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Annotation of src/share/man/man4/ddb.4, Revision 1.144

1.144   ! jym         1: .\"    $NetBSD: ddb.4,v 1.143 2011/06/23 20:54:24 wiz Exp $
1.15      lukem       2: .\"
1.122     ad          3: .\" Copyright (c) 1997 - 2009 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
1.15      lukem       4: .\" All rights reserved.
                      5: .\"
                      6: .\" This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
                      7: .\" by Luke Mewburn
                      8: .\"
                      9: .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
                     10: .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
                     11: .\" are met:
                     12: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
                     13: .\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
                     14: .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
                     15: .\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
                     16: .\"    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
                     17: .\"
                     28: .\" POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
                     29: .\"
                     30: .\" ---
                     31: .\"    This manual page was derived from a -man.old document which bore
                     32: .\"    the following copyright message:
                     33: .\" ---
1.5       jtc        34: .\"
1.1       brezak     35: .\" Mach Operating System
                     36: .\" Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
                     37: .\" All Rights Reserved.
1.52      wiz        38: .\"
1.1       brezak     39: .\" Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
                     40: .\" documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
                     41: .\" notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
                     42: .\" software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
                     43: .\" thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
1.52      wiz        44: .\"
1.52      wiz        48: .\"
1.1       brezak     49: .\" Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
1.52      wiz        50: .\"
1.1       brezak     51: .\"  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
                     52: .\"  School of Computer Science
                     53: .\"  Carnegie Mellon University
                     54: .\"  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
1.52      wiz        55: .\"
1.1       brezak     56: .\" any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
                     57: .\" the rights to redistribute these changes.
1.15      lukem      58: .\"
1.144   ! jym        59: .Dd August 29, 2011
1.15      lukem      60: .Dt DDB 4
1.32      garbled    61: .Os
1.15      lukem      62: .Sh NAME
                     63: .Nm ddb
                     64: .Nd in-kernel debugger
                     65: .Sh SYNOPSIS
                     66: .Cd options DDB
                     67: .Pp
                     68: To enable history editing:
                     69: .Cd options DDB_HISTORY_SIZE=integer
                     70: .Pp
                     71: To disable entering
1.64      wiz        72: .\" XXX: hack; .Nm automatically introduces newline in SYNOPSIS
                     73: .Ic ddb
1.15      lukem      74: upon kernel panic:
                     75: .Cd options DDB_ONPANIC=0
1.79      reinoud    76: .Pp
                     77: To enable teeing all
                     78: .\" XXX: hack; .Nm automatically introduces newline in SYNOPSIS
                     79: .Ic ddb
                     80: output to the kernel msgbuf:
                     81: .Cd options DDB_TEE_MSGBUF=1
1.82      yamt       82: .Pp
                     83: To specify commands which will be executed on each entry to
                     84: .Ic ddb :
                     85: .Cd options DDB_COMMANDONENTER="trace;show registers"
1.83      wiz        86: In this case, "trace" and then "show registers" will be executed automatically.
1.104     martin     87: .Pp
                     88: To enable extended online help:
                     89: .Cd options DDB_VERBOSE_HELP .
1.15      lukem      90: .Sh DESCRIPTION
                     91: .Nm
                     92: is the in-kernel debugger.
                     93: It may be entered at any time via a special key sequence, and
                     94: optionally may be invoked when the kernel panics.
1.21      fair       95: .Sh ENTERING THE DEBUGGER
                     96: Unless
                     97: .Dv DDB_ONPANIC
                     98: is set to 0,
                     99: .Nm
                    100: will be activated whenever the kernel would otherwise panic.
                    101: .Pp
                    102: .Nm
                    103: may also be activated from the console.
                    104: In general, sending a break on a serial console will activate
1.60      wiz       105: .Nm .
1.21      fair      106: There are also key sequences for each port that will activate
                    107: .Nm
                    108: from the keyboard:
1.144   ! jym       109: .Bl -tag -offset indent -width "xen domU" -compact
1.21      fair      110: .It alpha
1.56      ross      111: \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Alt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Esc\*[Gt] on PC style keyboards.
1.110     tron      112: .It amd64
                    113: \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Alt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Esc\*[Gt]
1.125     joerg     114: .It ""
1.110     tron      115: \*[Lt]Break\*[Gt] on serial console.
1.21      fair      116: .It amiga
1.56      ross      117: \*[Lt]LAlt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]LAmiga\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]F10\*[Gt]
1.27      leo       118: .It atari
1.56      ross      119: \*[Lt]Alt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]LeftShift\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]F9\*[Gt]
1.21      fair      120: .It hp300
1.56      ross      121: \*[Lt]Shift\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Reset\*[Gt]
1.100     skrll     122: .It hp700
                    123: +++++
                    124: (five plus signs)
1.125     joerg     125: .It ""
1.100     skrll     126: \*[Lt]Break\*[Gt] on serial console.
1.78      jdc       127: .It hpcarm
                    128: \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Alt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Esc\*[Gt]
1.37      takemura  129: .It hpcmips
1.56      ross      130: \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Alt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Esc\*[Gt]
1.58      uch       131: .It hpcsh
                    132: \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Alt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Esc\*[Gt]
1.21      fair      133: .It i386
1.56      ross      134: \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Alt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Esc\*[Gt]
1.125     joerg     135: .It ""
1.56      ross      136: \*[Lt]Break\*[Gt] on serial console.
1.21      fair      137: .It mac68k
1.56      ross      138: \*[Lt]Command\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Power\*[Gt], or the Interrupt switch.
1.62      wiz       139: .It macppc
                    140: Some models:
                    141: \*[Lt]Command\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Option\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Power\*[Gt]
1.21      fair      142: .It mvme68k
                    143: Abort switch on CPU card.
                    144: .It pmax
1.56      ross      145: \*[Lt]Do\*[Gt] on
1.23      fair      146: .Tn LK-201
                    147: rcons console.
1.125     joerg     148: .It ""
1.56      ross      149: \*[Lt]Break\*[Gt] on serial console.
1.21      fair      150: .It sparc
1.56      ross      151: \*[Lt]L1\*[Gt]-A, or \*[Lt]Stop\*[Gt]-A on a
1.23      fair      152: .Tn Sun
                    153: keyboard.
1.125     joerg     154: .It ""
1.56      ross      155: \*[Lt]Break\*[Gt] on serial console.
1.78      jdc       156: .It sparc64
1.56      ross      157: \*[Lt]L1\*[Gt]-A, or \*[Lt]Stop\*[Gt]-A on a
1.23      fair      158: .Tn Sun
                    159: keyboard.
1.125     joerg     160: .It ""
1.56      ross      161: \*[Lt]Break\*[Gt] on serial console.
1.78      jdc       162: .It sun3
1.56      ross      163: \*[Lt]L1\*[Gt]-A, or \*[Lt]Stop\*[Gt]-A on a
1.23      fair      164: .Tn Sun
                    165: keyboard.
1.125     joerg     166: .It ""
1.56      ross      167: \*[Lt]Break\*[Gt] on serial console.
1.76      wiz       168: .It vax
                    169: \*[Lt]Esc\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Shift\*[Gt]-D on serial console.
