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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / src / sys / external / bsd / acpica / conf / files.acpica (download)

Revision 1.15, Fri Nov 11 21:11:30 2016 UTC (7 years, 5 months ago) by christos
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: prg-localcount2-base3, prg-localcount2-base2, prg-localcount2-base1, prg-localcount2-base, prg-localcount2, pgoyette-localcount-20170426, pgoyette-localcount-20170320, pgoyette-localcount-20170107, perseant-stdc-iso10646-base, perseant-stdc-iso10646, nick-nhusb-base-20170825, nick-nhusb-base-20170204, nick-nhusb-base-20161204, netbsd-8-base, netbsd-8-2-RELEASE, netbsd-8-1-RELEASE, netbsd-8-1-RC1, netbsd-8-0-RELEASE, netbsd-8-0-RC2, netbsd-8-0-RC1, netbsd-8, matt-nb8-mediatek-base, matt-nb8-mediatek, jdolecek-ncq-base, jdolecek-ncq, bouyer-socketcan-base1, bouyer-socketcan-base, bouyer-socketcan
Changes since 1.14: +2 -1 lines

Adjust to new acpica

# $NetBSD: files.acpica,v 1.15 2016/11/11 21:11:30 christos Exp $

define		acpica
makeoptions	acpi	CPPFLAGS+="-I$S/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include"

prefix	external/bsd/acpica/dist

# common/
file	common/ahids.c			acpica
file	common/ahuuids.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb

# debugger/
file	debugger/dbcmds.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbconvert.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbdisply.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbexec.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbhistry.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbinput.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbmethod.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbnames.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbobject.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbstats.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbtest.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbutils.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	debugger/dbxface.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb

# disassembler/
file	disassembler/dmbuffer.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmcstyle.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmdeferred.c	acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmnames.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmopcode.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmresrc.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmresrcl.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmresrcl2.c	acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmresrcs.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmutils.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	disassembler/dmwalk.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb

# dispatcher/
file	dispatcher/dsargs.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dscontrol.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dsdebug.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dsfield.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dsinit.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dsmethod.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dsmthdat.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dsobject.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dsopcode.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dsutils.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dswexec.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dswload.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dswload2.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dswscope.c		acpica
file	dispatcher/dswstate.c		acpica

# events/
file	events/evevent.c		acpica
file	events/evglock.c		acpica
file	events/evgpe.c			acpica
file	events/evgpeblk.c		acpica
file	events/evgpeinit.c		acpica
file	events/evgpeutil.c		acpica
file	events/evhandler.c		acpica
file	events/evmisc.c			acpica
file	events/evregion.c		acpica
file	events/evrgnini.c		acpica
file	events/evsci.c			acpica
file	events/evxface.c		acpica
file	events/evxfevnt.c		acpica
file	events/evxfgpe.c		acpica
file	events/evxfregn.c		acpica

# executer/
file	executer/exconcat.c		acpica
file	executer/exconfig.c		acpica
file	executer/exconvrt.c		acpica
file	executer/excreate.c		acpica
file	executer/exdebug.c		acpica
file	executer/exdump.c		acpica
file	executer/exfield.c		acpica
file	executer/exfldio.c		acpica
file	executer/exmisc.c		acpica
file	executer/exmutex.c		acpica
file	executer/exnames.c		acpica
file	executer/exoparg1.c		acpica
file	executer/exoparg2.c		acpica
file	executer/exoparg3.c		acpica
file	executer/exoparg6.c		acpica
file	executer/exprep.c		acpica
file	executer/exregion.c		acpica
file	executer/exresnte.c		acpica
file	executer/exresolv.c		acpica
file	executer/exresop.c		acpica
file	executer/exstore.c		acpica
file	executer/exstoren.c		acpica
file	executer/exstorob.c		acpica
file	executer/exsystem.c		acpica
file	executer/extrace.c		acpica
file	executer/exutils.c		acpica

# hardware/
file	hardware/hwacpi.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwesleep.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwgpe.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwpci.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwregs.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwsleep.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwtimer.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwvalid.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwxface.c		acpica
file	hardware/hwxfsleep.c		acpica

# namespace/
file	namespace/nsaccess.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsalloc.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsarguments.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsdump.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsdumpdv.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsconvert.c		acpica
file	namespace/nseval.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsinit.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsload.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsnames.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsobject.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsparse.c		acpica
file	namespace/nspredef.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsprepkg.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsrepair.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsrepair2.c		acpica
file	namespace/nssearch.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsutils.c		acpica
file	namespace/nswalk.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsxfeval.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsxfname.c		acpica
file	namespace/nsxfobj.c		acpica

# parser/
file	parser/psargs.c			acpica
file	parser/psloop.c			acpica
file	parser/psobject.c		acpica
file	parser/psopcode.c		acpica
file	parser/psopinfo.c		acpica
file	parser/psparse.c		acpica
file	parser/psscope.c		acpica
file	parser/pstree.c			acpica
file	parser/psutils.c		acpica
file	parser/pswalk.c			acpica
file	parser/psxface.c		acpica

# resources/
file	resources/rsaddr.c		acpica
file	resources/rscalc.c		acpica
file	resources/rscreate.c		acpica
file	resources/rsdump.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	resources/rsdumpinfo.c		acpica & acpi_debug & ddb
file	resources/rsinfo.c		acpica
file	resources/rsio.c		acpica
file	resources/rsirq.c		acpica
file	resources/rslist.c		acpica
file	resources/rsmemory.c		acpica
file	resources/rsmisc.c		acpica
file	resources/rsserial.c		acpica
file	resources/rsutils.c		acpica
file	resources/rsxface.c		acpica

# tables/
file	tables/tbdata.c			acpica
file	tables/tbfadt.c			acpica
file	tables/tbfind.c			acpica
file	tables/tbinstal.c		acpica
file	tables/tbprint.c		acpica
file	tables/tbutils.c		acpica
file	tables/tbxface.c		acpica
file	tables/tbxfload.c		acpica
file	tables/tbxfroot.c		acpica

# utilities/
file	utilities/utaddress.c		acpica
file	utilities/utalloc.c		acpica
file	utilities/utascii.c		acpica
file	utilities/utbuffer.c		acpica
file	utilities/utcache.c		acpica
file	utilities/utcopy.c		acpica
file	utilities/utdebug.c		acpica
file	utilities/utdecode.c		acpica
file	utilities/utdelete.c		acpica
file	utilities/uterror.c		acpica
file	utilities/uteval.c		acpica
file	utilities/utexcep.c		acpica
file	utilities/utglobal.c		acpica
file	utilities/uthex.c		acpica
file	utilities/utids.c		acpica
file	utilities/utinit.c		acpica
file	utilities/utlock.c		acpica
file	utilities/utmath.c		acpica
file	utilities/utmisc.c		acpica
file	utilities/utmutex.c		acpica
file	utilities/utnonansi.c		acpica
file	utilities/utobject.c		acpica
file	utilities/utosi.c		acpica
file	utilities/utownerid.c		acpica
file	utilities/utpredef.c		acpica
file	utilities/utresrc.c		acpica
file	utilities/utstate.c		acpica
file	utilities/utstring.c		acpica
file	utilities/utstrtoul64.c		acpica
file	utilities/uttrack.c		acpica
file	utilities/utuuid.c		acpica
file	utilities/utxface.c		acpica
file	utilities/utxfinit.c		acpica
file	utilities/utxferror.c		acpica
