# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2014/10/09 14:05:53 wiz Exp $ DISTNAME= makeself-2.1.4 CATEGORIES= archivers MASTER_SITES= http://www.megastep.org/makeself/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .run MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= http://www.megastep.org/makeself/ COMMENT= Neat script to make self-extracting archives REPLACE_SH= makeself.sh NO_BUILD= yes INSTALLATION_DIRS= bin # The DISPLAY thing is to prevent the script from trying to launch a xterm # just to extract the source. pre-patch: cd ${WRKDIR} && ${SETENV} DISPLAY="" ${SH} ${DISTFILES} do-install: ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/makeself.sh \ ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/makeself .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"