package pkglint import ( "fmt" "hash/crc64" "" "" "path" "reflect" "regexp" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) type YesNoUnknown uint8 const ( no YesNoUnknown = iota yes unknown ) func (ynu YesNoUnknown) String() string { return [...]string{"no", "yes", "unknown"}[ynu] } // Short names for commonly used functions. func contains(s, substr string) bool { return strings.Contains(s, substr) } func hasPrefix(s, prefix string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) } func hasSuffix(s, suffix string) bool { return strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix) } func sprintf(format string, args ...interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf(format, args...) } func regcomp(re regex.Pattern) *regexp.Regexp { return G.res.Compile(re) } func match(s string, re regex.Pattern) []string { return G.res.Match(s, re) } func matches(s string, re regex.Pattern) bool { return G.res.Matches(s, re) } func match1(s string, re regex.Pattern) (matched bool, m1 string) { return G.res.Match1(s, re) } func match2(s string, re regex.Pattern) (matched bool, m1, m2 string) { return G.res.Match2(s, re) } func match3(s string, re regex.Pattern) (matched bool, m1, m2, m3 string) { return G.res.Match3(s, re) } func replaceAll(s string, re regex.Pattern, repl string) string { return G.res.Compile(re).ReplaceAllString(s, repl) } func replaceAllFunc(s string, re regex.Pattern, repl func(string) string) string { return G.res.Compile(re).ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, repl) } func containsStr(slice []string, s string) bool { for _, str := range slice { if s == str { return true } } return false } func mapStr(slice []string, fn func(s string) string) []string { result := make([]string, len(slice)) for i, str := range slice { result[i] = fn(str) } return result } func anyStr(slice []string, fn func(s string) bool) bool { for _, str := range slice { if fn(str) { return true } } return false } func filterStr(slice []string, fn func(s string) bool) []string { result := make([]string, 0, len(slice)) for _, str := range slice { if fn(str) { result = append(result, str) } } return result } func invalidCharacters(s string, valid *textproc.ByteSet) string { var unis strings.Builder for _, r := range s { switch { case r == rune(byte(r)) && valid.Contains(byte(r)): continue case '!' <= r && r <= '~': unis.WriteByte(' ') unis.WriteByte(byte(r)) case r == ' ': unis.WriteString(" space") case r == '\t': unis.WriteString(" tab") default: _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&unis, " %U", r) } } if unis.Len() == 0 { return "" } return unis.String()[1:] } // intern returns an independent copy of the given string. // // It should be called when only a small substring of a large string // is needed for the rest of the program's lifetime. // // All strings allocated here will stay in memory forever, // therefore it should only be used for long-lived strings. func intern(str string) string { return G.interner.Intern(str) } // trimHspace returns str, with leading and trailing space (U+0020) // and tab (U+0009) removed. // // It is simpler and faster than strings.TrimSpace. func trimHspace(str string) string { start := 0 end := len(str) for start < end && isHspace(str[start]) { start++ } for start < end && isHspace(str[end-1]) { end-- } return str[start:end] } func rtrimHspace(str string) string { end := len(str) for end > 0 && isHspace(str[end-1]) { end-- } return str[:end] } // trimCommon returns the middle portion of the given strings that differs. func trimCommon(a, b string) (string, string) { // trim common prefix for len(a) > 0 && len(b) > 0 && a[0] == b[0] { a = a[1:] b = b[1:] } // trim common suffix for len(a) > 0 && len(b) > 0 && a[len(a)-1] == b[len(b)-1] { a = a[:len(a)-1] b = b[:len(b)-1] } return a, b } func replaceOnce(s, from, to string) (ok bool, replaced string) { index := strings.Index(s, from) if index != -1 && index == strings.LastIndex(s, from) { return true, s[:index] + to + s[index+len(from):] } return false, s } func isHspace(ch byte) bool { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' } func condStr(cond bool, a, b string) string { if cond { return a } return b } func condInt(cond bool, trueValue, falseValue int) int { if cond { return trueValue } return falseValue } func keysJoined(m map[string]bool) string { return strings.Join(keysSorted(m), " ") } func keysSorted(m map[string]bool) []string { var keys []string