package pkglint import ( "" "os" "runtime" "strings" ) func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Warnf__duplicate(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) line := t.NewLine("DESCR", 1, "Description of the package") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Warning 1.") t.ExpectPanic( func() { fix.Warnf("Warning 2.") }, "Pkglint internal error: Autofix can only have a single diagnostic.") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__default_leaves_line_unchanged(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--source") mklines := t.SetUpFileMkLines("Makefile", "# row 1 \\", "continuation of row 1") line := mklines.lines.Lines[0] fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Row should be replaced with line.") fix.Replace("row", "line") fix.ReplaceRegex(`row \d+`, "the above line", -1) fix.InsertBefore("above") fix.InsertAfter("below") fix.Delete() fix.Apply() c.Check(fix.RawText(), equals, ""+ "# row 1 \\\n"+ "continuation of row 1\n") t.CheckOutputLines( ">\t# row 1 \\", ">\tcontinuation of row 1", "WARN: ~/Makefile:1--2: Row should be replaced with line.") c.Check(fix.modified, equals, true) } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__show_autofix_modifies_line(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--source", "--show-autofix") mklines := t.SetUpFileMkLines("Makefile", "# row 1 \\", "continuation of row 1") line := mklines.lines.Lines[0] fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Row should be replaced with line.") fix.ReplaceAfter("", "row", "line") fix.ReplaceRegex(`row \d+`, "the above line", -1) fix.InsertBefore("above") fix.InsertAfter("below") fix.Delete() fix.Apply() c.Check(fix.RawText(), equals, ""+ "above\n"+ "below\n") t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: ~/Makefile:1--2: Row should be replaced with line.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:1: Replacing \"row\" with \"line\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"row 1\" with \"the above line\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:1: Inserting a line \"above\" before this line.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Inserting a line \"below\" after this line.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:1: Deleting this line.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Deleting this line.", "+\tabove", "-\t# row 1 \\", "-\tcontinuation of row 1", "+\tbelow") c.Check(fix.modified, equals, true) } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_ReplaceAfter__autofix(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix", "--source") mklines := t.SetUpFileMkLines("Makefile", "# line 1 \\", "continuation 1 \\", "continuation 2") fix := mklines.lines.Lines[0].Autofix() fix.Warnf("N should be replaced with V.") fix.ReplaceAfter("", "n", "v") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:1: Replacing \"n\" with \"v\".", "-\t# line 1 \\", "+\t# live 1 \\", "\tcontinuation 1 \\", "\tcontinuation 2") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_ReplaceRegex__show_autofix(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix") lines := t.SetUpFileLines("Makefile", "line1", "line2", "line3") fix := lines.Lines[1].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Something's wrong here.") fix.ReplaceRegex(`.`, "X", -1) fix.Apply() SaveAutofixChanges(lines) c.Check(lines.Lines[1].raw[0].textnl, equals, "XXXXX\n") t.CheckFileLines("Makefile", "line1", "line2", "line3") t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: ~/Makefile:2: Something's wrong here.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"l\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"i\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"n\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"e\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"2\" with \"X\".") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_ReplaceRegex__autofix(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix", "--source") lines := t.SetUpFileLines("Makefile", "line1", "line2", "line3") fix := lines.Lines[1].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Something's wrong here.") fix.ReplaceRegex(`.`, "X", 3) fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"l\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"i\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"n\" with \"X\".", "-\tline2", "+\tXXXe2") // After calling fix.Apply above, the autofix is ready to be used again. fix.Warnf("Use Y instead of X.") fix.Replace("X", "Y") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"X\" with \"Y\".", "-\tline2", "+\tYXXe2") SaveAutofixChanges(lines) t.CheckFileLines("Makefile", "line1", "YXXe2", "line3") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_ReplaceRegex__show_autofix_and_source(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--source") lines := t.SetUpFileLines("Makefile", "line1", "line2", "line3") fix := lines.Lines[1].