1.26      msaitoh   170: .It x68k
                    171: Interrupt switch on the body.
1.144   ! jym       172: .It xen domU
1.94      hubertf   173: +++++
                    174: (five plus signs)
1.119     ober      175: .It zaurus
                    176: \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Alt\*[Gt]-\*[Lt]Esc\*[Gt]
1.21      fair      177: .El
1.23      fair      178: .Pp
1.77      wiz       179: The key sequence to activate
                    180: .Nm
                    181: can be changed by modifying
                    182: .Dq hw.cnmagic
                    183: with
                    184: .Xr sysctl 8 .
                    185: If the console is not dedicated to
                    186: .Nm
                    187: the sequence should not be easily typed by accident.
1.21      fair      188: In addition,
                    189: .Nm
                    190: may be explicitly activated by the debugging code in the kernel
                    191: if
                    192: .Cm DDB
                    193: is configured.
                    194: .Sh COMMAND SYNTAX
                    195: The general command syntax is:
                    196: .Bd -ragged -offset indent
                    197: .Ic command Ns Op Cm / Ns Ar modifier
                    198: .Ar address
                    199: .Op Cm , Ns Ar count
                    200: .Ed
1.15      lukem     201: .Pp
                    202: The current memory location being edited is referred to as
                    203: .Ar dot ,
                    204: and the next location is
                    205: .Ar next .
                    206: They are displayed as hexadecimal numbers.
                    207: .Pp
                    208: Commands that examine and/or modify memory update
                    209: .Ar dot
                    210: to the address of the last line examined or the last location
                    211: modified, and set
                    212: .Ar next
                    213: to the next location to be examined or modified.
                    214: Other commands don't change
                    215: .Ar dot ,
                    216: and set
                    217: .Ar next
                    218: to be the same as
                    219: .Ar dot .
                    220: .Pp
                    221: A blank line repeats the previous command from the address
                    222: .Ar next
1.39      jhawk     223: with the previous
1.15      lukem     224: .Cm count
1.39      jhawk     225: and no modifiers.
1.15      lukem     226: Specifying
                    227: .Cm address
                    228: sets
                    229: .Em dot
                    230: to the address.
1.52      wiz       231: If
1.15      lukem     232: .Cm address
                    233: is omitted,
                    234: .Em dot
                    235: is used.
                    236: A missing
                    237: .Cm count
                    238: is taken to be 1 for printing commands, and infinity for stack traces.
1.39      jhawk     239: .Pp
                    240: The syntax:
                    241: .Bd -ragged -offset indent
1.67      wiz       242: .Cm , Ns Ar count
1.39      jhawk     243: .Ed
                    244: .Pp
                    245: repeats the previous command, just as a blank line does, but with
                    246: the specified
                    247: .Cm count .
1.15      lukem     248: .Pp
                    249: .Nm
                    250: has a
1.68      wiz       251: .Xr more 1 Ns -like
1.15      lukem     252: functionality; if a number of lines in a command's output exceeds the number
                    253: defined in the
                    254: .Va lines
                    255: variable, then
                    256: .Nm
                    257: displays
                    258: .Dq "--db more--"
                    259: and waits for a response, which may be one of:
1.56      ross      260: .Bl -tag -offset indent -width "\*[Lt]return\*[Gt]"
1.85      wiz       261: .It Aq return
1.15      lukem     262: one more line.
1.85      wiz       263: .It Aq space
1.15      lukem     264: one more page.
1.52      wiz       265: .It Ic q
1.1       brezak    266: abort the current command, and return to the command input mode.
1.15      lukem     267: .El
                    268: .Pp
1.103     uwe       269: You can set
                    270: .Va lines
                    271: variable to zero to disable this feature.
                    272: .Pp
1.52      wiz       273: If
1.15      lukem     274: .Nm
                    275: history editing is enabled (by defining the
                    276: .D1 Cd options DDB_HISTORY_SIZE=num
                    277: kernel option), then a history of the last
                    278: .Cm num
                    279: commands is kept.
                    280: The history can be manipulated with the following key sequences:
1.56      ross      281: .Bl -tag -offset indent -width "\*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-P"
                    282: .It \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-P
1.15      lukem     283: retrieve previous command in history (if any).
1.56      ross      284: .It \*[Lt]Ctrl\*[Gt]-N
1.15      lukem     285: retrieve next command in history (if any).
                    286: .El
                    287: .Sh COMMANDS
                    288: .Nm
                    289: supports the following commands:
                    290: .Bl -tag -width 5n
1.125     joerg     291: .It Ic \&! Ns Ar address Ns Oo Cm ( Ar expression Ns Oo Ar ,... Oc Ns Cm ) Oc
1.44      jhawk     292: A synonym for
                    293: .Ic call .
1.125     joerg     294: .It Ic break Ns Oo Cm /u Oc Ar address Ns Op Cm , Ns Ar count
1.44      jhawk     295: Set a breakpoint at
                    296: .Ar address .
                    297: If
                    298: .Ar count
                    299: is supplied, continues
1.143     wiz       300: .Pq Ar count Ns \-1
1.44      jhawk     301: times before stopping at the breakpoint.
                    302: If the breakpoint is set, a breakpoint number is printed with
                    303: .Sq \&# .
                    304: This number can be used to
                    305: .Ic delete
                    306: the breakpoint, or to add
                    307: conditions to it.
                    308: .Pp
                    309: If
                    310: .Cm /u
                    311: is specified,
                    312: set a breakpoint at a user-space address.
                    313: Without
                    314: .Cm /u ,
                    315: .Ar address
                    316: is considered to be in the kernel-space, and an address in the wrong
                    317: space will be rejected, and an error message will be emitted.
                    318: This modifier may only be used if it is supported by machine dependent
                    319: routines.
                    320: .Pp
                    321: Warning: if a user text is shadowed by a normal user-space debugger,
                    322: user-space breakpoints may not work correctly.
                    323: Setting a breakpoint at the low-level code paths may also cause
                    324: strange behavior.
1.125     joerg     325: .It Ic bt Ns Oo Cm /ul Oc Oo Ar frame-address Oc Ns Oo Cm , Ns Ar count Oc
1.59      jmc       326: A synonym for
                    327: .Ic trace .
1.125     joerg     328: .It Ic bt/t Ns Oo Cm /ul Oc Oo Ar pid Oc Ns Oo Cm , Ns Ar count Oc
1.59      jmc       329: A synonym for
1.98      mrg       330: .Ic trace/t .
1.125     joerg     331: .It Ic bt/a Ns Oo Cm /ul Oc Oo Ar lwpaddr Oc Ns Oo Cm , Ns Ar count Oc
1.99      ad        332: A synonym for
                    333: .Ic trace/a .
1.125     joerg     334: .It Ic call Ar address Ns Oo Cm ( Ns Ar expression Ns Oo Ar ,... Oc Ns Cm ) Oc
1.44      jhawk     335: Call the function specified by
                    336: .Ar address
                    337: with the argument(s) listed in parentheses.
                    338: Parentheses may be omitted if the function takes no arguments.
                    339: The number of arguments is currently limited to 10.
                    340: .It Ic continue Ns Op Cm /c
                    341: Continue execution until a breakpoint or watchpoint.
