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make: on error, print the targets to be made This helps to understand situations with several nested sub-makes in varying directories.
make(1): fix exit status in -k mode if a dependency fails Whether in -k mode or not, the exit status tells whether all requested targets were made or not. If a dependency could not be made, the main target was not made as well, therefore the exit status must be nonzero in such a case. This part of the code lacked proper unit tests until today. The unit test deptgt-end-fail.mk is compatible with make>=2003 at least, allowing to compare the output over time. In 2003, in the ok-ok-ok-ok case, "Making all from all-dep." was printed twice in a row, for whatever reason ... (40 minutes later) ... If I had just made the two commands for 'all' and '.END' more distinguishable. Back in 2003, the local variables for .END had not been initialized, instead the .END node was run with the local variables of the last preceding node. In this case, that node was 'all', therefore ${.TARGET} had obviously expanded to 'all'. Somewhere in 2004, the shell commands were no longer run with the -e flag, which resulted in the "exit status $?" line to be printed in cases that had stopped early before. Somewhere in 2005, the local variables for the .END node had been fixed. The variable ${.TARGET} now had the value '.END', just as expected. In addition, the dependencies for the .END node were made, although without getting their proper local variables. This resulted in the output "Making out of nothing" instead of the expected "Making end-dep out of nothing". Still in 2005, in the test case "all=ok all-dep=ok end=ok end-dep=ERR", the error code of the failed 'end-dep' was first reported as "*** Error code 1 (continuing)". To compensate for this improvement, a new bug had been introduced. The test case "all=ok all-dep=ok end=ERR end-dep=ERR" had properly exited with status 1 on 2005-01-01, but on 2006-01-01 it exited with status 0, thereby ignoring errors in the .END node. Somewhere in 2008, some of the error messages (but not all) were directed to stderr instead of stdout. The actual output stayed the same though. Somewhere in 2011, the dependency of the .END node got its own local variables, and ${.TARGET} now expanded to 'end-dep', as expected. Somewhere in 2016, the two empty lines between the "*** Error code 1 (continuing)" and the "Stop." got compressed into a single empty line. On 2020-12-07 (that is, today), the exit status 1 has been restored in the error cases, after it had been wrong for at least 14 years.
make(1): switch some tests to line-buffered stdout On Alpine Linux, the output was not in the same order as on NetBSD, at least since bmake-20200902. The mixture of block-buffered output from child processes and make itself was hard to predict anyway. Switching to line-buffered stdout improves the stability of the tests.
make(1): add tests for the -i -k -v -V -W options
make(1): add dummies for fine-grained tests, one per single feature The test names have been derived from the current manual page. All these tests are dummies right now, and the code from the existing tests will be moved into the new tests step by step. This is done to prevent modmisc, escape, varmod-edge and varmisc from growing without any bounds, and to reduce the side-effects of one test to the others.