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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / src / lib / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.259, Thu Jul 12 06:52:49 2018 UTC (5 years, 9 months ago) by maxv
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: pgoyette-compat-0728
Changes since 1.258: +2 -2 lines

Retire libpmc. It uses the legacy PMC interface in the kernel, which has
support for only one ARM CPU. It used to have x86 support, but it was broken
and I removed it. The legacy PMC interface will be removed from the kernel
too. Sent on tech-kern@ yesterday, thorpej was fine.

#	$NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.259 2018/07/12 06:52:49 maxv Exp $
#	from: @(#)Makefile (Berkeley) 5/7/91

.include <bsd.own.mk>


.if (${MKGCC} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/gpl3/${EXTERNAL_GCC_SUBDIR}/lib/libgcc .WAIT

SUBDIR+=	libc

# The SUBDIRs above are included here for completeness but should be built
# and installed prior to make(dependall) in this file, as libraries listed
# below will depend on versions from DESTDIR only.

SUBDIR+=	i18n_module

SUBDIR+=	libarch \
		libbluetooth libbsdmalloc libbz2 \
		libcompat libcrypt \
		libintl libipsec libkvm libm \
		libossaudio libpci libposix libprop libpthread \
		libpuffs libresolv librmt librpcsvc librt \
		libtelnet libterminfo \
		libusbhid libutil libwrap liby libz

.if !defined(BSD_MK_COMPAT_FILE)
SUBDIR+=	libkern

.if (${MACHINE_CPU} == "arm" || ${MACHINE_CPU} == "aarch64")
.if ${LIBC_MACHINE_CPU} == "arm" && empty(LIBC_MACHINE_ARCH:M*hf*)
SUBDIR+=	libc_vfp
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "mips64el" || ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "mips64eb"
SUBDIR+=	libc_fp
.if (${MKRUMP} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	librumpclient
.if (${MKSKEY} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	libskey

.if (${MKMDNS} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/apache2/mDNSResponder/lib

SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/am-utils/lib

SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/flex/lib
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/tre/lib
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/elftoolchain/lib/libelf
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/liblzf/lib
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/libpcap/lib

.if ${MKSLJIT} != "no"
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/sljit/lib
SUBDIR+=	libbpfjit

.if (${MKZFS} != "no")
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libavl
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libnvpair
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libumem
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libuutil

SUBDIR+=	../external/mit/expat/lib

SUBDIR+=	../external/public-domain/sqlite/lib

SUBDIR+=	../external/gpl2/libmalloc

.if (${MKGCC} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/gpl3/${EXTERNAL_GCC_SUBDIR}/lib/libobjc
SUBDIR+=	../external/gpl3/${EXTERNAL_GCC_SUBDIR}/lib/libgomp
# Should probably move GMP, MPFR and MPC builds into the GCC >= 4.5
# specific build area, but we get better parallelism this way.
# We don't build compat versions of these.
. if !defined(MLIBDIR) && (${MKGCCCMDS} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp
SUBDIR+=	../external/lgpl3/mpfr/lib/libmpfr
SUBDIR+=	../external/lgpl3/mpc/lib/libmpc
. endif

# Libraries that depend upon any listed previously
# (and those that depend upon these [and ...])
#==================== 1st library dependency barrier ====================

.if ${MKDTRACE} != "no"
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/librtld_db/lib		# depends on libutil

.if ${MKCTF} != "no"
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libctf

SUBDIR+=	../external/public-domain/xz/lib	# depends on libpthread
SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/libmj
SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/lib/verify # depends on libz
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/blacklist/lib		# depends on libpthread
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/elftoolchain/lib/libdwarf # depends on libelf
SUBDIR+=	../external/mit/lua/lib # depends on libm
SUBDIR+=	libcurses	# depends on libterminfo
SUBDIR+=	libdm		# depends on libprop
SUBDIR+=	libedit		# depends on libterminfo
SUBDIR+=	libexecinfo 	# depends on libelf
SUBDIR+=	libppath	# depends on libprop
SUBDIR+=	libperfuse	# depends on libpuffs
SUBDIR+=	libquota	# depends on libprop and librpcsvc
SUBDIR+=	librefuse	# depends on libpuffs
SUBDIR+=	libisns 	# depends on libpthread
.if (${MKRUMP} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	librumphijack	# depends on librumpclient and libpthread
SUBDIR+=	librumpres	# depends on librumpclient
SUBDIR+=	librumpuser	# depends on libpthread

.if (${MKNPF} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	libnpf		# depends on libprop

SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/bsd/${EXTERNAL_OPENSSL_SUBDIR}/lib # depends on libcrypt
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/file/lib	# depends on libz

.if (${MKISCSI} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/iscsi/lib	# depends on libpthread

.if (${MKZFS} != "no")
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libzfs_core
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libzpool

.if (${MKLVM} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/gpl2/lvm2/lib	# depends on libprop

.if (${MKBINUTILS} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/gpl3/${EXTERNAL_BINUTILS_SUBDIR}/lib	# libbfd depends on libz

.if (${MKLIBCXX} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/libc++

.if (${MKGCC} != "no" && ${MKCXX} != "no" && ${MKLIBSTDCXX} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/gpl3/${EXTERNAL_GCC_SUBDIR}/lib/libstdc++-v3
SUBDIR+=	../external/gpl3/${EXTERNAL_GCC_SUBDIR}/lib/libsupc++

#==================== 2nd library dependency barrier ====================

.for sanitizer in asan lsan ubsan
.if exists(../external/gpl3/${EXTERNAL_GCC_SUBDIR}/lib/lib${sanitizer})
SUBDIR+= ../external/gpl3/${EXTERNAL_GCC_SUBDIR}/lib/lib${sanitizer}

SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/libarchive/lib	# depends on libxz

.if (${MKNPF} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	npf		# depends on libnpf

.if (${MKATF} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/atf/lib		# depends on libstdc++

.if (${MKKYUA} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/lutok/lib	# depends on lua and libstdc++

SUBDIR+=	libform		# depends on libcurses
SUBDIR+=	libmenu		# depends on libcurses
SUBDIR+=	libpanel	# depends on libcurses
SUBDIR+=	libradius	# depends on libcrypto
.if (${MKRUMP} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	librump		# depends on librumpuser

.if (${MKKERBEROS} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/lib	# depends on libcrypto
							# libedit, libterminfo,

SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/bsd/openssh/lib # depends on libcrypto, libz
SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/lib  # depends on libcrypto, ...
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/libevent/lib	# depends on libcrypto
.if ${MKDTRACE} != "no"
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/libproc/lib	# depends on libstdc++, libctf
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/fetch/lib	# depends on libssl

.if (${MKLDAP} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/openldap/lib	# depends on libcrypto, ...

.if (${MKZFS} != "no")
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libzfs

SUBDIR+= 	../libexec/httpd/libbozohttpd 	# depends on libssl & libcrypto

#==================== 3rd library dependency barrier ====================

SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/bindings/lua  # depends on netpgp/lib
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/bind/lib	# depends on heimdal, libcrypto
.if ${MKUNBOUND} != "no"
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/unbound/lib	# depends on libcrypto

.if ${MKDTRACE} != "no"
SUBDIR+=        ../external/cddl/osnet/lib/libdtrace	# depends on libproc

.if (${MKRUMP} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	librumpdev	# depends on librump
SUBDIR+=	librumpnet	# depends on librump
SUBDIR+=	librumpvfs	# depends on librump

.if (${MKPAM} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	libpam		# depends on heimdal

SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/bsd/libsaslc	# depends on heimdal, openssl
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/mdocml/lib

.if (${MKRUMP} != "no")
#==================== 4th library dependency barrier ====================

SUBDIR+=	libukfs		# depends on librumpvfs, librump

.if (${MKTPM} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/cpl/trousers/lib

#==================== 5th library dependency barrier ====================

SUBDIR+=	libp2k		# depends on libukfs, librumpvfs, libpuffs

.if (${MKTPM} != "no")
SUBDIR+=	../crypto/external/cpl/tpm-tools/lib	# depends on trousers

.if !defined(BSD_MK_COMPAT_FILE)
SUBDIR+=	../sys/rump/dev/lib
SUBDIR+=	../sys/rump/fs/lib
SUBDIR+=	../sys/rump/kern/lib
SUBDIR+=	../sys/rump/net/lib

# Lua bindings come last, they might depend on anything
SUBDIR+=	lua

# Needed by rump and rescue which are outside the smbfs tree
SUBDIR+=	../external/bsd/smbfs/lib

.for S in ${SUBDIR}
.if ${S} != ".WAIT"
SUBLIB_${S}!=	cd ${S} && ${MAKE} -V LIB
SUBDEP_${S}!=	cd ${S} && ${MAKE} -V LIBDPLIBS

.for S in ${SUBDIR}
.if ${S} != ".WAIT"
.for DL DD in ${SUBDEP_${S}}
	@echo ${S} ${SUBLIB_${S}} ${DL} ${DD:C,^${.CURDIR}/,,}

.include <bsd.buildinstall.mk>
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>