for key := range m { keys = append(keys, key) } sort.Strings(keys) return keys } func copyStringMkLine(m map[string]*MkLine) map[string]*MkLine { c := make(map[string]*MkLine, len(m)) for k, v := range m { c[k] = v } return c } func forEachStringMkLine(m map[string]*MkLine, action func(s string, mkline *MkLine)) { var keys []string for key := range m { keys = append(keys, key) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, key := range keys { action(key, m[key]) } } func imax(a, b int) int { if a > b { return a } return b } func imin(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b } // assertNil ensures that the given error is nil. // // Contrary to other diagnostics, the format should not end in a period // since it is followed by the error. // // Other than Assertf, this method does not require any comparison operator in the calling code. // This makes it possible to get 100% branch coverage for cases that "really can never fail". func assertNil(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) { if err != nil { panic("Pkglint internal error: " + sprintf(format, args...) + ": " + err.Error()) } } func assertNotNil(obj interface{}) { // isNil := func() bool { defer func() { _ = recover() }() return reflect.ValueOf(obj).IsNil() } if obj == nil || isNil() { panic("Pkglint internal error: unexpected nil pointer") } } // assert checks that the condition is true. Otherwise it terminates the // process with a fatal error message, prefixed with "Pkglint internal error". // // This method must only be used for programming errors. // For runtime errors, use dummyLine.Fatalf. func assert(cond bool) { if !cond { panic("Pkglint internal error") } } // assertf checks that the condition is true. Otherwise it terminates the // process with a fatal error message, prefixed with "Pkglint internal error". // // This method must only be used for programming errors. // For runtime errors, use dummyLine.Fatalf. func assertf(cond bool, format string, args ...interface{}) { if !cond { panic("Pkglint internal error: " + sprintf(format, args...)) } } func isEmptyDir(filename CurrPath) bool { if filename.HasSuffixPath("CVS") { return true } dirents, err := filename.ReadDir() if err != nil { return true // XXX: Why not false? } for _, dirent := range dirents { name := dirent.Name() if isIgnoredFilename(name) { continue } if dirent.IsDir() && isEmptyDir(filename.JoinNoClean(NewRelPathString(name))) { continue } return false } return true } func getSubdirs(filename CurrPath) []RelPath { dirents, err := filename.ReadDir() if err != nil { G.Logger.TechFatalf(filename, "Cannot be read: %s", err) } var subdirs []RelPath for _, dirent := range dirents { name := dirent.Name() if dirent.IsDir() && !isIgnoredFilename(name) && !isEmptyDir(filename.JoinNoClean(NewRelPathString(name))) { subdirs = append(subdirs, NewRelPathString(name)) } } return subdirs } func isIgnoredFilename(filename string) bool { switch filename { case "CVS", ".svn", ".git", ".hg", ".idea": return true } return hasPrefix(filename, ".#") } // Checks whether a file is already committed to the CVS repository. func isCommitted(filename CurrPath) bool { entries := G.loadCvsEntries(filename) _, found := entries[filename.Base()] return found } // isLocallyModified tests whether a file (not a directory) is modified, // as seen by CVS. // // There is no corresponding test for Git (as used by pkgsrc-wip) since that // is more difficult to implement than simply reading a CVS/Entries file. func isLocallyModified(filename CurrPath) bool { entries := G.loadCvsEntries(filename) entry, found := entries[filename.Base()] if !found { return false } st, err := filename.Stat() if err != nil { return true } // Following, format both timestamps. cvsModTime := entry.Timestamp fsModTime := st.ModTime().UTC().Format(time.ANSIC) if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("cvs.time=%q fs.time=%q", cvsModTime, fsModTime) } return cvsModTime != fsModTime } // CvsEntry is one of the entries in a CVS/Entries file. // // See type CvsEntry struct { Name RelPath Revision string Timestamp string Options string TagDate string } // Returns the number of columns that a string occupies when printed with // a tabulator size of 8. func tabWidth(s string) int { return tabWidthAppend(0, s) } func tabWidthSlice(strs ...string) int { w := 0 for _, str := range strs { w = tabWidthAppend(w, str) } return w } func tabWidthAppend(width int, s string) int { for _, r := range