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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / src / lib / libc / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.172, Fri Aug 3 14:01:21 2018 UTC (5 years, 8 months ago) by kamil
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: phil-wifi-20200421, phil-wifi-20200411, phil-wifi-20200406, phil-wifi-20191119, phil-wifi-20190609, pgoyette-compat-20190127, pgoyette-compat-20190118, pgoyette-compat-1226, pgoyette-compat-1126, pgoyette-compat-1020, pgoyette-compat-0930, pgoyette-compat-0906, netbsd-9-base, netbsd-9-3-RELEASE, netbsd-9-2-RELEASE, netbsd-9-1-RELEASE, netbsd-9-0-RELEASE, netbsd-9-0-RC2, netbsd-9-0-RC1, netbsd-9, is-mlppp-base, is-mlppp
Changes since 1.171: +4 -2 lines

Restrict -fno-sanitize=function to Clang/LLVM only

The base GCC version 6,x does not support this option.

#	$NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.172 2018/08/03 14:01:21 kamil Exp $
#	@(#)Makefile	8.2 (Berkeley) 2/3/94
# All library objects contain sccsid strings by default; they may be
# excluded as a space-saving measure.  To produce a library that does
# not contain these strings, delete -DLIBC_SCCS and -DSYSLIBC_SCCS
# from CPPFLAGS below.  To remove these strings from just the system call
# stubs, remove just -DSYSLIBC_SCCS from CPPFLAGS.
# The NLS (message catalog) functions are always in libc.  To choose that
# strerror(), perror(), strsignal(), psignal(), etc. actually call the NLS
# functions, put -DNLS on the CPPFLAGS line below.
# The YP functions are always in libc. To choose that getpwent() and friends
# actually call the YP functions, put -DYP on the CPPFLAGS line below.
# The Hesiod functions are always in libc. To choose that getpwent() and friends
# actually call the Hesiod functions, put -DHESIOD on the CPPFLAGS line below.

# generated code depends on RTTI
LIBCSANITIZERFLAGS+=	${${ACTIVE_CC} == "clang":? -fno-sanitize=function :}

.include "Makefile.inc"

LIB=		c
CPPFLAGS+=	-I${.CURDIR}/include -I${.CURDIR}


.if exists (${ARCHDIR}/Makefile.inc)
.include "${ARCHDIR}/Makefile.inc"

.if exists (${ARCHDIR}/genassym.cf)
DPSRCS+=	assym.h
CLEANFILES+=	assym.h assym.h.tmp

assym.h: ${ARCHDIR}/genassym.cf
	${TOOL_GENASSYM} -- ${CC} ${CFLAGS:N-Wa,*} \
		${CPPFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS.assym.h} ${PROF} \
		${GENASSYM_CPPFLAGS} < ${ARCHDIR}/genassym.cf > assym.h.tmp && \
	mv -f assym.h.tmp assym.h

# The following controls how to build compatibility code for old NetBSD
# binaries. If BUILD_LEGACY is yes, then we build a separate library; otherwise
# we include the code in libc.
.if "${BUILD_LEGACY}" == "yes"
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>
.include "${.CURDIR}/compat/Makefile.inc"
# Marker for compat code that can't be easily isolated

.include "${.CURDIR}/../../common/lib/libc/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/atomic/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/cdb/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/db/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/citrus/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/compat-43/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/compiler_rt/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/dlfcn/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/gdtoa/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/gen/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/gmon/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/hash/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/iconv/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/inet/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/isc/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/locale/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/md/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/misc/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/net/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/nameser/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/nls/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/regex/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/resolv/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/rpc/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/ssp/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/stdio/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/stdlib/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/string/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/termios/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/thread-stub/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/time/Makefile.inc"
.if ${RUMPRUN} != "yes"
.include "${.CURDIR}/tls/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/sys/Makefile.inc"
.if ${HAVE_LIBGCC_EH} == "no"
.include "${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys/lib/libunwind/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/uuid/Makefile.inc"
.if (${MKYP} != "no")
.include "${.CURDIR}/yp/Makefile.inc"

# Remove from SRCS the .c files for any .S files added by the MD makefiles,
# also remove from SRCS the .c files for the .S and .c files in NO_SRCS.
# Add the .c file for .S files (in both variables) to LSRCS so that the
# 'normal' .c file for assembly files is used for the lint librray.
# Usage:
# Add .S files to NO_SRSC when another .S file provides the entry points.
# Add .c files to NO_SRSC when another .c file provides the entry points.
# (lint is run on all .c files in SRCS)

.for check_file in ${SRCS:M*.S} ${NO_SRCS}
unwanted_file := ${SRCS:M${check_file:.S=.c}}
.if "${unwanted_file}" != ""
SRCS := ${SRCS:N${unwanted_file}}
.if "${unwanted_file}" != "${check_file}"
LSRCS := ${LSRCS} ${unwanted_file}

NLS=	C.msg Pig.msg ca.msg cs.msg de.msg es.msg fi.msg fr.msg nl.msg \
	no.msg pl.msg sk.msg sv.msg

.if ${MKREPRO:Uno} == "yes"
MKREPRO_SED=   -e 's;${NETBSDSRCDIR:C/${REGEX_SPECIALS}/\\\\&/g};/usr/src;'

.if !defined(MLIBDIR) && ${RUMPRUN} != "yes"
realall: tags
tags: ${SRCS}
	-${TOOL_CTAGS} -f ${.TARGET}.tmp -w ${.ALLSRC:M*.c}
	-egrep "^ENTRY(.*)|^FUNC(.*)|^SYSCALL(.*)" /dev/null ${.ALLSRC:M*.S} | \
	    sed "s;\([^:]*\):\([^(]*\)(\([^, )]*\)\(.*\);\3 \1 /^\2(\3\4$$/;" \
           >> ${.TARGET}.tmp
.if ${MKREPRO:Uno} == "yes"
	sed ${MKREPRO_SED} <${.TARGET}.tmp | sort -o ${.TARGET}
	sort -o ${.TARGET} ${.TARGET}.tmp
	rm -f ${.TARGET}.tmp

FILES=		tags
FILESNAME=	libc.tags
FILESDIR=	/var/db

# workaround for I18N stuffs: build singlebyte setlocale() for libc.a,
# multibyte for libc.so.  the quirk should be removed when we support
# dlopen() from within statically linked binaries.

.include <bsd.lib.mk>

# force the dynamic linker to initialize libc first
SHLIB_SHFLAGS+=	-Wl,-z,initfirst
.if ${HAVE_LIBGCC} == "no"
SHLIB_SHFLAGS+= -Wl,-z,defs