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Revision (vendor branch), Sat Apr 27 23:47:22 2019 UTC (4 years, 11 months ago) by christos
Branch: ISC
CVS Tags: phil-wifi-20190609, netbsd-9-base, bind-9-14-1
Branch point for: phil-wifi, netbsd-9
Changes since +1 -1 lines

	--- 9.14.1 released ---

5201.	[bug]		Fix a possible deadlock in RPZ update code. [GL #973]

5200.	[security]	tcp-clients settings could be exceeded in some cases,
			which could lead to exhaustion of file descriptors.
			(CVE-2018-5743) [GL #615]

5199.	[security]	In certain configurations, named could crash
			if nxdomain-redirect was in use and a redirected
			query resulted in an NXDOMAIN from the cache.
			(CVE-2019-6467) [GL #880]

5198.	[bug]		If a fetch context was being shut down and, at the same
			time, we returned from qname minimization, an INSIST
			could be hit. [GL #966]

5197.	[bug]		dig could die in best effort mode on multiple SIG(0)
			records. Similarly on multiple OPT and multiple TSIG
			records. [GL #920]

5196.	[bug]		make install failed with --with-dlopen=no. [GL #955]

5195.	[bug]		"allow-update" and "allow-update-forwarding" were
			treated as configuration errors if used at the
			options or view level. [GL #913]

5194.	[bug]		Enforce non empty ZOMEMD hash. [GL #899]

5193.	[bug]		EID and NIMLOC failed to do multi-line output
			correctly. [GL #899]

5189.	[cleanup]	Remove revoked root DNSKEY from bind.keys. [GL #945]

5187.	[test]		Set time zone before running any tests in dnstap_test.
			[GL #940]

5186.	[cleanup]	More dnssec-keygen manual tidying. [GL !1678]

5184.	[bug]		Missing unlocks in sdlz.c. [GL #936]

5183.	[bug]		Reinitialize ECS data before reusing client
			structures. [GL #881]

	--- 9.14.0 released ---

	--- 9.14.0rc3 released ---

5182.	[bug]		Fix a high-load race/crash in handling of
			isc_socket_close() in resolver. [GL #834]

5180.	[bug]		delv now honors the operating system's preferred
			ephemeral port range. [GL #925]

5179.	[cleanup]	Replace some vague type declarations with the more
			specific dns_secalg_t and dns_dsdigest_t.
			Thanks to Tony Finch. [GL !1498]

5178.	[bug]		Handle EDQUOT (disk quota) and ENOSPC (disk full)
			errors when writing files. [GL #902]

5177.	[func]		Add the ability to specify in named.conf whether a
			response-policy zone's SOA record should be added
			to the additional section (add-soa yes/no). [GL #865]

5167.	[bug]		nxdomain-redirect could sometimes lookup the wrong
			redirect name. [GL #892]

	--- 9.14.0rc2 released ---

5176.	[tests]		Remove a dependency on libxml in statschannel system
			test. [GL #926]

5175.	[bug]		Fixed a problem with file input in dnssec-keymgr,
			dnssec-coverage and dnssec-checkds when using
			python3. [GL #882]

5174.	[doc]		Tidy dnssec-keygen manual. [GL !1557]

5173.	[bug]		Fixed a race in socket code that could occur when
			accept, send, or recv were called from an event
			loop but the socket had been closed by another
			thread. [RT #874]

5172.	[bug]		nsupdate now honors the operating system's preferred
			ephemeral port range. [GL #905]

5171.	[func]		named plugins are now installed into a separate
			directory.  Supplying a filename (a string without path
			separators) in a "plugin" configuration stanza now
			causes named to look for that plugin in that directory.
			[GL #878]

5170.	[test]		Added --with-dlz-filesystem to feature-test. [GL !1587]

5169.	[bug]		The presence of certain types in an otherwise
			empty node could cause a crash while processing a
			type ANY query. [GL #901]

	--- 9.14.0rc1 released ---

5168.	[bug]		Do not crash on shutdown when RPZ fails to load.  Also,
			keep previous version of the database if RPZ fails to
			load. [GL #813]

5165.	[contrib]	Removed SDB drivers from contrib; they're obsolete.
			[GL #428]

5164.	[bug]		Correct errno to result translation in dlz filesystem
			modules. [GL #884]

5163.	[cleanup]	Out-of-tree builds failed --enable-dnstap. [GL #836]

5162.	[cleanup]	Improve dnssec-keymgr manual. Thanks to Tony Finch.
			[GL !1518]

5161.	[bug]		Do not require the SEP bit to be set for mirror zone
			trust anchors. [GL #873]

5160.	[contrib]	Added DNAME support to the DLZ LDAP schema. Also
			fixed a compilation bug affecting several DLZ
			modules. [GL #872]

5159.	[bug]		dnssec-coverage was incorrectly ignoring
			names specified on the command line without
			trailing dots. [GL !1478]

5158.	[protocol]	Add support for AMTRELAY and ZONEMD. [GL #867]

5157.	[bug]		Nslookup now errors out if there are extra command
			line arguments. [GL #207]

5141.	[security]	Zone transfer controls for writable DLZ zones were
			not effective as the allowzonexfr method was not being
			called for such zones. (CVE-2019-6465) [GL #790]

5118.	[security]	Named could crash if it is managing a key with
			`managed-keys` and the authoritative zone is rolling
			the key to an unsupported algorithm. (CVE-2018-5745)
			[GL #780]