s { assert(r != '\n') if r == '\t' { width = width&-8 + 8 } else { width++ } } return width } func detab(s string) string { var detabbed strings.Builder for _, r := range s { if r == '\t' { detabbed.WriteString(" "[:8-detabbed.Len()&7]) } else { detabbed.WriteRune(r) } } return detabbed.String() } // alignWith extends str with as many tabs and spaces as needed to reach // the same screen width as the other string. func alignWith(str, other string) string { return str + alignmentTo(str, other) } // alignmentTo returns the whitespace that is necessary to // bring str to the same width as other. func alignmentTo(str, other string) string { strWidth := tabWidth(str) otherWidth := tabWidth(other) return alignmentToWidths(strWidth, otherWidth) } func alignmentToWidths(strWidth, otherWidth int) string { if otherWidth <= strWidth { return "" } if strWidth&-8 != otherWidth&-8 { strWidth &= -8 } return indent(otherWidth - strWidth) } func indent(width int) string { const tabsAndSpaces = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " middle := len(tabsAndSpaces) - 7 if width <= 8*middle+7 { start := middle - width>>3 end := middle + width&7 return tabsAndSpaces[start:end] } return strings.Repeat("\t", width>>3) + " "[:width&7] } // alignmentAfter returns the indentation that is necessary to get // from the given prefix to the desired width. func alignmentAfter(prefix string, width int) string { pw := tabWidth(prefix) assert(width >= pw) return indent(width - condInt(pw&-8 != width&-8, pw&-8, pw)) } func shorten(s string, maxChars int) string { codePoints := 0 for i := range s { if codePoints >= maxChars { return s[:i] + "..." } codePoints++ } return s } func varnameBase(varname string) string { dot := strings.IndexByte(varname, '.') if dot > 0 { return varname[:dot] } return varname } func varnameCanon(varname string) string { dot := strings.IndexByte(varname, '.') if dot > 0 { return varname[:dot] + ".*" } return varname } func varnameParam(varname string) string { dot := strings.IndexByte(varname, '.') if dot > 0 { return varname[dot+1:] } return "" } func toInt(s string, def int) int { if n, err := strconv.Atoi(s); err == nil { return n } return def } func containsVarUse(s string) bool { if !contains(s, "$") { return false } lex := NewMkLexer(s, nil) tokens, _ := lex.MkTokens() for _, token := range tokens { if token.Varuse != nil { return true } } return false } func containsVarRefLong(s string) bool { if !contains(s, "$") { return false } lex := NewMkLexer(s, nil) tokens, _ := lex.MkTokens() for _, token := range tokens { if token.Varuse != nil && len(token.Text) > 2 { return true } } return false } // Once remembers with which arguments its FirstTime method has been called // and only returns true on each first call. type Once struct { seen map[uint64]struct{} // Only used during testing, to trace the actual arguments, // since hashing is a one-way function. Trace bool } func (o *Once) FirstTime(what string) bool { key := o.keyString(what) firstTime := o.check(key) if firstTime && o.Trace { G.Logger.out.WriteLine("FirstTime: " + what) } return firstTime } func (o *Once) FirstTimeSlice(whats ...string) bool { key := o.keyStrings(whats) firstTime := o.check(key) if firstTime && o.Trace { G.Logger.out.WriteLine("FirstTime: " + strings.Join(whats, ", ")) } return firstTime } func (o *Once) Seen(what string) bool { _, seen := o.seen[o.keyString(what)] return seen } func (o *Once) SeenSlice(whats ...string) bool { _, seen := o.seen[o.keyStrings(whats)] return seen } func (*Once) keyString(what string) uint64 { return crc64.Checksum([]byte(what), crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ECMA)) } func (*Once) keyStrings(whats []string) uint64 { crc := crc64.New(crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ECMA)) for i, what := range whats { if i != 0 { _, _ = crc.Write([]byte{0}) } _, _ = crc.Write([]byte(what)) } return crc.Sum64() } func (o *Once) check(key uint64) bool { if _, ok := o.seen[key]; ok { return false } if o.seen == nil { o.seen = make(map[uint64]struct{}) } o.seen[key] = struct{}{} return true } // The MIT License (MIT) // // Copyright (c) 2015 Frits van Bommel // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // // Taken from func naturalLess(str1, str2 string) bool { isDigit := func(b byte) bool { return '0' <= b && b <= '9' } idx := 0 len1, len2 := len(str1), len(str2) minLen := len1 + len2 - imax(len1, len2) for idx < minLen { c1, c2 := str1[idx], str2[idx] dig1, dig2 := isDigit(c1), isDigit(c2) switch { case dig1 != dig2: // Digits before other characters. return dig1 // True if LHS is a digit, false if the RHS is one. case !dig1: // && !dig2, because dig1 == dig2 // UTF-8 compares bytewise-lexicographically, no need to decode // codepoints. if c1 != c2 { return c1 < c2 } idx++ default: // Digits // Eat zeros. idx1, idx2 := idx, idx for ; idx1 < len1 && str1[idx1] == '0'; idx1++ { } for ; idx2 < len2 && str2[idx2] == '0'; idx2++ { } // Eat all digits. nonZero1, nonZero2 := idx1, idx2 for ; idx1 < len1 && isDigit(str1[idx1]); idx1++ { } for ; idx2 < len2 && isDigit(str2[idx2]); idx2++ { } // If lengths of numbers with non-zero prefix differ, the shorter // one is less. if len1, len2 := idx1-nonZero1, idx2-nonZero2; len1 != len2 { return len1 < len2 } // If they're not equal, string comparison is correct. if nr1, nr2 := str1[nonZero1:idx1], str2[nonZero2:idx2]; nr1 != nr2 { return nr1 < nr2 } // Otherwise, the one with fewer zeros is less. // Because everything up to the number is equal, comparing the index // after the zeros is sufficient. if nonZero1 != nonZero2 { return nonZero1 < nonZero2 } idx = idx1 } // They're identical so far, so continue comparing. } // So far they are identical. At least one is ended. If the other continues, // it sorts last. return len1 < len2 } // LoadsPrefs returns whether the given file, when included, loads the user // preferences. func LoadsPrefs(filename RelPath) bool { switch filename.Base() { case // See "", // in mk/ "", // in mk/ "", // in mk/buildlink3/ "", // in mk/buildlink3/ "", // in mk/ "", // in mk/ "", // in package directories "": // in mk/ return true } // Just assume that every pkgsrc infrastructure file includes //, at least indirectly. return filename.ContainsPath("mk") } func IsPrefs(filename RelPath) bool { base := filename.Base() return base == "" || base == "" } // FileCache reduces the IO load for commonly loaded files by about 50%, // especially for and * files. type FileCache struct { table []*fileCacheEntry mapping map[string]*fileCacheEntry // Pointers into FileCache.table hits int misses int } type fileCacheEntry struct { count int key string options LoadOptions lines *Lines } func NewFileCache(size int) *FileCache { return &FileCache{ make([]*fileCacheEntry, 0, size), make(map[string]*fileCacheEntry), 0, 0} } func (c *FileCache) Put(filename CurrPath, options LoadOptions, lines *Lines) { key := c.key(filename) entry := c.mapping[key] if entry == nil { if len(c.table) == cap(c.table) { c.removeOldEntries() } entry = new(fileCacheEntry) c.table = append(c.table, entry) c.mapping[key] = entry } entry.count = 1 entry.key = key entry.options = options entry.lines = lines } func (c *FileCache) removeOldEntries() { sort.Slice(c.table, func(i, j int) bool { return c.table[j].count < c.table[i].count }) if G.Testing { for _, e := range c.table { if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("FileCache %q with count %d.", e.key, e.count) } } } minCount := c.table[len(c.table)-1].count newLen := len(c.table) for newLen > 0 && c.table[newLen-1].count == minCount { e := c.table[newLen-1] if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("FileCache.Evict %q with count %d.", e.key, e.count) } delete(c.mapping, e.key) newLen-- } c.table = c.table[0:newLen] // To avoid files getting stuck in the cache. for _, e := range c.table { if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("FileCache.Halve %q with count %d.", e.key, e.count) } e.count /= 2 } } func (c *FileCache) Get(filename CurrPath, options LoadOptions) *Lines { key := c.key(filename) entry, found := c.mapping[key] if found && entry.options == options { c.hits++ entry.count++ lines := make([]*Line, entry.lines.Len()) for i, line := range entry.lines.Lines { lines[i] = NewLineMulti(filename, line.Location.lineno, line.Text, line.raw) } return NewLines(filename, lines) } c.misses++ return nil } func (c *FileCache) Evict(filename CurrPath) { key := c.key(filename) entry, found := c.mapping[key] if !found { return } delete(c.mapping, key) for i, e := range c.table { if e == entry { c.table[i] = c.table[len(c.table)-1] c.table = c.table[:len(c.table)-1] return } } } func (c *FileCache) key(filename CurrPath) string { return filename.Clean().String() } func bmakeHelp(topic string) string { return bmake("help topic=" + topic) } func bmake(target string) string { return sprintf("%s %s", confMake, target) } func