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Something's wrong here.") fix.ReplaceRegex(`.`, "X", -1) fix.Apply() fix.Warnf("Use Y instead of X.") fix.Replace("X", "Y") fix.Apply() SaveAutofixChanges(lines) t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: ~/Makefile:2: Something's wrong here.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"l\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"i\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"n\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"e\" with \"X\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"2\" with \"X\".", "-\tline2", "+\tXXXXX", "", "WARN: ~/Makefile:2: Use Y instead of X.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Replacing \"X\" with \"Y\".", "-\tline2", "+\tYXXXX") } func (s *Suite) Test_SaveAutofixChanges(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix") lines := t.SetUpFileLines("example.txt", "line1 := value1", "line2 := value2", "line3 := value3") fix := lines.Lines[1].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Something's wrong here.") fix.ReplaceRegex(`...`, "XXX", 2) fix.Apply() SaveAutofixChanges(lines) t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: ~/example.txt:2: Replacing \"lin\" with \"XXX\".", "AUTOFIX: ~/example.txt:2: Replacing \"e2 \" with \"XXX\".") t.CheckFileLines("example.txt", "line1 := value1", "XXXXXX:= value2", "line3 := value3") } func (s *Suite) Test_SaveAutofixChanges__no_changes_necessary(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix") lines := t.SetUpFileLines("DESCR", "Line 1", "Line 2") fix := lines.Lines[0].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Dummy warning.") fix.Replace("X", "Y") fix.Apply() // Since nothing has been effectively changed, // nothing needs to be saved. SaveAutofixChanges(lines) // And therefore, no AUTOFIX action must appear in the log. t.CheckOutputEmpty() } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__multiple_fixes(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--explain") line := t.NewLine("filename", 1, "original") c.Check(line.autofix, check.IsNil) c.Check(line.raw, check.DeepEquals, t.NewRawLines(1, "original\n")) { fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf(SilentAutofixFormat) fix.ReplaceRegex(`(.)(.*)(.)`, "lriginao", 1) // XXX: the replacement should be "$3$2$1" fix.Apply() } c.Check(line.autofix, check.NotNil) c.Check(line.raw, check.DeepEquals, t.NewRawLines(1, "original\n", "lriginao\n")) t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: filename:1: Replacing \"original\" with \"lriginao\".") { fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf(SilentAutofixFormat) fix.Replace("i", "u") fix.Apply() } c.Check(line.autofix, check.NotNil) c.Check(line.raw, check.DeepEquals, t.NewRawLines(1, "original\n", "lruginao\n")) c.Check(line.raw[0].textnl, equals, "lruginao\n") t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: filename:1: Replacing \"i\" with \"u\".") { fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf(SilentAutofixFormat) fix.Replace("lruginao", "middle") fix.Apply() } c.Check(line.autofix, check.NotNil) c.Check(line.raw, check.DeepEquals, t.NewRawLines(1, "original\n", "middle\n")) c.Check(line.raw[0].textnl, equals, "middle\n") t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: filename:1: Replacing \"lruginao\" with \"middle\".") c.Check(line.raw[0].textnl, equals, "middle\n") t.CheckOutputEmpty() { fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf(SilentAutofixFormat) fix.Delete() fix.Apply() } c.Check(line.Autofix().RawText(), equals, "") t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: filename:1: Deleting this line.") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Explain__without_explain_option(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 74, "line1") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Please write row instead of line.") fix.Replace("line", "row") fix.Explain("Explanation") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:74: Please write row instead of line.") c.Check(G.explanationsAvailable, equals, true) } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Explain__default(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--explain") line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 74, "line1") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Please write row instead of line.") fix.Replace("line", "row") fix.Explain("Explanation") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:74: Please write row instead of line.", "", "\tExplanation", "") c.Check(G.explanationsAvailable, equals, true) } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Explain__show_autofix(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--explain") line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 74, "line1") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Please write row instead of line.") fix.Replace("line", "row") fix.Explain("Explanation") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:74: Please write row instead of line.