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CVS log for src/tests/usr.bin/xlint/lint1/op_shl_lp64.c

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Revision 1.5: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Mar 28 14:44:35 2023 UTC (20 months, 1 week ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: perseant-exfatfs-base-20240630, perseant-exfatfs-base, perseant-exfatfs, HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +2 -1 lines
lint: warn about extern declarations outside headers

Revision 1.4: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Aug 19 19:40:39 2022 UTC (2 years, 3 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: netbsd-10-base, netbsd-10-0-RELEASE, netbsd-10-0-RC6, netbsd-10-0-RC5, netbsd-10-0-RC4, netbsd-10-0-RC3, netbsd-10-0-RC2, netbsd-10-0-RC1, netbsd-10
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +2 -2 lines
lint: add more details to message about large bit-shifts

Revision 1.3: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Aug 21 11:50:57 2021 UTC (3 years, 3 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.2: +2 -2 lines
tests/lint: guard against typos in test environment configuration

Some tests had "lint1-only-if" without a trailing colon, others included
the trailing colon.  The tests that included the trailing colon were run
even though they were supposed to be skipped, and they failed, as could
be expected.

To prevent further typos, always require the trailing colon, just as in
"lint1-flags" and fail fast on unknown "lint1" comments.

Revision 1.2: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jul 31 19:52:44 2021 UTC (3 years, 4 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +14 -7 lines
lint: improve support for __int128_t and __uint128_t

For the .ln files, I chose the letter 'J' to represent the 128-bit
integer types since it is close to 'I' for int.  The naming of 'L' for
'long' is obvious, but 'Q' for 64-bit integers is a quad-16-bit word,
which is an unusual measurement unit nowadays.  One benefit of choosing
'J' is that the next letter, 'K' can then be used for 256-bit integer

Support for 128-bit integer types is still very basic.  Plus, it is only
supported on LP64 platforms, which means that lint cannot be
cross-compiled to check for an LP64 platform while running on an ILP32

Revision 1.1: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Jul 4 20:22:31 2021 UTC (3 years, 5 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
test/lint: demonstrate wrong warnings for 128-bit shifts

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