                    342: If
                    343: .Cm /c
                    344: is specified, count instructions while executing.
                    345: Some machines (e.g., pmax) also count loads and stores.
                    346: .Pp
                    347: Warning: when counting, the debugger is really silently
                    348: single-stepping.
                    349: This means that single-stepping on low-level may cause strange
                    350: behavior.
1.125     joerg     351: .It Ic delete Ar "address" | Cm # Ns Ar number
1.44      jhawk     352: Delete a breakpoint.
                    353: The target breakpoint may be specified by
                    354: .Ar address ,
                    355: as per
                    356: .Ic break ,
                    357: or by the breakpoint number returned by
                    358: .Ic break
                    359: if it's prefixed with
                    360: .Sq Cm \&# .
1.125     joerg     361: .It Ic dmesg Op Ar count
1.65      atatat    362: Prints the contents of the kernel message buffer.
1.69      simonb    363: The optional
                    364: .Ar count
                    365: argument will limit printing to at most the last
                    366: .Ar count
                    367: bytes of the message buffer.
1.125     joerg     368: .It Ic dwatch Ar address
1.44      jhawk     369: Delete the watchpoint at
                    370: .Ar address
                    371: that was previously set with
                    372: .Ic watch
                    373: command.
1.125     joerg     374: .It Ic examine Ns Oo Cm / Ns Ar modifier Oc Ar address Ns Op Cm , Ns Ar count
1.52      wiz       375: Display the address locations according to the format in
1.15      lukem     376: .Ar modifier .
1.1       brezak    377: Multiple modifier formats display multiple locations.
1.15      lukem     378: If
                    379: .Ar modifier
                    380: isn't specified, the modifier from the last use of
                    381: .Ic examine
1.1       brezak    382: is used.
1.15      lukem     383: .Pp
                    384: The valid format characters for
                    385: .Ar modifier
                    386: are:
1.44      jhawk     387: .Bl -tag -offset indent -width 2n -compact
1.15      lukem     388: .It Cm b
                    389: examine bytes (8 bits).
                    390: .It Cm h
                    391: examine half-words (16 bits).
                    392: .It Cm l
1.35      ross      393: examine words (legacy
                    394: .Dq long ,
                    395: 32 bits).
                    396: .It Cm L
                    397: examine long words (implementation dependent)
1.15      lukem     398: .It Cm a
                    399: print the location being examined.
                    400: .It Cm A
                    401: print the location with a line number if possible.
                    402: .It Cm x
                    403: display in unsigned hex.
                    404: .It Cm z
                    405: display in signed hex.
                    406: .It Cm o
                    407: display in unsigned octal.
                    408: .It Cm d
                    409: display in signed decimal.
                    410: .It Cm u
                    411: display in unsigned decimal.
                    412: .It Cm r
                    413: display in current radix, signed.
                    414: .It Cm c
1.1       brezak    415: display low 8 bits as a character.
1.15      lukem     416: Non-printing characters as displayed as an octal escape code
                    417: (e.g.,
                    418: .Sq \e000 ) .
                    419: .It Cm s
                    420: display the NUL terminated string at the location.
1.1       brezak    421: Non-printing characters are displayed as octal escapes.
1.15      lukem     422: .It Cm m
                    423: display in unsigned hex with a character dump at the end of each line.
                    424: The location is displayed as hex at the beginning of each line.
                    425: .It Cm i
                    426: display as a machine instruction.
                    427: .It Cm I
                    428: display as a machine instruction, with possible alternative formats
                    429: depending upon the machine:
1.44      jhawk     430: .Bl -tag -offset indent -width "sparc" -compact
1.25      drochner  431: .It alpha
                    432: print register operands
                    433: .It m68k
                    434: use Motorola syntax
1.15      lukem     435: .It vax
                    436: don't assume that each external label is a procedure entry mask
                    437: .El
                    438: .El
1.125     joerg     439: .It Ic kill Ar pid Ns Op Cm , Ns Ar signal_number
1.44      jhawk     440: Send a signal to the process specified by the
                    441: .Ar pid .
                    442: Note that
                    443: .Ar pid
                    444: is interpreted using the current radix (see
                    445: .Cm trace/t
                    446: command for details).
                    447: If
                    448: .Ar signal_number
                    449: isn't specified, the SIGTERM signal is sent.
                    450: .It Ic match Ns Op Cm /p
1.15      lukem     451: A synonym for
1.44      jhawk     452: .Ic next .
                    453: .It Ic next Ns Op Cm /p
                    454: Stop at the matching return instruction.
                    455: If
                    456: .Cm /p
                    457: is specified, print the call nesting depth and the
                    458: cumulative instruction count at each call or return.
                    459: Otherwise, only print when the matching return is hit.
1.125     joerg     460: .It Ic print Ns Oo Cm /axzodurc Oc Ar address Op Ar address ...
1.15      lukem     461: Print addresses
                    462: .Ar address
                    463: according to the modifier character, as per
                    464: .Ic examine .
                    465: Valid modifiers are:
                    466: .Cm /a ,
                    467: .Cm /x ,
                    468: .Cm /z ,
                    469: .Cm /o ,
                    470: .Cm /d ,
                    471: .Cm /u ,
                    472: .Cm /r ,
                    473: and
                    474: .Cm /c
                    475: (as per
                    476: .Ic examine ) .
                    477: If no modifier is specified, the most recent one specified is used.
                    478: .Ar address
                    479: may be a string, and is printed
                    480: .Dq as-is .
                    481: For example:
                    482: .Bd -literal -offset indent
                    483: print/x "eax = " $eax "\enecx = " $ecx "\en"
                    484: .Ed
                    485: .Pp
                    486: will produce:
                    487: .Bd -literal -offset indent
1.1       brezak    488: eax = xxxxxx
                    489: ecx = yyyyyy
1.15      lukem     490: .Ed
1.125     joerg     491: .It Ic ps Ns Oo Cm /a Oc Ns Oo Cm /n Oc Ns Oo Cm /w Oc Ns Oo Cm /l Oc
1.44      jhawk     492: A synonym for
1.85      wiz       493: .Ic show all procs .
1.44      jhawk     494: .It Ic reboot Op Ar flags
                    495: Reboot, using the optionally supplied boot
1.73      lukem     496: .Ar flags ,
1.81      fredb     497: which is a bitmask supporting the same values as for
                    498: .Xr reboot 2 .
                    499: Some of the more useful flags:
1.87      uwe       500: .Bl -column "Value" "RB_POWERDOWN" "Description"
1.73      lukem     501: .It Sy "Value" Ta Sy "Name" Ta Sy "Description"
                    502: .It 0x1 Ta RB_ASKNAME Ta Ask for file name to reboot from
                    503: .It 0x2 Ta RB_SINGLE Ta Reboot to single user mode
                    504: .It 0x4 Ta RB_NOSYNC Ta Don't sync before reboot
                    505: .It 0x8 Ta RB_HALT Ta Halt instead of reboot
                    506: .It 0x40 Ta RB_KDB Ta Boot into kernel debugger
1.81      fredb     507: .It 0x100 Ta RB_DUMP Ta Dump unconditionally before reboot
1.73      lukem     508: .It 0x808 Ta RB_POWERDOWN Ta Power off (or at least halt)
                    509: .El
1.44      jhawk     510: .Pp
                    511: Note: Limitations of the command line interface preclude
                    512: specification of a boot string.
