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Annotation of src/distrib/utils/sysinst/msg.mi.en, Revision 1.138

1.138   ! dsl         1: /*     $NetBSD: msg.mi.en,v 1.137 2005/05/08 19:46:33 christos Exp $   */
1.1       phil        2:
                      3: /*
                      4:  * Copyright 1997 Piermont Information Systems Inc.
                      5:  * All rights reserved.
                      6:  *
                      7:  * Written by Philip A. Nelson for Piermont Information Systems Inc.
                      8:  *
                      9:  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
                     10:  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
                     11:  * are met:
                     12:  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
                     13:  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
                     14:  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
                     15:  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
                     16:  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
                     17:  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
                     18:  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
1.44      cgd        19:  *      This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by
1.1       phil       20:  *      Piermont Information Systems Inc.
                     21:  * 4. The name of Piermont Information Systems Inc. may not be used to endorse
                     22:  *    or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
                     23:  *    written permission.
                     24:  *
1.1       phil       35:  * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
                     36:  *
                     37:  */
                     39: /* MI Message catalog -- english, machine independent */
1.17      phil       41: message usage
1.63      hubertf    42: {usage: sysinst [-r release] [-f definition-file]
1.17      phil       43: }
1.109     dsl        44:
                     45: message sysinst_message_language
                     46: {Installation messages in English}
1.52      cgd        47:
1.108     dsl        48: message Yes {Yes}
                     49: message No {No}
                     50: message All {All}
                     51: message Some {Some}
                     52: message None {None}
                     53: message none {none}
                     54: message OK {OK}
                     55: message ok {ok}
1.122     dsl        56: message On {On}
                     57: message Off {Off}
1.116     dsl        58: message unchanged {unchanged}
1.136     dsl        59: message Delete {Delete?}
1.9       phil       60:
1.1       phil       61: message install
                     62: {install}
1.33      simonb     64: message reinstall
1.45      cgd        65: {reinstall sets for}
1.33      simonb     66:
1.1       phil       67: message upgrade
                     68: {upgrade}
                     70: message hello
1.18      jonathan   71: {Welcome to sysinst, the NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ system installation tool.
                     72: This menu-driven tool is designed to help you install NetBSD to a hard
1.121     dsl        73: disk, or upgrade an existing NetBSD system, with a minimum of work.
1.122     dsl        74: In the following menus type the reference letter (a, b, c, ...) to
                     75: select an item, or type CTRL+N/CTRL+P to select the next/previous item.
                     76: The arrow keys and Page-up/Page-down may also work.
                     77: Activate the current selection from the menu by typing the enter key.
1.1       phil       78:
1.77      minoura    79: }
1.1       phil       80:
1.77      minoura    81: message thanks
                     82: {Thank you for using NetBSD!
1.121     dsl        83:
1.1       phil       84: }
                     86: message installusure
1.17      phil       87: {You have chosen to install NetBSD on your hard disk.  This will change
                     88: information on your hard disk.  You should have made a full backup
1.54      cgd        89: before this procedure!  This procedure will do the following things:
                     90:        a) Partition your disk
                     91:        b) Create new BSD file systems
1.17      phil       92:        c) Load and install distribution sets
1.133     hubertf    93:        d) Some initial system configuration
1.17      phil       94:
1.54      cgd        95: (After you enter the partition information but before your disk is
1.17      phil       96: changed, you will have the opportunity to quit this procedure.)
1.60      hubertf    97:
1.54      cgd        98: Shall we continue?
1.1       phil       99: }
                    101: message upgradeusure
1.8       phil      102: {Ok, lets upgrade NetBSD on your hard disk.  As always, this will
1.1       phil      103: change information on your hard disk.  You should have made a full backup
                    104: before this procedure!  Do you really want to upgrade NetBSD?
1.8       phil      105: (This is your last warning before this procedure starts modifying your
                    106: disks.)
1.1       phil      107: }
1.24      jonathan  109: message reinstallusure
                    110: {Ok, lets unpack the NetBSD distribution sets to a bootable hard disk.
                    111: This procedure just fetches and unpacks sets onto an pre-partitioned
                    112: bootable disk. It does not label disks, upgrade bootblocks, or save
                    113: any existing configuration info.  (Quit and choose `install' or
                    114: `upgrade' if you want those options.)  You should have already done an
                    115: `install' or `upgrade' before starting this procedure!
1.45      cgd       117: Do you really want to reinstall NetBSD distribution sets?
1.24      jonathan  118: (This is your last warning before this procedure starts modifying your
                    119: disks.)
                    120: }
1.1       phil      123: message nodisk
                    124: {I can not find any hard disks for use by NetBSD.  You will be
                    125: returned to the original menu.
                    126: }
                    128: message onedisk
1.110     dsl       129: {I found only one disk, %s.
                    130: Therefore I assume you want to %s NetBSD on it.
