# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2000/06/12 11:26:25 itojun Exp $ # DISTNAME= isakmpd-000220 PKGNAME= isakmpd-20000220 CATEGORIES= security net MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.appli.se/pub/isakmpd/ PATCH_SITES= ftp://ftp.kame.net/pub/kame/misc/ PATCHFILES= isakmpd-20000220-20000427a.diff.gz PATCH_DIST_STRIP= -p1 MAINTAINER= itojun@kame.net RESTRICTED= "Crypto; export-controlled" IGNORE= "broken by PF_KEY API change" # this is not compatible with cross build - there's no other way .if !exists(/usr/include/netinet6/ipsec.h) IGNORE+= "requires ipsec-ready NetBSD" .endif # if PATENTEDOPENSSLSRC is defined, then we assume that # RSA already exists in the OpenSSL built as part of the # base distribution. .if !defined(PATENTEDOPENSSLSRC) DEPENDS+= openssl-0.9.*:../../security/openssl .endif DEPENDS+= gmp-*:../../devel/gmp RESTRICTED= "Crypto; export-controlled" MIRROR_DISTFILE= no ALL_TARGET= depend all .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"