1.125     joerg     513: .It Ic search Ns Oo Cm /bhl Oc Ar address Ar value \
                    514: Oo Ar mask Oc Oo Cm , Ns Ar count Oc
1.44      jhawk     515: Search memory from
                    516: .Ar address
                    517: for
                    518: .Ar value .
1.15      lukem     519: The unit size is specified with a modifier character, as per
                    520: .Ic examine .
                    521: Valid modifiers are:
                    522: .Cm /b ,
                    523: .Cm /h ,
                    524: and
                    525: .Cm /l .
                    526: If no modifier is specified,
                    527: .Cm /l
                    528: is used.
                    529: .Pp
1.44      jhawk     530: This command might fail in interesting ways if it doesn't find
                    531: .Ar value .
                    532: This is because
                    533: .Nm
                    534: doesn't always recover from touching bad memory.
                    535: The optional
                    536: .Ar count
                    537: limits the search.
1.125     joerg     538: .It Ic set Cm $ Ns Ar variable Oo Cm = Oc Ar expression
1.15      lukem     539: Set the named variable or register to the value of
                    540: .Ar expression .
                    541: Valid variable names are described in
                    542: .Sx VARIABLES .
1.102     pooka     543: .It Ic show all callout
                    544: Display information about callouts in the system.
                    545: See
                    546: .Xr callout 9
                    547: for more information on callouts.
1.91      bjh21     548: .It Ic show all pages
                    549: Display basic information about all physical pages managed by the VM system.
                    550: For more detailed information about a single page, use
                    551: .Ic show page .
1.85      wiz       552: .It Ic show all pools Ns Op Cm /clp
1.84      yamt      553: Display all pool information.
1.89      wiz       554: Modifiers are the same as
1.85      wiz       555: .Ic show pool .
1.125     joerg     556: .It Ic "show\ all\ procs" Ns Oo Cm /a Oc Ns Oo Cm /n Oc Ns Oo Cm /w Oc Ns \
                    557: Oo Cm /l Oc
1.44      jhawk     558: Display all process information.
                    559: Valid modifiers:
                    560: .Bl -tag -width 3n
                    561: .It Cm /n
                    562: show process information in a
                    563: .Xr ps 1
1.122     ad        564: style format.
1.44      jhawk     565: Information printed includes: process ID, parent process ID,
                    566: process group, UID, process status, process flags, process
                    567: command name, and process wait channel message.
                    568: .It Cm /a
                    569: show the kernel virtual addresses of each process'
1.55      mrg       570: proc structure, u-area, and vmspace structure.
1.44      jhawk     571: The vmspace address is also the address of the process'
                    572: vm_map structure, and can be used in the
1.85      wiz       573: .Ic show map
1.44      jhawk     574: command.
                    575: .It Cm /w
                    576: show each process' PID, command, system call emulation, wait channel
                    577: address, and wait channel message.
1.96      oster     578: .It Cm /l
                    579: show each process' associated LWP information, including each LWP's
                    580: LID, flags, kernel LWP structure address, u-area, and wait channel.
1.122     ad        581: This is the default.
1.44      jhawk     582: .El
1.102     pooka     583: .It Ic show arptab
                    584: Dump the entire
                    585: .Dv AF_INET
                    586: routing table.
                    587: This command is available only on systems which support inet and ARP.
1.85      wiz       588: .It Ic show breaks
1.50      jhawk     589: Display all breakpoints.
1.125     joerg     590: .It Ic show buf Ns Oo Cm /f Oc Ar address
1.50      jhawk     591: Print the struct buf at
                    592: .Ar address .
                    593: The
                    594: .Cm /f
                    595: does nothing at this time.
1.126     mrg       596: .It Ic show event Ns Oo Cm /f Oc Ns Oo Cm /i Oc Ns Oo Cm /m Oc Ns \
                    597: Oo Cm /t Oc
1.57      simonb    598: Print all the non-zero
                    599: .Xr evcnt 9
                    600: event counters.
1.126     mrg       601: Valid modifiers:
                    602: .Bl -tag -width 3n
                    603: .It Cm /f
                    604: event counters with a count of zero are printed as well.
                    605: .It Cm /i
                    606: interrupted counters will be displayed.
                    607: .It Cm /m
1.127     wiz       608: misc counters will be displayed.
1.126     mrg       609: .It Cm /t
1.127     wiz       610: trap counters will be displayed.
1.126     mrg       611: .El
                    612: .Pp
                    613: If none of
                    614: .Cm /i ,
                    615: .Cm /m
                    616: or
                    617: .Cm /t
                    618: are specified, all are shown.
                    619: You can combine any of these.
                    620: For example, the modifier
                    621: .Cm /itf
                    622: will select both interrupt and trap events, including those that are non-zero.
1.125     joerg     623: .It Ic show files Ar address
1.115     blymn     624: Display information about the vnodes of the files that are currently
                    625: open by the process associated with the proc structure at
                    626: .Ar address .
                    627: This address can be found using the
                    628: .Ic show all procs /a
                    629: command.
                    630: If the kernel is compiled with
                    631: .Cd options LOCKDEBUG
                    632: then details about the locking of the underlying uvm object will also
                    633: be displayed.
1.125     joerg     634: .It Ic show lock Ar address
1.102     pooka     635: Display information about a lock at
                    636: .Ar address .
                    637: This command is useful only if a kernel is compiled with
                    638: .Cd options LOCKDEBUG .
1.125     joerg     639: .It Ic show malloc Ar address
1.102     pooka     640: If
                    641: .Ar address
                    642: is supplied, display the kernel memory allocator's idea on the
                    643: allocation status for it.
                    644: Also, print out global statistics for the memory allocator.
                    645: This command is useful only if a kernel is compiled with
                    646: .Cd options MALLOC_DEBUG .
1.125     joerg     647: .It Ic show map Ns Oo Cm /f Oc Ar address
1.44      jhawk     648: Print the vm_map at
                    649: .Ar address .
                    650: If
                    651: .Cm /f
1.50      jhawk     652: is specified, the complete map is printed.
1.125     joerg     653: .It Ic show mount Ns Oo Cm /f Oc Ar address
1.74      dbj       654: Print the mount structure at
                    655: .Ar address .
                    656: If
                    657: .Cm /f
                    658: is specified, the complete vnode list is printed.
1.125     joerg     659: .It Ic show mbuf Ns Oo Cm /c Oc Ar address
1.90      yamt      660: Print the mbuf structure at
                    661: .Ar address .
                    662: If
                    663: .Cm /c
                    664: is specified, the mbufs in the chain are followed.
1.85      wiz       665: .It Ic show ncache Ar address
1.50      jhawk     666: Dump the namecache list associated with vnode at
                    667: .Ar address .
1.125     joerg     668: .It Ic show object Ns Oo Cm /f Oc Ar address
1.44      jhawk     669: Print the vm_object at
1.15      lukem     670: .Ar address .
