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CVS log for src/sys/arch/hp300/dev/com_frodo.c

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Revision 1.11: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Jan 16 05:48:28 2024 UTC (12 months ago) by thorpej
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: perseant-exfatfs-base-20240630, perseant-exfatfs-base, perseant-exfatfs, HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.10: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.10: +3 -3 lines
Several years ago, the interrupt priority levels for devices were "flattened"
such that IPL_BIO, IPL_NET, and IPL_TTY (logical interrupt priority levels)
became aliases of IPL_VM (the logical interrupt priority level above which
memory allocation is not allowed).  Unfortuantely, this meant that any
use of these logical interrupt priority levels to differentiate between
different interrupt service routines at the same auto-vectored interrupt
level was pointless... "when everyone is special, no one is".

Before this flattening happened, these distinct logical interrupt priority
levels levels were dynamically mapped to physical auto-vectored interrupt
levels based on which types of devices registered themselves at which auto-
vectored level.  Now, splbio(), splnet(), etc. are all equivalent to splvm(),
which effectively blocks all device interrupts.

Switch to using the ISRPRI_* values provided by the common m68k interrupt
dispatch code, which allows interrupt handlers for devices that are more
latency-sensitive to be sorted earlier in the list of handlers at a given
auto-vectored interrupt level, as was originally intended.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jun 10 22:06:16 2019 UTC (5 years, 7 months ago) by christos
Branches: phil-wifi
Diff to: previous 1.9: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.10: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.9: +3 -3 lines
Sync with HEAD

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Dec 26 14:01:36 2018 UTC (6 years ago) by pgoyette
Branches: pgoyette-compat
CVS tags: pgoyette-compat-merge-20190127
Diff to: previous 1.9: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.10: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.9: +3 -3 lines
Sync with HEAD, resolve a few conflicts

Revision 1.10: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Dec 8 17:46:11 2018 UTC (6 years, 1 month ago) by thorpej
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: thorpej-ifq-base, thorpej-ifq, thorpej-i2c-spi-conf2-base, thorpej-i2c-spi-conf2, thorpej-i2c-spi-conf-base, thorpej-i2c-spi-conf, thorpej-futex2-base, thorpej-futex2, thorpej-futex-base, thorpej-futex, thorpej-cfargs2-base, thorpej-cfargs2, thorpej-cfargs-base, thorpej-cfargs, thorpej-altq-separation-base, thorpej-altq-separation, phil-wifi-20200421, phil-wifi-20200411, phil-wifi-20200406, phil-wifi-20191119, phil-wifi-20190609, pgoyette-compat-20190127, pgoyette-compat-20190118, pgoyette-compat-1226, netbsd-9-base, netbsd-9-4-RELEASE, netbsd-9-3-RELEASE, netbsd-9-2-RELEASE, netbsd-9-1-RELEASE, netbsd-9-0-RELEASE, netbsd-9-0-RC2, netbsd-9-0-RC1, netbsd-9, netbsd-10-base, netbsd-10-1-RELEASE, netbsd-10-0-RELEASE, netbsd-10-0-RC6, netbsd-10-0-RC5, netbsd-10-0-RC4, netbsd-10-0-RC3, netbsd-10-0-RC2, netbsd-10-0-RC1, netbsd-10, isaki-audio2-base, isaki-audio2, is-mlppp-base, is-mlppp, cjep_sun2x-base1, cjep_sun2x-base, cjep_sun2x, cjep_staticlib_x-base1, cjep_staticlib_x-base, cjep_staticlib_x, bouyer-xenpvh-base2, bouyer-xenpvh-base1, bouyer-xenpvh-base, bouyer-xenpvh, bouyer-sunxi-drm-base, bouyer-sunxi-drm, ad-namecache-base3, ad-namecache-base2, ad-namecache-base1, ad-namecache-base, ad-namecache
Diff to: previous 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.9: +3 -3 lines
Clean up initialization of com_regs structure, in preparation for
some additional changers.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Aug 20 00:03:00 2014 UTC (10 years, 5 months ago) by tls
Branches: tls-maxphys
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +26 -2 lines
Rebase to HEAD as of a few days ago.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Aug 10 06:53:57 2014 UTC (10 years, 5 months ago) by tls
Branches: tls-earlyentropy
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +26 -2 lines

