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CVS log for src/sys/external/bsd/drm/dist/bsd-core/drm_pciids.h

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Default branch: MAIN

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jun 10 22:07:54 2019 UTC (5 years, 6 months ago) by christos
Branches: phil-wifi
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +0 -13 lines
Sync with HEAD

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Sat Jul 28 04:37:59 2018 UTC (6 years, 4 months ago) by pgoyette
Branches: pgoyette-compat
CVS tags: pgoyette-compat-merge-20190127
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +0 -13 lines
Sync with HEAD

Revision 1.9: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Jul 10 17:01:43 2018 UTC (6 years, 5 months ago) by maya
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: thorpej-ifq-base, thorpej-ifq, thorpej-i2c-spi-conf2-base, thorpej-i2c-spi-conf2, thorpej-i2c-spi-conf-base, thorpej-i2c-spi-conf, thorpej-futex2-base, thorpej-futex2, thorpej-futex-base, thorpej-futex, thorpej-cfargs2-base, thorpej-cfargs2, thorpej-cfargs-base, thorpej-cfargs, thorpej-altq-separation-base, thorpej-altq-separation, phil-wifi-20200421, phil-wifi-20200411, phil-wifi-20200406, phil-wifi-20191119, phil-wifi-20190609, pgoyette-compat-20190127, pgoyette-compat-20190118, pgoyette-compat-1226, pgoyette-compat-1126, pgoyette-compat-1020, pgoyette-compat-0930, pgoyette-compat-0906, pgoyette-compat-0728, perseant-exfatfs-base-20240630, perseant-exfatfs-base, perseant-exfatfs, netbsd-9-base, netbsd-9-4-RELEASE, netbsd-9-3-RELEASE, netbsd-9-2-RELEASE, netbsd-9-1-RELEASE, netbsd-9-0-RELEASE, netbsd-9-0-RC2, netbsd-9-0-RC1, netbsd-9, netbsd-10-base, netbsd-10-0-RELEASE, netbsd-10-0-RC6, netbsd-10-0-RC5, netbsd-10-0-RC4, netbsd-10-0-RC3, netbsd-10-0-RC2, netbsd-10-0-RC1, netbsd-10, isaki-audio2-base, isaki-audio2, is-mlppp-base, is-mlppp, cjep_sun2x-base1, cjep_sun2x-base, cjep_sun2x, cjep_staticlib_x-base1, cjep_staticlib_x-base, cjep_staticlib_x, bouyer-xenpvh-base2, bouyer-xenpvh-base1, bouyer-xenpvh-base, bouyer-xenpvh, bouyer-sunxi-drm-base, bouyer-sunxi-drm, ad-namecache-base3, ad-namecache-base2, ad-namecache-base1, ad-namecache-base, ad-namecache, HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +0 -13 lines
Remove viadrm(4), superseded by viadrmums.

Aside from viadrm using older drm code, it's also dysfunctional right now.
See PR port-i386/53364.

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Tue Oct 30 17:22:17 2012 UTC (12 years, 1 month ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-pagecache
CVS tags: yamt-pagecache-tag8
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +3 -1 lines
sync with head

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Jun 13 19:39:03 2012 UTC (12 years, 6 months ago) by riz
Branches: netbsd-6
CVS tags: netbsd-6-1-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-RC4, netbsd-6-1-RC3, netbsd-6-1-RC2, netbsd-6-1-RC1, netbsd-6-1-5-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-4-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-3-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1, netbsd-6-0-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-RC2, netbsd-6-0-RC1, netbsd-6-0-6-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-5-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-4-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-3-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0, matt-nb6-plus-nbase, matt-nb6-plus-base, matt-nb6-plus
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +3 -1 lines
Pull up following revision(s) (requested by tsutsui in ticket #334):
	sys/external/bsd/drm/dist/shared-core/i915_drv.h: revision 1.5
	sys/external/bsd/drm/dist/bsd-core/drm_pciids.h: revision 1.8
	sys/external/bsd/drm/dist/shared-core/drm_pciids.txt: revision 1.3
	sys/external/bsd/drm/dist/shared-core/i915_reg.h: revision 1.2
Make i915drm work on Atom N4xx/D410/D510 + GMA3150 integrated graphic devices.
Patch is taken from FreeBSD:
and tested on MSI U135DX running NetBSD/i386 6.0_BETA2 with this patch.
Should be pulled up to netbsd-6.

