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Annotation of src/crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh_config.5, Revision 1.29

1.25      christos    1: .\"    $NetBSD: ssh_config.5,v 1.24 2019/04/20 17:16:40 christos Exp $
1.1       christos    2: .\"  -*- nroff -*-
                      3: .\"
                      4: .\" Author: Tatu Ylonen <ylo@cs.hut.fi>
                      5: .\" Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen <ylo@cs.hut.fi>, Espoo, Finland
                      6: .\"                    All rights reserved
                      7: .\"
                      8: .\" As far as I am concerned, the code I have written for this software
                      9: .\" can be used freely for any purpose.  Any derived versions of this
                     10: .\" software must be clearly marked as such, and if the derived work is
                     11: .\" incompatible with the protocol description in the RFC file, it must be
                     12: .\" called by a name other than "ssh" or "Secure Shell".
                     13: .\"
                     14: .\" Copyright (c) 1999,2000 Markus Friedl.  All rights reserved.
                     15: .\" Copyright (c) 1999 Aaron Campbell.  All rights reserved.
                     16: .\" Copyright (c) 1999 Theo de Raadt.  All rights reserved.
                     17: .\"
                     18: .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
                     19: .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
                     20: .\" are met:
                     21: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
                     22: .\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
                     23: .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
                     24: .\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
                     25: .\"    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
                     26: .\"
                     37: .\"
1.29    ! christos   38: .\" $OpenBSD: ssh_config.5,v 1.349 2021/02/28 22:56:30 dtucker Exp $
        !            39: .Dd February 28 2021
1.1       christos   40: .Dt SSH_CONFIG 5
                     41: .Os
                     42: .Sh NAME
                     43: .Nm ssh_config
1.26      christos   44: .Nd OpenSSH client configuration file
1.1       christos   45: .Sh DESCRIPTION
                     46: .Xr ssh 1
                     47: obtains configuration data from the following sources in
                     48: the following order:
                     49: .Pp
                     50: .Bl -enum -offset indent -compact
                     51: .It
                     52: command-line options
                     53: .It
                     54: user's configuration file
                     55: .Pq Pa ~/.ssh/config
                     56: .It
                     57: system-wide configuration file
                     58: .Pq Pa /etc/ssh/ssh_config
                     59: .El
                     60: .Pp
                     61: For each parameter, the first obtained value
                     62: will be used.
                     63: The configuration files contain sections separated by
1.19      christos   64: .Cm Host
1.1       christos   65: specifications, and that section is only applied for hosts that
                     66: match one of the patterns given in the specification.
1.13      christos   67: The matched host name is usually the one given on the command line
                     68: (see the
                     69: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
1.19      christos   70: option for exceptions).
1.1       christos   71: .Pp
                     72: Since the first obtained value for each parameter is used, more
                     73: host-specific declarations should be given near the beginning of the
                     74: file, and general defaults at the end.
                     75: .Pp
1.19      christos   76: The file contains keyword-argument pairs, one per line.
                     77: Lines starting with
1.1       christos   78: .Ql #
1.19      christos   79: and empty lines are interpreted as comments.
                     80: Arguments may optionally be enclosed in double quotes
                     81: .Pq \&"
                     82: in order to represent arguments containing spaces.
1.1       christos   83: Configuration options may be separated by whitespace or
                     84: optional whitespace and exactly one
                     85: .Ql = ;
                     86: the latter format is useful to avoid the need to quote whitespace
                     87: when specifying configuration options using the
                     88: .Nm ssh ,
                     89: .Nm scp ,
                     90: and
                     91: .Nm sftp
                     92: .Fl o
                     93: option.
                     94: .Pp
                     95: The possible
                     96: keywords and their meanings are as follows (note that
                     97: keywords are case-insensitive and arguments are case-sensitive):
                     98: .Bl -tag -width Ds
                     99: .It Cm Host
                    100: Restricts the following declarations (up to the next
                    101: .Cm Host
1.12      christos  102: or
                    103: .Cm Match
1.1       christos  104: keyword) to be only for those hosts that match one of the patterns
                    105: given after the keyword.
                    106: If more than one pattern is provided, they should be separated by whitespace.
                    107: A single
                    108: .Ql *
                    109: as a pattern can be used to provide global
                    110: defaults for all hosts.
1.13      christos  111: The host is usually the
1.1       christos  112: .Ar hostname
1.13      christos  113: argument given on the command line
                    114: (see the
                    115: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
1.19      christos  116: keyword for exceptions).
1.1       christos  117: .Pp
1.7       christos  118: A pattern entry may be negated by prefixing it with an exclamation mark
                    119: .Pq Sq !\& .
                    120: If a negated entry is matched, then the
                    121: .Cm Host
                    122: entry is ignored, regardless of whether any other patterns on the line
                    123: match.
                    124: Negated matches are therefore useful to provide exceptions for wildcard
                    125: matches.
                    126: .Pp
1.1       christos  127: See
                    128: .Sx PATTERNS
                    129: for more information on patterns.
1.12      christos  130: .It Cm Match
                    131: Restricts the following declarations (up to the next
                    132: .Cm Host
                    133: or
                    134: .Cm Match
                    135: keyword) to be used only when the conditions following the
                    136: .Cm Match
                    137: keyword are satisfied.
1.17      christos  138: Match conditions are specified using one or more criteria
1.12      christos  139: or the single token
                    140: .Cm all
1.13      christos  141: which always matches.
                    142: The available criteria keywords are:
                    143: .Cm canonical ,
1.24      christos  144: .Cm final ,
1.12      christos  145: .Cm exec ,
                    146: .Cm host ,
                    147: .Cm originalhost ,
                    148: .Cm user ,
                    149: and
                    150: .Cm localuser .
1.13      christos  151: The
                    152: .Cm all
                    153: criteria must appear alone or immediately after
1.24      christos  154: .Cm canonical
                    155: or
                    156: .Cm final .
1.13      christos  157: Other criteria may be combined arbitrarily.
                    158: All criteria but
1.24      christos  159: .Cm all ,
                    160: .Cm canonical ,
1.13      christos  161: and
1.24      christos  162: .Cm final
1.13      christos  163: require an argument.
                    164: Criteria may be negated by prepending an exclamation mark
                    165: .Pq Sq !\& .
1.12      christos  166: .Pp
                    167: The
1.13      christos  168: .Cm canonical
1.14      christos  169: keyword matches only when the configuration file is being re-parsed
1.13      christos  170: after hostname canonicalization (see the
                    171: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
1.24      christos  172: option).
1.13      christos  173: This may be useful to specify conditions that work with canonical host
                    174: names only.
1.24      christos  175: .Pp
                    176: The
                    177: .Cm final
                    178: keyword requests that the configuration be re-parsed (regardless of whether
                    179: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
                    180: is enabled), and matches only during this final pass.
                    181: If
                    182: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
                    183: is enabled, then
                    184: .Cm canonical
                    185: and
                    186: .Cm final
                    187: match during the same pass.
                    188: .Pp
1.13      christos  189: The
1.12      christos  190: .Cm exec
                    191: keyword executes the specified command under the user's shell.
                    192: If the command returns a zero exit status then the condition is considered true.
                    193: Commands containing whitespace characters must be quoted.
1.19      christos  194: Arguments to
                    195: .Cm exec
                    196: accept the tokens described in the
                    197: .Sx TOKENS
                    198: section.
1.12      christos  199: .Pp
                    200: The other keywords' criteria must be single entries or comma-separated
                    201: lists and may use the wildcard and negation operators described in the
                    202: .Sx PATTERNS
                    203: section.
                    204: The criteria for the
                    205: .Cm host
                    206: keyword are matched against the target hostname, after any substitution
                    207: by the
                    208: .Cm Hostname
1.13      christos  209: or
                    210: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
                    211: options.
1.12      christos  212: The
                    213: .Cm originalhost
                    214: keyword matches against the hostname as it was specified on the command-line.
                    215: The
                    216: .Cm user
                    217: keyword matches against the target username on the remote host.
                    218: The
                    219: .Cm localuser
                    220: keyword matches against the name of the local user running
                    221: .Xr ssh 1
                    222: (this keyword may be useful in system-wide
                    223: .Nm
                    224: files).
1.17      christos  225: .It Cm AddKeysToAgent
                    226: Specifies whether keys should be automatically added to a running
                    227: .Xr ssh-agent 1 .
                    228: If this option is set to
1.19      christos  229: .Cm yes
1.17      christos  230: and a key is loaded from a file, the key and its passphrase are added to
                    231: the agent with the default lifetime, as if by
                    232: .Xr ssh-add 1 .
                    233: If this option is set to
1.19      christos  234: .Cm ask ,
                    235: .Xr ssh 1
1.17      christos  236: will require confirmation using the
                    237: .Ev SSH_ASKPASS
                    238: program before adding a key (see
                    239: .Xr ssh-add 1
                    240: for details).
                    241: If this option is set to
1.19      christos  242: .Cm confirm ,
1.17      christos  243: each use of the key must be confirmed, as if the
                    244: .Fl c
                    245: option was specified to
                    246: .Xr ssh-add 1 .
                    247: If this option is set to
1.19      christos  248: .Cm no ,
1.17      christos  249: no keys are added to the agent.
1.28      christos  250: Alternately, this option may be specified as a time interval
                    251: using the format described in the
                    252: .Sx TIME FORMATS
                    253: section of
                    254: .Xr sshd_config 5
                    255: to specify the key's lifetime in
                    256: .Xr ssh-agent 1 ,
                    257: after which it will automatically be removed.
1.17      christos  258: The argument must be
1.28      christos  259: .Cm no
                    260: (the default),
1.19      christos  261: .Cm yes ,
1.28      christos  262: .Cm confirm
                    263: (optionally followed by a time interval),
                    264: .Cm ask
                    265: or a time interval.
1.1       christos  266: .It Cm AddressFamily
                    267: Specifies which address family to use when connecting.
                    268: Valid arguments are
1.19      christos  269: .Cm any
                    270: (the default),
                    271: .Cm inet
1.1       christos  272: (use IPv4 only), or
1.19      christos  273: .Cm inet6
1.1       christos  274: (use IPv6 only).
                    275: .It Cm BatchMode
                    276: If set to
1.19      christos  277: .Cm yes ,
1.26      christos  278: user interaction such as password prompts and host key confirmation requests
                    279: will be disabled.
1.1       christos  280: This option is useful in scripts and other batch jobs where no user
1.26      christos  281: is present to interact with
                    282: .Xr ssh 1 .
1.1       christos  283: The argument must be
1.19      christos  284: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  285: or
1.19      christos  286: .Cm no
                    287: (the default).
1.1       christos  288: .It Cm BindAddress
                    289: Use the specified address on the local machine as the source address of
                    290: the connection.
                    291: Only useful on systems with more than one address.
1.22      christos  292: .It Cm BindInterface
                    293: Use the address of the specified interface on the local machine as the
                    294: source address of the connection.