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu May 22 11:39:46 2014 UTC (10 years, 7 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-pagecache
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +26 -2 lines
sync with head.

for a reference, the tree before this commit was tagged
as yamt-pagecache-tag8.

this commit was splitted into small chunks to avoid
a limitation of cvs.  ("Protocol error: too many arguments")

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Wed May 21 20:56:36 2014 UTC (10 years, 7 months ago) by bouyer
Branches: netbsd-6
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +26 -2 lines
Pull up following revision(s) (requested by tsutsui in ticket #1058):
	sys/arch/hp300/conf/files.hp300: revision 1.88
	sys/arch/hp300/include/autoconf.h: revision 1.13
	sys/dev/ic/sti.c: revision 1.17
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/frodo.c: revision 1.31
	sys/arch/hp300/conf/GENERIC: revision 1.173
	sys/arch/hp300/hp300/machdep.c: revision 1.229
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/frodo.c: revision 1.32
	sys/arch/hp300/hp300/autoconf.c: revision 1.102
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/frodoreg.h: revision 1.5
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/common/ite_sti.c: revision 1.1
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/common/itevar.h: revision 1.16
	sys/arch/hp300/hp300/autoconf.c: revision 1.105
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/sti_sgcvar.h: revision 1.1
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/common/apci.c: revision 1.12
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/common/apci.c: revision 1.13
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/dnkbd.c: revision 1.6
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/dnkbd.c: revision 1.7
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/inst/version: revision 1.12
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/com_frodo.c: revision 1.9
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/common/ite.c: revision 1.17
	sys/arch/hp300/conf/GENERIC: revision 1.181
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/sti_sgc.c: revision 1.1
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/common/dnkbd.c: revision 1.13
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/sti_sgc.c: revision 1.2
	sys/dev/ic/stivar.h: revision 1.8
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/rtc.c: revision 1.21
	sys/arch/hp300/conf/INSTALL: revision 1.56
	sys/arch/hp300/conf/INSTALL: revision 1.58
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/uboot/version: revision 1.19
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/common/samachdep.h: revision 1.17
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/common/clock.c: revision 1.12
	sys/arch/hp300/dev/mcclock_frodo.c: revision 1.1
	sys/arch/hp300/stand/Makefile.buildboot: revision 1.34
	sys/arch/hp300/conf/files.hp300: revision 1.87
Add sti at sgc framebuffer.
Ported from OpenBSD by kiyohara@.
Fix a botch on switching from apci (and dca) to MI com(4) 10 years ago.
I.e. fix apci device address per FRODO_BASE macro change
in frodoreg.h rev 1.2.  Now bootloader works with serial console
on HP425e (which has only com at frodo).
Thanks to miod@openbsd for providing his 425e.
Add sti(4) at sgc screen console support.  From (the late) OpenBSD/hp300.
Tested on HP9000/425e, which was sent from Miod Vallat and
demonstrated at Open Source unConference 2014 Kagawa.
Check the service switch on 425e to select apci serial console.
Taken from OpenBSD/hp300.  See the following comment for details:
> * Check the service switch. On the 425e, this is a physical
> * switch, unlike other frodo-based machines, so we can use it
> * as a serial vs internal video selector, since the PROM can not
> * be configured for serial console.
Add proper RealTime Clock support for HP9000/425e.
As the OpenBSD/hp300 page says 425e doesn't have the traditional
RTC at intio (as it also lacks DCA 16550 serial at intio?),
but after a few hour investigation it turns out that
425e uses mc146818 compatible calendar clock in
the Apollo "frodo" utility chip and the frodo chip on
425e actually has the 32kHz OSC and is actually backed up
by the onboard lithium battery.
Tested on HP425e (with mcclock) and HP362 (with old rtc).
Add RTC support for HP9000/425e to bootloader too.
Also put several cleanup:
- make local functions and variables static
- use proper variable types
- some KNF
Note it turns out that extreme slowness of netboot on hp300 is
caused by the too slow access of the traditional RTC chip at intio
(i.e. netboot on 425e is so much faster than others). Oh well.
Add proper consinit(9) support for sti(4) at sgc framebuffer on hp300.
The cnattach functions for sti(4) and service switch check method
for 425e in com_frodo.c are taken from OpenBSD.
The strategy how to choose the console device in hp300_cninit() is
quite diverged from 4.4BSD and OpenBSD so it's tweaked by me.
Also put several changes in sti_sgc.c to reduce diffs from OpenBSD/hp300.
Tested on 425e and 362 (which still uses gendiofb(4), not sti(4)).
XXX: sti(4) requires uvm_km_alloc(9) and uvm_map_protect(9)
     to copy and call ROM functions on the executable memory region, so
     it can be called before UVM and related initializations are complete.
     Probably it's time to consider about MI "deferred consinit()" API
     in init_main.c (or elsewhere) for modern complicated VM system...
Also fix the apci device address in dnkbd.c as apci.c rev 1.12:
Finally dnkbd(4) is confirmed working at least on bootloader.
Thanks again to Miod Vallat.
Make the Apollo Domain keyboard actually work.
Tested on HP9000/425e and the keyboard model A1630-82001 R2 (RX-60857-HW)
provided by Miod Vallat.  Mouse support needs more work.
Pull random notes on the Apollo Domain keyboard from ancient PR/3528.
Bump versions to denote recent 425e related changes.
Probe mcclock only on 425e to avoid an extra "not configured" message.
Add and enable sti(4) at sgc in install kernels for 425e.
Tested on both serial console and framebuffer console.
(switched by the service switch on the back panel)

