREAT should not be set. */ mode &= ~O_CREAT; /* * Do not open twice, and do not reopen for reading * if we already have write handle. */ if (((mode & FREAD) && (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_RFH)) || ((mode & FREAD) && (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_WFH)) || ((mode & FWRITE) && (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_WFH))) { error = 0; goto out; } /* * Queue open on a node so that we do not open * twice. This would be better with read and * write distinguished. */ while (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INOPEN) requeue_request(pu, opc, PCQ_OPEN); pnd->pnd_flags |= PND_INOPEN; /* * Convert PUFFS mode to FUSE mode: convert FREAD/FWRITE * to O_RDONLY/O_WRONLY while perserving the other options. */ fmode = mode & ~(FREAD|FWRITE); fmode |= (mode & FWRITE) ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, op, sizeof(*foi), pcr); foi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_open_in); foi->flags = fmode; foi->unused = 0; if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*foo), wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; foo = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_open_out); /* * Save the file handle in node private data * so that we can reuse it later */ perfuse_new_fh(opc, foo->fh, mode); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & (PDF_FH|PDF_FILENAME)) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, file = \"%s\", " "ino = %"PRId64", %s%sfh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, perfuse_node_path(opc), pnd->pnd_ino, mode & FREAD ? "r" : "", mode & FWRITE ? "w" : "", foo->fh); #endif out: if (pm != NULL) ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); pnd->pnd_flags &= ~PND_INOPEN; (void)dequeue_requests(ps, opc, PCQ_OPEN, DEQUEUE_ALL); return error; } /* ARGSUSED0 */ int perfuse_node_close(pu, opc, flags, pcr) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; int flags; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; { struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); if (!(pnd->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN)) return EBADF; /* * Actual close is postponed at inactive time. */ return 0; } /* * XXX * This fails as unprivilegied, it should not: touch testa/testx/a * d-wx-wx-wx 2 root wheel 512 Oct 5 04:32 testa/testx * -rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 0 Oct 5 04:39 testa/testx/a */ int perfuse_node_access(pu, opc, mode, pcr) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; int mode; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; { perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct perfuse_state *ps; struct fuse_access_in *fai; int error; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; /* * If we previously detected the filesystem does not * implement access(), short-circuit the call and skip * to libpffs access() emulation. */ ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); if (ps->ps_flags & PS_NO_ACCESS) { error = ENOSYS; } else { pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_ACCESS, sizeof(*fai), pcr); fai = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_access_in); fai->mask = mode; error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, NO_PAYLOAD_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply); ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); } if (error == ENOSYS) { struct fuse_getattr_in *fgi; struct fuse_attr_out *fao; ps->ps_flags |= PS_NO_ACCESS; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_GETATTR, sizeof(*fgi), NULL); fgi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_getattr_in); fgi->getattr_flags = 0; fgi->dummy = 0; fgi->fh = 0; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN) { fgi->fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FREAD); fgi->getattr_flags |= FUSE_GETATTR_FH; } #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FH) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64", " "fh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_ino, fgi->fh); #endif if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*fao), wait_reply)) != 0) { ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); goto out; } fao = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_attr_out); error = puffs_access(VREG, fao->attr.mode, fao->attr.uid, fao->attr.gid, (mode_t)mode, pcr); fuse_attr_to_vap(ps, &((struct puffs_node *)opc)->pn_va, &fao->attr); ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); } out: return error; } int perfuse_node_getattr(pu, opc, vap, pcr) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct vattr *vap; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; { perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct perfuse_state *ps; struct fuse_getattr_in *fgi; struct fuse_attr_out *fao; int error; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; /* * getattr requires --X on the parent directory * no right is required on the object. */ if (no_access(PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_parent, pcr, PUFFS_VEXEC)) return EACCES; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); /* * FUSE_GETATTR_FH must be set in fgi->flags * if we use for fgi->fh */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_GETATTR, sizeof(*fgi), pcr); fgi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_getattr_in); fgi->getattr_flags = 0; fgi->dummy = 0; fgi->fh = 0; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN) { fgi->fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FREAD); fgi->getattr_flags |= FUSE_GETATTR_FH; } if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*fao), wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; fao = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_attr_out); /* * The message from filesystem has a cache timeout * XXX this is ignored yet, is that right? * * We also set birthtime, flags, filerev,vaflags to 0. * This seems the best bet, since the information is * not available from filesystem. */ fuse_attr_to_vap(ps, vap, &fao->attr); out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_node_setattr(pu, opc, vap, pcr) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; const struct vattr *vap; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; { perfuse_msg_t *pm; uint64_t fh; struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; struct fuse_setattr_in *fsi; struct vattr *old_va; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); pm = NULL; /* * The only operation we can do once the file is removed * is to resize it, and we can do it only if it is open. * Do not even send the operation to the filesystem: the * file is not there anymore. */ if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) { if (!(pnd->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN)) return ENOENT; error = 0; goto out; } old_va = puffs_pn_getvap((struct puffs_node *)opc); /* * Check for permission to change size */ if ((vap->va_size != (u_quad_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) && no_access(opc, pcr, PUFFS_VWRITE)) return EACCES; /* * Check for permission to change dates */ if (((vap->va_atime.tv_sec != (time_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) || (vap->va_mtime.tv_sec != (time_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL)) && (puffs_access_times(old_va->va_uid, old_va->va_gid, old_va->va_mode, 0, pcr) != 0)) return EACCES; /* * Check for permission to change owner and group */ if (((vap->va_uid != (uid_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) || (vap->va_gid != (gid_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL)) && (puffs_access_chown(old_va->va_uid, old_va->va_gid, vap->va_uid, vap->va_gid, pcr)) != 0) return EACCES; /* * Check for permission to change permissions */ if ((vap->va_mode != (mode_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) && (puffs_access_chmod(old_va->va_uid, old_va->va_gid, old_va->va_type, vap->va_mode, pcr)) != 0) return EACCES; /* * It seems troublesome to resize a file while * a write is just beeing done. Wait for * it to finish. */ if (vap->va_size != (u_quad_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) while (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INWRITE) requeue_request(pu, opc, PCQ_AFTERWRITE); pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_SETATTR, sizeof(*fsi), pcr); fsi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_setattr_in); fsi->valid = 0; /* * Get a fh if the node is open for writing */ if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_WFH) { fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FWRITE); fsi->fh = fh; fsi->valid |= FUSE_FATTR_FH; } if (vap->va_size != (u_quad_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) { fsi->size = vap->va_size; fsi->valid |= FUSE_FATTR_SIZE; } /* * Setting mtime without atime or vice verse leads to * dates being reset to Epoch on glusterfs. If one * is missing, use the old value. */ if ((vap->va_mtime.tv_sec != (time_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) || (vap->va_atime.tv_sec != (time_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL)) { if (vap->va_atime.tv_sec != (time_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) { fsi->atime = vap->va_atime.tv_sec; fsi->atimensec = (uint32_t)vap->va_atime.tv_nsec; } else { fsi->atime = old_va->va_atime.tv_sec; fsi->atimensec = (uint32_t)old_va->va_atime.tv_nsec; } if (vap->va_mtime.tv_sec != (time_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) { fsi->mtime = vap->va_mtime.tv_sec; fsi->mtimensec = (uint32_t)vap->va_mtime.tv_nsec; } else { fsi->mtime = old_va->va_mtime.tv_sec; fsi->mtimensec = (uint32_t)old_va->va_mtime.tv_nsec; } fsi->valid |= (FUSE_FATTR_MTIME|FUSE_FATTR_ATIME); } if (vap->va_mode != (mode_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) { fsi->mode = vap->va_mode; fsi->valid |= FUSE_FATTR_MODE; } if (vap->va_uid != (uid_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) { fsi->uid = vap->va_uid; fsi->valid |= FUSE_FATTR_UID; } if (vap->va_gid != (gid_t)PUFFS_VNOVAL) { fsi->gid = vap->va_gid; fsi->valid |= FUSE_FATTR_GID; } if (pnd->pnd_lock_owner != 0) { fsi->lock_owner = pnd->pnd_lock_owner; fsi->valid |= FUSE_FATTR_LOCKOWNER; } /* * If nothing remain, discard the operation. */ if (!