1.12      christos  295: .It Cm CanonicalDomains
                    296: When
                    297: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
                    298: is enabled, this option specifies the list of domain suffixes in which to
                    299: search for the specified destination host.
                    300: .It Cm CanonicalizeFallbackLocal
                    301: Specifies whether to fail with an error when hostname canonicalization fails.
                    302: The default,
1.19      christos  303: .Cm yes ,
1.12      christos  304: will attempt to look up the unqualified hostname using the system resolver's
                    305: search rules.
                    306: A value of
1.19      christos  307: .Cm no
1.12      christos  308: will cause
                    309: .Xr ssh 1
                    310: to fail instantly if
                    311: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
                    312: is enabled and the target hostname cannot be found in any of the domains
                    313: specified by
                    314: .Cm CanonicalDomains .
                    315: .It Cm CanonicalizeHostname
                    316: Controls whether explicit hostname canonicalization is performed.
                    317: The default,
1.19      christos  318: .Cm no ,
1.12      christos  319: is not to perform any name rewriting and let the system resolver handle all
                    320: hostname lookups.
                    321: If set to
1.19      christos  322: .Cm yes
1.12      christos  323: then, for connections that do not use a
1.24      christos  324: .Cm ProxyCommand
                    325: or
                    326: .Cm ProxyJump ,
1.12      christos  327: .Xr ssh 1
                    328: will attempt to canonicalize the hostname specified on the command line
                    329: using the
                    330: .Cm CanonicalDomains
                    331: suffixes and
                    332: .Cm CanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs
                    333: rules.
                    334: If
                    335: .Cm CanonicalizeHostname
                    336: is set to
1.19      christos  337: .Cm always ,
1.12      christos  338: then canonicalization is applied to proxied connections too.
                    339: .Pp
1.13      christos  340: If this option is enabled, then the configuration files are processed
                    341: again using the new target name to pick up any new configuration in matching
1.12      christos  342: .Cm Host
1.13      christos  343: and
                    344: .Cm Match
1.12      christos  345: stanzas.
                    346: .It Cm CanonicalizeMaxDots
                    347: Specifies the maximum number of dot characters in a hostname before
                    348: canonicalization is disabled.
1.19      christos  349: The default, 1,
1.12      christos  350: allows a single dot (i.e. hostname.subdomain).
                    351: .It Cm CanonicalizePermittedCNAMEs
                    352: Specifies rules to determine whether CNAMEs should be followed when
                    353: canonicalizing hostnames.
                    354: The rules consist of one or more arguments of
                    355: .Ar source_domain_list : Ns Ar target_domain_list ,
                    356: where
                    357: .Ar source_domain_list
                    358: is a pattern-list of domains that may follow CNAMEs in canonicalization,
                    359: and
                    360: .Ar target_domain_list
                    361: is a pattern-list of domains that they may resolve to.
                    362: .Pp
                    363: For example,
1.19      christos  364: .Qq *.a.example.com:*.b.example.com,*.c.example.com
1.12      christos  365: will allow hostnames matching
1.19      christos  366: .Qq *.a.example.com
1.12      christos  367: to be canonicalized to names in the
1.19      christos  368: .Qq *.b.example.com
1.12      christos  369: or
1.19      christos  370: .Qq *.c.example.com
1.12      christos  371: domains.
1.24      christos  372: .It Cm CASignatureAlgorithms
                    373: Specifies which algorithms are allowed for signing of certificates
                    374: by certificate authorities (CAs).
                    375: The default is:
                    376: .Bd -literal -offset indent
1.29    ! christos  377: ssh-ed25519,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,
        !           378: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521,rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ssh-rsa
1.24      christos  379: .Ed
                    380: .Pp
                    381: .Xr ssh 1
                    382: will not accept host certificates signed using algorithms other than those
                    383: specified.
1.17      christos  384: .It Cm CertificateFile
                    385: Specifies a file from which the user's certificate is read.
                    386: A corresponding private key must be provided separately in order
                    387: to use this certificate either
                    388: from an
                    389: .Cm IdentityFile
                    390: directive or
                    391: .Fl i
                    392: flag to
                    393: .Xr ssh 1 ,
                    394: via
                    395: .Xr ssh-agent 1 ,
                    396: or via a
1.26      christos  397: .Cm PKCS11Provider
                    398: or
                    399: .Cm SecurityKeyProvider .
1.17      christos  400: .Pp
1.19      christos  401: Arguments to
                    402: .Cm CertificateFile
1.28      christos  403: may use the tilde syntax to refer to a user's home directory,
                    404: the tokens described in the
1.19      christos  405: .Sx TOKENS
1.28      christos  406: section and environment variables as described in the
                    407: .Sx ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
1.19      christos  408: section.
1.17      christos  409: .Pp
                    410: It is possible to have multiple certificate files specified in
                    411: configuration files; these certificates will be tried in sequence.
                    412: Multiple
                    413: .Cm CertificateFile
                    414: directives will add to the list of certificates used for
                    415: authentication.
1.1       christos  416: .It Cm ChallengeResponseAuthentication
                    417: Specifies whether to use challenge-response authentication.
                    418: The argument to this keyword must be
1.19      christos  419: .Cm yes
                    420: (the default)
1.1       christos  421: or
1.19      christos  422: .Cm no .
1.1       christos  423: .It Cm CheckHostIP
1.19      christos  424: If set to
                    425: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  426: .Xr ssh 1
                    427: will additionally check the host IP address in the
                    428: .Pa known_hosts
                    429: file.
1.19      christos  430: This allows it to detect if a host key changed due to DNS spoofing
1.14      christos  431: and will add addresses of destination hosts to
                    432: .Pa ~/.ssh/known_hosts
                    433: in the process, regardless of the setting of
                    434: .Cm StrictHostKeyChecking .
1.1       christos  435: If the option is set to
1.29    ! christos  436: .Cm no
        !           437: (the default),
1.1       christos  438: the check will not be executed.
                    439: .It Cm Ciphers
1.21      christos  440: Specifies the ciphers allowed and their order of preference.
1.1       christos  441: Multiple ciphers must be comma-separated.
1.25      christos  442: If the specified list begins with a
1.15      christos  443: .Sq +
                    444: character, then the specified ciphers will be appended to the default set
                    445: instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos  446: If the specified list begins with a
1.20      christos  447: .Sq -
                    448: character, then the specified ciphers (including wildcards) will be removed
                    449: from the default set instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos  450: If the specified list begins with a
                    451: .Sq ^
                    452: character, then the specified ciphers will be placed at the head of the
                    453: default set.
1.15      christos  454: .Pp
1.12      christos  455: The supported ciphers are:
1.19      christos  456: .Bd -literal -offset indent
1.12      christos  457: 3des-cbc
                    458: aes128-cbc
                    459: aes192-cbc
                    460: aes256-cbc
                    461: aes128-ctr
                    462: aes192-ctr
                    463: aes256-ctr
                    464: aes128-gcm@openssh.com
                    465: aes256-gcm@openssh.com
                    466: chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com
1.19      christos  467: .Ed
1.12      christos  468: .Pp
1.1       christos  469: The default is:
1.12      christos  470: .Bd -literal -offset indent
1.16      christos  471: chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,
1.12      christos  472: aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,
1.23      christos  473: aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com
1.1       christos  474: .Ed
1.12      christos  475: .Pp
1.19      christos  476: The list of available ciphers may also be obtained using
                    477: .Qq ssh -Q cipher .
1.1       christos  478: .It Cm ClearAllForwardings
                    479: Specifies that all local, remote, and dynamic port forwardings
                    480: specified in the configuration files or on the command line be
                    481: cleared.
                    482: This option is primarily useful when used from the
                    483: .Xr ssh 1
                    484: command line to clear port forwardings set in
                    485: configuration files, and is automatically set by
                    486: .Xr scp 1
                    487: and
                    488: .Xr sftp 1 .
                    489: The argument must be
1.19      christos  490: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  491: or
1.19      christos  492: .Cm no
                    493: (the default).
1.1       christos  494: .It Cm Compression
                    495: Specifies whether to use compression.
                    496: The argument must be
1.19      christos  497: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  498: or
1.19      christos  499: .Cm no
                    500: (the default).
1.1       christos  501: .It Cm ConnectionAttempts
                    502: Specifies the number of tries (one per second) to make before exiting.
                    503: The argument must be an integer.
                    504: This may be useful in scripts if the connection sometimes fails.
                    505: The default is 1.
                    506: .It Cm ConnectTimeout
                    507: Specifies the timeout (in seconds) used when connecting to the
                    508: SSH server, instead of using the default system TCP timeout.
1.25      christos  509: This timeout is applied both to establishing the connection and to performing
                    510: the initial SSH protocol handshake and key exchange.
1.1       christos  511: .It Cm ControlMaster
                    512: Enables the sharing of multiple sessions over a single network connection.
                    513: When set to
1.19      christos  514: .Cm yes ,
1.1       christos  515: .Xr ssh 1
                    516: will listen for connections on a control socket specified using the
                    517: .Cm ControlPath
                    518: argument.
                    519: Additional sessions can connect to this socket using the same
                    520: .Cm ControlPath
                    521: with
                    522: .Cm ControlMaster
                    523: set to
1.19      christos  524: .Cm no
1.1       christos  525: (the default).
                    526: These sessions will try to reuse the master instance's network connection
                    527: rather than initiating new ones, but will fall back to connecting normally
                    528: if the control socket does not exist, or is not listening.
                    529: .Pp
                    530: Setting this to
1.19      christos  531: .Cm ask
                    532: will cause
                    533: .Xr ssh 1
1.14      christos  534: to listen for control connections, but require confirmation using
                    535: .Xr ssh-askpass 1 .
1.1       christos  536: If the
                    537: .Cm ControlPath
                    538: cannot be opened,
1.19      christos  539: .Xr ssh 1
                    540: will continue without connecting to a master instance.
1.1       christos  541: .Pp
                    542: X11 and
                    543: .Xr ssh-agent 1
                    544: forwarding is supported over these multiplexed connections, however the
                    545: display and agent forwarded will be the one belonging to the master
                    546: connection i.e. it is not possible to forward multiple displays or agents.
                    547: .Pp
                    548: Two additional options allow for opportunistic multiplexing: try to use a
                    549: master connection but fall back to creating a new one if one does not already
                    550: exist.
                    551: These options are:
1.19      christos  552: .Cm auto
1.1       christos  553: and
1.19      christos  554: .Cm autoask .
1.1       christos  555: The latter requires confirmation like the
1.19      christos  556: .Cm ask
1.1       christos  557: option.
                    558: .It Cm ControlPath
                    559: Specify the path to the control socket used for connection sharing as described
                    560: in the
                    561: .Cm ControlMaster
                    562: section above or the string
1.19      christos  563: .Cm none
1.1       christos  564: to disable connection sharing.
