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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / src / external / bsd / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.62, Mon Mar 25 22:24:54 2019 UTC (5 years ago) by christos
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.61: +2 -2 lines

descend into jemalloc too.

#	$NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.62 2019/03/25 22:24:54 christos Exp $

.include <bsd.own.mk>

SUBDIR=	acpica am-utils bc byacc cron dhcpcd ekermit elftosb \
	fetch file flex jemalloc less \
	libarchive libevent liblzf libpcap mdocml \
	ntp openresolv tcpdump tmux top tre wpa

.if (${MKATF} != "no")
SUBDIR+= atf
SUBDIR+= pkg_install
# IP Filter
.if (${MKIPFILTER} != "no")
.if (${MKISCSI} != "no")
SUBDIR+= iscsi 
.if (${MKKYUA} != "no")
SUBDIR+= lutok kyua-testers kyua-cli kyua-atf-compat
.if (${MKLDAP} != "no")
SUBDIR+= openldap
.if (${MKLIBCXX} != "no")
SUBDIR+= libc++
.if (${MKLLVM} != "no")
SUBDIR+= llvm
.if (${MKNSD} != "no")
SUBDIR+= nsd
.if (${MKPCC} != "no")
SUBDIR+= pcc
.if (${MKDTRACE} != "no")
SUBDIR+= libproc
SUBDIR+= librtld_db
.if ${MKUNBOUND} != "no"
SUBDIR+= unbound

SUBDIR+= blacklist pdisk nvi ppp smbfs libnv

.include <bsd.subdir.mk>