seeGuide(sectionName, sectionID string) string { return sprintf("See the pkgsrc guide, section %q:", sectionName, sectionID) } // wrap performs automatic word wrapping on the given lines. // // Empty lines, indented lines and lines starting with "*" are kept as-is. func wrap(max int, lines ...string) []string { var wrapped []string var sb strings.Builder for _, line := range lines { if line == "" || isHspace(line[0]) || line[0] == '*' { // Finish current paragraph. if sb.Len() > 0 { wrapped = append(wrapped, sb.String()) sb.Reset() } wrapped = append(wrapped, line) continue } lexer := textproc.NewLexer(line) for !lexer.EOF() { bol := len(lexer.Rest()) == len(line) space := lexer.NextBytesSet(textproc.Space) word := lexer.NextBytesSet(notSpace) if bol && sb.Len() > 0 { space = " " } if sb.Len() > 0 && sb.Len()+len(space)+len(word) > max { wrapped = append(wrapped, sb.String()) sb.Reset() space = "" } sb.WriteString(space) sb.WriteString(word) } } if sb.Len() > 0 { wrapped = append(wrapped, sb.String()) } return wrapped } // escapePrintable returns an ASCII-only string that represents the given string // very closely, but without putting any physical terminal or terminal emulator // at the risk of interpreting malicious data from the files checked by pkglint. // This escaping is not reversible, and it doesn't need to. func escapePrintable(s string) string { escaped := NewLazyStringBuilder(s) for i, r := range s { switch { case rune(byte(r)) == r && textproc.XPrint.Contains(s[i]): escaped.WriteByte(byte(r)) case r == 0xFFFD && !hasPrefix(s[i:], "\uFFFD"): _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&escaped, "<0x%02X>", s[i]) default: _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&escaped, "<%U>", r) } } return escaped.String() } func stringSliceLess(a, b []string) bool { limit := len(a) if len(b) < limit { limit = len(b) } for i := 0; i < limit; i++ { if a[i] != b[i] { return a[i] < b[i] } } return len(a) < len(b) } func joinSkipEmpty(sep string, elements ...string) string { var nonempty []string for _, element := range elements { if element != "" { nonempty = append(nonempty, element) } } return strings.Join(nonempty, sep) } // joinCambridge returns "first, second conn third". // It is used when each element is a single word. // Empty elements are ignored completely. func joinCambridge(conn string, elements ...string) string { parts := make([]string, 0, 2+2*len(elements)) for _, element := range elements { if element != "" { parts = append(parts, ", ", element) } } if len(parts) == 0 { return "" } if len(parts) < 4 { return parts[1] } parts = append(parts[1:len(parts)-2], " ", conn, " ", parts[len(parts)-1]) return strings.Join(parts, "") } // joinOxford returns "first, second, conn third". // It is used when each element may consist of multiple words. // Empty elements are ignored completely. func joinOxford(conn string, elements ...string) string { var nonempty []string for _, element := range elements { if element != "" { nonempty = append(nonempty, element) } } if lastIndex := len(nonempty) - 1; lastIndex >= 1 { nonempty[lastIndex] = conn + " " + nonempty[lastIndex] } return strings.Join(nonempty, ", ") } var pathMatchers = make(map[string]*pathMatcher) type pathMatcher struct { matchType pathMatchType pattern string originalPattern string } func newPathMatcher(pattern string) *pathMatcher { matcher := pathMatchers[pattern] if matcher == nil { matcher = newPathMatcherUncached(pattern) pathMatchers[pattern] = matcher } return matcher } func newPathMatcherUncached(pattern string) *pathMatcher { assert(strings.IndexByte(pattern, '[') == -1) assert(strings.IndexByte(pattern, '?') == -1) stars := strings.Count(pattern, "*") assert(stars == 0 || stars == 1) switch { case stars == 0: return &pathMatcher{pmExact, pattern, pattern} case pattern[0] == '*': return &pathMatcher{pmSuffix, pattern[1:], pattern} default: assert(pattern[len(pattern)-1] == '*') return &pathMatcher{pmPrefix, pattern[:len(pattern)-1], pattern} } } func (m pathMatcher) matches(subject string) bool { switch m.matchType { case pmPrefix: return hasPrefix(subject, m.pattern) case pmSuffix: return hasSuffix(subject, m.pattern) default: return subject == m.pattern } } type pathMatchType uint8 const ( pmExact pathMatchType = iota pmPrefix pmSuffix ) // StringInterner collects commonly used strings to avoid wasting heap memory // by duplicated strings. type StringInterner struct { strs map[string]string } func