1.19      christos  565: Arguments to
                    566: .Cm ControlPath
1.28      christos  567: may use the tilde syntax to refer to a user's home directory,
                    568: the tokens described in the
1.19      christos  569: .Sx TOKENS
1.28      christos  570: section and environment variables as described in the
                    571: .Sx ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
1.19      christos  572: section.
1.1       christos  573: It is recommended that any
                    574: .Cm ControlPath
                    575: used for opportunistic connection sharing include
1.13      christos  576: at least %h, %p, and %r (or alternatively %C) and be placed in a directory
                    577: that is not writable by other users.
1.1       christos  578: This ensures that shared connections are uniquely identified.
1.5       adam      579: .It Cm ControlPersist
                    580: When used in conjunction with
                    581: .Cm ControlMaster ,
                    582: specifies that the master connection should remain open
                    583: in the background (waiting for future client connections)
                    584: after the initial client connection has been closed.
                    585: If set to
1.26      christos  586: .Cm no
                    587: (the default),
1.5       adam      588: then the master connection will not be placed into the background,
                    589: and will close as soon as the initial client connection is closed.
                    590: If set to
1.19      christos  591: .Cm yes
                    592: or 0,
1.5       adam      593: then the master connection will remain in the background indefinitely
                    594: (until killed or closed via a mechanism such as the
1.19      christos  595: .Qq ssh -O exit ) .
1.5       adam      596: If set to a time in seconds, or a time in any of the formats documented in
                    597: .Xr sshd_config 5 ,
                    598: then the backgrounded master connection will automatically terminate
                    599: after it has remained idle (with no client connections) for the
                    600: specified time.
1.1       christos  601: .It Cm DynamicForward
                    602: Specifies that a TCP port on the local machine be forwarded
                    603: over the secure channel, and the application
                    604: protocol is then used to determine where to connect to from the
                    605: remote machine.
                    606: .Pp
                    607: The argument must be
                    608: .Sm off
                    609: .Oo Ar bind_address : Oc Ar port .
                    610: .Sm on
1.5       adam      611: IPv6 addresses can be specified by enclosing addresses in square brackets.
1.1       christos  612: By default, the local port is bound in accordance with the
                    613: .Cm GatewayPorts
                    614: setting.
                    615: However, an explicit
                    616: .Ar bind_address
                    617: may be used to bind the connection to a specific address.
                    618: The
                    619: .Ar bind_address
                    620: of
1.19      christos  621: .Cm localhost
1.1       christos  622: indicates that the listening port be bound for local use only, while an
                    623: empty address or
                    624: .Sq *
                    625: indicates that the port should be available from all interfaces.
                    626: .Pp
                    627: Currently the SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 protocols are supported, and
                    628: .Xr ssh 1
                    629: will act as a SOCKS server.
                    630: Multiple forwardings may be specified, and
                    631: additional forwardings can be given on the command line.
                    632: Only the superuser can forward privileged ports.
                    633: .It Cm EnableSSHKeysign
                    634: Setting this option to
1.19      christos  635: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  636: in the global client configuration file
                    637: .Pa /etc/ssh/ssh_config
                    638: enables the use of the helper program
                    639: .Xr ssh-keysign 8
                    640: during
                    641: .Cm HostbasedAuthentication .
                    642: The argument must be
1.19      christos  643: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  644: or
1.19      christos  645: .Cm no
                    646: (the default).
1.1       christos  647: This option should be placed in the non-hostspecific section.
                    648: See
                    649: .Xr ssh-keysign 8
                    650: for more information.
                    651: .It Cm EscapeChar
                    652: Sets the escape character (default:
                    653: .Ql ~ ) .
                    654: The escape character can also
                    655: be set on the command line.
                    656: The argument should be a single character,
                    657: .Ql ^
                    658: followed by a letter, or
1.19      christos  659: .Cm none
1.1       christos  660: to disable the escape
                    661: character entirely (making the connection transparent for binary
                    662: data).
                    663: .It Cm ExitOnForwardFailure
                    664: Specifies whether
                    665: .Xr ssh 1
                    666: should terminate the connection if it cannot set up all requested
1.17      christos  667: dynamic, tunnel, local, and remote port forwardings, (e.g.\&
                    668: if either end is unable to bind and listen on a specified port).
                    669: Note that
                    670: .Cm ExitOnForwardFailure
                    671: does not apply to connections made over port forwardings and will not,
                    672: for example, cause
                    673: .Xr ssh 1
                    674: to exit if TCP connections to the ultimate forwarding destination fail.
1.1       christos  675: The argument must be
1.19      christos  676: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  677: or
1.19      christos  678: .Cm no
                    679: (the default).
1.13      christos  680: .It Cm FingerprintHash
                    681: Specifies the hash algorithm used when displaying key fingerprints.
                    682: Valid options are:
1.19      christos  683: .Cm md5
1.13      christos  684: and
1.19      christos  685: .Cm sha256
                    686: (the default).
1.1       christos  687: .It Cm ForwardAgent
                    688: Specifies whether the connection to the authentication agent (if any)
                    689: will be forwarded to the remote machine.
1.26      christos  690: The argument may be
                    691: .Cm yes ,
1.19      christos  692: .Cm no
1.26      christos  693: (the default),
                    694: an explicit path to an agent socket or the name of an environment variable
                    695: (beginning with
                    696: .Sq $ )
                    697: in which to find the path.
1.1       christos  698: .Pp
                    699: Agent forwarding should be enabled with caution.
                    700: Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the remote host
                    701: (for the agent's Unix-domain socket)
                    702: can access the local agent through the forwarded connection.
                    703: An attacker cannot obtain key material from the agent,
                    704: however they can perform operations on the keys that enable them to
                    705: authenticate using the identities loaded into the agent.
                    706: .It Cm ForwardX11
                    707: Specifies whether X11 connections will be automatically redirected
                    708: over the secure channel and
                    709: .Ev DISPLAY
                    710: set.
                    711: The argument must be
1.19      christos  712: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  713: or
1.19      christos  714: .Cm no
                    715: (the default).
1.1       christos  716: .Pp
                    717: X11 forwarding should be enabled with caution.
                    718: Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the remote host
                    719: (for the user's X11 authorization database)
                    720: can access the local X11 display through the forwarded connection.
                    721: An attacker may then be able to perform activities such as keystroke monitoring
                    722: if the
                    723: .Cm ForwardX11Trusted
                    724: option is also enabled.
1.5       adam      725: .It Cm ForwardX11Timeout
                    726: Specify a timeout for untrusted X11 forwarding
                    727: using the format described in the
1.19      christos  728: .Sx TIME FORMATS
                    729: section of
1.5       adam      730: .Xr sshd_config 5 .
                    731: X11 connections received by
                    732: .Xr ssh 1
                    733: after this time will be refused.
1.24      christos  734: Setting
                    735: .Cm ForwardX11Timeout
                    736: to zero will disable the timeout and permit X11 forwarding for the life
                    737: of the connection.
1.5       adam      738: The default is to disable untrusted X11 forwarding after twenty minutes has
                    739: elapsed.
1.1       christos  740: .It Cm ForwardX11Trusted
                    741: If this option is set to
1.19      christos  742: .Cm yes ,
1.1       christos  743: remote X11 clients will have full access to the original X11 display.
                    744: .Pp
                    745: If this option is set to
1.19      christos  746: .Cm no
                    747: (the default),
1.1       christos  748: remote X11 clients will be considered untrusted and prevented
                    749: from stealing or tampering with data belonging to trusted X11
                    750: clients.
                    751: Furthermore, the
                    752: .Xr xauth 1
                    753: token used for the session will be set to expire after 20 minutes.
                    754: Remote clients will be refused access after this time.
                    755: .Pp
                    756: See the X11 SECURITY extension specification for full details on
                    757: the restrictions imposed on untrusted clients.
                    758: .It Cm GatewayPorts
                    759: Specifies whether remote hosts are allowed to connect to local
                    760: forwarded ports.
                    761: By default,
                    762: .Xr ssh 1
                    763: binds local port forwardings to the loopback address.
                    764: This prevents other remote hosts from connecting to forwarded ports.
                    765: .Cm GatewayPorts
                    766: can be used to specify that ssh
                    767: should bind local port forwardings to the wildcard address,
                    768: thus allowing remote hosts to connect to forwarded ports.
                    769: The argument must be
1.19      christos  770: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  771: or
1.19      christos  772: .Cm no
                    773: (the default).
1.1       christos  774: .It Cm GlobalKnownHostsFile
1.7       christos  775: Specifies one or more files to use for the global
                    776: host key database, separated by whitespace.
                    777: The default is
                    778: .Pa /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts ,
                    779: .Pa /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2 .
1.1       christos  780: .It Cm GSSAPIAuthentication
                    781: Specifies whether user authentication based on GSSAPI is allowed.
                    782: The default is
1.19      christos  783: .Cm no .
1.1       christos  784: .It Cm GSSAPIDelegateCredentials
                    785: Forward (delegate) credentials to the server.
                    786: The default is
1.19      christos  787: .Cm no .
1.1       christos  788: .It Cm HashKnownHosts
                    789: Indicates that
                    790: .Xr ssh 1
                    791: should hash host names and addresses when they are added to
                    792: .Pa ~/.ssh/known_hosts .
                    793: These hashed names may be used normally by
                    794: .Xr ssh 1
                    795: and
                    796: .Xr sshd 8 ,
1.26      christos  797: but they do not visually reveal identifying information if the
                    798: file's contents are disclosed.
1.1       christos  799: The default is
1.19      christos  800: .Cm no .
1.1       christos  801: Note that existing names and addresses in known hosts files
                    802: will not be converted automatically,
                    803: but may be manually hashed using
                    804: .Xr ssh-keygen 1 .
1.29    ! christos  805: .It Cm HostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms
        !           806: Specifies the signature algorithms that will be used for hostbased
        !           807: authentication as a comma-separated list of patterns.
1.25      christos  808: Alternately if the specified list begins with a
1.15      christos  809: .Sq +
1.29    ! christos  810: character, then the specified signature algorithms will be appended
        !           811: to the default set instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos  812: If the specified list begins with a
1.20      christos  813: .Sq -
1.29    ! christos  814: character, then the specified signature algorithms (including wildcards)
        !           815: will be removed from the default set instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos  816: If the specified list begins with a
                    817: .Sq ^
1.29    ! christos  818: character, then the specified signature algorithms will be placed
        !           819: at the head of the default set.
1.15      christos  820: The default for this option is:
                    821: .Bd -literal -offset 3n
1.29    ! christos  822: ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.15      christos  823: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                    824: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                    825: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.29    ! christos  826: sk-ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.26      christos  827: sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                    828: rsa-sha2-512-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                    829: rsa-sha2-256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.15      christos  830: ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.29    ! christos  831: ssh-ed25519,
1.15      christos  832: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521,
1.29    ! christos  833: sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com,
1.26      christos  834: sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com,
                    835: rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ssh-rsa
1.15      christos  836: .Ed
                    837: .Pp
1.13      christos  838: The
                    839: .Fl Q
                    840: option of
                    841: .Xr ssh 1
1.29    ! christos  842: may be used to list supported signature algorithms.