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:74: Replacing \"line\" with \"row\".", "", "\tExplanation", "") c.Check(G.explanationsAvailable, equals, true) } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Explain__autofix(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix", "--explain") line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 74, "line1") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Please write row instead of line.") fix.Replace("line", "row") fix.Explain("Explanation") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: Makefile:74: Replacing \"line\" with \"row\".") c.Check(G.explanationsAvailable, equals, false) // Not necessary. } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Explain__SilentAutofixFormat(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--explain") line := t.NewLine("example.txt", 1, "Text") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf(SilentAutofixFormat) t.ExpectPanic( func() { fix.Explain("Explanation for inserting a line before.") }, "Pkglint internal error: Autofix: Silent fixes cannot have an explanation.") } // To combine a silent diagnostic with an explanation, two separate autofixes // are necessary. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Explain__silent_with_diagnostic(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--explain") line := t.NewLine("example.txt", 1, "Text") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf(SilentAutofixFormat) fix.InsertBefore("before") fix.Apply() fix.Notef("This diagnostic is necessary for the following explanation.") fix.Explain( "When inserting multiple lines, Apply must be called in-between.", "Otherwise the changes are not described to the human reader.") fix.InsertAfter("after") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "NOTE: example.txt:1: This diagnostic is necessary for the following explanation.", "", "\tWhen inserting multiple lines, Apply must be called in-between.", "\tOtherwise the changes are not described to the human reader.", "") c.Check(fix.RawText(), equals, "Text\n") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__show_autofix_and_source_continuation_line(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--source") mklines := t.SetUpFileMkLines("Makefile", MkRcsID, "# before \\", "The old song \\", "after") line := mklines.lines.Lines[1] fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Using \"old\" is deprecated.") fix.Replace("old", "new") fix.Apply() // Using a tab for indentation preserves the exact layout in the output // since in pkgsrc Makefiles, tabs are also used in the middle of the line // to align the variable values. Using a single space for indentation would // make some of the lines appear misaligned in the pkglint output although // they are correct in the Makefiles. t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: ~/Makefile:2--4: Using \"old\" is deprecated.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:3: Replacing \"old\" with \"new\".", "\t# before \\", "-\tThe old song \\", "+\tThe new song \\", "\tafter") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_InsertBefore(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--source") line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 30, "original") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Dummy.") fix.InsertBefore("inserted") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:30: Dummy.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:30: Inserting a line \"inserted\" before this line.", "+\tinserted", ">\toriginal") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Delete(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--source") line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 30, "to be deleted") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Dummy.") fix.Delete() fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:30: Dummy.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:30: Deleting this line.", "-\tto be deleted") } // Deleting a line from a Makefile also deletes its continuation lines. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Delete__continuation_line(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--source") mklines := t.SetUpFileMkLines("Makefile", MkRcsID, "# line 1 \\", "continued") line := mklines.lines.Lines[1] fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Dummy warning.") fix.Delete() fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: ~/Makefile:2--3: Dummy warning.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:2: Deleting this line.", "AUTOFIX: ~/Makefile:3: Deleting this line.", "-\t# line 1 \\", "-\tcontinued") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Delete__combined_with_insert(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--source") line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 30, "to be deleted") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("This line should be replaced completely.") fix.Delete() fix.InsertAfter("below") fix.InsertBefore("above") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:30: This line should be replaced completely.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:30: Deleting this line.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:30: Inserting a line \"below\" after this line.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:30: Inserting a line \"above\" before this line.", "+\tabove", "-\tto be deleted", "+\tbelow") } // Demonstrates that without the --show-autofix option, diagnostics are // shown even when they cannot be autofixed. // // This is typical when an autofix is provided for simple scenarios, // but the code actually found is a little more complicated. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__show_unfixable_diagnostics_in_default_mode(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--source") lines := t.NewLines("Makefile", "line1", "line2", "line3") lines.Lines[0].Warnf("This warning is shown since the --show-autofix option is not given.") fix := lines.Lines[1].Autofix() fix.Warnf("This warning cannot be fixed and is therefore not shown.") fix.Replace("XXX", "TODO") fix.Apply() fix.Warnf("This warning cannot be fixed automatically but should be shown anyway.") fix.Replace("XXX", "TODO") fix.Anyway() fix.Apply() // If this warning should ever appear it is probably because fix.anyway is not reset properly. fix.Warnf("This warning cannot be fixed and is therefore not shown.") fix.Replace("XXX", "TODO") fix.Apply() lines.Lines[2].Warnf("This warning is also shown.") t.CheckOutputLines( ">\tline1", "WARN: Makefile:1: This warning is shown since the --show-autofix option is not given.", "", ">\tline2", "WARN: Makefile:2: This warning cannot be fixed automatically but should be shown anyway.", "", ">\tline3", "WARN: Makefile:3: This warning is also shown.") } // Demonstrates that the --show-autofix option only shows those diagnostics // that would be fixed. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__suppress_unfixable_warnings_with_show_autofix(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix", "--source") lines := t.NewLines("Makefile", "line1", "line2", "line3") lines.Lines[0].Warnf("This warning is not shown since it is not part of a fix.") fix := lines.Lines[1].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Something's wrong here.") fix.ReplaceRegex(`.....`, "XXX", 1) fix.Apply() fix.Warnf("Since XXX marks are usually not fixed, use TODO instead to draw attention.") fix.Replace("XXX", "TODO") fix.Apply() lines.Lines[2].Warnf("Neither is this warning shown.") t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:2: Something's wrong here.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:2: Replacing \"line2\" with \"XXX\".", "-\tline2", "+\tXXX", "", "WARN: Makefile:2: Since XXX marks are usually not fixed, use TODO instead to draw attention.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:2: Replacing \"XXX\" with \"TODO\".", "-\tline2", "+\tTODO") } // If an Autofix doesn't do anything, it must not log any diagnostics. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__noop_replace(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 14, "Original text") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("All-uppercase words should not be used at all.") fix.ReplaceRegex(`\b[A-Z]{3,}\b`, "---censored---", -1) fix.Apply() // No output since there was no all-uppercase word in the text. t.CheckOutputEmpty() } // When using Autofix.Custom, it is tricky to get all the details right. // For best results, see the existing examples and the documentation. // // Since this custom fix only operates on the text of the current line, // it can handle both the --show-autofix and the --autofix cases using // the same code. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Custom__in_memory(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) lines := t.NewLines("Makefile", "line1", "line2", "line3") doFix := func(line Line) { fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Please write in ALL-UPPERCASE.") fix.Custom(func(showAutofix, autofix bool) { fix.Describef(int(line.firstLine), "Converting to uppercase") if showAutofix || autofix { line.Text = strings.ToUpper(line.Text) } }) fix.Apply() } doFix(lines.Lines[0]) t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:1: Please write in ALL-UPPERCASE.") t.SetUpCommandLine("--show-autofix") doFix(lines.Lines[1]) t.CheckOutputLines( "WARN: Makefile:2: Please write in ALL-UPPERCASE.", "AUTOFIX: Makefile:2: Converting to uppercase") c.Check(lines.Lines[1].Text, equals, "LINE2") t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix") doFix(lines.Lines[2]) t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: Makefile:3: Converting to uppercase") c.Check(lines.Lines[2].Text, equals, "LINE3") } // Since the diagnostic doesn't contain the string "few", nothing happens. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_skip(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--only", "few", "--autofix") mklines := t.SetUpFileMkLines("filename", "VAR=\t111 222 333 444 555 \\", "666") lines := mklines.lines fix := lines.Lines[0].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Many.") fix.Explain( "Explanation.") // None of the following actions has any effect because of the --only option above. fix.Replace("111", "___") fix.ReplaceAfter(" ", "222", "___") fix.ReplaceRegex(`\d+`, "___", 1) fix.InsertBefore("before") fix.InsertAfter("after") fix.Delete() fix.Custom(func(showAutofix, autofix bool) {}) fix.Realign(mklines.mklines[0], 32) fix.Apply() SaveAutofixChanges(lines) t.CheckOutputEmpty() t.CheckFileLines("filename", "VAR=\t111 222 333 444 555 \\", "666") c.Check(fix.RawText(), equals, ""+ "VAR=\t111 222 333 444 555 \\\n"+ "666\n") } // Demonstrates how to filter log messages. // The --autofix option can restrict the fixes to exactly one group or topic. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Apply__only(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix", "--source", "--only", "interesting") line := t.NewLine("Makefile", 27, "The old song") // Is completely ignored, including any autofixes. fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Using \"old\" is deprecated.") fix.Replace("old", "new1") fix.Apply() fix.Warnf("Using \"old\" is interesting.") fix.Replace("old", "new2") fix.Apply() t.CheckOutputLines( "AUTOFIX: Makefile:27: Replacing \"old\" with \"new2\".", "-\tThe old song", "+\tThe new2 song") } func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Apply__panic(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) line := t.NewLine("filename", 123, "text") t.ExpectPanic( func() { fix := line.Autofix() fix.Apply() }, "Pkglint internal error: Each autofix must have a log level and a diagnostic.") t.ExpectPanic( func() { fix := line.Autofix() fix.Replace("from", "to") fix.Apply() }, "Pkglint internal error: Autofix: The diagnostic must be given before the action.") t.ExpectPanic( func() { fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("Warning without period") fix.Apply() }, "Pkglint internal error: Autofix: format \"Warning without period\" must end with a period.") } // Ensures that empty lines are logged between the diagnostics, // even when combining normal warnings and autofix warnings. // // Up to 2018-10-27, pkglint didn't insert the required empty line in this case. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix_Apply__explanation_followed_by_note(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--source") line := t.NewLine("README.txt", 123, "text") fix := line.Autofix() fix.Warnf("A warning with autofix.") fix.Explain("Explanation.") fix.Replace("text", "Text") fix.Apply() line.Notef("A note without fix.") t.CheckOutputLines( ">\ttext", "WARN: README.txt:123: A warning with autofix.", "", ">\ttext", "NOTE: README.txt:123: A note without fix.") } func (s *Suite) Test_SaveAutofixChanges__file_removed(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix") lines := t.SetUpFileLines("subdir/file.txt", "line 1") _ = os.RemoveAll(t.File("subdir")) fix := lines.Lines[0].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Should start with an uppercase letter.") fix.Replace("line", "Line") fix.Apply() SaveAutofixChanges(lines) c.Check(t.Output(), check.Matches, ""+ "AUTOFIX: ~/subdir/file.txt:1: Replacing \"line\" with \"Line\".\n"+ "ERROR: ~/subdir/file.txt.pkglint.tmp: Cannot write: .