1.1       phil      131: }
1.113     dsl       133: message ask_disk
                    134: {On which disk do you want to install NetBSD? }
                    136: message Available_disks
                    137: {Available disks}
1.16      jonathan  138:
1.1       phil      139: message cylinders
                    140: {cylinders}
                    142: message heads
                    143: {heads}
                    145: message sectors
                    146: {sectors}
1.119     dsl       148: message fs_isize
                    149: {average file size (bytes)}
1.1       phil      151: message mountpoint
1.91      grant     152: {mount point (or 'none')}
1.1       phil      153:
                    154: message cylname
                    155: {cyl}
                    157: message secname
                    158: {sec}
                    160: message megname
1.56      abs       161: {MB}
1.1       phil      162:
                    163: message layout
1.32      jonathan  164: {NetBSD uses a BSD disklabel to carve up the NetBSD portion of the disk
1.122     dsl       165: into multiple BSD partitions.  You must now set up your BSD disklabel.
                    167: You can use a simple editor to set the sizes of the NetBSD partitions,
                    168: or keep the existing partition sizes and contents.
                    170: You will then be given the opportunity to change any of the disklabel
                    171: fields.
                    173: The NetBSD part of your disk is %d Megabytes.
                    174: A full installation requires at least %d Megabytes without X and
                    175: at least %d Megabytes if the X sets are included.
1.1       phil      176: }
1.130     dsl       178: message Choose_your_size_specifier
                    179: {Choosing megabytes will give partition sizes close to your choice,
                    180: but aligned to cylinder boundaries.  Choosing sectors will allow you
                    181: to more accurately specify the sizes.  On modern ZBR disks, actual
                    182: cylinder size varies across the disk and there is little real gain
                    183: from cylinder alignment.  On older disks, it is most efficient to
1.31      jonathan  184: choose partition sizes that are exact multiples of your actual
1.59      fvdl      185: cylinder size.
1.130     dsl       186:
                    187: Choose your size specifier}
1.39      bouyer    188:
                    189: message defaultunit
1.101     dsl       190: {Unless specified with 'M' (megabytes), 'G' (gigabytes), 'c' (cylinders)
                    191: or 's' sector at the end of input, sizes and offsets are in %s.
1.1       phil      192: }
1.98      dsl       193:
                    194: message ptnsizes
                    195: {You can now change the sizes for the system partitions.  The default is
1.135     snj       196: to allocate all the space to the root file system, however you may wish
1.98      dsl       197: to have separate /usr (additional system files), /var (log files etc)
                    198: or /home (users' home directories).
                    200: Free space will be added to the partition marked with a '+'.
                    201: }
                    203: message ptnheaders
                    204: {
1.122     dsl       205:        MB         Cylinders   Sectors   Filesystem
1.98      dsl       206: }
                    208: message askfsmount
1.126     atatat    209: {Mount point?}
1.98      dsl       210:
                    211: message askfssize
                    212: {Size for %s in %s?}
                    214: message askunits
                    215: {Change input units (sectors/cylinders/MB)}
1.102     dsl       217: message NetBSD_partition_cant_change
1.123     dsl       218: {NetBSD partition}
1.102     dsl       219:
                    220: message Whole_disk_cant_change
1.123     dsl       221: {Whole disk}
1.102     dsl       222:
                    223: message Boot_partition_cant_change
1.123     dsl       224: {Boot partition}
1.102     dsl       225:
1.98      dsl       226: message add_another_ptn
                    227: {Add a user defined partition}
                    229: message fssizesok
                    230: {Accept partition sizes.  Free space %d %s, %d free partitions.}
                    232: message fssizesbad
                    233: {Reduce partition sizes by %d %s (%d sectors).}
1.1       phil      234:
1.38      bouyer    235: message startoutsidedisk
                    236: {The start value you specified is beyond the end of the disk.
                    237: }
                    239: message endoutsidedisk
1.102     dsl       240: {With this value, the partition end is beyond the end of the disk.
                    241: Your partition size has been truncated to %d %s.
                    243: Type enter to continue
1.38      bouyer    244: }
1.1       phil      246: message fspart
1.123     dsl       247: {We now have your BSD-disklabel partitions as:
                    248: This is your last chance to change them.