        !           843: This was formerly named HostbasedKeyTypes.
        !           844: .It Cm HostbasedAuthentication
        !           845: Specifies whether to try rhosts based authentication with public key
        !           846: authentication.
        !           847: The argument must be
        !           848: .Cm yes
        !           849: or
        !           850: .Cm no
        !           851: (the default).
1.1       christos  852: .It Cm HostKeyAlgorithms
1.29    ! christos  853: Specifies the host key signature algorithms
1.1       christos  854: that the client wants to use in order of preference.
1.25      christos  855: Alternately if the specified list begins with a
1.15      christos  856: .Sq +
1.29    ! christos  857: character, then the specified signature algorithms will be appended to
        !           858: the default set instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos  859: If the specified list begins with a
1.20      christos  860: .Sq -
1.29    ! christos  861: character, then the specified signature algorithms (including wildcards)
        !           862: will be removed from the default set instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos  863: If the specified list begins with a
                    864: .Sq ^
1.29    ! christos  865: character, then the specified signature algorithms will be placed
        !           866: at the head of the default set.
1.1       christos  867: The default for this option is:
1.6       christos  868: .Bd -literal -offset 3n
1.29    ! christos  869: ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.6       christos  870: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                    871: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                    872: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.29    ! christos  873: sk-ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.26      christos  874: sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                    875: rsa-sha2-512-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                    876: rsa-sha2-256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.15      christos  877: ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.29    ! christos  878: ssh-ed25519,
1.6       christos  879: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521,
1.26      christos  880: sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com,
1.29    ! christos  881: sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com,
1.26      christos  882: rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ssh-rsa
1.6       christos  883: .Ed
                    884: .Pp
                    885: If hostkeys are known for the destination host then this default is modified
                    886: to prefer their algorithms.
1.13      christos  887: .Pp
1.29    ! christos  888: The list of available signature algorithms may also be obtained using
1.26      christos  889: .Qq ssh -Q HostKeyAlgorithms .
1.1       christos  890: .It Cm HostKeyAlias
                    891: Specifies an alias that should be used instead of the
                    892: real host name when looking up or saving the host key
1.21      christos  893: in the host key database files and when validating host certificates.
1.1       christos  894: This option is useful for tunneling SSH connections
                    895: or for multiple servers running on a single host.
1.25      christos  896: .It Cm Hostname
1.1       christos  897: Specifies the real host name to log into.
                    898: This can be used to specify nicknames or abbreviations for hosts.
1.19      christos  899: Arguments to
1.25      christos  900: .Cm Hostname
1.19      christos  901: accept the tokens described in the
                    902: .Sx TOKENS
                    903: section.
1.1       christos  904: Numeric IP addresses are also permitted (both on the command line and in
1.25      christos  905: .Cm Hostname
1.1       christos  906: specifications).
1.19      christos  907: The default is the name given on the command line.
1.1       christos  908: .It Cm IdentitiesOnly
                    909: Specifies that
                    910: .Xr ssh 1
1.25      christos  911: should only use the configured authentication identity and certificate files
                    912: (either the default files, or those explicitly configured in the
1.1       christos  913: .Nm
1.17      christos  914: files
                    915: or passed on the
                    916: .Xr ssh 1
1.25      christos  917: command-line),
1.1       christos  918: even if
                    919: .Xr ssh-agent 1
1.10      christos  920: or a
                    921: .Cm PKCS11Provider
1.26      christos  922: or
                    923: .Cm SecurityKeyProvider
1.1       christos  924: offers more identities.
                    925: The argument to this keyword must be
1.19      christos  926: .Cm yes
1.1       christos  927: or
1.19      christos  928: .Cm no
                    929: (the default).
1.1       christos  930: This option is intended for situations where ssh-agent
                    931: offers many different identities.
1.18      christos  932: .It Cm IdentityAgent
                    933: Specifies the
                    934: .Ux Ns -domain
                    935: socket used to communicate with the authentication agent.
                    936: .Pp
                    937: This option overrides the
1.19      christos  938: .Ev SSH_AUTH_SOCK
1.18      christos  939: environment variable and can be used to select a specific agent.
                    940: Setting the socket name to
1.19      christos  941: .Cm none
1.18      christos  942: disables the use of an authentication agent.
                    943: If the string
1.19      christos  944: .Qq SSH_AUTH_SOCK
1.18      christos  945: is specified, the location of the socket will be read from the
                    946: .Ev SSH_AUTH_SOCK
                    947: environment variable.
1.24      christos  948: Otherwise if the specified value begins with a
                    949: .Sq $
                    950: character, then it will be treated as an environment variable containing
                    951: the location of the socket.
1.18      christos  952: .Pp
1.19      christos  953: Arguments to
                    954: .Cm IdentityAgent
1.28      christos  955: may use the tilde syntax to refer to a user's home directory,
                    956: the tokens described in the
1.19      christos  957: .Sx TOKENS
1.28      christos  958: section and environment variables as described in the
                    959: .Sx ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
1.19      christos  960: section.
1.1       christos  961: .It Cm IdentityFile
1.26      christos  962: Specifies a file from which the user's DSA, ECDSA, authenticator-hosted ECDSA,
                    963: Ed25519, authenticator-hosted Ed25519 or RSA authentication identity is read.
1.1       christos  964: The default is
1.6       christos  965: .Pa ~/.ssh/id_dsa ,
1.12      christos  966: .Pa ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa ,
1.26      christos  967: .Pa ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk ,
                    968: .Pa ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ,
                    969: .Pa ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk
1.6       christos  970: and
1.21      christos  971: .Pa ~/.ssh/id_rsa .
1.1       christos  972: Additionally, any identities represented by the authentication agent
1.11      christos  973: will be used for authentication unless
                    974: .Cm IdentitiesOnly
                    975: is set.
1.17      christos  976: If no certificates have been explicitly specified by
                    977: .Cm CertificateFile ,
1.5       adam      978: .Xr ssh 1
                    979: will try to load certificate information from the filename obtained by
                    980: appending
                    981: .Pa -cert.pub
                    982: to the path of a specified
                    983: .Cm IdentityFile .
1.1       christos  984: .Pp
1.19      christos  985: Arguments to
                    986: .Cm IdentityFile
                    987: may use the tilde syntax to refer to a user's home directory
                    988: or the tokens described in the
                    989: .Sx TOKENS
                    990: section.
1.1       christos  991: .Pp
                    992: It is possible to have
                    993: multiple identity files specified in configuration files; all these
                    994: identities will be tried in sequence.
1.7       christos  995: Multiple
                    996: .Cm IdentityFile
                    997: directives will add to the list of identities tried (this behaviour
                    998: differs from that of other configuration directives).
1.11      christos  999: .Pp
                   1000: .Cm IdentityFile
                   1001: may be used in conjunction with
                   1002: .Cm IdentitiesOnly
                   1003: to select which identities in an agent are offered during authentication.
1.17      christos 1004: .Cm IdentityFile
                   1005: may also be used in conjunction with
                   1006: .Cm CertificateFile
                   1007: in order to provide any certificate also needed for authentication with
                   1008: the identity.
1.11      christos 1009: .It Cm IgnoreUnknown
                   1010: Specifies a pattern-list of unknown options to be ignored if they are
                   1011: encountered in configuration parsing.
                   1012: This may be used to suppress errors if
                   1013: .Nm
                   1014: contains options that are unrecognised by
                   1015: .Xr ssh 1 .
                   1016: It is recommended that
                   1017: .Cm IgnoreUnknown
                   1018: be listed early in the configuration file as it will not be applied
                   1019: to unknown options that appear before it.
1.18      christos 1020: .It Cm Include
                   1021: Include the specified configuration file(s).
                   1022: Multiple pathnames may be specified and each pathname may contain
1.23      christos 1023: .Xr glob 7
1.18      christos 1024: wildcards and, for user configurations, shell-like
1.19      christos 1025: .Sq ~
1.18      christos 1026: references to user home directories.
1.28      christos 1027: Wildcards will be expanded and processed in lexical order.
1.18      christos 1028: Files without absolute paths are assumed to be in
                   1029: .Pa ~/.ssh
                   1030: if included in a user configuration file or
                   1031: .Pa /etc/ssh
                   1032: if included from the system configuration file.
                   1033: .Cm Include
                   1034: directive may appear inside a
                   1035: .Cm Match
                   1036: or
                   1037: .Cm Host
                   1038: block
                   1039: to perform conditional inclusion.
1.6       christos 1040: .It Cm IPQoS
                   1041: Specifies the IPv4 type-of-service or DSCP class for connections.
                   1042: Accepted values are
1.19      christos 1043: .Cm af11 ,
                   1044: .Cm af12 ,
                   1045: .Cm af13 ,
                   1046: .Cm af21 ,
                   1047: .Cm af22 ,
                   1048: .Cm af23 ,
                   1049: .Cm af31 ,
                   1050: .Cm af32 ,
                   1051: .Cm af33 ,
                   1052: .Cm af41 ,
                   1053: .Cm af42 ,
                   1054: .Cm af43 ,
                   1055: .Cm cs0 ,
                   1056: .Cm cs1 ,
                   1057: .Cm cs2 ,
                   1058: .Cm cs3 ,
                   1059: .Cm cs4 ,
                   1060: .Cm cs5 ,
                   1061: .Cm cs6 ,
                   1062: .Cm cs7 ,
                   1063: .Cm ef ,
1.26      christos 1064: .Cm le ,
1.19      christos 1065: .Cm lowdelay ,
                   1066: .Cm throughput ,
                   1067: .Cm reliability ,
1.21      christos 1068: a numeric value, or
                   1069: .Cm none
                   1070: to use the operating system default.
1.6       christos 1071: This option may take one or two arguments, separated by whitespace.
                   1072: If one argument is specified, it is used as the packet class unconditionally.
                   1073: If two values are specified, the first is automatically selected for
                   1074: interactive sessions and the second for non-interactive sessions.
                   1075: The default is
1.23      christos 1076: .Cm af21
                   1077: (Low-Latency Data)
1.6       christos 1078: for interactive sessions and
1.23      christos 1079: .Cm cs1
                   1080: (Lower Effort)
1.6       christos 1081: for non-interactive sessions.
1.1       christos 1082: .It Cm KbdInteractiveAuthentication
                   1083: Specifies whether to use keyboard-interactive authentication.
                   1084: The argument to this keyword must be
1.19      christos 1085: .Cm yes
                   1086: (the default)
1.1       christos 1087: or
1.19      christos 1088: .Cm no .
1.1       christos 1089: .It Cm KbdInteractiveDevices
                   1090: Specifies the list of methods to use in keyboard-interactive authentication.
                   1091: Multiple method names must be comma-separated.
                   1092: The default is to use the server specified list.
                   1093: The methods available vary depending on what the server supports.
                   1094: For an OpenSSH server,
                   1095: it may be zero or more of:
1.19      christos 1096: .Cm bsdauth ,
                   1097: .Cm pam ,
1.1       christos 1098: and
1.19      christos 1099: .Cm skey .
