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CVS log for src/crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hostfile.h

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Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Dec 25 12:31:04 2023 UTC (12 months, 2 weeks ago) by martin
Branches: netbsd-9
CVS tags: netbsd-9-4-RELEASE
Diff to: previous 1.9: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.10: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.9: +22 -7 lines
Pull up the following, requested by kim in ticket #1780:

	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/        up to 1.15 (+patch)
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/    up to 1.4
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/scp/Makefile    up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/sftp/Makefile   up to 1.11
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/sftp-server/Makefile up to 1.4
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/ssh/Makefile    up to 1.20
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/ssh-add/Makefile up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/ssh-agent/Makefile up to 1.7
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/ssh-keygen/Makefile up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/ssh-keyscan/Makefile up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/ssh-pkcs11-helper/Makefile up to 1.4
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/sshd/Makefile   up to 1.27 (+patch)
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.sshsig up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/srclimit.c     up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-realpath.c up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sntrup761.c    up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/   up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshsig.c       up to 1.12
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshsig.h       up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/addr.c         up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.u2f   up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sk-api.h       up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sk-usbhid.c    up to 1.9
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-ecdsa-sk.c up to 1.4
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-ed25519-sk.c up to 1.5
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-sk-client.c up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-sk-helper.8 up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-sk-helper.c up to 1.7
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-sk.c       up to 1.8
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-sk.h       up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf-io.c    up to 1.2
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/addr.h         up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexsntrup761x25519.c up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-chachapoly-libcrypto.c up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/srclimit.h     up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-pubkeyfile.c up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-usergroup.c up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-usergroup.h up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/     up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/crc32.c        delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/crc32.h        delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/fe25519.c      delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/fe25519.h      delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ge25519.c      delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ge25519.h      delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexsntrup4591761x25519.c delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sc25519.c      delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sc25519.h      delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sntrup4591761.c delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/uuencode.c     delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/uuencode.h     delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/verify.c       delete
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/LICENCE        up to 1.7
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL       up to 1.23
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.agent up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.certkeys up to 1.13
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.chacha20poly1305 up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.key   up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.krl   up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.mux   up to 1.12
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/addrmatch.c    up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-krb5.c    up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-options.c up to 1.29
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-options.h up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-pam.c     up to 1.21
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-passwd.c  up to 1.13
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-rhosts.c  up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth.c         up to 1.34
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth.h         up to 1.23
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-chall.c  up to 1.19
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-gss.c    up to 1.17
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-hostbased.c up to 1.23
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-kbdint.c up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-krb5.c   up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-none.c   up to 1.14
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-passwd.c up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-pubkey.c up to 1.34
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2.c        up to 1.29
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/authfd.c       up to 1.27
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/authfd.h       up to 1.17
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/authfile.c     up to 1.28
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/authfile.h     up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/canohost.c     up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/chacha.c       up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/chacha.h       up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/channels.c     up to 1.42
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/channels.h     up to 1.26
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-chachapoly.c up to 1.7
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-chachapoly.h up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher.c       up to 1.21
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher.h       up to 1.17
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/clientloop.c   up to 1.39
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/clientloop.h   up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/compat.c       up to 1.26
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/compat.h       up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/crypto_api.h   up to 1.5
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dh.c           up to 1.20
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dh.h           up to 1.13
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/digest-libc.c  up to 1.8
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/digest-openssl.c up to 1.9
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dispatch.c     up to 1.11
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dns.c          up to 1.23
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dns.h          up to 1.13
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ed25519.c      up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/fatal.c        up to 1.7
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/getrrsetbyname.c up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/gss-genr.c     up to 1.11
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/gss-serv.c     up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hash.c         up to 1.7
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hmac.c         up to 1.8
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hostfile.c     up to 1.23
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hostfile.h     up to 1.11
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/includes.h     up to 1.9
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kex.c          up to 1.34
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kex.h          up to 1.24
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexdh.c        up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexgen.c       up to 1.7
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexgexc.c      up to 1.17
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexgexs.c      up to 1.23
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/krl.c          up to 1.23
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/krl.h          up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ldapauth.c     up to 1.8