1.50      cgd       249:
1.1       phil      250: }
1.50      cgd       252: message fspart_header
1.123     dsl       253: {   Start %3s   End %3s  Size %3s FS type    Newfs Mount Mount point
                    254:    --------- --------- --------- ---------- ----- ----- -----------
1.1       phil      255: }
1.110     dsl       257: message fspart_row
1.123     dsl       258: {%9d %9d %9d %-10s %-5s %-5s %s}
1.101     dsl       259:
                    260: message show_all_unused_partitions
                    261: {Show all unused partitions}
                    263: message partition_sizes_ok
                    264: {Partition sizes ok}
1.1       phil      265:
                    266: message edfspart
1.122     dsl       267: {The current values for partition `%c' are,
                    268: Select the field you wish to change:
1.1       phil      269:
1.118     dsl       270:                           MB cylinders   sectors
                    271:                     ------- --------- ---------
1.1       phil      272: }
1.102     dsl       274: message fstype_fmt
1.118     dsl       275: {        FStype: %9s}
1.102     dsl       276:
                    277: message start_fmt
1.122     dsl       278: {         start: %9u %8u%c %9u}
1.102     dsl       279:
                    280: message size_fmt
1.122     dsl       281: {          size: %9u %8u%c %9u}
1.102     dsl       282:
                    283: message end_fmt
1.122     dsl       284: {           end: %9u %8u%c %9u}
1.102     dsl       285:
                    286: message bsize_fmt
1.118     dsl       287: {    block size: %9d bytes}
1.102     dsl       288:
                    289: message fsize_fmt
1.118     dsl       290: { fragment size: %9d bytes}
1.119     dsl       291:
                    292: message isize_fmt
1.122     dsl       293: { avg file size: %9d bytes (for number of inodes)}
1.119     dsl       294: message isize_fmt_dflt
1.125     dsl       295: { avg file size:         4 fragments}
1.102     dsl       296:
1.110     dsl       297: message newfs_fmt
1.118     dsl       298: {         newfs: %9s}
1.102     dsl       299:
                    300: message mount_fmt
1.118     dsl       301: {         mount: %9s}
                    303: message mount_options_fmt
                    304: { mount options: }
1.110     dsl       305:
                    306: message mountpt_fmt
1.118     dsl       307: {   mount point: %9s}
                    309: message toggle
                    310: {Toggle}
1.102     dsl       311:
                    312: message restore
                    313: {Restore original values}
1.103     dsl       315: message Select_the_type
1.116     dsl       316: {Select the type}
                    318: message other_types
                    319: {other types}
1.103     dsl       320:
1.102     dsl       321: message label_size
                    322: {%s
                    323: Special values that can be entered for the size value:
                    324:     -1:   use until the end of the NetBSD part of the disk
                    325:    a-%c:   end this partition where partition X starts
                    327: size (%s)}
                    329: message label_offset
                    330: {%s
                    331: Special values that can be entered for the offset value:
                    332:     -1:   start at the beginning of the NetBSD part of the disk
                    333:    a-%c:   start at the end of previous partition (a, b, ..., %c)
                    335: start (%s)}
                    337: message invalid_sector_number
                    338: {Badly formed sector number
                    339: }
1.103     dsl       340:
                    341: message Select_file_system_block_size
                    342: {Select file system block size}
1.118     dsl       344: message Select_file_system_fragment_size
                    345: {Select file system fragment size}
1.102     dsl       346:
1.1       phil      347: message packname
                    348: {Please enter a name for your NetBSD disk}
                    350: message lastchance
1.69      hubertf   351: {Ok, we are now ready to install NetBSD on your hard disk (%s).  Nothing has been
1.1       phil      352: written yet.  This is your last chance to quit this process before anything
1.60      hubertf   353: gets changed.
                    355: Shall we continue?
1.1       phil      356: }
1.12      jonathan  357:
                    358: message disksetupdone
1.48      cgd       359: {Okay, the first part of the procedure is finished.  Sysinst has
1.12      jonathan  360: written a disklabel to the target disk, and newfs'ed and fsck'ed
                    361: the new partitions you specified for the target disk.
1.78      hubertf   362: }
                    364: message disksetupdoneupdate
                    365: {Okay, the first part of the procedure is finished.  Sysinst has
                    366: written a disklabel to the target disk, and fsck'ed the new
                    367: partitions you specified for the target disk.
1.12      jonathan  368: }
1.40      bouyer    370: message openfail
                    371: {Could not open %s, error message was: %s.
                    372: }
                    374: message statfail
                    375: {Can't get properties of %s, error message was: %s.
                    376: }
                    378: message unlink_fail
                    379: {I was unable to delete %s, error message was: %s.
                    380: }
                    382: message rename_fail
                    383: {I was unable to rename %s to %s, error message was: %s.
                    384: }
                    386: message deleting_files
                    387: {As part of the upgrade procedure, the following have to be deleted:
                    388: }
                    390: message deleting_dirs
                    391: {As part of the upgrade procedure, the following directories have to be
                    392: deleted (I will rename those that are not empty):
                    393: }
                    395: message renamed_dir
                    396: {The directory %s has been renamed to %s because it was not empty.
                    397: }
                    399: message cleanup_warn
1.61      hubertf   400: {Cleanup of the existing install failed. This may cause the extraction
1.40      bouyer    401: of the set to fail.
                    402: }
1.1       phil      403:
                    404: message nomount
                    405: {Partition %c's type is not 4.2BSD or msdos and therefore does not have
                    406: a mount point.}
1.38      bouyer    408: message mountfail
1.123     dsl       409: {mount of device /dev/%s%c on %s failed.
1.38      bouyer    410: }
1.1       phil      411:
1.72      fvdl      412: message extractcomplete
                    413: {The extraction of the selected sets for NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ is complete.
                    414: The system is now able to boot from the selected harddisk. To complete
                    415: the installation, sysinst will give you the opportunity to configure
                    416: some essential things first.