5110.	[security]	Named leaked memory if there were multiple Key Tag
			EDNS options present. (CVE-2018-5744) [GL #772]

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<a name="man.dnssec-importkey"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>


  <div class="refnamediv">
    <span class="application">dnssec-importkey</span>
     &#8212; import DNSKEY records from external systems so they can be managed


  <div class="refsynopsisdiv">
    <div class="cmdsynopsis"><p>
      <code class="command">dnssec-importkey</code> 
       [<code class="option">-K <em class="replaceable"><code>directory</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-L <em class="replaceable"><code>ttl</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-P <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-P sync <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-D <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-D sync <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-h</code>]
       [<code class="option">-v <em class="replaceable"><code>level</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-V</code>]
       {<code class="option">keyfile</code>}
    <div class="cmdsynopsis"><p>
      <code class="command">dnssec-importkey</code> 
       {<code class="option">-f <em class="replaceable"><code>filename</code></em></code>}
       [<code class="option">-K <em class="replaceable"><code>directory</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-L <em class="replaceable"><code>ttl</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-P <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-P sync <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-D <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-D sync <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-h</code>]
       [<code class="option">-v <em class="replaceable"><code>level</code></em></code>]
       [<code class="option">-V</code>]
       [<code class="option">dnsname</code>]

  <div class="refsection">
<a name="id-"></a><h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>

    <p><span class="command"><strong>dnssec-importkey</strong></span>
      reads a public DNSKEY record and generates a pair of
      .key/.private files.  The DNSKEY record may be read from an
      existing .key file, in which case a corresponding .private file
      will be generated, or it may be read from any other file or
      from the standard input, in which case both .key and .private
      files will be generated.
      The newly-created .private file does <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span>
      contain private key data, and cannot be used for signing.
      However, having a .private file makes it possible to set
      publication (<code class="option">-P</code>) and deletion
      (<code class="option">-D</code>) times for the key, which means the
      public key can be added to and removed from the DNSKEY RRset
      on schedule even if the true private key is stored offline.

  <div class="refsection">
<a name="id-"></a><h2>OPTIONS</h2>

    <div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist">
<dt><span class="term">-f <em class="replaceable"><code>filename</code></em></span></dt>
	    Zone file mode: instead of a public keyfile name, the argument
	    is the DNS domain name of a zone master file, which can be read
	    from <code class="option">file</code>.  If the domain name is the same as
	    <code class="option">file</code>, then it may be omitted.
	    If <code class="option">file</code> is set to <code class="literal">"-"</code>, then
	    the zone data is read from the standard input.
<dt><span class="term">-K <em class="replaceable"><code>directory</code></em></span></dt>
	    Sets the directory in which the key files are to reside.
<dt><span class="term">-L <em class="replaceable"><code>ttl</code></em></span></dt>
	    Sets the default TTL to use for this key when it is converted
	    into a DNSKEY RR.  If the key is imported into a zone,
	    this is the TTL that will be used for it, unless there was
	    already a DNSKEY RRset in place, in which case the existing TTL
	    would take precedence.  Setting the default TTL to
	    <code class="literal">0</code> or <code class="literal">none</code> removes it.
<dt><span class="term">-h</span></dt>
	    Emit usage message and exit.
<dt><span class="term">-v <em class="replaceable"><code>level</code></em></span></dt>
	    Sets the debugging level.
<dt><span class="term">-V</span></dt>
	    Prints version information.

  <div class="refsection">
<a name="id-"></a><h2>TIMING OPTIONS</h2>

      Dates can be expressed in the format YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
      If the argument begins with a '+' or '-', it is interpreted as
      an offset from the present time.  For convenience, if such an offset
      is followed by one of the suffixes 'y', 'mo', 'w', 'd', 'h', or 'mi',
      then the offset is computed in years (defined as 365 24-hour days,
      ignoring leap years), months (defined as 30 24-hour days), weeks,
      days, hours, or minutes, respectively.  Without a suffix, the offset
      is computed in seconds.  To explicitly prevent a date from being
      set, use 'none' or 'never'.

    <div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist">
<dt><span class="term">-P <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></span></dt>
	    Sets the date on which a key is to be published to the zone.
	    After that date, the key will be included in the zone but will
	    not be used to sign it.
<dt><span class="term">-P sync <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></span></dt>
	    Sets the date on which CDS and CDNSKEY records that match this
	    key are to be published to the zone.
<dt><span class="term">-D <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></span></dt>
	    Sets the date on which the key is to be deleted.  After that
	    date, the key will no longer be included in the zone.  (It
	    may remain in the key repository, however.)
<dt><span class="term">-D sync <em class="replaceable"><code>date/offset</code></em></span></dt>
	    Sets the date on which the CDS and CDNSKEY records that match
	    this key are to be deleted.

  <div class="refsection">
<a name="id-"></a><h2>FILES</h2>

      A keyfile can be designed by the key identification
      <code class="filename">Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii</code> or the full file name
      <code class="filename">Knnnn.+aaa+iiiii.key</code> as generated by
      <span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-keygen</span>(8).

  <div class="refsection">
<a name="id-"></a><h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

    <p><span class="citerefentry">
	<span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-keygen</span>(8)
      <span class="citerefentry">
	<span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-signzone</span>(8)
      <em class="citetitle">BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual</em>,
      <em class="citetitle">RFC 5011</em>.

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<p xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" style="text-align: center;">BIND 9.14.1 (Stable Release)</p>