package pkglint import "" type ShTokenizer struct { parser *MkParser } func NewShTokenizer(line *Line, text string, emitWarnings bool) *ShTokenizer { // TODO: Switching to NewMkParser is nontrivial since emitWarnings must equal (line != nil). // assert((line != nil) == emitWarnings) p := MkParser{line, textproc.NewLexer(text), emitWarnings} return &ShTokenizer{&p} } // ShAtom parses a basic building block of a shell program. // Examples for such atoms are: variable reference (both make and shell), // operator, text, quote, space. // // See ShQuote.Feed func (p *ShTokenizer) ShAtom(quoting ShQuoting) *ShAtom { if p.parser.EOF() { return nil } lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() if varuse := p.parser.VarUse(); varuse != nil { return &ShAtom{shtVaruse, lexer.Since(mark), quoting, varuse} } // TODO: Most probably there is a more elegant way than the large switch block below. var atom *ShAtom switch quoting { case shqPlain: atom = p.shAtomPlain() case shqDquot: atom = p.shAtomDquot() case shqSquot: atom = p.shAtomSquot() case shqBackt: atom = p.shAtomBackt() case shqSubsh: atom = p.shAtomSubsh() case shqDquotBackt: atom = p.shAtomDquotBackt() case shqBacktDquot: atom = p.shAtomBacktDquot() case shqBacktSquot: atom = p.shAtomBacktSquot() case shqSubshDquot: atom = p.shAtomSubshDquot() case shqSubshSquot: atom = p.shAtomSubshSquot() case shqSubshBackt: atom = p.shAtomSubshBackt() case shqDquotBacktDquot: atom = p.shAtomDquotBacktDquot() case shqDquotBacktSquot: atom = p.shAtomDquotBacktSquot() } if atom == nil { lexer.Reset(mark) if hasPrefix(lexer.Rest(), "$${") { p.parser.Line.Warnf("Unclosed shell variable starting at %q.", shorten(lexer.Rest(), 20)) } else { p.parser.Line.Warnf("Internal pkglint error in ShTokenizer.ShAtom at %q (quoting=%s).", lexer.Rest(), quoting) } } return atom } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomPlain() *ShAtom { const q = shqPlain if op := p.shOperator(q); op != nil { return op } lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.NextHspace() != "": return &ShAtom{shtSpace, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('"'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqDquot, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('\''): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqSquot, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('`'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqBackt, nil} case lexer.PeekByte() == '#': rest := lexer.Rest() lexer.Skip(len(rest)) return &ShAtom{shtComment, rest, q, nil} case lexer.SkipString("$$("): return &ShAtom{shtSubshell, lexer.Since(mark), shqSubsh, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, false, false) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomDquot() *ShAtom { lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('"'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqPlain, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('`'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqDquotBackt, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(shqDquot, true, false) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomSquot() *ShAtom { lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('\''): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqPlain, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(shqSquot, false, true) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomBackt() *ShAtom { const q = shqBackt if op := p.shOperator(q); op != nil { return op } lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('"'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqBacktDquot, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('`'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqPlain, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('\''): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqBacktSquot, nil} case lexer.NextHspace() != "": return &ShAtom{shtSpace, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} case lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp("^#[^`]*")): return &ShAtom{shtComment, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, false, false) } // In pkgsrc, the $(...) subshell syntax is not used, in order to preserve // compatibility with /bin/sh from Solaris 7. func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomSubsh() *ShAtom { const q = shqSubsh lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.NextHspace() != "": return &ShAtom{shtSpace, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('"'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqSubshDquot, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('\''): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqSubshSquot, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('`'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqSubshBackt, nil} case lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp(`^#[^)]*`)): return &ShAtom{shtComment, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} case lexer.SkipByte(')'): // The closing parenthesis can have multiple meanings: // - end of a subshell, such as (echo "in a subshell") // - end of a subshell variable expression, such as var=$$(echo "from a subshell") // - end of a case pattern // In the "subshell variable expression" case, the atom type // could be shtText since it is part of a text node. On the // other hand, pkglint doesn't tokenize shell programs correctly // anyway. This needs to be fixed someday. return &ShAtom{shtOperator, lexer.Since(mark), shqPlain, nil} } if op := p.shOperator(q); op != nil { return op } return p.shAtomInternal(q, false, false) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomDquotBackt() *ShAtom { const q = shqDquotBackt if op := p.shOperator(q); op != nil { return op } lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('`'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqDquot, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('"'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqDquotBacktDquot, nil} case lexer.SkipByte('\''): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqDquotBacktSquot, nil} case lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp("^#[^`]*")): return &ShAtom{shtComment, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} case lexer.NextHspace() != "": return &ShAtom{shtSpace, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, false, false) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomBacktDquot() *ShAtom { const q = shqBacktDquot lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('"'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqBackt, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, true, false) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomBacktSquot() *ShAtom { const q = shqBacktSquot lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('\''): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqBackt, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, false, true) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomSubshDquot() *ShAtom { const q = shqSubshDquot lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('"'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqSubsh, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, true, false) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomSubshSquot() *ShAtom { const q = shqSubshSquot lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('\''): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqSubsh, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, false, true) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomSubshBackt() *ShAtom { const q = shqSubshBackt lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('`'): return &ShAtom{shtOperator, lexer.Since(mark), shqSubsh, nil} case lexer.SkipHspace(): return &ShAtom{shtSpace, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, false, false) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomDquotBacktDquot() *ShAtom { const q = shqDquotBacktDquot lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('"'): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqDquotBackt, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, true, false) } func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomDquotBacktSquot() *ShAtom { const q = shqDquotBacktSquot lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipByte('\''): return &ShAtom{shtText, lexer.Since(mark), shqDquotBackt, nil} } return p.shAtomInternal(q, false, true) } // shAtomInternal reads the next shtText or shtShVarUse. // // Examples: // while // text$$,text // $$! // $$$$ // text // ${var:=default} func (p *ShTokenizer) shAtomInternal(q ShQuoting, dquot, squot bool) *ShAtom { if shVarUse := p.shVarUse(q); shVarUse != nil { return shVarUse } lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() loop: for { _ = `^[\t "$&'();<>\\|]+` // These are not allowed in shqPlain. switch { case lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp(`^[!#%*+,\-./0-9:=?@A-Z\[\]^_a-z{}~]+`)): break case dquot && lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp(`^[\t &'();<>|]+`)): break case squot && lexer.SkipByte('`'): break case squot && lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp(`^[\t "&();<>\\|]+`)): break case squot && lexer.SkipString("$$"): break case squot: break loop case lexer.SkipString("\\$$"): break case lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp(`^\\[^$]`)): break case matches(lexer.Rest(), `^\$\$[^!#(*\-0-9?@A-Z_a-z{]`): lexer.NextString("$$") case lexer.Rest() == "$$": lexer.Skip(2) case lexer.Rest() == "$": lexer.Skip(1) default: break loop } } if token := lexer.Since(mark); token != "" { return &ShAtom{shtText, token, q, nil} } return nil } // shVarUse parses a use of a shell variable, like $$var or $${var:=value}. // // See func (p *ShTokenizer) shVarUse(q ShQuoting) *ShAtom { lexer := p.parser.lexer beforeDollar := lexer.Mark() if !lexer.SkipString("$$") { return nil } if lexer.TestByteSet(textproc.Digit) { lexer.Skip(1) text := lexer.Since(beforeDollar) return &ShAtom{shtShVarUse, text, q, text[2:]} } brace := lexer.SkipByte('{') varnameStart := lexer.Mark() if !lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp(`^(?:[!#*\-?@]|\$\$|[A-Za-z_]\w*|\d+)`)) { lexer.Reset(beforeDollar) return nil } shVarname := lexer.Since(varnameStart) if shVarname == "$$" { shVarname = "$" } if brace { lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp(`^(?:##?|%%?|:?[+\-=?])[^$\\{}]*`)) if !lexer.SkipByte('}') { lexer.Reset(beforeDollar) return nil } } return &ShAtom{shtShVarUse, lexer.Since(beforeDollar), q, shVarname} } func (p *ShTokenizer) shOperator(q ShQuoting) *ShAtom { lexer := p.parser.lexer mark := lexer.Mark() switch { case lexer.SkipString("||"), lexer.SkipString("&&"), lexer.SkipString(";;"), lexer.NextBytesFunc(func(b byte) bool { return b == '\n' }) != "", lexer.SkipByte(';'), lexer.SkipByte('('), lexer.SkipByte(')'), lexer.SkipByte('|'), lexer.SkipByte('&'): return &ShAtom{shtOperator, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} case lexer.SkipRegexp(regcomp(`^\d*(?:<<-|<<|<&|<>|>>|>&|>\||<|>)`)): return &ShAtom{shtOperator, lexer.Since(mark), q, nil} } return nil } func (p *ShTokenizer) ShAtoms() []*ShAtom { var atoms []*ShAtom q := shqPlain for { atom := p.ShAtom(q) if atom == nil { return atoms } atoms = append(atoms, atom) q = atom.Quoting } } func (p *ShTokenizer) ShToken() *ShToken { var curr *ShAtom q := shqPlain prevQ := q peek := func() *ShAtom { if curr == nil { curr = p.ShAtom(q) if curr != nil { prevQ = q q = curr.Quoting } } return curr } skip := func() { curr = nil } lexer := p.parser.lexer initialMark := lexer.Mark() for peek() != nil && peek().Type == shtSpace { skip() initialMark = lexer.Mark() } if curr == nil { return nil } if !curr.Type.IsWord() && q != shqSubsh { return NewShToken(curr.MkText, curr) } var atoms []*ShAtom for { mark := lexer.Mark() peek() if curr == nil || !curr.Type.IsWord() && q == shqPlain && prevQ != shqSubsh { lexer.Reset(mark) break } atoms = append(atoms, curr) skip() } if q != shqPlain { lexer.Reset(initialMark) return nil } return NewShToken(lexer.Since(initialMark), atoms...) } func (p *ShTokenizer) Rest() string { return p.parser.Rest() }