                    417: }
1.1       phil      419: message instcomplete
1.8       phil      420: {The installation of NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ is now complete.  The system
                    421: should boot from hard disk.  Follow the instructions in the INSTALL
1.94      jmmv      422: document about final configuration of your system.  The afterboot(8)
                    423: manpage is another recommended reading; it contains a list of things
                    424: to be checked after the first complete boot.
1.24      jonathan  425:
1.72      fvdl      426: At a minimum, you should edit /etc/rc.conf to match your needs. See
1.74      fvdl      427: /etc/defaults/rc.conf for the default values.
1.1       phil      428: }
1.72      fvdl      430: message upgrcomplete
1.8       phil      431: {The upgrade to NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ is now complete.  You will
1.54      cgd       432: now need to follow the instructions in the INSTALL document as to
1.94      jmmv      433: what you need to do to get your system reconfigured for your situation.
                    434: Remember to (re)read the afterboot(8) manpage as it may contain new
1.127     dsl       435: items since your last upgrade.
1.24      jonathan  436:
1.76      tv        437: At a minimum, you must edit rc.conf for your local environment and change
                    438: rc_configured=NO to rc_configured=YES or reboots will stop at single-user,
                    439: and copy back the password files (taking into account new system accounts
                    440: that may have been created for this release) if you were using local
                    441: password files.
1.24      jonathan  442: }
1.72      fvdl      445: message unpackcomplete
1.127     dsl       446: {Unpacking additional release sets of NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ is now complete.
                    447: You will now need to follow the instructions in the INSTALL document
                    448: to get your system reconfigured for your situation.
                    449: The afterboot(8) manpage can also be of some help.
1.24      jonathan  450:
1.76      tv        451: At a minimum, you must edit rc.conf for your local environment and change
                    452: rc_configured=NO to rc_configured=YES or reboots will stop at single-user.
1.7       phil      453: }
1.1       phil      455: message distmedium
                    456: {Your disk is now ready for installing the kernel and the distribution
                    457: sets.  As noted in your INSTALL notes, you have several options.  For
                    458: ftp or nfs, you must be connected to a network with access to the proper
1.45      cgd       459: machines.  If you are not ready to complete the installation at this time,
1.1       phil      460: you may select "none" and you will be returned to the main menu.  When
                    461: you are ready at a later time, you may select "upgrade" from the main
                    462: menu to complete the installation.
                    463: }
1.9       phil      465: message distset
                    466: {The NetBSD distribution is broken into a collection of distribution
1.34      ender     467: sets.  There are some basic sets that are needed by all installations
1.9       phil      468: and there are some other sets that are not needed by all installations.
1.54      cgd       469: You may choose to install all of them (Full installation) or you
1.9       phil      470: select from the optional distribution sets.
                    471: }
1.1       phil      473: message ftpsource
1.132     dsl       474: {The following are the %s site, directory, user, and password that
                    475: will be used.  If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed.
1.1       phil      476:
1.64      hubertf   477: host:          %s
1.128     dsl       478: base directory:        %s
                    479: set directory: %s
1.64      hubertf   480: user:          %s
                    481: password:      %s
1.83      scottr    482: proxy:         %s
1.51      cgd       483: }
1.1       phil      484:
                    485: message email
                    486: {e-mail address}
1.5       phil      487:
1.7       phil      488: message dev
                    489: {device}
1.5       phil      491: message nfssource
1.120     dsl       492: {Enter the nfs host and server directory where the distribution is located.
                    493: Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files and
1.24      jonathan  494: must be nfs mountable.
1.5       phil      495:
1.80      mrg       496: host:          %s
1.128     dsl       497: base directory:        %s
                    498: set directory: %s
1.5       phil      499: }
                    501: message nfsbadmount
                    502: {The directory %s:%s could not be nfs mounted.}
1.1       phil      503:
1.7       phil      504: message cdromsource
                    505: {Enter the CDROM device to be used and directory on the CDROM where
1.120     dsl       506: the distribution is located.
                    507: Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files.
1.7       phil      508:
1.120     dsl       509: device:                %s
1.128     dsl       510: set directory: %s
1.7       phil      511: }
1.14      mhitch    513: message localfssource
1.23      jonathan  514: {Enter the unmounted local device and directory on that device where
1.120     dsl       515: the distribution is located.
                    516: Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files.
1.14      mhitch    517:
1.120     dsl       518: device:                %s
                    519: file system:   %s
1.128     dsl       520: base directory:        %s
                    521: set directory: %s
1.14      mhitch    522: }
1.24      jonathan  524: message localdir
1.120     dsl       525: {Enter the already-mounted local directory where the distribution is located.
                    526: Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files.