*\n") } func (s *Suite) Test_SaveAutofixChanges__file_busy_Windows(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) if runtime.GOOS != "windows" { return } t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix") lines := t.SetUpFileLines("subdir/file.txt", "line 1") // As long as the file is kept open, it cannot be overwritten or deleted. openFile, err := os.OpenFile(t.File("subdir/file.txt"), 0, 0666) defer openFile.Close() c.Check(err, check.IsNil) fix := lines.Lines[0].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Should start with an uppercase letter.") fix.Replace("line", "Line") fix.Apply() SaveAutofixChanges(lines) c.Check(t.Output(), check.Matches, ""+ "AUTOFIX: ~/subdir/file.txt:1: Replacing \"line\" with \"Line\".\n"+ "ERROR: ~/subdir/file.txt.pkglint.tmp: Cannot overwrite with autofixed content: .*\n") } // This test covers the highly unlikely situation in which a file is loaded // by pkglint, and just before writing the autofixed content back, another // process takes the file and replaces it with a directory of the same name. // // 100% code coverage sometimes requires creativity. :) func (s *Suite) Test_SaveAutofixChanges__cannot_overwrite(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("--autofix") lines := t.SetUpFileLines("file.txt", "line 1") c.Check(os.RemoveAll(t.File("file.txt")), check.IsNil) c.Check(os.MkdirAll(t.File("file.txt"), 0777), check.IsNil) fix := lines.Lines[0].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Should start with an uppercase letter.") fix.Replace("line", "Line") fix.Apply() SaveAutofixChanges(lines) c.Check(t.Output(), check.Matches, ""+ "AUTOFIX: ~/file.txt:1: Replacing \"line\" with \"Line\".\n"+ "ERROR: ~/file.txt.pkglint.tmp: Cannot overwrite with autofixed content: .*\n") } // Up to 2018-11-25, pkglint in some cases logged only the source without // a corresponding warning. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__lonely_source(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("-Wall", "--source") G.Logger.Opts.LogVerbose = false // For realistic conditions; otherwise all diagnostics are logged. t.SetUpPackage("x11/xorg-cf-files", ".include \"../../x11/xorgproto/\"") t.SetUpPackage("x11/xorgproto", "DISTNAME=\txorgproto-1.0") t.CreateFileDummyBuildlink3("x11/xorgproto/") t.CreateFileLines("x11/xorgproto/", MkRcsID, "", "BUILTIN_PKG:=\txorgproto", "", "PRE_XORGPROTO_LIST_MISSING =\tapplewmproto", "", ".for id in ${PRE_XORGPROTO_LIST_MISSING}", ".endfor") G.Pkgsrc.LoadInfrastructure() t.Chdir(".") G.Check("x11/xorg-cf-files") G.Check("x11/xorgproto") t.CheckOutputLines( ">\tPRE_XORGPROTO_LIST_MISSING =\tapplewmproto", "NOTE: x11/xorgproto/ Unnecessary space after variable name \"PRE_XORGPROTO_LIST_MISSING\".") } // Up to 2018-11-26, pkglint in some cases logged only the source without // a corresponding warning. func (s *Suite) Test_Autofix__lonely_source_2(c *check.C) { t := s.Init(c) t.SetUpCommandLine("-Wall", "--source", "--explain") G.Logger.Opts.LogVerbose = false // For realistic conditions; otherwise all diagnostics are logged. t.SetUpPackage("print/tex-bibtex8", "MAKE_FLAGS+=\tCFLAGS=${CFLAGS.${PKGSRC_COMPILER}}") G.Pkgsrc.LoadInfrastructure() t.Chdir(".") G.Check("print/tex-bibtex8") t.CheckOutputLines( ">\tMAKE_FLAGS+=\tCFLAGS=${CFLAGS.${PKGSRC_COMPILER}}", "WARN: print/tex-bibtex8/Makefile:20: Please use ${CFLAGS.${PKGSRC_COMPILER}:Q} instead of ${CFLAGS.${PKGSRC_COMPILER}}.", "", "\tSee the pkgsrc guide, section \"Echoing a string exactly as-is\":", "\t", "", ">\tMAKE_FLAGS+=\tCFLAGS=${CFLAGS.${PKGSRC_COMPILER}}", "WARN: print/tex-bibtex8/Makefile:20: The list variable PKGSRC_COMPILER should not be embedded in a word.", "", "\tWhen a list variable has multiple elements, this expression expands", "\tto something unexpected:", "", "\tExample: ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE}directory/ expands to", "", "\t\t", "", "\tThe first URL is missing the directory. To fix this, write", "\t\t${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=directory/}.", "", "\tExample: -l${LIBS} expands to", "", "\t\t-llib1 lib2", "", "\tThe second library is missing the -l. To fix this, write", "\t${LIBS:S,^,-l,}.", "") } // RawText returns the raw text of the fixed line, including line ends. // This may differ from the original text when the --show-autofix // or --autofix options are enabled. func (fix *Autofix) RawText() string { var text strings.Builder for _, lineBefore := range fix.linesBefore { text.WriteString(lineBefore) } for _, raw := range fix.line.raw { text.WriteString(raw.textnl) } for _, lineAfter := range fix.linesAfter { text.WriteString(lineAfter) } return text.String() }