                    671: If
1.44      jhawk     672: .Cm /f
1.50      jhawk     673: is specified, the complete object is printed.
1.125     joerg     674: .It Ic show page Ns Oo Cm /f Oc Ar address
1.50      jhawk     675: Print the vm_page at
                    676: .Ar address .
                    677: If
                    678: .Cm /f
                    679: is specified, the complete page is printed.
1.125     joerg     680: .It Ic show pool Ns Oo Cm /clp Oc Ar address
1.50      jhawk     681: Print the pool at
                    682: .Ar address .
                    683: Valid modifiers:
                    684: .Bl -tag -width 4n -compact
                    685: .It Cm /c
                    686: Print the cachelist and its statistics for this pool.
                    687: .It Cm /l
                    688: Print the log entries for this pool.
                    689: .It Cm /p
                    690: Print the pagelist for this pool.
                    691: .El
1.85      wiz       692: .It Ic show registers Ns Op Cm /u
1.44      jhawk     693: Display the register set.
1.15      lukem     694: If
                    695: .Cm /u
1.44      jhawk     696: is specified, display user registers instead of kernel registers
                    697: or the currently save one.
1.15      lukem     698: .Pp
1.44      jhawk     699: Warning: support for
                    700: .Cm /u
                    701: is machine dependent.
                    702: If not supported, incorrect information will be displayed.
1.85      wiz       703: .It Ic show sched_qs
1.71      thorpej   704: Print the state of the scheduler's run queues.
                    705: For each run queue that has an LWP, the run queue index and the list
                    706: of LWPs will be shown.
                    707: If the run queue has LWPs, but the sched_whichqs bit is not set for that
                    708: queue, the queue index will be prefixed with a
1.72      wiz       709: .Sq \&! .
1.85      wiz       710: .It Ic show uvmexp
1.50      jhawk     711: Print a selection of UVM counters and statistics.
1.125     joerg     712: .It Ic show uvmhist
1.116     skrll     713: Dumps the UVM histories.
                    714: This command is available only if a kernel is compiled with
                    715: .Cd options UVMHIST .
1.125     joerg     716: .It Ic show vnode Ns Oo Cm /f Oc Ar address
1.50      jhawk     717: Print the vnode at
                    718: .Ar address .
                    719: If
                    720: .Cm /f
                    721: is specified, the complete vnode is printed.
1.85      wiz       722: .It Ic show watches
1.44      jhawk     723: Display all watchpoints.
1.125     joerg     724: .It Ic sifting Ns Oo Cm /F Oc Ar string
1.46      jhawk     725: Search the symbol tables for all symbols of which
                    726: .Ar string
1.66      wiz       727: is a substring, and display them.
                    728: If
1.46      jhawk     729: .Cm /F
                    730: is specified, a character is displayed immediately after each symbol
                    731: name indicating the type of symbol.
                    732: .Pp
                    733: For
1.68      wiz       734: .Xr a.out 5 Ns -format
1.52      wiz       735: symbol tables,
1.46      jhawk     736: absolute symbols display
                    737: .Sy @ ,
                    738: text segment symbols display
                    739: .Sy * ,
                    740: data segment symbols display
                    741: .Sy + ,
                    742: .Tn BSS
                    743: segment symbols display
                    744: .Sy - ,
                    745: and filename symbols display
                    746: .Sy / .
                    747: For
                    748: .Tn ELF Ns -format
                    749: symbol tables,
                    750: object symbols display
                    751: .Sy + ,
                    752: function symbols display
                    753: .Sy * ,
                    754: section symbols display
1.56      ross      755: .Sy \*[Am] ,
1.46      jhawk     756: and file symbols display
                    757: .Sy / .
1.47      jhawk     758: .Pp
                    759: To sift for a string beginning with a number, escape the first
                    760: character with a backslash as:
                    761: .Bd -literal -offset indent
                    762: sifting \\386
                    763: .Ed
1.125     joerg     764: .It Ic step Ns Oo Cm /p Oc Op Cm , Ns Ar count
1.15      lukem     765: Single-step
                    766: .Ar count
                    767: times.
                    768: If
                    769: .Cm /p
                    770: is specified, print each instruction at each step.
1.1       brezak    771: Otherwise, only print the last instruction.
1.15      lukem     772: .Pp
                    773: Warning: depending on the machine type, it may not be possible
                    774: to single-step through some low-level code paths or user-space
                    775: code.
1.1       brezak    776: On machines with software-emulated single-stepping (e.g., pmax),
                    777: stepping through code executed by interrupt handlers will probably
                    778: do the wrong thing.
1.44      jhawk     779: .It Ic sync
                    780: Force a crash dump, and then reboot.
1.125     joerg     781: .It Ic trace Ns Oo Cm /u Ns Oo Cm l Oc Oc Oo Ar frame-address Oc Ns \
                    782: Oo Cm , Ns Ar count Oc
1.15      lukem     783: Stack trace from
                    784: .Ar frame-address .
                    785: If
                    786: .Cm /u
                    787: is specified, trace user-space, otherwise trace kernel-space.
                    788: .Ar count
                    789: is the number of frames to be traced.
                    790: If
                    791: .Ar count
                    792: is omitted, all frames are printed.
1.65      atatat    793: If
                    794: .Cm /l
                    795: is specified, the trace is printed and also stored in the kernel
                    796: message buffer.
1.15      lukem     797: .Pp
                    798: Warning: user-space stack trace is valid only if the machine dependent
                    799: code supports it.
1.125     joerg     800: .It Ic trace/t Ns Oo Cm l Oc Oo Ar pid Oc Ns Oo Cm , Ns Ar count Oc
1.15      lukem     801: Stack trace by
                    802: .Dq thread
1.52      wiz       803: (process, on
1.18      perry     804: .Nx )
                    805: rather than by stack frame address.
1.15      lukem     806: Note that
                    807: .Ar pid
                    808: is interpreted using the current radix, whilst
                    809: .Ic ps
                    810: displays pids in decimal; prefix
                    811: .Ar pid
                    812: with
                    813: .Sq 0t
1.30      msaitoh   814: to force it to be interpreted as decimal (see
                    815: .Sx VARIABLES
1.65      atatat    816: section for radix).
                    817: If
                    818: .Cm /l
                    819: is specified, the trace is printed and also stored in the kernel
                    820: message buffer.
1.15      lukem     821: .Pp
1.10      sommerfe  822: Warning: trace by pid is valid only if the machine dependent code
                    823: supports it.
1.125     joerg     824: .It Ic trace/a Ns Oo Cm l Oc Oo Ar lwpaddr Oc Ns Oo Cm , Ns Ar count Oc
1.99      ad        825: Stack trace by light weight process (LWP) address
                    826: rather than by stack frame address.
                    827: If
                    828: .Cm /l
                    829: is specified, the trace is printed and also stored in the kernel
                    830: message buffer.
                    831: .Pp
                    832: Warning: trace by LWP address is valid only if the machine dependent
                    833: code supports it.
1.44      jhawk     834: .It Ic until Ns Op Cm /p
                    835: Stop at the next call or return instruction.