1.24      jonathan  527:
1.128     dsl       528: base directory:        %s
                    529: set directory: %s
1.24      jonathan  530: }
1.14      mhitch    532: message filesys
1.89      grant     533: {file system}
1.14      mhitch    534:
1.7       phil      535: message cdrombadmount
1.128     dsl       536: {The CDROM /dev/%s could not be mounted.}
1.14      mhitch    537:
                    538: message localfsbadmount
                    539: {%s could not be mounted on local device %s.}
1.20      simonb    540:
1.24      jonathan  541: message badlocalsetdir
                    542: {%s is not a directory}
1.54      cgd       544: message badsetdir
1.85      shin      545: {%s does not contain the mandatory installation sets etc.tgz
                    546: and base.tgz.  Are you sure you've got the right directory?}
1.24      jonathan  547:
1.20      simonb    548: message nonet
                    549: {I can not find any network interfaces for use by NetBSD.  You will be
                    550: returned to the previous menu.
                    551: }
1.7       phil      552:
1.114     dsl       553: message netup
                    554: {The following network interfaces are active: %s
                    555: Does one of them connect to the required server?}
1.1       phil      557: message asknetdev
                    558: {I have found the following network interfaces: %s
1.42      cgd       559: \nWhich device shall I use?}
1.1       phil      560:
                    561: message badnet
                    562: {You did not choose one of the listed network devices.  Please try again.
                    563: The following network devices are available: %s
1.42      cgd       564: \nWhich device shall I use?}
1.1       phil      565:
                    566: message netinfo
                    567: {To be able to use the network, we need answers to the following:
                    569: }
                    571: message net_domain
1.46      cgd       572: {Your DNS domain}
1.1       phil      573:
                    574: message net_host
1.42      cgd       575: {Your host name}
1.1       phil      576:
                    577: message net_ip
1.57      itojun    578: {Your IPv4 number}
1.1       phil      579:
1.137     christos  580: message net_ip_2nd
                    581: {Server IPv4 number}
1.1       phil      583: message net_mask
1.57      itojun    584: {IPv4 Netmask}
                    586: message net_namesrv6
                    587: {IPv6 name server}
1.1       phil      588:
                    589: message net_namesrv
1.57      itojun    590: {IPv4 name server}
1.1       phil      591:
                    592: message net_defroute
1.57      itojun    593: {IPv4 gateway}
1.1       phil      594:
1.26      fvdl      595: message net_media
1.42      cgd       596: {Network media type}
1.26      fvdl      597:
1.1       phil      598: message netok
1.128     dsl       599: {The following are the values you entered.
1.1       phil      600:
1.57      itojun    601: DNS Domain:            %s
                    602: Host Name:             %s
1.80      mrg       603: Primary Interface:     %s
1.57      itojun    604: Host IP:               %s
                    605: Netmask:               %s
                    606: IPv4 Nameserver:       %s
                    607: IPv4 Gateway:          %s
                    608: Media type:            %s
1.80      mrg       609: }
1.137     christos  611: message netok_slip
                    612: {The following are the values you entered.  Are they OK?
                    614: DNS Domain:            %s
                    615: Host Name:             %s
                    616: Primary Interface:     %s
                    617: Host IP:               %s
                    618: Server IP:             %s
                    619: Netmask:               %s
                    620: IPv4 Nameserver:       %s
                    621: IPv4 Gateway:          %s
                    622: Media type:            %s
                    623: }
1.80      mrg       625: message netokv6
                    626: {IPv6 autoconf:                %s
1.57      itojun    627: IPv6 Nameserver:       %s
1.1       phil      628: }
1.128     dsl       630: message netok_ok
                    631: {Are they OK?}
1.1       phil      633: message netagain
                    634: {Please reenter the information about your network.  Your last answers
                    635: will be your default.
                    637: }
1.115     dsl       639: message wait_network
                    640: {
                    641: Waiting while network interface comes up.
                    642: }
1.1       phil      644: message resolv
                    645: {Could not create /etc/resolv.conf.  Install aborted.
                    646: }
                    648: message realdir
1.13      jonathan  649: {Could not change to directory %s: %s.  Install aborted.
1.1       phil      650: }
1.21      thorpej   651:
1.2       phil      652: message ftperror
1.128     dsl       653: {Ftp could not retrieve a file.
                    654: Do you want to try again?}
1.2       phil      655:
1.6       phil      656: message distdir
1.1       phil      657: {What directory shall I use for %s? }
1.115     dsl       658:
                    659: message delete_dist_files
1.136     dsl       660: {Do you want to delete the NetBSD sets from %s?
1.115     dsl       661: (You can keep them to install/upgrade a second system.)}
1.1       phil      662:
                    663: message verboseextract
1.132     dsl       664: {
                    665: The next step is to fetch and unpack the distribution filesets.
                    667: During the extraction process, what do you want to see as
1.1       phil      668: each file is extracted?
                    669: }
1.24      jonathan  671: message notarfile
1.128     dsl       672: {Release set %s does not exist.}
1.47      cgd       673:
1.128     dsl       674: message notarfile_ok
                    675: {Continue extracting sets?}
1.24      jonathan  676:
                    677: message endtarok
1.28      lukem     678: {All selected distribution sets unpacked successfully.}
1.24      jonathan  679:
1.1       phil      680: message endtar
1.24      jonathan  681: {There were problems unpacking distribution sets.
1.54      cgd       682: Your installation is incomplete.