Revision 1.8: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jun 11 16:51:04 2012 UTC (12 years, 6 months ago) by tsutsui
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-pagecache-base9, yamt-pagecache-base8, yamt-pagecache-base7, yamt-pagecache-base6, tls-maxphys-base-20171202, tls-maxphys-base, tls-maxphys, tls-earlyentropy-base, tls-earlyentropy, rmind-smpnet-nbase, rmind-smpnet-base, rmind-smpnet, riastradh-xf86-video-intel-2-7-1-pre-2-21-15, riastradh-drm2-base3, riastradh-drm2-base2, riastradh-drm2-base1, riastradh-drm2-base, riastradh-drm2, prg-localcount2-base3, prg-localcount2-base2, prg-localcount2-base1, prg-localcount2-base, prg-localcount2, phil-wifi-base, pgoyette-localcount-base, pgoyette-localcount-20170426, pgoyette-localcount-20170320, pgoyette-localcount-20170107, pgoyette-localcount-20161104, pgoyette-localcount-20160806, pgoyette-localcount-20160726, pgoyette-localcount, pgoyette-compat-base, pgoyette-compat-0625, pgoyette-compat-0521, pgoyette-compat-0502, pgoyette-compat-0422, pgoyette-compat-0415, pgoyette-compat-0407, pgoyette-compat-0330, pgoyette-compat-0322, pgoyette-compat-0315, perseant-stdc-iso10646-base, perseant-stdc-iso10646, nick-nhusb-base-20170825, nick-nhusb-base-20170204, nick-nhusb-base-20161204, nick-nhusb-base-20161004, nick-nhusb-base-20160907, nick-nhusb-base-20160529, nick-nhusb-base-20160422, nick-nhusb-base-20160319, nick-nhusb-base-20151226, nick-nhusb-base-20150921, nick-nhusb-base-20150606, nick-nhusb-base-20150406, nick-nhusb-base, nick-nhusb, netbsd-8-base, netbsd-8-3-RELEASE, netbsd-8-2-RELEASE, netbsd-8-1-RELEASE, netbsd-8-1-RC1, netbsd-8-0-RELEASE, netbsd-8-0-RC2, netbsd-8-0-RC1, netbsd-8, netbsd-7-nhusb-base-20170116, netbsd-7-nhusb-base, netbsd-7-nhusb, netbsd-7-base, netbsd-7-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-RC2, netbsd-7-1-RC1, netbsd-7-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1, netbsd-7-0-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0-RC3, netbsd-7-0-RC2, netbsd-7-0-RC1, netbsd-7-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0, netbsd-7, matt-nb8-mediatek-base, matt-nb8-mediatek, localcount-20160914, khorben-n900, jdolecek-ncq-base, jdolecek-ncq, bouyer-socketcan-base1, bouyer-socketcan-base, bouyer-socketcan, agc-symver-base, agc-symver
Branch point for: phil-wifi, pgoyette-compat
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +3 -1 lines
Make i915drm work on Atom N4xx/D410/D510 + GMA3150 integrated graphic devices.

Patch is taken from FreeBSD:
and tested on MSI U135DX running NetBSD/i386 6.0_BETA2 with this patch.

Should be pulled up to netbsd-6.

Revision 1.7: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jul 25 14:21:52 2011 UTC (13 years, 4 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-pagecache-base5, yamt-pagecache-base4, yamt-pagecache-base3, yamt-pagecache-base2, yamt-pagecache-base, netbsd-6-base, jmcneill-usbmp-pre-base2, jmcneill-usbmp-base9, jmcneill-usbmp-base8, jmcneill-usbmp-base7, jmcneill-usbmp-base6, jmcneill-usbmp-base5, jmcneill-usbmp-base4, jmcneill-usbmp-base3, jmcneill-usbmp-base2, jmcneill-usbmp-base10, jmcneill-usbmp-base, jmcneill-usbmp, jmcneill-audiomp3-base, jmcneill-audiomp3
Branch point for: yamt-pagecache, netbsd-6
Diff to: previous 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.6: +10 -0 lines
Add additional Radeon devices from FreeBSD via Dragon Fly BSD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jun 6 09:09:10 2011 UTC (13 years, 6 months ago) by jruoho
Branches: jruoho-x86intr
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +6 -1 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Mar 5 20:54:44 2011 UTC (13 years, 9 months ago) by rmind
Branches: rmind-uvmplock
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint 1.3: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +6 -0 lines
sync with head

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Mar 5 15:10:32 2011 UTC (13 years, 9 months ago) by bouyer
Branches: bouyer-quota2
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +6 -1 lines
Sync with HEAD

Revision 1.6: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Feb 17 23:21:53 2011 UTC (13 years, 9 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: rmind-uvmplock-nbase, rmind-uvmplock-base, cherry-xenmp-base, cherry-xenmp, bouyer-quota2-nbase
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +6 -1 lines
Add the RS880 device IDs to radeondrm(4).