1.15      lukem     836: If
1.44      jhawk     837: .Cm /p
                    838: is specified, print the call nesting depth and the
                    839: cumulative instruction count at each call or return.
                    840: Otherwise, only print when the matching return is hit.
1.125     joerg     841: .It Ic watch Ar address Ns Oo Cm , Ns Ar size Oc
1.15      lukem     842: Set a watchpoint for a region.
                    843: Execution stops when an attempt to modify the region occurs.
                    844: .Ar size
                    845: defaults to 4.
                    846: .Pp
                    847: If you specify a wrong space address, the request is
                    848: rejected with an error message.
                    849: .Pp
                    850: Warning: attempts to watch wired kernel memory may cause
                    851: an unrecoverable error in some systems such as i386.
                    852: Watchpoints on user addresses work the best.
1.125     joerg     853: .It Ic whatis Ar address
1.108     yamt      854: Describe what an address is.
1.134     phx       855: .It Ic write Ns Oo Cm /bhlBHL Oc Ar address Ar expression Oo Ar expression ... Oc
1.44      jhawk     856: Write the
                    857: .Ar expression Ns s
                    858: at succeeding locations.
                    859: The unit size is specified with a modifier character, as per
                    860: .Ic examine .
                    861: Valid modifiers are:
                    862: .Cm /b ,
                    863: .Cm /h ,
                    864: and
                    865: .Cm /l .
                    866: If no modifier is specified,
                    867: .Cm /l
                    868: is used.
                    869: .Pp
1.134     phx       870: Specifying the modifiers in upper case,
                    871: .Cm /B ,
                    872: .Cm /H ,
                    873: .Cm /L ,
                    874: will prevent
                    875: .Nm
                    876: from reading the memory location first, which is useful for avoiding
                    877: side effects when writing to I/O memory regions.
                    878: .Pp
1.44      jhawk     879: Warning: since there is no delimiter between
                    880: .Ar expression Ns s ,
                    881: strange things may occur.
                    882: It's best to enclose each
                    883: .Ar expression
                    884: in parentheses.
1.125     joerg     885: .It Ic x Ns Oo Cm / Ns Ar modifier Oc Ar address Ns Op Cm , Ns Ar count
1.41      jhawk     886: A synonym for
1.44      jhawk     887: .Ic examine .
                    888: .\" XXX - these commands aren't implemented; jhawk 19 May 2000
                    889: .\" .It Ic xf
                    890: .\" Examine forward.
                    891: .\" .Ic xf
                    892: .\" re-executes the most recent
                    893: .\" .Ic execute
                    894: .\" command with the same parameters except that
                    895: .\" .Ar address
                    896: .\" is set to
                    897: .\" .Ar next .
                    898: .\" .It Ic xb
                    899: .\" Examine backward.
                    900: .\" .Ic xb
                    901: .\" re-executes the most recent
                    902: .\" .Ic execute
                    903: .\" command with the same parameters, except that
                    904: .\" .Ar address
                    905: .\" is set to the last start address minus its size.
1.15      lukem     906: .El
1.19      fair      907: .Sh MACHINE-SPECIFIC COMMANDS
                    908: The "glue" code that hooks
                    909: .Nm
                    910: into the
                    911: .Nx
                    912: kernel for any given port can also add machine specific commands
                    913: to the
                    914: .Nm
                    915: command parser.
                    916: All of these commands are preceded by the command word
                    917: .Em machine
                    918: to indicate that they are part of the machine-specific command
1.23      fair      919: set (e.g.
1.85      wiz       920: .Ic machine reboot ) .
1.19      fair      921: Some of these commands are:
1.140     mrg       922: .Ss ACORN26
                    923: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
                    924: .It Ic bsw
1.141     wiz       925: Writes one or two bytes to the IObus.
1.140     mrg       926: Takes an address and a value.
                    927: Use the
                    928: .Dq b
                    929: modifier to write a single byte and the
                    930: .Dq h
                    931: modifier to write two bytes.
                    932: .It Ic frame
                    933: Given a trap frame address, print out the trap frame.
                    934: .It Ic irqstat
                    935: Display the IRQ statistics
                    936: .It Ic panic
                    937: Print the current "panic" string.
                    938: .El
1.23      fair      939: .Ss ALPHA
1.112     chris     940: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
1.139     mrg       941: .It Ic cpu
                    942: Switch to another cpu.
                    943: .\" .It Ic halt
                    944: .\" Call the PROM monitor to halt the CPU.
                    945: .\" .It Ic reboot
                    946: .\" Call the PROM monitor to reboot the CPU.
1.19      fair      947: .El
1.140     mrg       948: .Ss AMD64
                    949: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
                    950: .It Ic cpu
                    951: Switch to another cpu.
                    952: .El
1.23      fair      953: .Ss ARM32
1.112     chris     954: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
1.140     mrg       955: .It Ic frame
                    956: Given a trap frame address, print out the trap frame.
1.23      fair      957: .It Ic panic
1.21      fair      958: Print the current "panic" string.
1.19      fair      959: .El
1.137     skrll     960: .Ss HP700
                    961: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
                    962: .It Ic frame
                    963: Without an address the default trap frame is printed.
                    964: Otherwise, the trap frame address can be given, or, when the
                    965: .Dq l
                    966: modifier is used, an LWP address.
                    967: .El
1.140     mrg       968: .Ss I386
                    969: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
                    970: .It Ic cpu
                    971: Switch to another cpu.
                    972: .El
                    973: .Ss IA64
                    974: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
                    975: .It Ic vector
                    976: Without a vector, information about all 256 vectors is shown.
                    977: Otherwise, the given vector is shown.
                    978: .El
1.23      fair      979: .Ss MIPS
1.112     chris     980: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
1.114     tsutsui   981: .It Ic cp0
                    982: Dump CP0 (coprocessor 0) register values.
1.38      soren     983: .It Ic kvtop
                    984: Print the physical address for a given kernel virtual address.
1.23      fair      985: .It Ic tlb
1.21      fair      986: Print out the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB).
1.19      fair      987: Only works in
                    988: .Nx
1.23      fair      989: kernels compiled with
                    990: .Dv DEBUG
                    991: option.
1.58      uch       992: .El
1.132     phx       993: .Ss POWERPC 4xx
1.130     mrg       994: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
                    995: .It Ic ctx
                    996: Print process MMU context information.
                    997: .It Ic pv
1.131     wiz       998: Print PA-\*[Gt]VA mapping information.
1.130     mrg       999: .It Ic reset
                   1000: Reset the system.
                   1001: .It Ic tf
                   1002: Display the contents of the trapframe.
                   1003: .It Ic tlb
                   1004: Display instruction translation storage buffer information.
                   1005: .It Ic dcr
                   1006: Set the DCR register.
                   1007: Must be between 0x00 and 0x3ff.
                   1008: .It Ic user
                   1009: Display user memory.
                   1010: Use the
                   1011: .Dq i
                   1012: modifier to get instruction decoding.
                   1013: .El
1.132     phx      1014: .Ss POWERPC OEA
                   1015: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
                   1016: .It Ic bat
                   1017: Print BAT registers and translations.
                   1018: .It Ic mmu
                   1019: Print MMU registers.
