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CVS log for src/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/

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Revision 1.5: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jul 13 15:10:06 2024 UTC (6 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +21 -3 lines
tests/make: demonstrate interrupting make in compat mode

Revision 1.4: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Mar 18 22:20:12 2023 UTC (22 months ago) by sjg
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: perseant-exfatfs-base-20240630, perseant-exfatfs-base, perseant-exfatfs
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +2 -2 lines
make: handle .PHONY consitently on interrupt

JobDeleteTarget skips .PHONY targets
CompatDeleteTarget should do the same

This addresses

Revision 1.3: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Nov 15 14:07:53 2020 UTC (4 years, 2 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: netbsd-10-base, netbsd-10-1-RELEASE, netbsd-10-0-RELEASE, netbsd-10-0-RC6, netbsd-10-0-RC5, netbsd-10-0-RC4, netbsd-10-0-RC3, netbsd-10-0-RC2, netbsd-10-0-RC1, netbsd-10, cjep_sun2x-base1, cjep_sun2x-base, cjep_sun2x, cjep_staticlib_x-base1, cjep_staticlib_x-base, cjep_staticlib_x
Diff to: previous 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.2: +2 -2 lines
make(1): clean up some tests

Fix some mistakes in comments.

Improve some comments to be easier understandable.

Inline variables that are irrelevant for the test at hand (RUN,

Remove references to functions and constants that have since been removed
or renamed.

Revision 1.2: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Aug 28 18:16:22 2020 UTC (4 years, 4 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +33 -18 lines
make(1): fix test for interrupted command execution

In the first version of this test, I had completely misunderstood the
whole topic.

To test the interrupt, the make process has to be interrupted, not the
shell.  This generates the correct message that the target is removed.

The filename for .PHONY targets is removed even though .PHONY targets
usually don't correspond to a file.  The message is only printed if
there actually is a corresponding file.  That's why this message does
not appear when interrupting "make clean".

Finally, since files get created and removed during a single run of
make, the file cache needs to be disabled.  This is done by prefixing
the filenames with "././", see Dir_FindFile.

Revision 1.1: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Aug 28 15:40:53 2020 UTC (4 years, 4 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
make(1): add test for interrupting a command

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