1.6       christos 1100: .It Cm KexAlgorithms
                   1101: Specifies the available KEX (Key Exchange) algorithms.
                   1102: Multiple algorithms must be comma-separated.
1.25      christos 1103: If the specified list begins with a
1.15      christos 1104: .Sq +
                   1105: character, then the specified methods will be appended to the default set
                   1106: instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos 1107: If the specified list begins with a
1.20      christos 1108: .Sq -
                   1109: character, then the specified methods (including wildcards) will be removed
                   1110: from the default set instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos 1111: If the specified list begins with a
                   1112: .Sq ^
                   1113: character, then the specified methods will be placed at the head of the
                   1114: default set.
1.6       christos 1115: The default is:
                   1116: .Bd -literal -offset indent
1.19      christos 1117: curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256@libssh.org,
1.6       christos 1118: ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,
                   1119: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,
1.22      christos 1120: diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,
                   1121: diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,
1.26      christos 1122: diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
1.6       christos 1123: .Ed
1.13      christos 1124: .Pp
1.19      christos 1125: The list of available key exchange algorithms may also be obtained using
                   1126: .Qq ssh -Q kex .
1.29    ! christos 1127: .It Cm KnownHostsCommand
        !          1128: Specifies a command to use to obtain a list of host keys, in addition to
        !          1129: those listed in
        !          1130: .Cm UserKnownHostsFile
        !          1131: and
        !          1132: .Cm GlobalKnownHostsFile .
        !          1133: This command is executed after the files have been read.
        !          1134: It may write host key lines to standard output in identical format to the
        !          1135: usual files (described in the
        !          1136: .Sx VERIFYING HOST KEYS
        !          1137: section in
        !          1138: .Xr ssh 1 ) .
        !          1139: Arguments to
        !          1140: .Cm KnownHostsCommand
        !          1141: accept the tokens described in the
        !          1142: .Sx TOKENS
        !          1143: section.
        !          1144: The command may be invoked multiple times per connection: once when preparing
        !          1145: the preference list of host key algorithms to use, again to obtain the
        !          1146: host key for the requested host name and, if
        !          1147: .Cm CheckHostIP
        !          1148: is enabled, one more time to obtain the host key matching the server's
        !          1149: address.
        !          1150: If the command exits abnormally or returns a non-zero exit status then the
        !          1151: connection is terminated.
1.1       christos 1152: .It Cm LocalCommand
                   1153: Specifies a command to execute on the local machine after successfully
                   1154: connecting to the server.
                   1155: The command string extends to the end of the line, and is executed with
                   1156: the user's shell.
1.19      christos 1157: Arguments to
                   1158: .Cm LocalCommand
                   1159: accept the tokens described in the
                   1160: .Sx TOKENS
                   1161: section.
1.5       adam     1162: .Pp
                   1163: The command is run synchronously and does not have access to the
                   1164: session of the
                   1165: .Xr ssh 1
                   1166: that spawned it.
                   1167: It should not be used for interactive commands.
                   1168: .Pp
1.1       christos 1169: This directive is ignored unless
                   1170: .Cm PermitLocalCommand
                   1171: has been enabled.
                   1172: .It Cm LocalForward
                   1173: Specifies that a TCP port on the local machine be forwarded over
                   1174: the secure channel to the specified host and port from the remote machine.
1.27      christos 1175: The first argument specifies the listener and may be
1.1       christos 1176: .Sm off
                   1177: .Oo Ar bind_address : Oc Ar port
                   1178: .Sm on
1.27      christos 1179: or a Unix domain socket path.
                   1180: The second argument is the destination and may be
                   1181: .Ar host : Ns Ar hostport
                   1182: or a Unix domain socket path if the remote host supports it.
                   1183: .Pp
1.5       adam     1184: IPv6 addresses can be specified by enclosing addresses in square brackets.
1.1       christos 1185: Multiple forwardings may be specified, and additional forwardings can be
                   1186: given on the command line.
                   1187: Only the superuser can forward privileged ports.
                   1188: By default, the local port is bound in accordance with the
                   1189: .Cm GatewayPorts
                   1190: setting.
                   1191: However, an explicit
                   1192: .Ar bind_address
                   1193: may be used to bind the connection to a specific address.
                   1194: The
                   1195: .Ar bind_address
                   1196: of
1.19      christos 1197: .Cm localhost
1.1       christos 1198: indicates that the listening port be bound for local use only, while an
                   1199: empty address or
                   1200: .Sq *
                   1201: indicates that the port should be available from all interfaces.
1.28      christos 1202: Unix domain socket paths may use the tokens described in the
1.27      christos 1203: .Sx TOKENS
1.28      christos 1204: section and environment variables as described in the
                   1205: .Sx ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
1.27      christos 1206: section.
1.1       christos 1207: .It Cm LogLevel
                   1208: Gives the verbosity level that is used when logging messages from
                   1209: .Xr ssh 1 .
                   1210: The possible values are:
                   1211: QUIET, FATAL, ERROR, INFO, VERBOSE, DEBUG, DEBUG1, DEBUG2, and DEBUG3.
                   1212: The default is INFO.
                   1213: DEBUG and DEBUG1 are equivalent.
                   1214: DEBUG2 and DEBUG3 each specify higher levels of verbose output.
1.29    ! christos 1215: .It Cm LogVerbose
        !          1216: Specify one or more overrides to LogLevel.
        !          1217: An override consists of a pattern lists that matches the source file, function
        !          1218: and line number to force detailed logging for.
        !          1219: For example, an override pattern of:
        !          1220: .Bd -literal -offset indent
        !          1221: kex.c:*:1000,*:kex_exchange_identification():*,packet.c:*
        !          1222: .Ed
        !          1223: .Pp
        !          1224: would enable detailed logging for line 1000 of
        !          1225: .Pa kex.c ,
        !          1226: everything in the
        !          1227: .Fn kex_exchange_identification
        !          1228: function, and all code in the
        !          1229: .Pa packet.c
        !          1230: file.
        !          1231: This option is intended for debugging and no overrides are enabled by default.
1.1       christos 1232: .It Cm MACs
                   1233: Specifies the MAC (message authentication code) algorithms
                   1234: in order of preference.
1.17      christos 1235: The MAC algorithm is used for data integrity protection.
1.1       christos 1236: Multiple algorithms must be comma-separated.
1.25      christos 1237: If the specified list begins with a
1.15      christos 1238: .Sq +
                   1239: character, then the specified algorithms will be appended to the default set
                   1240: instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos 1241: If the specified list begins with a
1.20      christos 1242: .Sq -
                   1243: character, then the specified algorithms (including wildcards) will be removed
                   1244: from the default set instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos 1245: If the specified list begins with a
                   1246: .Sq ^
                   1247: character, then the specified algorithms will be placed at the head of the
                   1248: default set.
1.15      christos 1249: .Pp
1.10      christos 1250: The algorithms that contain
1.19      christos 1251: .Qq -etm
1.10      christos 1252: calculate the MAC after encryption (encrypt-then-mac).
                   1253: These are considered safer and their use recommended.
1.15      christos 1254: .Pp
1.1       christos 1255: The default is:
                   1256: .Bd -literal -offset indent
1.10      christos 1257: umac-64-etm@openssh.com,umac-128-etm@openssh.com,
                   1258: hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com,
1.17      christos 1259: hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com,
1.12      christos 1260: umac-64@openssh.com,umac-128@openssh.com,
1.17      christos 1261: hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1
1.1       christos 1262: .Ed
1.13      christos 1263: .Pp
1.19      christos 1264: The list of available MAC algorithms may also be obtained using
                   1265: .Qq ssh -Q mac .
1.1       christos 1266: .It Cm NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost
1.22      christos 1267: Disable host authentication for localhost (loopback addresses).
1.1       christos 1268: The argument to this keyword must be
1.19      christos 1269: .Cm yes
1.1       christos 1270: or
1.20      christos 1271: .Cm no
1.19      christos 1272: (the default).
1.1       christos 1273: .It Cm NumberOfPasswordPrompts
                   1274: Specifies the number of password prompts before giving up.
                   1275: The argument to this keyword must be an integer.
                   1276: The default is 3.
                   1277: .It Cm PasswordAuthentication
                   1278: Specifies whether to use password authentication.
                   1279: The argument to this keyword must be
1.19      christos 1280: .Cm yes
                   1281: (the default)
1.1       christos 1282: or
1.19      christos 1283: .Cm no .
1.1       christos 1284: .It Cm PermitLocalCommand
                   1285: Allow local command execution via the
                   1286: .Ic LocalCommand
                   1287: option or using the
                   1288: .Ic !\& Ns Ar command
                   1289: escape sequence in
                   1290: .Xr ssh 1 .
                   1291: The argument must be
1.19      christos 1292: .Cm yes
1.1       christos 1293: or
1.19      christos 1294: .Cm no
                   1295: (the default).
1.29    ! christos 1296: .It Cm PermitRemoteOpen
        !          1297: Specifies the destinations to which remote TCP port forwarding is permitted when
        !          1298: .Cm RemoteForward
        !          1299: is used as a SOCKS proxy.
        !          1300: The forwarding specification must be one of the following forms:
        !          1301: .Pp
        !          1302: .Bl -item -offset indent -compact
        !          1303: .It
        !          1304: .Cm PermitRemoteOpen
        !          1305: .Sm off
        !          1306: .Ar host : port
        !          1307: .Sm on
        !          1308: .It
        !          1309: .Cm PermitRemoteOpen
        !          1310: .Sm off
        !          1311: .Ar IPv4_addr : port
        !          1312: .Sm on
        !          1313: .It
        !          1314: .Cm PermitRemoteOpen
        !          1315: .Sm off
        !          1316: .Ar \&[ IPv6_addr \&] : port
        !          1317: .Sm on
        !          1318: .El
        !          1319: .Pp
        !          1320: Multiple forwards may be specified by separating them with whitespace.
        !          1321: An argument of
        !          1322: .Cm any
        !          1323: can be used to remove all restrictions and permit any forwarding requests.
        !          1324: An argument of
        !          1325: .Cm none
        !          1326: can be used to prohibit all forwarding requests.
        !          1327: The wildcard
        !          1328: .Sq *
        !          1329: can be used for host or port to allow all hosts or ports respectively.
        !          1330: Otherwise, no pattern matching or address lookups are performed on supplied
        !          1331: names.
1.5       adam     1332: .It Cm PKCS11Provider
1.24      christos 1333: Specifies which PKCS#11 provider to use or
                   1334: .Cm none
                   1335: to indicate that no provider should be used (the default).
                   1336: The argument to this keyword is a path to the PKCS#11 shared library
1.5       adam     1337: .Xr ssh 1
1.24      christos 1338: should use to communicate with a PKCS#11 token providing keys for user
                   1339: authentication.
1.1       christos 1340: .It Cm Port
                   1341: Specifies the port number to connect on the remote host.