                   1020: .El
1.58      uch      1021: .Ss SH3
1.112     chris    1022: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
1.58      uch      1023: .It Ic tlb
1.130     mrg      1024: Print TLB entries.
1.58      uch      1025: .It Ic cache
1.130     mrg      1026: Print cache entries.
1.58      uch      1027: .It Ic frame
                   1028: Print switch frame and trap frames.
                   1029: .It Ic stack
1.66      wiz      1030: Print kernel stack usage.
1.75      wiz      1031: Only works in
                   1032: .Nx
                   1033: kernels compiled with the
                   1034: .Dv KSTACK_DEBUG
                   1035: option.
1.19      fair     1036: .El
1.23      fair     1037: .Ss SPARC
1.112     chris    1038: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
1.128     mrg      1039: .It Ic cpu
                   1040: Switch to another cpu.
1.23      fair     1041: .It Ic prom
1.128     mrg      1042: Enter the Sun PROM monitor.
                   1043: .It Ic proc
                   1044: Display some information about the LWP pointed to, or curlwp.
                   1045: .It Ic pcb
                   1046: Display information about the
                   1047: .Dq struct pcb
                   1048: listed.
                   1049: .It Ic page
                   1050: Display the pointer to the
                   1051: .Dq struct vm_page
                   1052: for this physical address.
1.49      mrg      1053: .El
                   1054: .Ss SPARC64
1.112     chris    1055: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
1.49      mrg      1056: .It Ic ctx
                   1057: Print process context information.
1.105     martin   1058: .It Ic cpu
                   1059: Switch to another cpu.
1.49      mrg      1060: .It Ic dtlb
                   1061: Print data translation look-aside buffer context information.
                   1062: .It Ic dtsb
                   1063: Display data translation storage buffer information.
                   1064: .It Ic kmap
1.66      wiz      1065: Display information about the listed mapping in the kernel pmap.
                   1066: Use the
1.49      mrg      1067: .Dq f
                   1068: modifier to get a full listing.
1.105     martin   1069: .It Ic extract
                   1070: Extract the physical address for a given virtual address from the kernel pmap.
                   1071: .It Ic fpstate
                   1072: Dump the FPU state.
                   1073: .It Ic itlb
                   1074: Print instruction translation look-aside buffer context information.
                   1075: .It Ic itsb
                   1076: Display instruction translation storage buffer information.
                   1077: .It Ic lwp
                   1078: Display a struct lwp
1.49      mrg      1079: .It Ic pcb
                   1080: Display information about the
1.52      wiz      1081: .Dq struct pcb
1.49      mrg      1082: listed.
                   1083: .It Ic pctx
                   1084: Attempt to change process context.
                   1085: .It Ic page
                   1086: Display the pointer to the
                   1087: .Dq struct vm_page
                   1088: for this physical address.
                   1089: .It Ic phys
                   1090: Display physical memory.
                   1091: .It Ic pmap
1.66      wiz      1092: Display the pmap.
                   1093: Use the
1.49      mrg      1094: .Dq f
                   1095: modifier to get a fuller listing.
                   1096: .It Ic proc
                   1097: Display some information about the process pointed to, or curproc.
                   1098: .It Ic prom
1.63      wiz      1099: Enter the OFW PROM.
1.49      mrg      1100: .It Ic pv
                   1101: Display the
                   1102: .Dq struct pv_entry
                   1103: pointed to.
1.106     martin   1104: .It Ic sir
                   1105: Reset the machine and enter prom (do a Software Initiated Reset).
1.49      mrg      1106: .It Ic stack
1.66      wiz      1107: Dump the window stack.
                   1108: Use the
1.49      mrg      1109: .Dq u
                   1110: modifier to get userland information.
                   1111: .It Ic tf
1.66      wiz      1112: Display full trap frame state.
                   1113: This is most useful for inclusion with bug reports.
1.49      mrg      1114: .It Ic ts
                   1115: Display trap state.
                   1116: .It Ic traptrace
1.66      wiz      1117: Display or set trap trace information.
                   1118: Use the
1.49      mrg      1119: .Dq r
                   1120: and
                   1121: .Dq f
                   1122: modifiers to get reversed and full information, respectively.
                   1123: .It Ic watch
1.66      wiz      1124: Set or clear a physical or virtual hardware watchpoint.
                   1125: Pass the address to be watched, or
1.49      mrg      1126: .Dq 0
1.107     wiz      1127: (or omit the address) to clear the watchpoint.
1.106     martin   1128: Optional modifiers are
1.49      mrg      1129: .Dq p
1.106     martin   1130: for physical address,
                   1131: .Dq r
                   1132: for trap on read access (default: trap on write access only),
                   1133: .Dq b
                   1134: for 8 bit width,
                   1135: .Dq h
                   1136: for 16 bit,
                   1137: .Dq l
1.107     wiz      1138: for 32 bit or
1.106     martin   1139: .Dq L
                   1140: for 64 bit.
1.49      mrg      1141: .It Ic window
1.123     wiz      1142: Print register window information.
                   1143: Argument is a stack frame number (0 is
1.106     martin   1144: top of stack, which is used when no index is given).
1.19      fair     1145: .El
1.138     mrg      1146: .Ss SUN2, SUN3 and SUN3X
1.112     chris    1147: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
1.23      fair     1148: .It Ic abort
1.19      fair     1149: Drop into monitor via abort (allows continue).
1.23      fair     1150: .It Ic halt
1.19      fair     1151: Exit to Sun PROM monitor as in
                   1152: .Xr halt 8 .
1.23      fair     1153: .It Ic reboot
1.19      fair     1154: Reboot the machine as in
                   1155: .Xr reboot 8 .
1.23      fair     1156: .It Ic pgmap
1.19      fair     1157: Given an address, print the address, segment map, page map, and
                   1158: Page Table Entry (PTE).
                   1159: .El
1.140     mrg      1160: .Ss VAX
                   1161: .Bl -tag -width "traptrace" -compact
                   1162: .It Ic cpu
                   1163: Switch to another cpu.
                   1164: .El
1.15      lukem    1165: .Sh VARIABLES
                   1166: .Nm
                   1167: accesses registers and variables as
                   1168: .Cm $ Ns Ar name .
                   1169: Register names are as per the
1.85      wiz      1170: .Ic show registers
1.1       brezak   1171: command.
1.15      lukem    1172: Some variables are suffixed with numbers, and may have a modifier
1.1       brezak   1173: following a colon immediately after the variable name.
1.15      lukem    1174: For example, register variables may have a
                   1175: .Sq u
                   1176: modifier to indicate user register
                   1177: (e.g.,
                   1178: .Li "$eax:u" ) .
                   1179: .Pp
1.1       brezak   1180: Built-in variables currently supported are:
1.44      jhawk    1181: .Bl -tag -offset indent -width "maxwidth" -compact
1.15      lukem    1182: .It Va lines
                   1183: The number of lines.
                   1184: This is used by the
                   1185: .Ic more
                   1186: feature.
1.107     wiz      1187: When this variable is set to zero the
1.103     uwe      1188: .Ic more
                   1189: feature is disabled.