(fsi->valid & (FUSE_FATTR_SIZE|FUSE_FATTR_ATIME|FUSE_FATTR_MTIME| FUSE_FATTR_MODE|FUSE_FATTR_UID|FUSE_FATTR_GID))) { error = 0; goto out; } /* * A fuse_attr_out is returned, but we ignore it. */ error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(struct fuse_attr_out), wait_reply); out: if (pm != NULL) ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_node_poll(pu, opc, events) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; int *events; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_poll_in *fpi; struct fuse_poll_out *fpo; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); /* * kh is set if FUSE_POLL_SCHEDULE_NOTIFY is set. */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_POLL, sizeof(*fpi), NULL); fpi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_poll_in); fpi->fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FREAD); fpi->kh = 0; fpi->flags = 0; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FH) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64", fh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_ino, fpi->fh); #endif if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*fpo), wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; fpo = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_poll_out); *events = fpo->revents; out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } /* ARGSUSED0 */ int perfuse_node_mmap(pu, opc, flags, pcr) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; int flags; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; { /* * Not implemented anymore in libfuse */ return ENOSYS; } /* ARGSUSED2 */ int perfuse_node_fsync(pu, opc, pcr, flags, offlo, offhi) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; int flags; off_t offlo; off_t offhi; { int op; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; struct fuse_fsync_in *ffi; uint64_t fh; int error; pm = NULL; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); /* * No need to sync a removed node */ if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return 0; /* * We do not sync closed files. They have been * sync at inactive time already. */ if (!(pnd->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN)) return 0; if (puffs_pn_getvap((struct puffs_node *)opc)->va_type == VDIR) op = FUSE_FSYNCDIR; else /* VREG but also other types such as VLNK */ op = FUSE_FSYNC; /* * Do not sync if there are no change to sync * XXX remove that test on files if we implement mmap */ #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_SYNC) DPRINTF("%s: TEST opc = %p, file = \"%s\" is %sdirty\n", __func__, (void*)opc, perfuse_node_path(opc), pnd->pnd_flags & PND_DIRTY ? "" : "not "); #endif if (!(pnd->pnd_flags & PND_DIRTY)) return 0; /* * It seems NetBSD can call fsync without open first * glusterfs complain in such a situation: * "FSYNC() ERR => -1 (Invalid argument)" * The file will be closed at inactive time. * * We open the directory for reading in order to sync. * This sounds rather counterintuitive, but it works. */ if (!(pnd->pnd_flags & PND_WFH)) { if ((error = perfuse_node_open(pu, opc, FREAD, pcr)) != 0) goto out; } if (op == FUSE_FSYNCDIR) fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FREAD); else fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FWRITE); /* * If fsync_flags is set, meta data should not be flushed. */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, op, sizeof(*ffi), NULL); ffi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_fsync_in); ffi->fh = fh; ffi->fsync_flags = (flags & FFILESYNC) ? 0 : 1; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FH) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64", fh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_ino, ffi->fh); #endif if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, NO_PAYLOAD_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; /* * No reply beyond fuse_out_header: nothing to do on success * just clear the dirty flag */ pnd->pnd_flags &= ~PND_DIRTY; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_SYNC) DPRINTF("%s: CLEAR opc = %p, file = \"%s\"\n", __func__, (void*)opc, perfuse_node_path(opc)); #endif out: /* * ENOSYS is not returned to kernel, */ if (error == ENOSYS) error = 0; if (pm != NULL) ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } /* ARGSUSED0 */ int perfuse_node_seek(pu, opc, oldoff, newoff, pcr) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; off_t oldoff; off_t newoff; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; { return 0; } int perfuse_node_remove(pu, opc, targ, pcn) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; puffs_cookie_t targ; const struct puffs_cn *pcn; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; perfuse_msg_t *pm; char *path; const char *name; size_t len; int error; pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); if ((pnd->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) || (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED)) return ENOENT; #if notyet /* * remove requires -WX on the parent directory * no right required on the object. * * XXX PUFFS interface gives no pcr here */ if (no_access((puffs_cookie_t)pnd->pnd_parent, pcr, PUFFS_VWRITE|PUFFS_VEXEC)) return EACCES; #endif #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (targ == NULL) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: targ is NULL", __func__); if (perfuse_diagflags & (PDF_FH|PDF_FILENAME)) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, remove opc = %p, file = \"%s\"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, (void *)targ, pcn->pcn_name); #endif /* * Await for all operations on the deleted node to drain, * as the filesystem may be confused to have it deleted * during a getattr */ while (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags & PND_INXCHG) requeue_request(pu, targ, PCQ_AFTERXCHG); ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); name = pcn->pcn_name; len = pcn->pcn_namelen + 1; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_UNLINK, len, NULL); path = _GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, char *); (void)strlcpy(path, name, len); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags |= PND_REMOVED; if (!(PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN)) puffs_setback(puffs_cc_getcc(pu), PUFFS_SETBACK_NOREF_N2); /* * The parent directory needs a sync */ PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags |= PND_DIRTY; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FILENAME) DPRINTF("%s: remove nodeid = %"PRId64" file = \"%s\"\n", __func__, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_ino, pcn->pcn_name); #endif out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_node_link(pu, opc, targ, pcn) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; puffs_cookie_t targ; const struct puffs_cn *pcn; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; const char *name; size_t len; struct puffs_node *pn; struct fuse_link_in *fli; int error; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; #if notyet /* * Create an object require -W- permission in the parent directory * * XXX PUFFS interface gives no pcr here */ if (no_access(opc, pcr, PUFFS_VWRITE)) return EACCES; #endif ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pn = (struct puffs_node *)targ; name = pcn->pcn_name; len = sizeof(*fli) + pcn->pcn_namelen + 1; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_LINK, len, NULL); fli = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_link_in); fli->oldnodeid = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn)->pnd_ino; (void)strlcpy((char *)(void *)(fli + 1), name, len - sizeof(*fli)); error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply); ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_node_rename(pu, opc, src, pcn_src, targ_dir, targ, pcn_targ) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; puffs_cookie_t src; const struct puffs_cn *pcn_src; puffs_cookie_t targ_dir; puffs_cookie_t targ; const struct puffs_cn *pcn_targ; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_rename_in *fri; const char *newname; const char *oldname; char *np; int error; size_t len; size_t newname_len; size_t oldname_len; if ((PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) || (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(src)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) || (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ_dir)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED)) return ENOENT; #if notyet /* * move requires -WX on source and destination directory * * XXX PUFFS interface gives no pcr here */ if (no_access(opc, pcr_src, PUFFS_VWRITE|PUFFS_VEXEC) || no_access(targ_dir, pcr_targ, PUFFS_VWRITE|PUFFS_VEXEC)) return EACCES; #endif /* * Await for all operations on the deleted node to drain, * as the filesystem may be confused to have it deleted * during a getattr */ if ((struct puffs_node *)targ != NULL) { while (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags & PND_INXCHG) requeue_request(pu, targ, PCQ_AFTERXCHG); } else { while (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(src)->pnd_flags & PND_INXCHG) requeue_request(pu, src, PCQ_AFTERXCHG); } ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); newname = pcn_targ->pcn_name; newname_len = pcn_targ->pcn_namelen + 1; oldname = pcn_src->pcn_name; oldname_len = pcn_src->pcn_namelen + 1; len = sizeof(*fri) + oldname_len + newname_len; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_RENAME, len, NULL); fri = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_rename_in); fri->newdir = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ_dir)->pnd_ino; np = (char *)(void *)(fri + 1); (void)strlcpy(np, oldname, oldname_len); np += oldname_len; (void)strlcpy(np, newname, newname_len); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; if (opc != targ_dir) { struct perfuse_node_data *srcdir_pnd; struct perfuse_node_data *dstdir_pnd; struct perfuse_node_data *src_pnd; srcdir_pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); dstdir_pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ_dir); src_pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(src); TAILQ_REMOVE(&srcdir_pnd->pnd_children, src_pnd, pnd_next); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&dstdir_pnd->pnd_children, src_pnd, pnd_next); srcdir_pnd->pnd_childcount--; dstdir_pnd->pnd_childcount++; src_pnd->pnd_parent = targ_dir; PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ_dir)->pnd_flags |= PND_DIRTY; } (void)strlcpy(PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(src)->pnd_name, newname, MAXPATHLEN); PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags |= PND_DIRTY; if ((struct puffs_node *)targ != NULL) PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags |= PND_REMOVED; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FILENAME) DPRINTF("%s: nodeid = %"PRId64" file = \"%s\" renamed \"%s\" " "nodeid = %"PRId64" -> nodeid = %"PRId64" \"%s\"\n", __func__, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(src)->pnd_ino, pcn_src->pcn_name, pcn_targ->pcn_name, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_ino, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ_dir)->pnd_ino, perfuse_node_path(targ_dir)); #endif out: if (pm != NULL) ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_node_mkdir(pu, opc, pni, pcn, vap) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct puffs_newinfo *pni; const struct puffs_cn *pcn; const struct vattr *vap; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_mkdir_in *fmi; const char *path; size_t len; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; #if notyet /* * Create an object require -WX permission in the parent directory * * XXX PUFFS interface gives no pcr here */ if (no_access(opc, pcrx, PUFFS_VWRITE|PUFFS_VEXEC)) return EACCES; #endif ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); path = pcn->pcn_name; len = sizeof(*fmi) + pcn->pcn_namelen + 1; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_MKDIR, len, NULL); fmi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_mkdir_in); fmi->mode = vap->va_mode; fmi->umask = 0; /* Seems unused by libfuse? */ (void)strlcpy((char *)(void *)(fmi + 1), path, len - sizeof(*fmi)); return node_mk_common(pu, opc, pni, pcn, pm); } int perfuse_node_rmdir(pu, opc, targ, pcn) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; puffs_cookie_t targ; const struct puffs_cn *pcn; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; perfuse_msg_t *pm; char *path; const char *name; size_t len; int error; pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; #if notyet /* * remove requires -WX on the parent directory * no right required on the object. * * XXX PUFFS interface gives no pcr here */ if (no_access((puffs_cookie_t)pnd->pnd_parent, pcr, PUFFS_VWRITE|PUFFS_VEXEC)) return EACCES; #endif /* * Await for all operations on the deleted node to drain, * as the filesystem may be confused to have it deleted * during a getattr */ while (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags & PND_INXCHG) requeue_request(pu, targ, PCQ_AFTERXCHG); ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); name = pcn->pcn_name; len = pcn->pcn_namelen + 1; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_RMDIR, len, NULL); path = _GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, char *); (void)strlcpy(path, name, len); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags |= PND_REMOVED; if (!(PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN)) puffs_setback(puffs_cc_getcc(pu), PUFFS_SETBACK_NOREF_N2); /* * The parent directory needs a sync */ PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags |= PND_DIRTY; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FILENAME) DPRINTF("%s: remove nodeid = %"PRId64" file = \"%s\"\n", __func__, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(targ)->pnd_ino, perfuse_node_path(targ)); #endif out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } /* vap is unused */ /* ARGSUSED4 */ int perfuse_node_symlink(pu, opc, pni, pcn_src, vap, link_target) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct puffs_newinfo *pni; const struct puffs_cn *pcn_src; const struct vattr *vap; const char *link_target; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; char *np; const char *path; size_t path_len; size_t linkname_len; size_t len; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; #if notyet /* * Create an object require -W- permission in the parent directory * * XXX PUFFS interface gives no pcr here */ if (no_access(opc, pcr_src, PUFFS_VWRITE)) return EACCES; #endif ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); path = pcn_src->pcn_name; path_len = pcn_src->pcn_namelen + 1; linkname_len = strlen(link_target) + 1; len = path_len + linkname_len; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_SYMLINK, len, NULL); np = _GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, char *); (void)strlcpy(np, path, path_len); np += path_len; (void)strlcpy(np, link_target, linkname_len); return node_mk_common(pu, opc, pni, pcn_src, pm); } int perfuse_node_readdir(pu, opc, dent, readoff, reslen, pcr, eofflag, cookies, ncookies) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; struct dirent *dent; off_t *readoff; size_t *reslen; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; int *eofflag; off_t *cookies; size_t *ncookies; { perfuse_msg_t *pm; uint64_t fh; struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; struct fuse_read_in *fri; struct fuse_out_header *foh; struct fuse_dirent *fd; size_t foh_len; int error; uint64_t fd_offset; size_t fd_maxlen; pm = NULL; error = 0; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); /* * readdir state is kept at node level, and several readdir * requests can be issued at the same time on the same node. * We need to queue requests so that only one is in readdir * code at the same time. */ pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); while (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INREADDIR) requeue_request(pu, opc, PCQ_READDIR); pnd->pnd_flags |= PND_INREADDIR; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_READDIR) DPRINTF("%s: READDIR opc = %p enter critical section\n", __func__, (void *)opc); #endif /* * Do we already have the data bufered? */ if (pnd->pnd_dirent != NULL) goto out; pnd->pnd_dirent_len = 0; /* * It seems NetBSD can call readdir without open first * libfuse will crash if it is done that way, hence open first. */ if (!