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun May 18 17:45:07 2014 UTC (10 years, 8 months ago) by rmind
Branches: rmind-smpnet
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +26 -2 lines
sync with head

Revision 1.9: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Apr 20 04:12:54 2014 UTC (10 years, 9 months ago) by tsutsui
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-pagecache-base9, tls-maxphys-base-20171202, tls-maxphys-base, tls-earlyentropy-base, rmind-smpnet-nbase, rmind-smpnet-base, prg-localcount2-base3, prg-localcount2-base2, prg-localcount2-base1, prg-localcount2-base, prg-localcount2, phil-wifi-base, pgoyette-localcount-base, pgoyette-localcount-20170426, pgoyette-localcount-20170320, pgoyette-localcount-20170107, pgoyette-localcount-20161104, pgoyette-localcount-20160806, pgoyette-localcount-20160726, pgoyette-localcount, pgoyette-compat-base, pgoyette-compat-1126, pgoyette-compat-1020, pgoyette-compat-0930, pgoyette-compat-0906, pgoyette-compat-0728, pgoyette-compat-0625, pgoyette-compat-0521, pgoyette-compat-0502, pgoyette-compat-0422, pgoyette-compat-0415, pgoyette-compat-0407, pgoyette-compat-0330, pgoyette-compat-0322, pgoyette-compat-0315, perseant-stdc-iso10646-base, perseant-stdc-iso10646, nick-nhusb-base-20170825, nick-nhusb-base-20170204, nick-nhusb-base-20161204, nick-nhusb-base-20161004, nick-nhusb-base-20160907, nick-nhusb-base-20160529, nick-nhusb-base-20160422, nick-nhusb-base-20160319, nick-nhusb-base-20151226, nick-nhusb-base-20150921, nick-nhusb-base-20150606, nick-nhusb-base-20150406, nick-nhusb-base, nick-nhusb, netbsd-8-base, netbsd-8-3-RELEASE, netbsd-8-2-RELEASE, netbsd-8-1-RELEASE, netbsd-8-1-RC1, netbsd-8-0-RELEASE, netbsd-8-0-RC2, netbsd-8-0-RC1, netbsd-8, netbsd-7-nhusb-base-20170116, netbsd-7-nhusb-base, netbsd-7-nhusb, netbsd-7-base, netbsd-7-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-RC2, netbsd-7-1-RC1, netbsd-7-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1, netbsd-7-0-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0-RC3, netbsd-7-0-RC2, netbsd-7-0-RC1, netbsd-7-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0, netbsd-7, matt-nb8-mediatek-base, matt-nb8-mediatek, localcount-20160914, jdolecek-ncq-base, jdolecek-ncq, bouyer-socketcan-base1, bouyer-socketcan-base, bouyer-socketcan
Branch point for: phil-wifi, pgoyette-compat
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +26 -2 lines
Add proper consinit(9) support for sti(4) at sgc framebuffer on hp300.

