package main import ( "" ) type Toplevel struct { previousSubdir string subdirs []string } func CheckdirToplevel() { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call1(G.CurrentDir)() } ctx := new(Toplevel) fname := G.CurrentDir + "/Makefile" lines := LoadNonemptyLines(fname, true) if lines == nil { return } for _, line := range lines { if m, commentedOut, indentation, subdir, comment := match4(line.Text, `^(#?)SUBDIR\s*\+=(\s*)(\S+)\s*(?:#\s*(.*?)\s*|)$`); m { ctx.checkSubdir(line, commentedOut == "#", indentation, subdir, comment) } } NewMkLines(lines).Check() if G.opts.Recursive { if G.opts.CheckGlobal { G.Pkgsrc.UsedLicenses = make(map[string]bool) G.Pkgsrc.Hashes = make(map[string]*Hash) } G.Todo = append(append([]string(nil), ctx.subdirs...), G.Todo...) } } func (ctx *Toplevel) checkSubdir(line Line, commentedOut bool, indentation, subdir, comment string) { if commentedOut && comment == "" { line.Warnf("%q commented out without giving a reason.", subdir) } if indentation != "\t" { line.Warnf("Indentation should be a single tab character.") } if contains(subdir, "$") || !fileExists(G.CurrentDir+"/"+subdir+"/Makefile") { return } prev := ctx.previousSubdir switch { case subdir > prev: // Correctly ordered case subdir == prev: line.Errorf("Each subdir must only appear once.") case subdir == "archivers" && prev == "x11": // This exception is documented in the top-level Makefile. default: line.Warnf("%s should come before %s", subdir, prev) } ctx.previousSubdir = subdir if !commentedOut { ctx.subdirs = append(ctx.subdirs, G.CurrentDir+"/"+subdir) } }