(pnd->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN)) { if ((error = perfuse_node_open(pu, opc, FREAD, pcr)) != 0) goto out; } fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FREAD); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FH) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64", rfh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_ino, fh); #endif pnd->pnd_all_fd = NULL; pnd->pnd_all_fd_len = 0; fd_offset = 0; fd_maxlen = ps->ps_max_readahead - sizeof(*foh); do { size_t fd_len; char *afdp; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_READDIR, sizeof(*fri), pcr); /* * read_flags, lock_owner and flags are unused in libfuse */ fri = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_read_in); fri->fh = fh; fri->offset = fd_offset; fri->size = fd_maxlen; fri->read_flags = 0; fri->lock_owner = 0; fri->flags = 0; if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; /* * There are many puffs_framebufs calls later, * therefore foh will not be valid for a long time. * Just get the length and forget it. */ foh = GET_OUTHDR(ps, pm); foh_len = foh->len; /* * Empty read: we reached the end of the buffer. */ if (foh_len == sizeof(*foh)) break; /* * Corrupted message. */ if (foh_len < sizeof(*foh) + sizeof(*fd)) { DWARNX("readdir reply too short"); error = EIO; goto out; } fd = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_dirent); fd_len = foh_len - sizeof(*foh); pnd->pnd_all_fd = realloc(pnd->pnd_all_fd, pnd->pnd_all_fd_len + fd_len); if (pnd->pnd_all_fd == NULL) DERR(EX_OSERR, "malloc failed"); afdp = (char *)(void *)pnd->pnd_all_fd + pnd->pnd_all_fd_len; (void)memcpy(afdp, fd, fd_len); pnd->pnd_all_fd_len += fd_len; fd_offset += fd_len; ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); pm = NULL; /* * If the buffer was not completely filled, * that is, if there is room for the biggest * struct dirent possible, then we are done: * no need to issue another READDIR to see * an empty reply. */ } while (foh_len >= fd_maxlen - (sizeof(*fd) + MAXPATHLEN)); if (fuse_to_dirent(pu, opc, pnd->pnd_all_fd, pnd->pnd_all_fd_len) == -1) error = EIO; out: if (pnd->pnd_all_fd != NULL) { free(pnd->pnd_all_fd); pnd->pnd_all_fd = NULL; pnd->pnd_all_fd_len = 0; } if (pm != NULL) ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); if (error == 0) error = readdir_buffered(opc, dent, readoff, reslen, pcr, eofflag, cookies, ncookies); /* * Schedule queued readdir requests */ pnd->pnd_flags &= ~PND_INREADDIR; (void)dequeue_requests(ps, opc, PCQ_READDIR, DEQUEUE_ALL); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_READDIR) DPRINTF("%s: READDIR opc = %p exit critical section\n", __func__, (void *)opc); #endif return error; } int perfuse_node_readlink(pu, opc, pcr, linkname, linklen) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; char *linkname; size_t *linklen; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; int error; size_t len; struct fuse_out_header *foh; if (PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) return ENOENT; /* * R-- required on parent, R-- required on link */ if (no_access((puffs_cookie_t)PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_parent, pcr, PUFFS_VREAD) || no_access(opc, pcr, PUFFS_VREAD)) return EACCES; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_READLINK, 0, pcr); if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; foh = GET_OUTHDR(ps, pm); len = foh->len - sizeof(*foh); if (len > *linklen) DERRX(EX_PROTOCOL, "path len = %zd too long", len); if (len == 0) DERRX(EX_PROTOCOL, "path len = %zd too short", len); /* * FUSE filesystems return a NUL terminated string, we * do not want to trailing \0 */ *linklen = len - 1; (void)memcpy(linkname, _GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, char *), len); out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_node_reclaim(pu, opc) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; { struct perfuse_state *ps; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; struct fuse_forget_in *ffi; struct puffs_node *pn; struct puffs_node *pn_root; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); /* * Never forget the root. */ if (pnd->pnd_ino == FUSE_ROOT_ID) return 0; pnd->pnd_flags |= PND_RECLAIMED; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_RECLAIM) DPRINTF("%s (nodeid %"PRId64") reclaimed\n", perfuse_node_path(opc), pnd->pnd_ino); #endif pn_root = puffs_getroot(pu); pn = (struct puffs_node *)opc; while (pn != pn_root) { struct puffs_node *parent_pn; pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(pn); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_RECLAIM) DPRINTF("%s (nodeid %"PRId64") is %sreclaimed, " "has childcount %d %s%s%s%s, pending ops:%s%s%s\n", perfuse_node_path((puffs_cookie_t)pn), pnd->pnd_ino, pnd->pnd_flags & PND_RECLAIMED ? "" : "not ", pnd->pnd_childcount, pnd->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN ? "open " : "not open", pnd->pnd_flags & PND_RFH ? "r" : "", pnd->pnd_flags & PND_WFH ? "w" : "", pnd->pnd_flags & PND_BUSY ? "" : " none", pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INREADDIR ? " readdir" : "", pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INWRITE ? " write" : "", pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INOPEN ? " open" : ""); #endif if (!