1.24      jonathan  683:
1.47      cgd       684: You selected %d distribution sets.  %d sets couldn't be found
1.82      simonb    685: and %d were skipped after an error occurred.  Of the %d
1.47      cgd       686: that were attempted, %d unpacked without errors and %d with errors.
1.24      jonathan  687:
                    688: The installation is aborted. Please recheck your distribution source
1.45      cgd       689: and consider reinstalling sets from the main menu.}
1.2       phil      690:
1.6       phil      691: message abort
                    692: {Your choices have made it impossible to install NetBSD.  Install aborted.
                    693: }
1.2       phil      695: message abortinst
                    696: {The distribution was not successfully loaded.  You will need to proceed
                    697: by hand.  Installation aborted.
1.3       phil      698: }
1.7       phil      700: message abortupgr
                    701: {The distribution was not successfully loaded.  You will need to proceed
                    702: by hand.  Upgrade aborted.
                    703: }
1.24      jonathan  705: message abortunpack
                    706: {Unpacking additional sets was not successful.  You will need to
                    707: proceed by hand, or choose a different source for release sets and try
                    708: again.
1.3       phil      709: }
                    711: message createfstab
1.11      jonathan  712: {There is a big problem!  Can not create /mnt/etc/fstab.  Bailing out!
1.3       phil      713: }
1.13      jonathan  715:
                    716: message noetcfstab
                    717: {Help! No /etc/fstab in target disk %s.  Aborting upgrade.
                    718: }
                    720: message badetcfstab
                    721: {Help! Can't parse /etc/fstab in target disk %s.  Aborting upgrade.
                    722: }
1.66      hubertf   724: message X_oldexists
                    725: {I cannot save /usr/X11R6/bin/X as /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old, because the
                    726: target disk already has an /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old. Please fix this before
                    727: continuing.
                    729: One way is to start a shell from the Utilities menu, examine the
                    730: target /usr/X11R6/bin/X and /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old.  If
                    731: /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old is from a completed upgrade, you can rm -f
                    732: /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old and restart.  Or if /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old is from
                    733: a recent, incomplete upgrade, you can rm -f /usr/X11R6/bin/X and mv
                    734: /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old to /usr/X11R6/bin/X.
1.24      jonathan  735:
                    736: Aborting upgrade.}
1.13      jonathan  737:
1.3       phil      738: message netnotup
                    739: {There was a problem in setting up the network.  Either your gateway
                    740: or your nameserver was not reachable by a ping.  Do you want to
1.84      mrg       741: configure your network again?  (No allows you to continue anyway
                    742: or abort the install process.)
                    743: }
                    745: message netnotup_continueanyway
                    746: {Would you like to continue the install process anyway, and assume
                    747: that the network is working?  (No aborts the install process.)
1.3       phil      748: }
                    750: message makedev
1.117     hubertf   751: {Making device nodes ...
1.2       phil      752: }
1.4       phil      753:
                    754: message badfs
1.123     dsl       755: {It appears that /dev/%s%c is not a BSD file system or the fsck was
1.45      cgd       756: not successful.  The upgrade has been aborted.  (Error number %d.)
1.4       phil      757: }
                    759: message badmount
1.123     dsl       760: {Your file system /dev/%s%c was not successfully mounted.  Upgrade aborted.}
1.4       phil      761:
1.13      jonathan  762: message rootmissing
                    763: { target root is missing %s.
                    764: }
                    766: message badroot
1.135     snj       767: {The completed new root file system failed a basic sanity check.
1.13      jonathan  768:  Are you sure you installed all the required sets?
1.4       phil      769: }
1.6       phil      771: message fddev
                    772: {What floppy device do you want to use? }
1.9       phil      774: message fdmount
                    775: {Please load the floppy containing the file named "%s". }
1.6       phil      776:
1.9       phil      777: message fdnotfound
                    778: {Could not find the file named "%s" on the disk.  Please load the
1.96      jmmv      779: floppy with that file on it.
                    781: If this was the last set's disk, hit "Set finished" to continue on
                    782: the next set, if any.}
1.6       phil      783:
                    784: message fdremount
                    785: {The floppy was not mounted successfully.  You may:
1.51      cgd       787: Try again and put in the floppy containing the file named "%s".
1.96      jmmv      788:
                    789: Not load any more files from this set and continue on the next one, if any.
1.6       phil      790:
1.51      cgd       791: Not load any more files from floppy and abort the process.
1.6       phil      792: }
1.7       phil      793:
                    794: message mntnetconfig
                    795: {Is the network information you entered accurate for this machine
1.8       phil      796: in regular operation and do you want it installed in /etc? }
1.9       phil      797:
                    798: message cur_distsets
                    799: {The following is the list of distribution sets that will be used.
