package pkglint import ( "bytes" "io" "" "" "strings" ) // Diagnoser provides the standard way of producing errors, warnings // and notes, and explanations for them. // // For convenience, it is implemented by several types in pkglint. type Diagnoser interface { Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) Warnf(format string, args ...interface{}) Notef(format string, args ...interface{}) Explain(explanation ...string) } type Logger struct { Opts LoggerOpts out *SeparatorWriter err *SeparatorWriter suppressDiag bool suppressExpl bool prevLine *Line verbose bool // allow duplicate diagnostics, even in the same line logged Once explained Once histo *histogram.Histogram errors int warnings int notes int explanationsAvailable bool autofixAvailable bool } type LoggerOpts struct { ShowAutofix, Autofix, Explain, ShowSource, GccOutput, Quiet bool } type LogLevel struct { TraditionalName string GccName string } var ( Fatal = &LogLevel{"FATAL", "fatal"} Error = &LogLevel{"ERROR", "error"} Warn = &LogLevel{"WARN", "warning"} Note = &LogLevel{"NOTE", "note"} AutofixLogLevel = &LogLevel{"AUTOFIX", "autofix"} ) // Explain outputs an explanation for the preceding diagnostic // if the --explain option is given. Otherwise it just records // that an explanation is available. func (l *Logger) Explain(explanation ...string) { if l.suppressExpl { return } l.explanationsAvailable = true if !l.Opts.Explain { return } if !l.explained.FirstTimeSlice(explanation...) { return } // The explanation should fit nicely on a screen that is 80 // characters wide. The explanation is indented using a tab, and // there should be a little margin at the right. The resulting // number comes remarkably close to the line width recommended // by typographers, which is 66. const explanationWidth = 80 - 8 - 4 l.prevLine = nil l.out.Separate() wrapped := wrap(explanationWidth, explanation...) for _, explanationLine := range wrapped { if explanationLine != "" { l.out.Write("\t") } l.out.WriteLine(escapePrintable(explanationLine)) } l.out.WriteLine("") } // Diag logs a diagnostic. These are filtered by the --only command line option, // and duplicates are suppressed unless the --log-verbose command line option is given. // // See Logf for logging arbitrary messages. func (l *Logger) Diag(line *Line, level *LogLevel, format string, args ...interface{}) { if G.Testing { for _, arg := range args { switch arg.(type) { case int, string, error: default: // All paths in diagnostics must be relative to the line. // To achieve that, call line.Rel(currPath). _ = arg.(RelPath) } } } if l.IsAutofix() && level != Fatal { // In these two cases, the only interesting diagnostics are those that can // be fixed automatically. These are logged by Autofix.Apply. l.suppressExpl = true return } if !l.Relevant(format) { return } filename := line.Filename linenos := line.Linenos() msg := sprintf(format, args...) if !l.FirstTime(filename, linenos, msg) { l.suppressDiag = false return } if l.Opts.ShowSource { if line != l.prevLine { l.out.Separate() } l.writeSource(line) } l.Logf(level, filename, linenos, format, msg) } func (l *Logger) FirstTime(filename CurrPath, linenos, msg string) bool { if l.verbose { return true } if !l.logged.FirstTimeSlice(filename.Clean().String(), linenos, msg) { l.suppressDiag = true l.suppressExpl = true return false } return true } // Relevant decides and remembers whether the given diagnostic is relevant and should be logged. // // The result of the decision affects all log items until Relevant is called for the next time. func (l *Logger) Relevant(format string) bool { relevant := l.shallBeLogged(format) l.suppressDiag = !relevant l.suppressExpl = !relevant return relevant } // shallBeLogged tests whether a diagnostic with the given format should // be logged. // // It only inspects the --only arguments; duplicates are handled in Logger.Logf. func (l *Logger) shallBeLogged(format string) bool { if len(G.Opts.LogOnly) == 0 { return true } for _, substr := range G.Opts.LogOnly { if contains(format, substr) { return true } } return false } func (l *Logger) writeSource(line *Line) { if !G.Logger.Opts.ShowSource { return } if !l.IsAutofix() { if line == l.prevLine { return } l.prevLine = line } if !l.IsAutofix() { l.out.Separate() } if l.IsAutofix() && line.autofix != nil { for _, before := range line.autofix.linesBefore { l.writeLine("+\t", before) } l.writeDiff(line) for _, after := range line.autofix.linesAfter { l.writeLine("+\t", after) } } else { l.writeDiff(line) } if l.IsAutofix() { l.out.Separate() } } func (l *Logger) writeDiff(line *Line) { showAsChanged := func(rawLine *RawLine) bool { return l.IsAutofix() && rawLine.textnl != rawLine.orignl } rawLines := line.raw prefix := ">\t" for _, rawLine := range rawLines { if showAsChanged(rawLine) { prefix = "\t" // Make it look like an actual diff } } for _, rawLine := range rawLines { if