                   1342: The default is 22.
                   1343: .It Cm PreferredAuthentications
1.17      christos 1344: Specifies the order in which the client should try authentication methods.
1.1       christos 1345: This allows a client to prefer one method (e.g.\&
                   1346: .Cm keyboard-interactive )
                   1347: over another method (e.g.\&
1.5       adam     1348: .Cm password ) .
                   1349: The default is:
                   1350: .Bd -literal -offset indent
                   1351: gssapi-with-mic,hostbased,publickey,
                   1352: keyboard-interactive,password
                   1353: .Ed
1.1       christos 1354: .It Cm ProxyCommand
                   1355: Specifies the command to use to connect to the server.
                   1356: The command
1.12      christos 1357: string extends to the end of the line, and is executed
                   1358: using the user's shell
                   1359: .Ql exec
                   1360: directive to avoid a lingering shell process.
                   1361: .Pp
1.19      christos 1362: Arguments to
                   1363: .Cm ProxyCommand
                   1364: accept the tokens described in the
                   1365: .Sx TOKENS
                   1366: section.
1.1       christos 1367: The command can be basically anything,
                   1368: and should read from its standard input and write to its standard output.
                   1369: It should eventually connect an
                   1370: .Xr sshd 8
                   1371: server running on some machine, or execute
                   1372: .Ic sshd -i
                   1373: somewhere.
                   1374: Host key management will be done using the
1.25      christos 1375: .Cm Hostname
                   1376: of the host being connected (defaulting to the name typed by the user).
1.1       christos 1377: Setting the command to
1.19      christos 1378: .Cm none
1.1       christos 1379: disables this option entirely.
                   1380: Note that
                   1381: .Cm CheckHostIP
                   1382: is not available for connects with a proxy command.
                   1383: .Pp
                   1384: This directive is useful in conjunction with
                   1385: .Xr nc 1
                   1386: and its proxy support.
                   1387: For example, the following directive would connect via an HTTP proxy at
                   1389: .Bd -literal -offset 3n
                   1390: ProxyCommand /usr/bin/nc -X connect -x %h %p
                   1391: .Ed
1.18      christos 1392: .It Cm ProxyJump
1.22      christos 1393: Specifies one or more jump proxies as either
1.18      christos 1394: .Xo
                   1395: .Sm off
                   1396: .Op Ar user No @
                   1397: .Ar host
                   1398: .Op : Ns Ar port
                   1399: .Sm on
1.22      christos 1400: or an ssh URI
1.18      christos 1401: .Xc .
                   1402: Multiple proxies may be separated by comma characters and will be visited
                   1403: sequentially.
                   1404: Setting this option will cause
                   1405: .Xr ssh 1
                   1406: to connect to the target host by first making a
                   1407: .Xr ssh 1
                   1408: connection to the specified
                   1409: .Cm ProxyJump
                   1410: host and then establishing a
                   1411: TCP forwarding to the ultimate target from there.
1.29    ! christos 1412: Setting the host to
        !          1413: .Cm none
        !          1414: disables this option entirely.
1.18      christos 1415: .Pp
                   1416: Note that this option will compete with the
                   1417: .Cm ProxyCommand
                   1418: option - whichever is specified first will prevent later instances of the
                   1419: other from taking effect.
1.24      christos 1420: .Pp
                   1421: Note also that the configuration for the destination host (either supplied
                   1422: via the command-line or the configuration file) is not generally applied
                   1423: to jump hosts.
                   1424: .Pa ~/.ssh/config
                   1425: should be used if specific configuration is required for jump hosts.
1.12      christos 1426: .It Cm ProxyUseFdpass
                   1427: Specifies that
                   1428: .Cm ProxyCommand
                   1429: will pass a connected file descriptor back to
                   1430: .Xr ssh 1
                   1431: instead of continuing to execute and pass data.
                   1432: The default is
1.19      christos 1433: .Cm no .
1.29    ! christos 1434: .It Cm PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms
        !          1435: Specifies the signature algorithms that will be used for public key
        !          1436: authentication as a comma-separated list of patterns.
1.25      christos 1437: If the specified list begins with a
1.15      christos 1438: .Sq +
1.29    ! christos 1439: character, then the algorithms after it will be appended to the default
1.15      christos 1440: instead of replacing it.
1.25      christos 1441: If the specified list begins with a
1.20      christos 1442: .Sq -
1.29    ! christos 1443: character, then the specified algorithms (including wildcards) will be removed
1.20      christos 1444: from the default set instead of replacing them.
1.25      christos 1445: If the specified list begins with a
                   1446: .Sq ^
1.29    ! christos 1447: character, then the specified algorithms will be placed at the head of the
1.25      christos 1448: default set.
1.15      christos 1449: The default for this option is:
                   1450: .Bd -literal -offset 3n
1.29    ! christos 1451: ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.15      christos 1452: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                   1453: ecdsa-sha2-nistp384-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                   1454: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.29    ! christos 1455: sk-ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.26      christos 1456: sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                   1457: rsa-sha2-512-cert-v01@openssh.com,
                   1458: rsa-sha2-256-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.15      christos 1459: ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com,
1.29    ! christos 1460: ssh-ed25519,
1.15      christos 1461: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521,
1.29    ! christos 1462: sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com,
1.26      christos 1463: sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com,
                   1464: rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ssh-rsa
1.15      christos 1465: .Ed
                   1466: .Pp
1.29    ! christos 1467: The list of available signature algorithms may also be obtained using
        !          1468: .Qq ssh -Q PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms .
1.1       christos 1469: .It Cm PubkeyAuthentication
                   1470: Specifies whether to try public key authentication.
                   1471: The argument to this keyword must be
1.19      christos 1472: .Cm yes
                   1473: (the default)
1.1       christos 1474: or
1.19      christos 1475: .Cm no .
1.1       christos 1476: .It Cm RekeyLimit
                   1477: Specifies the maximum amount of data that may be transmitted before the
1.29    ! christos 1478: session key is renegotiated, optionally followed by a maximum amount of
1.11      christos 1479: time that may pass before the session key is renegotiated.
                   1480: The first argument is specified in bytes and may have a suffix of
1.1       christos 1481: .Sq K ,
                   1482: .Sq M ,
                   1483: or
                   1484: .Sq G
                   1485: to indicate Kilobytes, Megabytes, or Gigabytes, respectively.
                   1486: The default is between
                   1487: .Sq 1G
                   1488: and
                   1489: .Sq 4G ,
                   1490: depending on the cipher.
1.11      christos 1491: The optional second value is specified in seconds and may use any of the
1.25      christos 1492: units documented in the TIME FORMATS section of
1.11      christos 1493: .Xr sshd_config 5 .
                   1494: The default value for
                   1495: .Cm RekeyLimit
                   1496: is
1.19      christos 1497: .Cm default none ,
1.11      christos 1498: which means that rekeying is performed after the cipher's default amount
                   1499: of data has been sent or received and no time based rekeying is done.
1.21      christos 1500: .It Cm RemoteCommand
                   1501: Specifies a command to execute on the remote machine after successfully
                   1502: connecting to the server.
                   1503: The command string extends to the end of the line, and is executed with
                   1504: the user's shell.
                   1505: Arguments to
                   1506: .Cm RemoteCommand
                   1507: accept the tokens described in the
                   1508: .Sx TOKENS
                   1509: section.
1.1       christos 1510: .It Cm RemoteForward
                   1511: Specifies that a TCP port on the remote machine be forwarded over
1.21      christos 1512: the secure channel.
1.23      christos 1513: The remote port may either be forwarded to a specified host and port
1.21      christos 1514: from the local machine, or may act as a SOCKS 4/5 proxy that allows a remote
                   1515: client to connect to arbitrary destinations from the local machine.
1.27      christos 1516: The first argument is the listening specification and may be
1.1       christos 1517: .Sm off
                   1518: .Oo Ar bind_address : Oc Ar port
                   1519: .Sm on
1.27      christos 1520: or, if the remote host supports it, a Unix domain socket path.
1.21      christos 1521: If forwarding to a specific destination then the second argument must be
1.27      christos 1522: .Ar host : Ns Ar hostport
                   1523: or a Unix domain socket path,
1.21      christos 1524: otherwise if no destination argument is specified then the remote forwarding
                   1525: will be established as a SOCKS proxy.
1.29    ! christos 1526: When acting as a SOCKS proxy the destination of the connection can be
        !          1527: restricted by
        !          1528: .Cm PermitRemoteOpen .
1.21      christos 1529: .Pp
1.5       adam     1530: IPv6 addresses can be specified by enclosing addresses in square brackets.
1.1       christos 1531: Multiple forwardings may be specified, and additional
                   1532: forwardings can be given on the command line.
                   1533: Privileged ports can be forwarded only when
                   1534: logging in as root on the remote machine.
1.28      christos 1535: Unix domain socket paths may use the tokens described in the
1.27      christos 1536: .Sx TOKENS
1.28      christos 1537: section and environment variables as described in the
                   1538: .Sx ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
1.27      christos 1539: section.
1.1       christos 1540: .Pp
                   1541: If the
                   1542: .Ar port
1.19      christos 1543: argument is 0,
1.1       christos 1544: the listen port will be dynamically allocated on the server and reported
                   1545: to the client at run time.
                   1546: .Pp
                   1547: If the
                   1548: .Ar bind_address
                   1549: is not specified, the default is to only bind to loopback addresses.
                   1550: If the
                   1551: .Ar bind_address
                   1552: is
                   1553: .Ql *
                   1554: or an empty string, then the forwarding is requested to listen on all
                   1555: interfaces.
                   1556: Specifying a remote
                   1557: .Ar bind_address
                   1558: will only succeed if the server's
                   1559: .Cm GatewayPorts
                   1560: option is enabled (see
                   1561: .Xr sshd_config 5 ) .
1.7       christos 1562: .It Cm RequestTTY
                   1563: Specifies whether to request a pseudo-tty for the session.
                   1564: The argument may be one of:
1.19      christos 1565: .Cm no
1.7       christos 1566: (never request a TTY),
1.19      christos 1567: .Cm yes
1.7       christos 1568: (always request a TTY when standard input is a TTY),
1.19      christos 1569: .Cm force
1.7       christos 1570: (always request a TTY) or
1.19      christos 1571: .Cm auto
1.7       christos 1572: (request a TTY when opening a login session).
                   1573: This option mirrors the
                   1574: .Fl t
                   1575: and
                   1576: .Fl T
                   1577: flags for
                   1578: .Xr ssh 1 .
1.13      christos 1579: .It Cm RevokedHostKeys
                   1580: Specifies revoked host public keys.
                   1581: Keys listed in this file will be refused for host authentication.
                   1582: Note that if this file does not exist or is not readable,
                   1583: then host authentication will be refused for all hosts.
                   1584: Keys may be specified as a text file, listing one public key per line, or as
                   1585: an OpenSSH Key Revocation List (KRL) as generated by
                   1586: .Xr ssh-keygen 1 .