Revision 1.5: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Jan 6 11:07:48 2011 UTC (13 years, 11 months ago) by cegger
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: jruoho-x86intr-base, bouyer-quota2-base
Branch point for: jruoho-x86intr, bouyer-quota2
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +1 -0 lines
recognize Radeon HD 4200. This lets radeondrm(4) attach.
"go ahead" macallan@

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Dec 8 04:24:27 2010 UTC (14 years ago) by riz
Branches: netbsd-5
CVS tags: netbsd-5-2-RELEASE, netbsd-5-2-RC1, netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE, netbsd-5-2-2-RELEASE, netbsd-5-2-1-RELEASE, netbsd-5-2, matt-nb5-pq3-base, matt-nb5-pq3
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +6 -0 lines
Patch the following files (requested by mrg in ticket #1488):

  implement DRM_RADEON_CS ioctl, necessary for r600_dri to function.
  this is mostly from freebsd (though it also exists in other versions
  of the drm code.)

  only use bus_space*() on drm_local_map_ts that have been mapped into
  some bus space somewhere.  otherwise, just use normal accesses since
  it is normal memory.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Aug 17 06:46:51 2010 UTC (14 years, 3 months ago) by uebayasi
Branches: uebayasi-xip
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +35 -0 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Aug 11 22:54:20 2010 UTC (14 years, 4 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-nfs-mp
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +35 -0 lines
sync with head.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jul 3 01:19:43 2010 UTC (14 years, 5 months ago) by rmind
Branches: rmind-uvmplock
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +35 -0 lines
sync with head

Revision 1.4: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jun 26 23:00:19 2010 UTC (14 years, 5 months ago) by mrg
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-nfs-mp-base11, yamt-nfs-mp-base10, uebayasi-xip-base4, uebayasi-xip-base3, uebayasi-xip-base2, matt-mips64-premerge-20101231
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +35 -0 lines
add the latest generation of radeon cards.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Apr 21 00:27:56 2010 UTC (14 years, 7 months ago) by matt
Branches: matt-nb5-mips64
CVS tags: matt-nb5-mips64-premerge-20101231, matt-nb5-mips64-k15
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +142 -23 lines
sync to netbsd-5

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Jul 23 23:32:22 2009 UTC (15 years, 4 months ago) by jym
Branches: jym-xensuspend
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +142 -23 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jul 18 14:53:13 2009 UTC (15 years, 4 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-nfs-mp
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint preferred, colored
Changes since revision +142 -23 lines
sync with head.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jun 20 23:36:59 2009 UTC (15 years, 5 months ago) by snj
Branches: netbsd-5
CVS tags: netbsd-5-1-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-RC4, netbsd-5-1-RC3, netbsd-5-1-RC2, netbsd-5-1-RC1, netbsd-5-1-5-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-4-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-3-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +142 -23 lines
Apply patch (requested by mrg in ticket #823):
import mesa-drm git from version 85b9f737db0d2a845e4d7e2bbf9ad12ff9e2227c.
merge the changes from drm 85b9f737db0d2a845e4d7e2bbf9ad12ff9e2227c
with our changes and the work recently done by Arto Huusko and FUKAUMI

it includes all the changes arto provided from both mesa-drm and
the r6xx-r7xx-support branch.  it does not yet include code to
handle the (deleted) drm_pciids.h file, but i'll probably just
check in a generated one for now.

i have not yet merged the changes from outside this dir.

from arto's messages to tech-x11:

The important change that was needed is that drm_scatter.c was
fixed to return pointer to all allocated pages, not just the
beginning of the allocated segments.

Other changes:

  - drm_scatter maps COHERENT memory
  - drm_drawable: drawable handle allocation is done
    inside lock
  - drm_memory: when mapping "agp" memory, store offset
    of mapped area, so that new requests to same offset
    return the same area instead of trying to remap
    and fail
  - drm_vm: use bus_space_mmap for frame buffer and registers

  - r600_cp.c: ioremapfree allocated gart range
  - radeon_cp.c: use mtsleep
  - some memset calls I had added had their args swapped,
    and no memory was cleared
add a freshly generated drm_pciids.h
some minor clean up:
- reduce diffs to mesa-drm where possible
- fix various formatting issues
- netbsd uses major 180 for drm (XXX)

Revision 1.3: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Jun 19 03:52:20 2009 UTC (15 years, 5 months ago) by mrg
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-nfs-mp-base9, yamt-nfs-mp-base8, yamt-nfs-mp-base7, yamt-nfs-mp-base6, uebayasi-xip-base1, uebayasi-xip-base, matt-premerge-20091211, jymxensuspend-base, jym-xensuspend-nbase
Branch point for: uebayasi-xip, rmind-uvmplock
Diff to: previous 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.2: +142 -23 lines
add a freshly generated drm_pciids.h