The cnattach functions for sti(4) and service switch check method
for 425e in com_frodo.c are taken from OpenBSD.
The strategy how to choose the console device in hp300_cninit() is
quite diverged from 4.4BSD and OpenBSD so it's tweaked by me.

Also put several changes in sti_sgc.c to reduce diffs from OpenBSD/hp300.

Tested on 425e and 362 (which still uses gendiofb(4), not sti(4)).

XXX: sti(4) requires uvm_km_alloc(9) and uvm_map_protect(9)
     to copy and call ROM functions on the executable memory region, so
     it can be called before UVM and related initializations are complete.
     Probably it's time to consider about MI "deferred consinit()" API
     in init_main.c (or elsewhere) for modern complicated VM system...

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jun 2 13:22:06 2008 UTC (16 years, 7 months ago) by mjf
Branches: mjf-devfs2
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint 1.6: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.7: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +0 -7 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun May 18 12:31:55 2008 UTC (16 years, 8 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-pf42
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +2 -9 lines
sync with head.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri May 16 02:22:21 2008 UTC (16 years, 8 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-nfs-mp
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +2 -9 lines
sync with head.

Revision 1.8: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Apr 28 20:23:19 2008 UTC (16 years, 8 months ago) by martin
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-pf42-base4, yamt-pf42-base3, yamt-pf42-base2, yamt-pagecache-tag8, yamt-pagecache-base8, yamt-pagecache-base7, yamt-pagecache-base6, yamt-pagecache-base5, yamt-pagecache-base4, yamt-pagecache-base3, yamt-pagecache-base2, yamt-pagecache-base, yamt-nfs-mp-base9, yamt-nfs-mp-base8, yamt-nfs-mp-base7, yamt-nfs-mp-base6, yamt-nfs-mp-base5, yamt-nfs-mp-base4, yamt-nfs-mp-base3, yamt-nfs-mp-base2, yamt-nfs-mp-base11, yamt-nfs-mp-base10, wrstuden-revivesa-base-4, wrstuden-revivesa-base-3, wrstuden-revivesa-base-2, wrstuden-revivesa-base-1, wrstuden-revivesa-base, wrstuden-revivesa, uebayasi-xip-base7, uebayasi-xip-base6, uebayasi-xip-base5, uebayasi-xip-base4, uebayasi-xip-base3, uebayasi-xip-base2, uebayasi-xip-base1, uebayasi-xip-base, uebayasi-xip, simonb-wapbl-nbase, simonb-wapbl-base, simonb-wapbl, rmind-uvmplock-nbase, rmind-uvmplock-base, rmind-uvmplock, riastradh-xf86-video-intel-2-7-1-pre-2-21-15, riastradh-drm2-base3, riastradh-drm2-base2, riastradh-drm2-base1, riastradh-drm2-base, riastradh-drm2, nick-hppapmap-base4, nick-hppapmap-base3, nick-hppapmap-base2, nick-hppapmap-base, nick-hppapmap, netbsd-6-base, netbsd-6-1-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-RC4, netbsd-6-1-RC3, netbsd-6-1-RC2, netbsd-6-1-RC1, netbsd-6-1-5-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-4-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-3-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1, netbsd-6-0-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-RC2, netbsd-6-0-RC1, netbsd-6-0-6-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-5-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-4-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-3-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0, netbsd-5-base, netbsd-5-2-RELEASE, netbsd-5-2-RC1, netbsd-5-2-3-RELEASE, netbsd-5-2-2-RELEASE, netbsd-5-2-1-RELEASE, netbsd-5-2, netbsd-5-1-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-RC4, netbsd-5-1-RC3, netbsd-5-1-RC2, netbsd-5-1-RC1, netbsd-5-1-5-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-4-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-3-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-5-1, netbsd-5-0-RELEASE, netbsd-5-0-RC4, netbsd-5-0-RC3, netbsd-5-0-RC2, netbsd-5-0-RC1, netbsd-5-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-5-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-5-0, netbsd-5, mjf-devfs2-base, matt-premerge-20091211, matt-nb6-plus-nbase, matt-nb6-plus-base, matt-nb6-plus, matt-nb5-pq3-base, matt-nb5-pq3, matt-nb5-mips64-u2-k2-k4-k7-k8-k9, matt-nb5-mips64-u1-k1-k5, matt-nb5-mips64-premerge-20101231, matt-nb5-mips64-premerge-20091211, matt-nb5-mips64-k15, matt-nb5-mips64, matt-nb4-mips64-k7-u2a-k9b, matt-mips64-premerge-20101231, matt-mips64-base2, khorben-n900, jymxensuspend-base, jym-xensuspend-nbase, jym-xensuspend-base, jym-xensuspend, jruoho-x86intr-base, jruoho-x86intr, jmcneill-usbmp-pre-base2, jmcneill-usbmp-base9, jmcneill-usbmp-base8, jmcneill-usbmp-base7, jmcneill-usbmp-base6, jmcneill-usbmp-base5, jmcneill-usbmp-base4, jmcneill-usbmp-base3, jmcneill-usbmp-base2, jmcneill-usbmp-base10, jmcneill-usbmp-base, jmcneill-usbmp, jmcneill-audiomp3-base, jmcneill-audiomp3, hpcarm-cleanup-nbase, haad-nbase2, haad-dm-base2, haad-dm-base1, haad-dm-base, haad-dm, cherry-xenmp-base, cherry-xenmp, bouyer-quota2-nbase, bouyer-quota2-base, bouyer-quota2, agc-symver-base, agc-symver, ad-audiomp2-base, ad-audiomp2
Branch point for: yamt-pagecache, tls-maxphys, tls-earlyentropy, rmind-smpnet, netbsd-6
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +2 -9 lines
Remove clause 3 and 4 from TNF licenses