1.15      phil      801: }
1.53      cgd       802:
                    803: message cur_distsets_header
1.104     dsl       804: {   Distribution set         Selected
                    805:    ------------------------ --------
1.53      cgd       806: }
1.104     dsl       808: message set_base
                    809: {Base}
                    811: message set_system
                    812: {System (/etc)}
                    814: message set_compiler
                    815: {Compiler Tools}
                    817: message set_games
                    818: {Games}
                    820: message set_man_pages
                    821: {Online Manual Pages}
                    823: message set_misc
                    824: {Miscellaneous}
                    826: message set_text_tools
                    827: {Text Processing Tools}
                    829: message set_X11
                    830: {X11 sets}
                    832: message set_X11_base
                    833: {X11 base and clients}
1.124     lukem     835: message set_X11_etc
                    836: {X11 configuration}
1.104     dsl       838: message set_X11_fonts
                    839: {X11 fonts}
                    841: message set_X11_servers
                    842: {X11 servers}
                    844: message set_X_contrib
                    845: {X contrib clients}
                    847: message set_X11_prog
                    848: {X11 programming}
                    850: message set_X11_misc
                    851: {X11 Misc.}
1.53      cgd       853: message cur_distsets_row
1.104     dsl       854: {%-27s %3s\n}
                    856: message select_all
                    857: {Select all the above sets}
                    859: message select_none
                    860: {Deselect all the above sets}
                    862: message install_selected_sets
                    863: {Install selected sets}
1.15      phil      864:
                    865: message tarerror
1.47      cgd       866: {There was an error in extracting the file %s.  That means
                    867: some files were not extracted correctly and your system will not be
                    868: complete.
1.24      jonathan  869:
1.47      cgd       870: Continue extracting sets?}
1.112     dsl       871:
                    872: message must_be_one_root
                    873: {There must be a single partition marked to be mounted on '/'.}
1.22      jonathan  874:
                    875: message partitions_overlap
                    876: {partitions %c and %c overlap.}
                    878: message edit_partitions_again
                    879: {
                    881: You can either edit the partition table by hand, or give up and return
                    882: to the main menu.
                    884: Edit the partition table again?}
1.29      phil      885:
                    886: message not_regular_file
                    887: {Config file %s is not a regular file.\n}
                    889: message out_of_memory
                    890: {Out of memory (malloc failed).\n}
                    892: message config_open_error
                    893: {Could not open config file %s\n}
                    895: message config_read_error
                    896: {Could not read config file %s\n}
1.37      bouyer    897:
                    898: message cmdfail
                    899: {Command
1.51      cgd       900:        %s
1.37      bouyer    901: failed. I can't continue.}
1.41      fvdl      902:
                    903: message upgradeparttype
                    904: {The only suitable partition that was found for NetBSD installation is of
                    905: the old NetBSD/386BSD/FreeBSD partition type. Do you want to change the type
                    906: of this partition to the new NetBSD-only partition type?}
1.62      cyber     907:
1.65      hubertf   908: message choose_timezone
1.129     dsl       909: {Please choose the timezone that fits you best from the list below.
1.111     dsl       910: Press RETURN to select an entry.
                    911: Press 'x' followed by RETURN to quit the timezone selection.
1.65      hubertf   912:
                    913:  Default:      %s
                    914:  Selected:     %s
                    915:  Local time:   %s %s
1.86      ad        916: }
1.110     dsl       917:
                    918: message tz_back
                    919: { Back to main timezone list}
1.86      ad        920:
                    921: message choose_crypt
                    922: {Please choose the password cipher to use. NetBSD can be configured to use
1.87      itojun    923: either the DES, MD5 or Blowfish schemes.
1.86      ad        924:
                    925: The traditional DES scheme is compatible with most other Unix-like operating
                    926: systems, but only the first 8 characters of any password will be recognised.
1.87      itojun    927: The MD5 and Blowfish scheme allows for longer passwords, and some would
                    928: argue that it's more secure.
1.86      ad        929:
                    930: If you have a network and intend to use NIS, please bear in mind the
                    931: capabilities of other machines on your network.
1.88      itojun    932:
                    933: If you are upgrading and would like to keep configuration unchanged,
                    934: choose the last option "do not change".
1.65      hubertf   935: }
1.70      fvdl      936:
                    937: message swapactive
                    938: {The disk that you selected has a swap partition that may currently be
                    939: in use if your system is low on memory. Because you are going to
                    940: repartition this disk, this swap partition will be disabled now. Please
                    941: beware that this might lead to out of swap errors. Should you get such
                    942: an error, please restart the system and try again.}
                    944: message swapdelfailed
                    945: {Sysinst failed to deactivate the swap partition on the disk that you
                    946: chose for installation. Please reboot and try again.}
1.72      fvdl      947:
                    948: message rootpw
1.73      fvdl      949: {The root password of the newly installed system has not yet been initialized,
                    950: and is thus empty.  Do you want to set a root password for the system now?}
1.90      grant     951:
                    952: message rootsh
                    953: {You can now select which shell to use for the root user. The default is
1.138   ! dsl       954: /bin/sh, but you may prefer another one.}
1.80      mrg       955:
                    956: message postuseexisting
                    957: {
1.111     dsl       958: Don't forget to check the file system mount points for each of the
1.80      mrg       959: file systems that are to be mounted.  Press <return> to continue.