(pnd->pnd_flags & PND_RECLAIMED) || (pnd->pnd_childcount != 0)) return 0; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if ((pnd->pnd_flags & PND_OPEN) || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&pnd->pnd_pcq)) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: opc = %p: still open", __func__, (void *)opc); if ((pnd->pnd_flags & PND_BUSY) || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&pnd->pnd_pcq)) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: opc = %p: ongoing operations", __func__, (void *)opc); #endif /* * Send the FORGET message */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, (puffs_cookie_t)pn, FUSE_FORGET, sizeof(*ffi), NULL); ffi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_forget_in); ffi->nlookup = pnd->pnd_nlookup; /* * No reply is expected, pm is freed in xchg_msg */ (void)xchg_msg(pu, (puffs_cookie_t)pn, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, no_reply); parent_pn = pnd->pnd_parent; perfuse_destroy_pn(pu, pn); pn = parent_pn; } return 0; } int perfuse_node_inactive(pu, opc) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); if (!(pnd->pnd_flags & (PND_OPEN|PND_REMOVED))) return 0; /* * Make sure all operation are finished * There can be an ongoing write. Other * operation wait for all data before * the close/inactive. */ while (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INWRITE) requeue_request(pu, opc, PCQ_AFTERWRITE); /* * The inactive operation may be cancelled. * If no open is in progress, set PND_INOPEN * so that a new open will be queued. */ if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INOPEN) return 0; pnd->pnd_flags |= PND_INOPEN; /* * Sync data */ if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_DIRTY) (void)perfuse_node_fsync(pu, opc, NULL, 0, 0, 0); /* * Close handles */ if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_WFH) (void)perfuse_node_close_common(pu, opc, FWRITE); if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_RFH) (void)perfuse_node_close_common(pu, opc, FREAD); /* * This will cause a reclaim to be sent */ if (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_REMOVED) puffs_setback(puffs_cc_getcc(pu), PUFFS_SETBACK_NOREF_N1); /* * Schedule awaiting operations */ pnd->pnd_flags &= ~PND_INOPEN; (void)dequeue_requests(ps, opc, PCQ_OPEN, DEQUEUE_ALL); return 0; } /* ARGSUSED0 */ int perfuse_node_print(pu, opc) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; { DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: UNIMPLEMENTED (FATAL)", __func__); return 0; } /* ARGSUSED0 */ int perfuse_node_pathconf(pu, opc, name, retval) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; int name; int *retval; { DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: UNIMPLEMENTED (FATAL)", __func__); return 0; } /* id is unused */ /* ARGSUSED2 */ int perfuse_node_advlock(pu, opc, id, op, fl, flags) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; void *id; int op; struct flock *fl; int flags; { struct perfuse_state *ps; int fop; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_lk_in *fli; struct fuse_lk_out *flo; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); if (op == F_GETLK) fop = FUSE_GETLK; else fop = (flags & F_WAIT) ? FUSE_SETLKW : FUSE_SETLK; pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, fop, sizeof(*fli), NULL); fli = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_lk_in); fli->fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FWRITE); fli->owner = fl->l_pid; fli->lk.start = fl->l_start; fli->lk.end = fl->l_start + fl->l_len; fli->lk.type = fl->l_type; fli->lk.pid = fl->l_pid; fli->lk_flags = (flags & F_FLOCK) ? FUSE_LK_FLOCK : 0; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FH) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64", fh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_ino, fli->fh); #endif if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*flo), wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; flo = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_lk_out); fl->l_start = flo->lk.start; fl->l_len = flo->lk.end - flo->lk.start; fl->l_pid = flo->lk.pid; fl->l_type = flo->lk.type; fl->l_whence = SEEK_SET; /* libfuse hardcodes it */ /* * Save or clear the lock */ switch (op) { case F_SETLK: PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_lock_owner = flo->lk.pid; break; case F_UNLCK: PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc)->pnd_lock_owner = 0; break; default: break; } out: ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_node_read(pu, opc, buf, offset, resid, pcr, ioflag) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; uint8_t *buf; off_t offset; size_t *resid; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; int ioflag; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_read_in *fri; struct fuse_out_header *foh; size_t readen; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); pm = NULL; if (puffs_pn_getvap((struct puffs_node *)opc)->va_type == VDIR) return EBADF; do { size_t max_read; max_read = ps->ps_max_readahead - sizeof(*foh); /* * flags may be set to FUSE_READ_LOCKOWNER * if lock_owner is provided. */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_READ, sizeof(*fri), pcr); fri = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_read_in); fri->fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FREAD); fri->offset = offset; fri->size = (uint32_t)MIN(*resid, max_read); fri->read_flags = 0; /* XXX Unused by libfuse? */ fri->lock_owner = pnd->pnd_lock_owner; fri->flags = 0; fri->flags |= (fri->lock_owner != 0) ? FUSE_READ_LOCKOWNER : 0; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FH) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64", fh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, pnd->pnd_ino, fri->fh); #endif error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, UNSPEC_REPLY_LEN, wait_reply); if (error != 0) goto out; foh = GET_OUTHDR(ps, pm); readen = foh->len - sizeof(*foh); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (readen > *resid) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: Unexpected big read %zd", __func__, readen); #endif (void)memcpy(buf, _GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, char *), readen); buf += readen; offset += readen; *resid -= readen; ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); pm = NULL; } while ((*resid != 0) && (readen != 0)); if (ioflag & (IO_SYNC|IO_DSYNC)) ps->ps_syncreads++; else ps->ps_asyncreads++; out: if (pm != NULL) ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); return error; } int perfuse_node_write(pu, opc, buf, offset, resid, pcr, ioflag) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; uint8_t *buf; off_t offset; size_t *resid; const struct puffs_cred *pcr; int ioflag; { struct perfuse_state *ps; struct perfuse_node_data *pnd; perfuse_msg_t *pm; struct fuse_write_in *fwi; struct fuse_write_out *fwo; size_t data_len; size_t payload_len; size_t written; int error; ps = puffs_getspecific(pu); pnd = PERFUSE_NODE_DATA(opc); written = 0; if (puffs_pn_getvap((struct puffs_node *)opc)->va_type == VDIR) return EBADF; /* * We need to queue write requests in order to avoid * dequeueing PCQ_AFTERWRITE when there are pending writes. */ while (pnd->pnd_flags & PND_INWRITE) requeue_request(pu, opc, PCQ_WRITE); pnd->pnd_flags |= PND_INWRITE; /* * append flag: we may have to read file size first. */ if (ioflag & PUFFS_IO_APPEND) offset = ((struct puffs_node *)opc)->pn_va.va_size; pm = NULL; do { size_t max_write; /* * There is a writepage flag when data * is PAGE_SIZE-aligned. Use it for * everything but the data after the last * page boundary. */ max_write = ps->ps_max_write - sizeof(*fwi); data_len = MIN(*resid, max_write); if (data_len > PAGE_SIZE) data_len = data_len & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1); payload_len = data_len + sizeof(*fwi); /* * flags may be set to FUSE_WRITE_CACHE (XXX usage?) * or FUSE_WRITE_LOCKOWNER, if lock_owner is provided. * write_flags is set to 1 for writepage. */ pm = ps->ps_new_msg(pu, opc, FUSE_WRITE, payload_len, pcr); fwi = GET_INPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_write_in); fwi->fh = perfuse_get_fh(opc, FWRITE); fwi->offset = offset; fwi->size = (uint32_t)data_len; fwi->write_flags = (fwi->size % PAGE_SIZE) ? 0 : 1; fwi->lock_owner = pnd->pnd_lock_owner; fwi->flags = 0; fwi->flags |= (fwi->lock_owner != 0) ? FUSE_WRITE_LOCKOWNER : 0; fwi->flags |= (ioflag & IO_DIRECT) ? 0 : FUSE_WRITE_CACHE; (void)memcpy((fwi + 1), buf, data_len); #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_FH) DPRINTF("%s: opc = %p, ino = %"PRId64", fh = 0x%"PRIx64"\n", __func__, (void *)opc, pnd->pnd_ino, fwi->fh); #endif if ((error = xchg_msg(pu, opc, pm, sizeof(*fwo), wait_reply)) != 0) goto out; fwo = GET_OUTPAYLOAD(ps, pm, fuse_write_out); written = fwo->size; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (written > *resid) DERRX(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: Unexpected big write %zd", __func__, written); #endif *resid -= written; offset += written; buf += written; ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); pm = NULL; } while (*resid != 0); /* * puffs_ops(3) says * "everything must be written or an error will be generated" */ if (*resid != 0) error = EFBIG; if (ioflag & (IO_SYNC|IO_DSYNC)) ps->ps_syncwrites++; else ps->ps_asyncwrites++; /* * Remember to sync the file */ pnd->pnd_flags |= PND_DIRTY; #ifdef PERFUSE_DEBUG if (perfuse_diagflags & PDF_SYNC) DPRINTF("%s: DIRTY opc = %p, file = \"%s\"\n", __func__, (void*)opc, perfuse_node_path(opc)); #endif out: if (pm != NULL) ps->ps_destroy_msg(pm); /* * If there are no more queued write, we can resume * an operation awaiting write completion. */ pnd->pnd_flags &= ~PND_INWRITE; if (dequeue_requests(ps, opc, PCQ_WRITE, 1) == 0) (void)dequeue_requests(ps, opc, PCQ_AFTERWRITE, DEQUEUE_ALL); return error; } /* ARGSUSED0 */ void perfuse_cache_write(pu, opc, size, runs) struct puffs_usermount *pu; puffs_cookie_t opc; size_t size; struct puffs_cacherun *runs; { return; }