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Apr 3 12:42:15 2008 UTC (16 years, 9 months ago) by mjf
Branches: mjf-devfs2
Diff to: previous 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.6: +10 -9 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Mar 24 07:14:56 2008 UTC (16 years, 9 months ago) by keiichi
Branches: keiichi-mipv6
Diff to: previous 1.6: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.7: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.6: +10 -9 lines
sync with head.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Mar 23 02:04:01 2008 UTC (16 years, 9 months ago) by matt
Branches: matt-armv6
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint 1.5: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +10 -9 lines
sync with HEAD

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Mar 17 09:14:17 2008 UTC (16 years, 10 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-lazymbuf
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint 1.3: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +10 -9 lines
sync with head.

Revision 1.7: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Mar 14 15:09:10 2008 UTC (16 years, 10 months ago) by cube
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-pf42-baseX, yamt-pf42-base, yamt-nfs-mp-base, yamt-lazymbuf-base15, yamt-lazymbuf-base14, matt-armv6-nbase, keiichi-mipv6-nbase, keiichi-mipv6-base, ad-socklock-base1
Branch point for: yamt-pf42, yamt-nfs-mp
Diff to: previous 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.6: +10 -9 lines
Split device_t and softc for all com(4) devices (well, everything that
uses a com_softc backend).  Use proper types and ansify where appropriate.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Jan 9 01:45:59 2008 UTC (17 years ago) by matt
Branches: matt-armv6
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +3 -4 lines
sync with HEAD

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Dec 9 19:35:08 2007 UTC (17 years, 1 month ago) by jmcneill
Branches: jmcneill-pm
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +3 -4 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Dec 8 18:16:57 2007 UTC (17 years, 1 month ago) by mjf
Branches: mjf-devfs
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +3 -4 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Dec 7 17:24:41 2007 UTC (17 years, 1 month ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-lazymbuf
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +3 -4 lines
sync with head

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Dec 3 18:35:56 2007 UTC (17 years, 1 month ago) by ad
Branches: vmlocking
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +3 -4 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision 1.6: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Dec 3 15:33:38 2007 UTC (17 years, 1 month ago) by ad
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-kmem-base3, yamt-kmem-base2, yamt-kmem-base, yamt-kmem, vmlocking2-base3, vmlocking2-base2, vmlocking2-base1, vmlocking2, vmlocking-nbase, reinoud-bufcleanup-nbase, reinoud-bufcleanup-base, nick-net80211-sync-base, nick-net80211-sync, mjf-devfs-base, matt-armv6-base, jmcneill-pm-base, hpcarm-cleanup-base, cube-autoconf-base, cube-autoconf, bouyer-xeni386-nbase, bouyer-xeni386-merge1, bouyer-xeni386-base, bouyer-xeni386
Branch point for: mjf-devfs2, keiichi-mipv6
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +3 -4 lines
Interrupt handling changes, in discussion since February:

- Reduce available SPL levels for hardware devices to none, vm, sched, high.
- Acquire kernel_lock only for interrupts at IPL_VM.
- Implement threaded soft interrupts.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Dec 30 20:45:56 2006 UTC (18 years ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-lazymbuf
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +3 -5 lines
sync with head.

