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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / src / external / gpl3 / binutils.old / dist / ld / scripttempl / elf32msp430_3.sc (download)

Revision (vendor branch), Fri Apr 3 17:41:44 2020 UTC (4 years ago) by christos
Branch: NetBSD2, NetBSD1, NetBSD
CVS Tags: src-external-gpl3-binutils-20200403-1436
Changes since +9 -9 lines

Import the HEAD of the NetBSD binutils in preparation for the import of the
newer one.

# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved.

cat <<EOF
/* Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Copying and distribution of this script, with or without modification,
   are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
   notice and this notice are preserved.  */


  text   (rx)   : ORIGIN = $ROM_START,  LENGTH = $ROM_SIZE
  data   (rwx)  : ORIGIN = $RAM_START,	LENGTH = $RAM_SIZE
  vectors (rw)  : ORIGIN = 0xffe0,      LENGTH = 0x20

  /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment.  */
  .hash        ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.hash)             }
  .dynsym      ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.dynsym)           }
  .dynstr      ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.dynstr)           }
  .gnu.version ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.gnu.version)      }
  .gnu.version_d ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.gnu.version_d)  }
  .gnu.version_r ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.gnu.version_r)  }

  .rel.init    ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rel.init) }
  .rela.init   ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rela.init)        }
  .rel.text    ${RELOCATING-0} :
  .rela.text   ${RELOCATING-0} :
  .rel.fini    ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rel.fini) }
  .rela.fini   ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rela.fini)        }
  .rel.rodata  ${RELOCATING-0} :
  .rela.rodata ${RELOCATING-0} :
  .rel.data    ${RELOCATING-0} :
  .rela.data   ${RELOCATING-0} :
  .rel.ctors   ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rel.ctors)        }
  .rela.ctors  ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rela.ctors)       }
  .rel.dtors   ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rel.dtors)        }
  .rela.dtors  ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rela.dtors)       }
  .rel.got     ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rel.got)          }
  .rela.got    ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rela.got)         }
  .rel.bss     ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rel.bss)          }
  .rela.bss    ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rela.bss)         }
  .rel.plt     ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rel.plt)          }
  .rela.plt    ${RELOCATING-0} : { *(.rela.plt)         }

  /* Internal text space.  */
  .text :
    ${RELOCATING+. = ALIGN(2);}
    *(SORT_NONE(.init0))  /* Start here after reset.  */
    *(SORT_NONE(.init6)) /* C++ constructors.  */
    *(SORT_NONE(.init9))  /* Call main().  */

    ${CONSTRUCTING+ __ctors_start = . ; }
    ${CONSTRUCTING+ *(.ctors) }
    ${CONSTRUCTING+ __ctors_end = . ; }
    ${CONSTRUCTING+ __dtors_start = . ; }
    ${CONSTRUCTING+ *(.dtors) }
    ${CONSTRUCTING+ __dtors_end = . ; }

    ${RELOCATING+. = ALIGN(2);}
    ${RELOCATING+. = ALIGN(2);}
    ${RELOCATING+. = ALIGN(2);}

    ${RELOCATING+. = ALIGN(2);}
    *(SORT_NONE(.fini6))  /* C++ destructors.  */
    *(SORT_NONE(.fini0))  /* Infinite loop after program termination.  */

    ${RELOCATING+ _etext = . ; }
  } ${RELOCATING+ > text}

  .rodata :
    *(.rodata .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*)
  } ${RELOCATING+ > text}

  .data ${RELOCATING-0} :
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__data_start = .) ; }
    ${RELOCATING+. = ALIGN(2);}
    ${RELOCATING+. = ALIGN(2);}
    ${RELOCATING+ _edata = . ; }
  } ${RELOCATING+ > data ${RELOCATING+AT> text}}

  __romdatastart = LOADADDR(.data);
  __romdatacopysize = SIZEOF(.data);

  .bss ${RELOCATING+ SIZEOF(.data) + ADDR(.data)} :
    ${RELOCATING+. = ALIGN(2);}
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__bss_start = .) ; }
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__bssstart = .); }
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__bss_end = .) ; }
  } ${RELOCATING+ > data}
  ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__bsssize = SIZEOF(.bss)); }

  .noinit ${RELOCATING+ SIZEOF(.bss) + ADDR(.bss)} :
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__noinit_start = .) ; }
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__noinit_end = .) ; }
  } ${RELOCATING+ > data}

  .persistent ${RELOCATING+ SIZEOF(.noinit) + ADDR(.noinit)} :
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__persistent_start = .) ; }
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__persistent_end = .) ; }
  } ${RELOCATING+ > data}

  ${RELOCATING+ _end = . ;}

  .vectors ${RELOCATING-0}:
    ${RELOCATING+ PROVIDE (__vectors_start = .) ; }
    ${RELOCATING+ _vectors_end = . ; }
  } ${RELOCATING+ > vectors}

  .MSP430.attributes 0 :
    KEEP (*(.MSP430.attributes))
    KEEP (*(.gnu.attributes))
    KEEP (*(__TI_build_attributes))

  /* Stabs debugging sections.  */
  .stab 0 : { *(.stab) }
  .stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) }
  .stab.excl 0 : { *(.stab.excl) }
  .stab.exclstr 0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) }
  .stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) }
  .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }
  .comment 0 : { *(.comment) }


. $srcdir/scripttempl/DWARF.sc

cat <<EOF
  PROVIDE (__stack = ${STACK}) ;
  PROVIDE (__data_start_rom = _etext) ;
  PROVIDE (__data_end_rom   = _etext + SIZEOF (.data)) ;
  PROVIDE (__noinit_start_rom = _etext + SIZEOF (.data)) ;
  PROVIDE (__noinit_end_rom = _etext + SIZEOF (.data) + SIZEOF (.noinit)) ;