1.15      lukem    1190: .It Va maxoff
                   1191: Addresses are printed as
                   1192: .Li 'symbol'+offset
                   1193: unless
                   1194: .Li offset
                   1195: is greater than
                   1196: .Va maxoff .
                   1197: .It Va maxwidth
1.1       brezak   1198: The width of the displayed line.
1.103     uwe      1199: .Nm
                   1200: wraps the current line by printing new line when
                   1201: .Va maxwidth
                   1202: column is reached.
1.107     wiz      1203: When this variable is set to zero
1.103     uwe      1204: .Nm
                   1205: doesn't perform any wrapping.
1.15      lukem    1206: .It Va onpanic
1.142     riz      1207: If greater than zero (the default is 1),
1.15      lukem    1208: .Nm
                   1209: will be invoked when the kernel panics.
                   1210: If the kernel configuration option
                   1211: .D1 Cd options DDB_ONPANIC=0
                   1212: is used,
                   1213: .Va onpanic
1.142     riz      1214: will be initialized to off, causing a stack trace to be printed and
                   1215: the system to be rebooted instead of
                   1216: .Nm
                   1217: being entered.
1.143     wiz      1218: Other useful settings are \-1, which suppresses the stack trace before
1.142     riz      1219: reboot, and 2, which causes a stack trace to be printed and
                   1220: .Nm
                   1221: to be entered.
1.51      msaitoh  1222: .It Va fromconsole
                   1223: If non-zero (the default),
                   1224: the kernel allows to enter
                   1225: .Nm
                   1226: from the console (by break signal or special key sequence).
                   1227: If the kernel configuration option
                   1228: .D1 Cd options DDB_FROMCONSOLE=0
                   1229: is used,
                   1230: .Va fromconsole
1.52      wiz      1231: will be initialized to off.
1.15      lukem    1232: .It Va radix
                   1233: Input and output radix.
                   1234: .It Va tabstops
1.1       brezak   1235: Tab stop width.
1.79      reinoud  1236: .It Va tee_msgbuf
1.93      wiz      1237: If explicitly set to non zero (zero is the default) all
1.79      reinoud  1238: .Nm
                   1239: output will not only be displayed on screen but
                   1240: also be fed to the msgbuf.
                   1241: The default of the variable can be set using the kernel configuration option
                   1242: .D1 Cd options DDB_TEE_MSGBUF=1
1.107     wiz      1243: which will initialize
1.79      reinoud  1244: .Va tee_msgbuf
                   1245: to be 1.
                   1246: This option is especially handy for poor souls
                   1247: who don't have a serial console but want to recall
                   1248: .Nm
                   1249: output from a crash investigation.
                   1250: This option is more generic than the /l command modifier possible for
1.80      wiz      1251: selected commands as discussed above to log the output.
                   1252: Mixing both /l
1.79      reinoud  1253: and this setting can give double loggings.
1.54      jhawk    1254: .\" .It Va work Ns Sy xx
                   1255: .\" Temporary work variable.
                   1256: .\" .Sq Sy xx
                   1257: .\" is between 0 and 31.
1.15      lukem    1258: .El
                   1259: .Pp
                   1260: All built-in variables are accessible via
                   1261: .Xr sysctl 3 .
                   1262: .Sh EXPRESSIONS
                   1263: Almost all expression operators in C are supported, except
1.31      mycroft  1264: .Sq \&~ ,
                   1265: .Sq \&^ ,
1.15      lukem    1266: and unary
1.56      ross     1267: .Sq \&\*[Am] .
1.15      lukem    1268: Special rules in
                   1269: .Nm
1.1       brezak   1270: are:
1.15      lukem    1271: .Bl -tag -offset indent -width "identifier"
                   1272: .It Ar identifier
                   1273: name of a symbol.
                   1274: It is translated to the address (or value) of it.
1.31      mycroft  1275: .Sq \&.
1.15      lukem    1276: and
1.31      mycroft  1277: .Sq \&:
1.15      lukem    1278: can be used in the identifier.
                   1279: If supported by an object format dependent routine,
                   1280: .Sm off
                   1281: .Xo
                   1282: .Oo Ar filename : Oc
                   1283: .Ar function
1.86      uwe      1284: .Oo : Ar line\ number Oc ,
1.15      lukem    1285: .Xc
1.86      uwe      1286: .Sm on
                   1287: .Sm off
1.15      lukem    1288: .Xo
                   1289: .Oo Ar filename : Oc
                   1290: .Ar variable ,
                   1291: .Xc
1.86      uwe      1292: .Sm on
1.15      lukem    1293: and
1.86      uwe      1294: .Sm off
1.15      lukem    1295: .Xo
                   1296: .Ar filename
                   1297: .Oo : Ar "line number" Oc ,
                   1298: .Xc
                   1299: .Sm on
1.1       brezak   1300: can be accepted as a symbol.
1.15      lukem    1301: The symbol may be prefixed with
1.86      uwe      1302: .Ar symbol_table_name\^ : :
1.15      lukem    1303: (e.g.,
                   1304: .Li emulator::mach_msg_trap )
                   1305: to specify other than kernel symbols.
                   1306: .It Ar number
                   1307: number.
                   1308: Radix is determined by the first two characters:
                   1309: .Sq 0x
                   1310: - hex,
                   1311: .Sq 0o
                   1312: - octal,
                   1313: .Sq 0t
                   1314: - decimal,
                   1315: otherwise follow current radix.
                   1316: .It Cm .
                   1317: .Ar dot
                   1318: .It Cm +
                   1319: .Ar next
                   1320: .It Cm ..
1.1       brezak   1321: address of the start of the last line examined.
1.15      lukem    1322: Unlike
                   1323: .Ar dot
                   1324: or
                   1325: .Ar next ,
                   1326: this is only changed by the
                   1327: .Ic examine
                   1328: or
                   1329: .Ic write
                   1330: commands.
1.86      uwe      1331: .It Cm \&" \"" XXX: emacs highlighting
1.1       brezak   1332: last address explicitly specified.
1.15      lukem    1333: .It Cm $ Ns Ar name
                   1334: register name or variable.
                   1335: It is translated to the value of it.
                   1336: It may be followed by a
1.31      mycroft  1337: .Sq \&:
1.15      lukem    1338: and modifiers as described above.
1.86      uwe      1339: .It Cm #
                   1340: a binary operator which rounds up the left hand side to the next
                   1341: multiple of right hand side.
1.15      lukem    1342: .It Cm * Ns Ar expr
                   1343: expression indirection.
                   1344: It may be followed by a
1.31      mycroft  1345: .Sq \&:
1.15      lukem    1346: and modifiers as described above.
                   1347: .El
1.53      wiz      1348: .Sh SEE ALSO
1.83      wiz      1349: .Xr reboot 2 ,
1.53      wiz      1350: .Xr options 4 ,
1.136     wiz      1351: .Xr crash 8 ,
1.81      fredb    1352: .Xr reboot 8 ,
1.77      wiz      1353: .Xr sysctl 8 ,
                   1354: .Xr cnmagic 9
1.19      fair     1355: .Sh HISTORY
                   1356: The
                   1357: .Nm
                   1358: kernel debugger was written as part of the MACH project at
                   1359: Carnegie-Mellon University.

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