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Sat Sep 9 02:39:09 2006 UTC (18 years, 4 months ago) by rpaulo
Branches: rpaulo-netinet-merge-pcb
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +3 -5 lines
sync with head

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Aug 11 15:41:33 2006 UTC (18 years, 5 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-pdpolicy
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +3 -5 lines
sync with head

Revision 1.5: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Jul 13 22:56:01 2006 UTC (18 years, 6 months ago) by gdamore
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-x86pmap-base4, yamt-x86pmap-base3, yamt-x86pmap-base2, yamt-x86pmap-base, yamt-x86pmap, yamt-splraiseipl-base5, yamt-splraiseipl-base4, yamt-splraiseipl-base3, yamt-splraiseipl-base2, yamt-splraiseipl-base, yamt-splraiseipl, yamt-pdpolicy-base9, yamt-pdpolicy-base8, yamt-pdpolicy-base7, yamt-idlelwp-base8, yamt-idlelwp, wrstuden-fixsa-newbase, wrstuden-fixsa-base-1, wrstuden-fixsa-base, wrstuden-fixsa, vmlocking-base, thorpej-atomic-base, thorpej-atomic, rpaulo-netinet-merge-pcb-base, reinoud-bufcleanup, ppcoea-renovation-base, ppcoea-renovation, post-newlock2-merge, nick-csl-alignment-base5, nick-csl-alignment-base, nick-csl-alignment, newlock2-nbase, newlock2-base, newlock2, netbsd-4-base, netbsd-4-0-RELEASE, netbsd-4-0-RC5, netbsd-4-0-RC4, netbsd-4-0-RC3, netbsd-4-0-RC2, netbsd-4-0-RC1, netbsd-4-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-4-0, netbsd-4, mjf-ufs-trans-base, mjf-ufs-trans, matt-nb4-arm-base, matt-nb4-arm, matt-mips64-base, matt-mips64, matt-armv6-prevmlocking, jmcneill-base, hpcarm-cleanup, bouyer-xenamd64-base2, bouyer-xenamd64-base, bouyer-xenamd64, ad-audiomp-base, ad-audiomp, abandoned-netbsd-4-base, abandoned-netbsd-4
Branch point for: vmlocking, mjf-devfs, matt-armv6, jmcneill-pm
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +3 -5 lines
Add an option COM_REGMAP to allow com(4) to use an array of register indices.
This allows us to convert aucom to just another com attachment, and cleanup
some code in the com_arbus.c.

Additionally, we use a common com_cleanup routine rather than having a
zillion copies of it in the attachment points.

This has been tested on a number architectures, and it has been shown to get
close to comparable performance when COM_REGMAP is defined, and comparable
when it is not defined.

Approved by core@.  Fixes PR port-evbmips/32362.

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Sun Jun 18 05:35:00 2006 UTC (18 years, 7 months ago) by gdamore
Branches: gdamore-uart
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +3 -5 lines
COM_INIT_REGS-ify these.  Compiles okay, but no real hardware test. :-)

Revision 1.4: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Dec 11 12:17:13 2005 UTC (19 years, 1 month ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-uio_vmspace-base5, yamt-uio_vmspace, yamt-pdpolicy-base6, yamt-pdpolicy-base5, yamt-pdpolicy-base4, yamt-pdpolicy-base3, yamt-pdpolicy-base2, yamt-pdpolicy-base, simonb-timecounters-base, simonb-timecounters, simonb-timcounters-final, peter-altq-base, peter-altq, gdamore-uart-base, elad-kernelauth-base, elad-kernelauth, chap-midi-nbase, chap-midi-base, chap-midi
Branch point for: yamt-pdpolicy, rpaulo-netinet-merge-pcb, gdamore-uart
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +2 -2 lines
merge ktrace-lwp.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Sep 21 13:15:13 2004 UTC (20 years, 4 months ago) by skrll
Branches: ktrace-lwp
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +2 -2 lines
Fix the sync with head I botched.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Sep 18 14:34:08 2004 UTC (20 years, 4 months ago) by skrll
Branches: ktrace-lwp
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +2 -2 lines
Sync with HEAD.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Sep 3 12:44:30 2004 UTC (20 years, 4 months ago) by skrll
Branches: ktrace-lwp
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +6 -6 lines
Sync with HEAD

