Up to [cvs.NetBSD.org] / src / external / mit / xorg / share / fonts / Type1 / font-xfree86-type1
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install several font packages that we used to have with xfree86 this brings in these versions: font-arabic-misc 1.0.4 font-micro-misc 1.0.4 font-schumacher-misc 1.1.3 font-sun-misc 1.0.4 font-cronyx-cyrillic 1.0.4 font-misc-cyrillic 1.0.4 font-screen-cyrillic 1.0.5 font-winitzki-cyrillic 1.0.4 font-xfree86-type1 1.0.5 fixes problem reported on netbsd 9.2 install. XXX: pullup-10, pullup-9