showAsChanged(rawLine) { l.writeLine("-\t", rawLine.orignl) if rawLine.textnl != "" { l.writeLine("+\t", rawLine.textnl) } } else { l.writeLine(prefix, rawLine.orignl) } } } func (l *Logger) writeLine(prefix, line string) { out := l.out out.Write(prefix) out.Write(escapePrintable(line)) if !hasSuffix(line, "\n") { out.Write("\n") } } // IsAutofix returns whether one of the --show-autofix or --autofix options is active. func (l *Logger) IsAutofix() bool { return l.Opts.Autofix || l.Opts.ShowAutofix } func (l *Logger) Logf(level *LogLevel, filename CurrPath, lineno, format, msg string) { if l.suppressDiag { l.suppressDiag = false return } if G.Testing { if level != Error { assertf( !contains(format, "must"), "The word \"must\" must only appear in errors: %s", format) } if level != Warn && level != Note { assertf( !contains(format, "should"), "The word \"should\" must only appear in warnings: %s", format) } } if G.Testing && format != autofixFormat { if textproc.Alpha.Contains(format[0]) { assertf( textproc.Upper.Contains(format[0]), "Diagnostic %q must start with an uppercase letter.", format) } if !hasSuffix(format, ": %s") && !hasSuffix(format, ". %s") { assertf(hasSuffix(format, "."), "Diagnostic format %q must end in a period.", format) } } if !filename.IsEmpty() { filename = filename.CleanPath() } if G.Opts.Profiling && format != autofixFormat && level != Fatal { l.histo.Add(format, 1) } out := l.out if level == Fatal { out = l.err } filenameSep := condStr(!filename.IsEmpty(), ": ", "") effLineno := condStr(!filename.IsEmpty(), lineno, "") linenoSep := condStr(effLineno != "", ":", "") var diag string if l.Opts.GccOutput { diag = sprintf("%s%s%s%s%s: %s\n", filename, linenoSep, effLineno, filenameSep, level.GccName, msg) } else { diag = sprintf("%s%s%s%s%s: %s\n", level.TraditionalName, filenameSep, filename, linenoSep, effLineno, msg) } out.Write(escapePrintable(diag)) switch level { case Fatal: panic(pkglintFatal{}) case Error: l.errors++ case Warn: l.warnings++ case Note: l.notes++ } } // TechErrorf logs a technical error on the error output. // // For diagnostics, use Logf instead. func (l *Logger) TechErrorf(location CurrPath, format string, args ...interface{}) { msg := sprintf(format, args...) locationStr := "" if !location.IsEmpty() { locationStr = location.String() + ": " } var diag string if l.Opts.GccOutput { diag = sprintf("%s%s: %s\n", locationStr, Error.GccName, msg) } else { diag = sprintf("%s: %s%s\n", Error.TraditionalName, locationStr, msg) } l.err.Write(escapePrintable(diag)) } func (l *Logger) ShowSummary(args []string) { if l.Opts.Quiet || l.Opts.Autofix { return } if l.Opts.ShowSource { l.out.Separate() } if l.errors != 0 || l.warnings != 0 { num := func(n int, singular, plural string) string { if n == 0 { return "" } else if n == 1 { return sprintf("%d %s", n, singular) } else { return sprintf("%d %s", n, plural) } } l.out.Write(sprintf("%s found.\n", joinSkipEmptyCambridge("and", num(l.errors, "error", "errors"), num(l.warnings, "warning", "warnings"), num(l.notes, "note", "notes")))) } else { l.out.WriteLine("Looks fine.") } commandLine := func(arg string) string { argv := append([]string{args[0], arg}, args[1:]...) for i := range argv { argv[i] = shquote(argv[i]) } return strings.Join(argv, " ") } if l.explanationsAvailable && !l.Opts.Explain { l.out.WriteLine(sprintf("(Run \"%s\" to show explanations.)", commandLine("-e"))) } if l.autofixAvailable { if !l.Opts.ShowAutofix { l.out.WriteLine(sprintf("(Run \"%s\" to show what can be fixed automatically.)", commandLine("-fs"))) } l.out.WriteLine(sprintf("(Run \"%s\" to automatically fix some issues.)", commandLine("-F"))) } } // SeparatorWriter writes output, occasionally separated by an // empty line. This is used for separating the diagnostics when // --source is combined with --show-autofix, where each // log message consists of multiple lines. type SeparatorWriter struct { out io.Writer state uint8 // 0 = beginning of line, 1 = in line, 2 = separator wanted, 3 = paragraph line bytes.Buffer } func NewSeparatorWriter(out io.Writer) *SeparatorWriter { assertNotNil(out) return &SeparatorWriter{out, 3, bytes.Buffer{}} } func (wr *SeparatorWriter) WriteLine(text string) { wr.Write(text) wr.write('\n') } func (wr *SeparatorWriter) Write(text string) { for _, b := range []byte(text) { wr.write(b) } } // Separate remembers to output an empty line before the next character. // // The writer must not be in the middle of a line. func (wr *SeparatorWriter) Separate() { assert(wr.state != 1) if wr.state < 2 { wr.state = 2 } } func (wr *SeparatorWriter) write(b byte) { if b == '\n' { if wr.state == 1 { wr.state = 0 } else { wr.state = 3 } wr.line.WriteByte('\n') wr.Flush() return } if wr.state == 2 { wr.line.WriteByte('\n') wr.Flush() } wr.state = 1 wr.line.WriteByte(b) } func (wr *SeparatorWriter) Flush() { _, _ = io.Copy(wr.out, &wr.line) wr.line.Reset() }