Revision 1.3: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Aug 28 17:37:00 2004 UTC (20 years, 4 months ago) by thorpej
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-vop-base3, yamt-vop-base2, yamt-vop-base, yamt-vop, yamt-readahead-pervnode, yamt-readahead-perfile, yamt-readahead-base3, yamt-readahead-base2, yamt-readahead-base, yamt-readahead, yamt-km-base4, yamt-km-base3, yamt-km-base2, yamt-km-base, yamt-km, thorpej-vnode-attr-base, thorpej-vnode-attr, netbsd-3-base, netbsd-3-1-RELEASE, netbsd-3-1-RC4, netbsd-3-1-RC3, netbsd-3-1-RC2, netbsd-3-1-RC1, netbsd-3-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-3-1, netbsd-3-0-RELEASE, netbsd-3-0-RC6, netbsd-3-0-RC5, netbsd-3-0-RC4, netbsd-3-0-RC3, netbsd-3-0-RC2, netbsd-3-0-RC1, netbsd-3-0-3-RELEASE, netbsd-3-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-3-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-3-0, netbsd-3, ktrace-lwp-base, kent-audio2-base, kent-audio2, kent-audio1-beforemerge, kent-audio1-base, kent-audio1
Branch point for: yamt-lazymbuf
Diff to: previous 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.2: +6 -6 lines
Use ANSI function decls, static, and const.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Aug 3 10:34:22 2004 UTC (20 years, 5 months ago) by skrll
Branches: ktrace-lwp
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +180 -0 lines
Sync with HEAD

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Apr 11 02:57:46 2004 UTC (20 years, 9 months ago) by jmc
Branches: netbsd-2-0
CVS tags: netbsd-2-base, netbsd-2-1-RELEASE, netbsd-2-1-RC6, netbsd-2-1-RC5, netbsd-2-1-RC4, netbsd-2-1-RC3, netbsd-2-1-RC2, netbsd-2-1-RC1, netbsd-2-1, netbsd-2-0-RELEASE, netbsd-2-0-RC5, netbsd-2-0-RC4, netbsd-2-0-RC3, netbsd-2-0-RC2, netbsd-2-0-RC1, netbsd-2-0-3-RELEASE, netbsd-2-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-2-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-2
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +3 -4 lines
Pullup rev 1.2 (requested by tsutsui in ticket #116)

Adjust fd_name in struct frodo_device frodo_subdevs[]
since MD apci(4) has been switched to MI com(4).
Adjust FRODO_BASE macro since com_frodo uses bus_space_map(9)
which takes offset from intiobase instead of KVA.
It turns out that not only HP425e but other HP4xx models also require
COM_HW_NOIEN for APCI com(4) ports.

Sat Apr 10 07:51:15 2004 UTC (20 years, 9 months ago) by skrll
Branches: ktrace-lwp
Changes since revision 1.2: +0 -180 lines
file com_frodo.c was added on branch ktrace-lwp on 2004-08-03 10:34:22 +0000

Revision 1.2: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Apr 10 07:51:15 2004 UTC (20 years, 9 months ago) by tsutsui
Branches: MAIN
Branch point for: ktrace-lwp
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +3 -4 lines
It turns out that not only HP425e but other HP4xx models also require
COM_HW_NOIEN for APCI com(4) ports.

Now I can login HP425t via both com[12] at frodo0.

Revision 1.1: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Nov 8 11:18:33 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by tsutsui
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: netbsd-2-0-base
Branch point for: netbsd-2-0
Switch DCA and APCI serial devices to use MI com(4) driver.

DCA is tested on HP362 and HP382 with serial console,
but APCI on HP4xx is not tested yet.

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