                    960: }
                    962: message no_root_fs
                    963: {
                    964: There is no defined root file system.  You need to define at least
                    965: one mount point with "/".
                    967: Press <return> to continue.
1.73      fvdl      968: }
1.108     dsl       969:
1.137     christos  970: message slattach {
                    971: Enter slattach flags
                    972: }
1.122     dsl       974: message Pick_an_option {Pick an option to turn on or off.}
                    975: message Scripting {Scripting}
                    976: message Logging {Logging}
                    978: message Status  { Status: }
                    979: message Command {Command: }
                    980: message Running {Running}
                    981: message Finished {Finished}
                    982: message Command_failed {Command failed}
                    983: message Command_ended_on_signal {Command ended on signal}
1.108     dsl       985: message NetBSD_VERSION_Install_System {NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ Install System}
                    986: message Exit_Install_System {Exit Install System}
                    987: message Install_NetBSD_to_hard_disk {Install NetBSD to hard disk}
                    988: message Upgrade_NetBSD_on_a_hard_disk {Upgrade NetBSD on a hard disk}
                    989: message Re_install_sets_or_install_additional_sets {Re-install sets or install additional sets}
                    990: message Reboot_the_computer {Reboot the computer}
                    991: message Utility_menu {Utility menu}
                    992: message NetBSD_VERSION_Utilities {NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ Utilities}
                    993: message Run_bin_sh {Run /bin/sh}
                    994: message Set_timezone {Set timezone}
                    995: message Configure_network {Configure network}
                    996: message Partition_a_disk {Partition a disk}
                    997: message Logging_functions {Logging functions}
                    998: message Halt_the_system {Halt the system}
                    999: message yes_or_no {yes or no?}
                   1000: message Hit_enter_to_continue {Hit enter to continue}
                   1001: message Choose_your_installation {Choose your installation}
1.116     dsl      1002: message Set_Sizes {Set sizes of NetBSD partitions}
                   1003: message Use_Existing {Use existing partition sizes}
1.108     dsl      1004: message Megabytes {Megabytes}
                   1005: message Cylinders {Cylinders}
                   1006: message Sectors {Sectors}
                   1007: message Select_medium {Select medium}
1.131     hubertf  1008: message ftp {FTP}
1.132     dsl      1009: message http {HTTP}
1.131     hubertf  1010: message nfs {NFS}
                   1011: message cdrom {CD-ROM / DVD}
                   1012: message floppy {Floppy}
                   1013: message local_fs {Unmounted fs}
                   1014: message local_dir {Local directory}
1.108     dsl      1015: message Select_your_distribution {Select your distribution}
                   1016: message Full_installation {Full installation}
                   1017: message Custom_installation {Custom installation}
                   1018: message Change {Change}
                   1019: message hidden {** hidden **}
                   1020: message Host {Host}
1.128     dsl      1021: message Base_dir {Base directory}
                   1022: message Set_dir {Set directory}
1.108     dsl      1023: message Directory {Directory}
                   1024: message User {User}
                   1025: message Password {Password}
                   1026: message Proxy {Proxy}
                   1027: message Get_Distribution {Get Distribution}
                   1028: message Continue {Continue}
                   1029: message What_do_you_want_to_do {What do you want to do?}
                   1030: message Try_again {Try again}
                   1031: message Give_up {Give up}
                   1032: message Ignore_continue_anyway {Ignore, continue anyway}
                   1033: message Set_finished {Set finished}
                   1034: message Abort_install {Abort install}
                   1035: message Password_cipher {Password cipher}
                   1036: message DES {DES}
                   1037: message MD5 {MD5}
                   1038: message Blowfish_2_7_round {Blowfish 2^7 round}
                   1039: message do_not_change {do not change}
                   1040: message Device {Device}
                   1041: message File_system {File system}
                   1042: message Select_IPv6_DNS_server {  Select IPv6 DNS server}
                   1043: message other {other }
                   1044: message Perform_IPv6_autoconfiguration {Perform IPv6 autoconfiguration?}
                   1045: message Perform_DHCP_autoconfiguration {Perform DHCP autoconfiguration?}
                   1046: message Root_shell {Root shell}
                   1047: message Select_set_extraction_verbosity {Select set extraction verbosity}
1.128     dsl      1048: message Progress_bar {Progress bar (recommended)}
1.108     dsl      1049: message Silent {Silent}
1.128     dsl      1050: message Verbose {Verbose file name listing (slow)}
1.105     dsl      1051:
                   1052: .if AOUT2ELF
                   1053: message aoutfail
                   1054: {The directory where the old a.out shared libraries should be moved to could
                   1055: not be created. Please try the upgrade procedure again and make sure you
                   1056: have mounted all file systems.}
                   1058: message emulbackup
                   1059: {Either the /emul/aout or /emul directory on your system was a symbolic link
                   1060: pointing to an unmounted file system. It has been given a '.old' extension.
                   1061: Once you bring your upgraded system back up, you may need to take care
                   1062: of merging the newly created /emul/aout directory with the old one.
                   1063: }
                   1064: .endif

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