Revision 1.2
Fri Jun 19 03:50:03 2009 UTC (15 years, 5 months ago) by mrg
Branches: MAIN
Changes since revision 1.1: +0 -0 lines
merge the changes from drm 85b9f737db0d2a845e4d7e2bbf9ad12ff9e2227c
with our changes and the work recently done by Arto Huusko
<> and FUKAUMI Naoki <>.

it includes all the changes arto provided from both mesa-drm and
the r6xx-r7xx-support branch.  it does not yet include code to
handle the (deleted) drm_pciids.h file, but i'll probably just
check in a generated one for now.

i have not yet merged the changes from outside this dir.

from arto's messages to tech-x11:

The important change that was needed is that drm_scatter.c was
fixed to return pointer to all allocated pages, not just the
beginning of the allocated segments.

Other changes:

  - drm_scatter maps COHERENT memory
  - drm_drawable: drawable handle allocation is done
    inside lock
  - drm_memory: when mapping "agp" memory, store offset
    of mapped area, so that new requests to same offset
    return the same area instead of trying to remap
    and fail
  - drm_vm: use bus_space_mmap for frame buffer and registers

  - r600_cp.c: ioremapfree allocated gart range
  - radeon_cp.c: use mtsleep
  - some memset calls I had added had their args swapped,
    and no memory was cleared

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon May 4 08:13:29 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-nfs-mp
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint preferred, colored
Changes since revision +610 -0 lines
sync with head.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Sep 28 10:40:37 2008 UTC (16 years, 2 months ago) by mjf
Branches: mjf-devfs2
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +610 -0 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Sep 18 04:36:48 2008 UTC (16 years, 2 months ago) by wrstuden
Branches: wrstuden-revivesa
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +610 -0 lines
Sync with wrstuden-revivesa-base-2.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jul 28 14:37:28 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by simonb
Branches: simonb-wapbl
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +610 -0 lines
Sync with head.

Sat Jul 19 05:30:37 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-nfs-mp
Changes since revision +0 -610 lines
file drm_pciids.h was added on branch yamt-nfs-mp on 2009-05-04 08:13:29 +0000

Sat Jul 19 05:30:37 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by mjf
Branches: mjf-devfs2
Changes since revision +0 -610 lines
file drm_pciids.h was added on branch mjf-devfs2 on 2008-09-28 10:40:37 +0000

Sat Jul 19 05:30:37 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by wrstuden
Branches: wrstuden-revivesa
Changes since revision +0 -610 lines
file drm_pciids.h was added on branch wrstuden-revivesa on 2008-09-18 04:36:48 +0000

Sat Jul 19 05:30:37 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by simonb
Branches: simonb-wapbl
Changes since revision +0 -610 lines
file drm_pciids.h was added on branch simonb-wapbl on 2008-07-28 14:37:28 +0000

Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jul 19 05:30:37 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by mrg
Branches: mesa-drm
CVS tags: yamt-nfs-mp-base5, yamt-nfs-mp-base4, yamt-nfs-mp-base3, wrstuden-revivesa-base-4, wrstuden-revivesa-base-3, wrstuden-revivesa-base-2, simonb-wapbl-nbase, simonb-wapbl-base, nick-hppapmap-base4, nick-hppapmap-base3, nick-hppapmap-base2, nick-hppapmap-base, nick-hppapmap, netbsd-5-base, netbsd-5-0-RELEASE, netbsd-5-0-RC4, netbsd-5-0-RC3, netbsd-5-0-RC2, netbsd-5-0-RC1, netbsd-5-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-5-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-5-0, mrg-before-jul19, mjf-devfs2-base, matt-nb5-mips64-u2-k2-k4-k7-k8-k9, matt-nb5-mips64-u1-k1-k5, matt-nb5-mips64-premerge-20091211, matt-nb4-mips64-k7-u2a-k9b, matt-mips64-base2, jym-xensuspend-base, haad-nbase2, haad-dm-base2, haad-dm-base1, haad-dm-base, git-change-5d27fd94afaaf434c3a92af0075420b550055bfb, git-change-2580a065d81be645a14af1e91b8441f7e72fcbe4, git-change-04893aa99abfbed8eb6d7067a974fa1f31193c87, ad-audiomp2-base, ad-audiomp2
Branch point for: yamt-nfs-mp, wrstuden-revivesa, simonb-wapbl, netbsd-5, mjf-devfs2, matt-nb5-mips64, jym-xensuspend
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +0 -0 lines
import mesa-drm git from version 5d27fd94afaaf434c3a92af0075420b550055bfb,
which is approximately june 25th or so.

Revision 1.1: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jul 19 05:30:37 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by mrg
Branches: MAIN
Initial revision

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