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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / src / lib / libc / Makefile (download)

Revision, Tue Jun 16 06:08:47 2015 UTC (8 years, 10 months ago) by snj
Branch: netbsd-7
CVS Tags: netbsd-7-nhusb-base-20170116, netbsd-7-nhusb-base, netbsd-7-nhusb, netbsd-7-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-RC2, netbsd-7-1-RC1, netbsd-7-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1, netbsd-7-0-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0-RC3, netbsd-7-0-RC2, netbsd-7-0-RC1, netbsd-7-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0
Changes since 1.166: +3 -2 lines

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by martin in ticket #843):
	lib/libc/Makefile: revision 1.169 via patch
Only create and install the tags file for the normal libc (not any of the
compat copies), because we don't want it to be overwritten by the compat
copies. This was detected by the evbarm mkimage complaining.

#	$NetBSD: Makefile,v 2015/06/16 06:08:47 snj Exp $
#	@(#)Makefile	8.2 (Berkeley) 2/3/94
# All library objects contain sccsid strings by default; they may be
# excluded as a space-saving measure.  To produce a library that does
# not contain these strings, delete -DLIBC_SCCS and -DSYSLIBC_SCCS
# from CPPFLAGS below.  To remove these strings from just the system call
# stubs, remove just -DSYSLIBC_SCCS from CPPFLAGS.
# The NLS (message catalog) functions are always in libc.  To choose that
# strerror(), perror(), strsignal(), psignal(), etc. actually call the NLS
# functions, put -DNLS on the CPPFLAGS line below.
# The YP functions are always in libc. To choose that getpwent() and friends
# actually call the YP functions, put -DYP on the CPPFLAGS line below.
# The Hesiod functions are always in libc. To choose that getpwent() and friends
# actually call the Hesiod functions, put -DHESIOD on the CPPFLAGS line below.

.include "Makefile.inc"

LIB=		c
CPPFLAGS+=	-I${.CURDIR}/include -I${.CURDIR}


.if exists (${ARCHDIR}/Makefile.inc)
.include "${ARCHDIR}/Makefile.inc"

.if exists (${ARCHDIR}/genassym.cf)
DPSRCS+=	assym.h
CLEANFILES+=	assym.h assym.h.tmp

assym.h: ${ARCHDIR}/genassym.cf
	${TOOL_GENASSYM} -- ${CC} ${CFLAGS:N-Wa,*} \
		${CPPFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS.assym.h} ${PROF} \
		${GENASSYM_CPPFLAGS} < ${ARCHDIR}/genassym.cf > assym.h.tmp && \
	mv -f assym.h.tmp assym.h

# The following controls how to build compatibility code for old NetBSD
# binaries. If BUILD_LEGACY is yes, then we build a separate library; otherwise
# we include the code in libc.
.if "${BUILD_LEGACY}" == "yes"
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>
.include "${.CURDIR}/compat/Makefile.inc"
# Marker for compat code that can't be easily isolated

.include "${.CURDIR}/../../common/lib/libc/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/atomic/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/cdb/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/db/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/citrus/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/compat-43/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/compiler_rt/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/dlfcn/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/gdtoa/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/gen/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/gmon/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/hash/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/iconv/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/inet/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/isc/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/locale/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/md/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/misc/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/net/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/nameser/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/nls/Makefile.inc"
.if (${USE_LIBTRE} == "yes")
.include "${NETBSDSRCDIR}/external/bsd/tre/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/regex/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/resolv/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/rpc/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/ssp/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/stdio/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/stdlib/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/string/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/termios/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/thread-stub/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/time/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/tls/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/sys/Makefile.inc"
.if ${HAVE_LIBGCC_EH} == "no"
.include "${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys/lib/libunwind/Makefile.inc"
.include "${.CURDIR}/uuid/Makefile.inc"
.if (${MKYP} != "no")
.include "${.CURDIR}/yp/Makefile.inc"

# Remove from SRCS the .c files for any .S files added by the MD makefiles,
# also remove from SRCS the .c files for the .S and .c files in NO_SRCS.
# Add the .c file for .S files (in both variables) to LSRCS so that the
# 'normal' .c file for assembly files is used for the lint librray.
# Usage:
# Add .S files to NO_SRSC when another .S file provides the entry points.
# Add .c files to NO_SRSC when another .c file provides the entry points.
# (lint is run on all .c files in SRCS)

.for check_file in ${SRCS:M*.S} ${NO_SRCS}
unwanted_file := ${SRCS:M${check_file:.S=.c}}
.if "${unwanted_file}" != ""
SRCS := ${SRCS:N${unwanted_file}}
.if "${unwanted_file}" != "${check_file}"
LSRCS := ${LSRCS} ${unwanted_file}

NLS=	C.msg Pig.msg ca.msg cs.msg de.msg es.msg fi.msg fr.msg nl.msg \
	no.msg pl.msg sk.msg sv.msg

.if ${MKREPRO:Uno} == "yes"
MKREPRO_SED=   -e 's;${NETBSDSRCDIR:C/${REGEX_SPECIALS}/\\\\&/g};/usr/src;'

.if !defined(MLIBDIR)
realall: tags
tags: ${SRCS}
	-${TOOL_CTAGS} -f ${.TARGET}.tmp -w ${.ALLSRC:M*.c}
	-egrep "^ENTRY(.*)|^FUNC(.*)|^SYSCALL(.*)" /dev/null ${.ALLSRC:M*.S} | \
	    sed "s;\([^:]*\):\([^(]*\)(\([^, )]*\)\(.*\);\3 \1 /^\2(\3\4$$/;" \
           >> ${.TARGET}.tmp
.if ${MKREPRO:Uno} == "yes"
	sed ${MKREPRO_SED} <${.TARGET}.tmp | sort -o ${.TARGET}
	sort -o ${.TARGET} ${.TARGET}.tmp
	rm -f ${.TARGET}.tmp

FILES=		tags
FILESNAME=	libc.tags
FILESDIR=	/var/db

# workaround for I18N stuffs: build singlebyte setlocale() for libc.a,
# multibyte for libc.so.  the quirk should be removed when we support
# dlopen() from within statically linked binaries.

.include <bsd.lib.mk>

# force the dynamic linker to initialize libc first
SHLIB_SHFLAGS+=	-Wl,-z,initfirst
.if ${HAVE_LIBGCC} == "no"
SHLIB_SHFLAGS+= -Wl,-z,defs