                   1587: For more information on KRLs, see the KEY REVOCATION LISTS section in
                   1588: .Xr ssh-keygen 1 .
1.26      christos 1589: .It Cm SecurityKeyProvider
                   1590: Specifies a path to a library that will be used when loading any
                   1591: FIDO authenticator-hosted keys, overriding the default of using
                   1592: the built-in USB HID support.
                   1593: .Pp
                   1594: If the specified value begins with a
                   1595: .Sq $
                   1596: character, then it will be treated as an environment variable containing
                   1597: the path to the library.
1.1       christos 1598: .It Cm SendEnv
                   1599: Specifies what variables from the local
                   1600: .Xr environ 7
                   1601: should be sent to the server.
                   1602: The server must also support it, and the server must be configured to
                   1603: accept these environment variables.
1.14      christos 1604: Note that the
                   1605: .Ev TERM
                   1606: environment variable is always sent whenever a
                   1607: pseudo-terminal is requested as it is required by the protocol.
1.1       christos 1608: Refer to
                   1609: .Cm AcceptEnv
                   1610: in
                   1611: .Xr sshd_config 5
                   1612: for how to configure the server.
                   1613: Variables are specified by name, which may contain wildcard characters.
                   1614: Multiple environment variables may be separated by whitespace or spread
                   1615: across multiple
                   1616: .Cm SendEnv
                   1617: directives.
                   1618: .Pp
                   1619: See
                   1620: .Sx PATTERNS
                   1621: for more information on patterns.
1.23      christos 1622: .Pp
                   1623: It is possible to clear previously set
                   1624: .Cm SendEnv
                   1625: variable names by prefixing patterns with
                   1626: .Pa - .
                   1627: The default is not to send any environment variables.
1.1       christos 1628: .It Cm ServerAliveCountMax
                   1629: Sets the number of server alive messages (see below) which may be
                   1630: sent without
                   1631: .Xr ssh 1
                   1632: receiving any messages back from the server.
                   1633: If this threshold is reached while server alive messages are being sent,
                   1634: ssh will disconnect from the server, terminating the session.
                   1635: It is important to note that the use of server alive messages is very
                   1636: different from
                   1637: .Cm TCPKeepAlive
                   1638: (below).
                   1639: The server alive messages are sent through the encrypted channel
                   1640: and therefore will not be spoofable.
                   1641: The TCP keepalive option enabled by
                   1642: .Cm TCPKeepAlive
                   1643: is spoofable.
                   1644: The server alive mechanism is valuable when the client or
1.25      christos 1645: server depend on knowing when a connection has become unresponsive.
1.1       christos 1646: .Pp
                   1647: The default value is 3.
                   1648: If, for example,
                   1649: .Cm ServerAliveInterval
                   1650: (see below) is set to 15 and
                   1651: .Cm ServerAliveCountMax
                   1652: is left at the default, if the server becomes unresponsive,
                   1653: ssh will disconnect after approximately 45 seconds.
                   1654: .It Cm ServerAliveInterval
                   1655: Sets a timeout interval in seconds after which if no data has been received
                   1656: from the server,
                   1657: .Xr ssh 1
                   1658: will send a message through the encrypted
                   1659: channel to request a response from the server.
                   1660: The default
                   1661: is 0, indicating that these messages will not be sent to the server.
1.23      christos 1662: .It Cm SetEnv
                   1663: Directly specify one or more environment variables and their contents to
                   1664: be sent to the server.
                   1665: Similarly to
                   1666: .Cm SendEnv ,
                   1667: the server must be prepared to accept the environment variable.
1.12      christos 1668: .It Cm StreamLocalBindMask
                   1669: Sets the octal file creation mode mask
                   1670: .Pq umask
                   1671: used when creating a Unix-domain socket file for local or remote
                   1672: port forwarding.
                   1673: This option is only used for port forwarding to a Unix-domain socket file.
                   1674: .Pp
                   1675: The default value is 0177, which creates a Unix-domain socket file that is
                   1676: readable and writable only by the owner.
                   1677: Note that not all operating systems honor the file mode on Unix-domain
                   1678: socket files.
                   1679: .It Cm StreamLocalBindUnlink
                   1680: Specifies whether to remove an existing Unix-domain socket file for local
                   1681: or remote port forwarding before creating a new one.
                   1682: If the socket file already exists and
                   1683: .Cm StreamLocalBindUnlink
                   1684: is not enabled,
                   1685: .Nm ssh
                   1686: will be unable to forward the port to the Unix-domain socket file.
                   1687: This option is only used for port forwarding to a Unix-domain socket file.
                   1688: .Pp
                   1689: The argument must be
1.19      christos 1690: .Cm yes
1.12      christos 1691: or
1.19      christos 1692: .Cm no
                   1693: (the default).
1.1       christos 1694: .It Cm StrictHostKeyChecking
                   1695: If this flag is set to
1.19      christos 1696: .Cm yes ,
1.1       christos 1697: .Xr ssh 1
                   1698: will never automatically add host keys to the
                   1699: .Pa ~/.ssh/known_hosts
                   1700: file, and refuses to connect to hosts whose host key has changed.
1.22      christos 1701: This provides maximum protection against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks,
1.1       christos 1702: though it can be annoying when the
                   1703: .Pa /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
                   1704: file is poorly maintained or when connections to new hosts are
                   1705: frequently made.
                   1706: This option forces the user to manually
                   1707: add all new hosts.
1.21      christos 1708: .Pp
                   1709: If this flag is set to
                   1710: .Dq accept-new
                   1711: then ssh will automatically add new host keys to the user
                   1712: known hosts files, but will not permit connections to hosts with
                   1713: changed host keys.
1.1       christos 1714: If this flag is set to
1.21      christos 1715: .Dq no
                   1716: or
                   1717: .Dq off ,
                   1718: ssh will automatically add new host keys to the user known hosts files
                   1719: and allow connections to hosts with changed hostkeys to proceed,
                   1720: subject to some restrictions.
1.1       christos 1721: If this flag is set to
1.19      christos 1722: .Cm ask
                   1723: (the default),
1.1       christos 1724: new host keys
                   1725: will be added to the user known host files only after the user
                   1726: has confirmed that is what they really want to do, and
                   1727: ssh will refuse to connect to hosts whose host key has changed.
                   1728: The host keys of
                   1729: known hosts will be verified automatically in all cases.
1.21      christos 1730: .It Cm SyslogFacility
                   1731: Gives the facility code that is used when logging messages from
                   1732: .Xr ssh 1 .
                   1733: The possible values are: DAEMON, USER, AUTH, LOCAL0, LOCAL1, LOCAL2,
                   1734: LOCAL3, LOCAL4, LOCAL5, LOCAL6, LOCAL7.
                   1735: The default is USER.
1.1       christos 1736: .It Cm TCPKeepAlive
                   1737: Specifies whether the system should send TCP keepalive messages to the
                   1738: other side.
                   1739: If they are sent, death of the connection or crash of one
                   1740: of the machines will be properly noticed.
                   1741: However, this means that
                   1742: connections will die if the route is down temporarily, and some people
                   1743: find it annoying.
                   1744: .Pp
                   1745: The default is
1.19      christos 1746: .Cm yes
1.1       christos 1747: (to send TCP keepalive messages), and the client will notice
                   1748: if the network goes down or the remote host dies.
                   1749: This is important in scripts, and many users want it too.
                   1750: .Pp
                   1751: To disable TCP keepalive messages, the value should be set to
1.19      christos 1752: .Cm no .
1.22      christos 1753: See also
                   1754: .Cm ServerAliveInterval
                   1755: for protocol-level keepalives.
1.1       christos 1756: .It Cm Tunnel
                   1757: Request
                   1758: .Xr tun 4
                   1759: device forwarding between the client and the server.
                   1760: The argument must be
1.19      christos 1761: .Cm yes ,
                   1762: .Cm point-to-point
1.1       christos 1763: (layer 3),
1.19      christos 1764: .Cm ethernet
1.1       christos 1765: (layer 2),
                   1766: or
1.19      christos 1767: .Cm no
                   1768: (the default).
1.1       christos 1769: Specifying
1.19      christos 1770: .Cm yes
1.1       christos 1771: requests the default tunnel mode, which is
1.19      christos 1772: .Cm point-to-point .
1.1       christos 1773: .It Cm TunnelDevice
                   1774: Specifies the
                   1775: .Xr tun 4
                   1776: devices to open on the client
                   1777: .Pq Ar local_tun
                   1778: and the server
                   1779: .Pq Ar remote_tun .
                   1780: .Pp
                   1781: The argument must be
                   1782: .Sm off
                   1783: .Ar local_tun Op : Ar remote_tun .
                   1784: .Sm on
                   1785: The devices may be specified by numerical ID or the keyword
1.19      christos 1786: .Cm any ,
1.1       christos 1787: which uses the next available tunnel device.
                   1788: If
                   1789: .Ar remote_tun
                   1790: is not specified, it defaults to
1.19      christos 1791: .Cm any .
1.1       christos 1792: The default is
1.19      christos 1793: .Cm any:any .
1.13      christos 1794: .It Cm UpdateHostKeys
                   1795: Specifies whether
                   1796: .Xr ssh 1
                   1797: should accept notifications of additional hostkeys from the server sent
                   1798: after authentication has completed and add them to
                   1799: .Cm UserKnownHostsFile .
                   1800: The argument must be
1.19      christos 1801: .Cm yes ,
                   1802: .Cm no
1.26      christos 1803: or
1.19      christos 1804: .Cm ask .
1.26      christos 1805: This option allows learning alternate hostkeys for a server
1.13      christos 1806: and supports graceful key rotation by allowing a server to send replacement
                   1807: public keys before old ones are removed.
1.29    ! christos 1808: .Pp
1.13      christos 1809: Additional hostkeys are only accepted if the key used to authenticate the
1.29    ! christos 1810: host was already trusted or explicitly accepted by the user, the host was
        !          1811: authenticated via
        !          1812: .Cm UserKnownHostsFile
        !          1813: (i.e. not
        !          1814: .Cm GlobalKnownHostsFile )
        !          1815: and the host was authenticated using a plain key and not a certificate.
1.26      christos 1816: .Pp
                   1817: .Cm UpdateHostKeys
                   1818: is enabled by default if the user has not overridden the default
                   1819: .Cm UserKnownHostsFile
1.29    ! christos 1820: setting and has not enabled
        !          1821: .Cm VerifyHostKeyDNS ,
        !          1822: otherwise
1.26      christos 1823: .Cm UpdateHostKeys
                   1824: will be set to
1.29    ! christos 1825: .Cm no .
1.26      christos 1826: .Pp
1.13      christos 1827: If
                   1828: .Cm UpdateHostKeys
                   1829: is set to
1.19      christos 1830: .Cm ask ,
1.13      christos 1831: then the user is asked to confirm the modifications to the known_hosts file.