NewStringInterner() StringInterner { return StringInterner{make(map[string]string)} } func (si *StringInterner) Intern(str string) string { interned, found := si.strs[str] if found { return interned } // Ensure that the original string is never stored directly in the map // since it might be a substring of a very large string. The interned // strings must be completely independent of anything from the outside, // so that the large source string can be freed afterwards. var sb strings.Builder sb.WriteString(str) key := sb.String() si.strs[key] = key return key } // StringSet stores unique strings in insertion order. type StringSet struct { Elements []string seen map[string]struct{} } func NewStringSet() StringSet { return StringSet{nil, make(map[string]struct{})} } func (s *StringSet) Add(element string) { if _, found := s.seen[element]; !found { s.seen[element] = struct{}{} s.Elements = append(s.Elements, element) } } func (s *StringSet) AddAll(elements []string) { for _, element := range elements { s.Add(element) } } // See mk/tools/ func shquote(s string) string { if matches(s, `^[!%+,\-./0-9:=@A-Z_a-z]+$`) { return s } return "'" + strings.Replace(s, "'", "'\\''", -1) + "'" } func pathMatches(pattern, s string) bool { matched, err := path.Match(pattern, s) return err == nil && matched } type CurrPathQueue struct { entries []CurrPath } func (q *CurrPathQueue) PushFront(entries ...CurrPath) { q.entries = append(append([]CurrPath(nil), entries...), q.entries...) } func (q *CurrPathQueue) Push(entries ...CurrPath) { q.entries = append(q.entries, entries...) } func (q *CurrPathQueue) IsEmpty() bool { return len(q.entries) == 0 } func (q *CurrPathQueue) Front() CurrPath { return q.entries[0] } func (q *CurrPathQueue) Pop() CurrPath { front := q.entries[0] q.entries = q.entries[1:] return front } // LazyStringBuilder builds a string that is most probably equal to an // already existing string. In that case, it avoids any memory allocations. type LazyStringBuilder struct { expected string len int usingBuf bool buf []byte } func NewLazyStringBuilder(expected string) LazyStringBuilder { return LazyStringBuilder{expected: expected} } func (b *LazyStringBuilder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { for _, c := range p { b.WriteByte(c) } return len(p), nil } func (b *LazyStringBuilder) Len() int { return b.len } func (b *LazyStringBuilder) WriteString(s string) { if !b.usingBuf && b.len+len(s) <= len(b.expected) && hasPrefix(b.expected[b.len:], s) { b.len += len(s) return } for _, c := range []byte(s) { b.WriteByte(c) } } func (b *LazyStringBuilder) WriteByte(c byte) { if !b.usingBuf && b.len < len(b.expected) && b.expected[b.len] == c { b.len++ return } b.writeToBuf(c) } func (b *LazyStringBuilder) writeToBuf(c byte) { if !b.usingBuf { if cap(b.buf) >= b.len { b.buf = b.buf[:b.len] assert(copy(b.buf, b.expected) == b.len) } else { b.buf = []byte(b.expected)[:b.len] } b.usingBuf = true } b.buf = append(b.buf, c) b.len++ } func (b *LazyStringBuilder) Reset(expected string) { b.expected = expected b.usingBuf = false b.len = 0 } func (b *LazyStringBuilder) String() string { if b.usingBuf { return string(b.buf[:b.len]) } return b.expected[:b.len] } type interval struct { min int max int } func newInterval() *interval { return &interval{int(^uint(0) >> 1), ^int(^uint(0) >> 1)} } func (i *interval) add(x int) { if x < i.min { i.min = x } if x > i.max { i.max = x } } type optInt struct { isSet bool value int } func (i *optInt) get() int { assert(i.isSet) return i.value } func (i *optInt) set(value int) { i.value = value i.isSet = true } type bag struct { // Wrapping the slice in an extra struct avoids 'receiver might be nil' // warnings. entries []bagEntry } func (b *bag) sortDesc() { es := b.entries less := func(i, j int) bool { return es[j].count < es[i].count } sort.SliceStable(es, less) } func (b *bag) opt(index int) int { if uint(index) < uint(len(b.entries)) { return b.entries[index].count } return 0 } func (b *bag) key(index int) interface{} { return b.entries[index].key } func (b *bag) add(key interface{}, count int) { b.entries = append(b.entries, bagEntry{key, count}) } func (b *bag) len() int { return len(b.entries) } type bagEntry struct { key interface{} count int } type lazyBool struct { fn func() bool value bool } func newLazyBool(fn func() bool) *lazyBool { return &lazyBool{fn, false} } func (b *lazyBool) get() bool { if b.fn != nil { b.value = b.fn() b.fn = nil } return b.value }