                   1832: Confirmation is currently incompatible with
                   1833: .Cm ControlPersist ,
                   1834: and will be disabled if it is enabled.
                   1835: .Pp
                   1836: Presently, only
                   1837: .Xr sshd 8
                   1838: from OpenSSH 6.8 and greater support the
1.19      christos 1839: .Qq hostkeys@openssh.com
1.13      christos 1840: protocol extension used to inform the client of all the server's hostkeys.
1.1       christos 1841: .It Cm User
                   1842: Specifies the user to log in as.
                   1843: This can be useful when a different user name is used on different machines.
                   1844: This saves the trouble of
                   1845: having to remember to give the user name on the command line.
                   1846: .It Cm UserKnownHostsFile
1.7       christos 1847: Specifies one or more files to use for the user
                   1848: host key database, separated by whitespace.
1.28      christos 1849: Each filename may use tilde notation to refer to the user's home directory,
                   1850: the tokens described in the
                   1851: .Sx TOKENS
                   1852: section and environment variables as described in the
                   1853: .Sx ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
                   1854: section.
1.7       christos 1855: The default is
                   1856: .Pa ~/.ssh/known_hosts ,
                   1857: .Pa ~/.ssh/known_hosts2 .
1.1       christos 1858: .It Cm VerifyHostKeyDNS
                   1859: Specifies whether to verify the remote key using DNS and SSHFP resource
                   1860: records.
                   1861: If this option is set to
1.19      christos 1862: .Cm yes ,
1.1       christos 1863: the client will implicitly trust keys that match a secure fingerprint
                   1864: from DNS.
                   1865: Insecure fingerprints will be handled as if this option was set to
1.19      christos 1866: .Cm ask .
1.1       christos 1867: If this option is set to
1.19      christos 1868: .Cm ask ,
1.1       christos 1869: information on fingerprint match will be displayed, but the user will still
                   1870: need to confirm new host keys according to the
                   1871: .Cm StrictHostKeyChecking
                   1872: option.
                   1873: The default is
1.19      christos 1874: .Cm no .
1.1       christos 1875: .Pp
1.19      christos 1876: See also
                   1877: .Sx VERIFYING HOST KEYS
                   1878: in
1.1       christos 1879: .Xr ssh 1 .
                   1880: .It Cm VisualHostKey
                   1881: If this flag is set to
1.19      christos 1882: .Cm yes ,
1.1       christos 1883: an ASCII art representation of the remote host key fingerprint is
1.13      christos 1884: printed in addition to the fingerprint string at login and
1.1       christos 1885: for unknown host keys.
                   1886: If this flag is set to
1.19      christos 1887: .Cm no
                   1888: (the default),
1.1       christos 1889: no fingerprint strings are printed at login and
1.13      christos 1890: only the fingerprint string will be printed for unknown host keys.
1.1       christos 1891: .It Cm XAuthLocation
                   1892: Specifies the full pathname of the
                   1893: .Xr xauth 1
                   1894: program.
                   1895: The default is
                   1896: .Pa /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth .
                   1897: .El
                   1898: .Sh PATTERNS
                   1899: A
                   1900: .Em pattern
                   1901: consists of zero or more non-whitespace characters,
                   1902: .Sq *
                   1903: (a wildcard that matches zero or more characters),
                   1904: or
                   1905: .Sq ?\&
                   1906: (a wildcard that matches exactly one character).
                   1907: For example, to specify a set of declarations for any host in the
1.19      christos 1908: .Qq .co.uk
1.1       christos 1909: set of domains,
                   1910: the following pattern could be used:
                   1911: .Pp
                   1912: .Dl Host *.co.uk
                   1913: .Pp
                   1914: The following pattern
                   1915: would match any host in the 192.168.0.[0-9] network range:
                   1916: .Pp
                   1917: .Dl Host 192.168.0.?
                   1918: .Pp
                   1919: A
                   1920: .Em pattern-list
                   1921: is a comma-separated list of patterns.
                   1922: Patterns within pattern-lists may be negated
                   1923: by preceding them with an exclamation mark
                   1924: .Pq Sq !\& .
                   1925: For example,
1.12      christos 1926: to allow a key to be used from anywhere within an organization
1.1       christos 1927: except from the
1.19      christos 1928: .Qq dialup
1.1       christos 1929: pool,
                   1930: the following entry (in authorized_keys) could be used:
                   1931: .Pp
                   1932: .Dl from=\&"!*.dialup.example.com,*.example.com\&"
1.22      christos 1933: .Pp
                   1934: Note that a negated match will never produce a positive result by itself.
                   1935: For example, attempting to match
                   1936: .Qq host3
                   1937: against the following pattern-list will fail:
                   1938: .Pp
                   1939: .Dl from=\&"!host1,!host2\&"
                   1940: .Pp
                   1941: The solution here is to include a term that will yield a positive match,
                   1942: such as a wildcard:
                   1943: .Pp
                   1944: .Dl from=\&"!host1,!host2,*\&"
1.19      christos 1945: .Sh TOKENS
                   1946: Arguments to some keywords can make use of tokens,
                   1947: which are expanded at runtime:
                   1948: .Pp
                   1949: .Bl -tag -width XXXX -offset indent -compact
                   1950: .It %%
                   1951: A literal
                   1952: .Sq % .
                   1953: .It \&%C
1.22      christos 1954: Hash of %l%h%p%r.
1.19      christos 1955: .It %d
                   1956: Local user's home directory.
1.29    ! christos 1957: .It %f
        !          1958: The fingerprint of the server's host key.
        !          1959: .It %H
        !          1960: The
        !          1961: .Pa known_hosts
        !          1962: hostname or address that is being searched for.
1.19      christos 1963: .It %h
                   1964: The remote hostname.
1.29    ! christos 1965: .It \%%I
        !          1966: A string describing the reason for a
        !          1967: .Cm KnownHostsCommand
        !          1968: execution: either
        !          1969: .Cm ADDRESS
        !          1970: when looking up a host by address (only when
        !          1971: .Cm CheckHostIP
        !          1972: is enabled),
        !          1973: .Cm HOSTNAME
        !          1974: when searching by hostname, or
        !          1975: .Cm ORDER
        !          1976: when preparing the host key algorithm preference list to use for the
        !          1977: destination host.
1.19      christos 1978: .It %i
                   1979: The local user ID.
1.29    ! christos 1980: .It %K
        !          1981: The base64 encoded host key.
1.28      christos 1982: .It %k
                   1983: The host key alias if specified, otherwise the orignal remote hostname given
                   1984: on the command line.
1.19      christos 1985: .It %L
                   1986: The local hostname.
                   1987: .It %l
                   1988: The local hostname, including the domain name.
                   1989: .It %n
                   1990: The original remote hostname, as given on the command line.
                   1991: .It %p
                   1992: The remote port.
                   1993: .It %r
                   1994: The remote username.
1.22      christos 1995: .It \&%T
                   1996: The local
                   1997: .Xr tun 4
                   1998: or
                   1999: .Xr tap 4
                   2000: network interface assigned if
                   2001: tunnel forwarding was requested, or
                   2002: .Qq NONE
                   2003: otherwise.
1.29    ! christos 2004: .It %t
        !          2005: The type of the server host key, e.g.
        !          2006: .Cm ssh-ed25519
1.19      christos 2007: .It %u
                   2008: The local username.
                   2009: .El
                   2010: .Pp
1.27      christos 2011: .Cm CertificateFile ,
                   2012: .Cm ControlPath ,
                   2013: .Cm IdentityAgent ,
                   2014: .Cm IdentityFile ,
1.29    ! christos 2015: .Cm KnownHostsCommand ,
1.27      christos 2016: .Cm LocalForward ,
                   2017: .Cm Match exec ,
                   2018: .Cm RemoteCommand ,
1.28      christos 2019: .Cm RemoteForward ,
1.27      christos 2020: and
1.28      christos 2021: .Cm UserKnownHostsFile
1.29    ! christos 2022: accept the tokens %%, %C, %d, %h, %i, %k, %L, %l, %n, %p, %r, and %u.
        !          2023: .Pp
        !          2024: .Cm KnownHostsCommand
        !          2025: additionally accepts the tokens %f, %H, %I, %K and %t.
1.19      christos 2026: .Pp
1.25      christos 2027: .Cm Hostname
1.19      christos 2028: accepts the tokens %% and %h.
                   2029: .Pp
                   2030: .Cm LocalCommand
1.27      christos 2031: accepts all tokens.
1.19      christos 2032: .Pp
                   2033: .Cm ProxyCommand
1.25      christos 2034: accepts the tokens %%, %h, %n, %p, and %r.
1.28      christos 2035: .Sh ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
                   2036: Arguments to some keywords can be expanded at runtime from environment
                   2037: variables on the client by enclosing them in
                   2038: .Ic ${} ,
                   2039: for example
                   2040: .Ic ${HOME}/.ssh
                   2041: would refer to the user's .ssh directory.
                   2042: If a specified environment variable does not exist then an error will be
                   2043: returned and the setting for that keyword will be ignored.
                   2044: .Pp
                   2045: The keywords
                   2046: .Cm CertificateFile ,
                   2047: .Cm ControlPath ,
                   2048: .Cm IdentityAgent ,
                   2049: .Cm IdentityFile
1.29    ! christos 2050: .Cm KnownHostsCommand ,
1.28      christos 2051: and
                   2052: .Cm UserKnownHostsFile
                   2053: support environment variables.
                   2054: The keywords
                   2055: .Cm LocalForward
                   2056: and
                   2057: .Cm RemoteForward
                   2058: support environment variables only for Unix domain socket paths.
1.1       christos 2059: .Sh FILES
                   2060: .Bl -tag -width Ds
                   2061: .It Pa ~/.ssh/config
                   2062: This is the per-user configuration file.
                   2063: The format of this file is described above.
                   2064: This file is used by the SSH client.
                   2065: Because of the potential for abuse, this file must have strict permissions:
1.24      christos 2066: read/write for the user, and not writable by others.
1.1       christos 2067: .It Pa /etc/ssh/ssh_config
                   2068: Systemwide configuration file.
                   2069: This file provides defaults for those
                   2070: values that are not specified in the user's configuration file, and
                   2071: for those users who do not have a configuration file.
                   2072: This file must be world-readable.
                   2073: .El
                   2074: .Sh SEE ALSO
                   2075: .Xr ssh 1
                   2076: .Sh AUTHORS
1.19      christos 2077: .An -nosplit
1.1       christos 2078: OpenSSH is a derivative of the original and free
1.19      christos 2079: ssh 1.2.12 release by
                   2080: .An Tatu Ylonen .
                   2081: .An Aaron Campbell , Bob Beck , Markus Friedl ,
                   2082: .An Niels Provos , Theo de Raadt
                   2083: and
                   2084: .An Dug Song
1.1       christos 2085: removed many bugs, re-added newer features and
                   2086: created OpenSSH.
1.19      christos 2087: .An Markus Friedl
                   2088: contributed the support for SSH protocol versions 1.5 and 2.0.

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