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ldapauth.h     up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/log.c          up to 1.27
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/log.h          up to 1.17
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/mac.c          up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/match.c        up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/match.h        up to 1.11
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/misc.c         up to 1.35
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/misc.h         up to 1.27
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli         up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli.c       up to 1.17
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor.c      up to 1.43
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor.h      up to 1.13
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor_fdpass.c up to 1.9
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor_wrap.c up to 1.34
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor_wrap.h up to 1.23
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/msg.c          up to 1.11
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/mux.c          up to 1.35
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/myproposal.h   up to 1.24
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/namespace.h    up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/nchan.c        up to 1.14
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/packet.c       up to 1.50
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/packet.h       up to 1.26
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/pathnames.h    up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/pfilter.c      up to 1.8 (+patch)
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/poly1305.c     up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/progressmeter.c up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/readconf.c     up to 1.44
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/readconf.h     up to 1.34
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/readpass.c     up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/rijndael.h     up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sandbox-pledge.c up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sandbox-rlimit.c up to 1.7
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/scp.1          up to 1.31
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/scp.c          up to 1.41
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/servconf.c     up to 1.44
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/servconf.h     up to 1.30
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/serverloop.c   up to 1.35
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/session.c      up to 1.38
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/session.h      up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-client.c  up to 1.35
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-client.h  up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-common.c  up to 1.14
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-common.h  up to 1.8
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-glob.c    up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-server-main.c up to 1.8
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-server.8  up to 1.14
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-server.c  up to 1.30
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp.1         up to 1.30
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp.c         up to 1.39
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-add.1      up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-add.c      up to 1.30
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-agent.1    up to 1.19
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-agent.c    up to 1.37
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-dss.c      up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-ecdsa.c    up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-ed25519.c  up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-gss.h      up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keygen.1   up to 1.34
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keygen.c   up to 1.46
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keyscan.1  up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keyscan.c  up to 1.32
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keysign.8  up to 1.14
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keysign.c  up to 1.24
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11-client.c up to 1.19
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11-helper.8 up to 1.12
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11-helper.c up to 1.22
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11.c   up to 1.26
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11.h   up to 1.9
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-rsa.c      up to 1.19
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-xmss.c     up to 1.6
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh.1          up to 1.39
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh.c          up to 1.45
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh.h          up to 1.13
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh2.h         up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh_api.c      up to 1.15
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh_config     up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh_config.5   up to 1.40
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf-getput-basic.c up to 1.12
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf-getput-crypto.c up to 1.11
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf-misc.c  up to 1.14
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf.c       up to 1.14
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf.h       up to 1.19
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshconnect.c   up to 1.37
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshconnect.h   up to 1.17
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshconnect2.c  up to 1.46
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshd.8         up to 1.31
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshd.c         up to 1.50
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshd_config    up to 1.28
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshd_config.5  up to 1.42
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssherr.c       up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssherr.h       up to 1.4
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshkey-xmss.c  up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshkey-xmss.h  up to 1.5
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshkey.c       up to 1.32
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshkey.h       up to 1.19
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshlogin.c     up to 1.13
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshpty.c       up to 1.8
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ttymodes.c     up to 1.12
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/uidswap.c      up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/umac.c         up to 1.22
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/umac.h         up to 1.10
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/utf8.c         up to 1.9
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/utf8.h         up to 1.5
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/version.h      up to 1.44
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/xmalloc.c      up to 1.13
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/xmalloc.h      up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/xmss_hash.c    up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/Makefile up to 1.3
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/ up to
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/moduli.2048 up to 1.16
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/moduli.3072 up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/moduli.4096 up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/moduli.6144 up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/moduli.7680 up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/moduli.8192 up to 1.18
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/lib/Makefile        up to 1.38
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/lib/shlib_version   up to 1.36
	crypto/external/bsd/openssh/openssh2netbsd      up to 1.4
	lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/Makefile             up to 1.13
	lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/pam_ssh.c            up to 1.30
	distrib/sets/lists/base/shl.mi			(apply patch)
	distrib/sets/lists/debug/shl.mi			(apply patch)
	doc/3RDPARTY					(apply patch)

Update OpenSSH to 9.6.

Revision 1.11: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Mar 5 17:47:16 2021 UTC (3 years, 10 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: perseant-exfatfs-base-20240630, perseant-exfatfs-base, perseant-exfatfs, netbsd-10-base, netbsd-10-1-RELEASE, netbsd-10-0-RELEASE, netbsd-10-0-RC6, netbsd-10-0-RC5, netbsd-10-0-RC4, netbsd-10-0-RC3, netbsd-10-0-RC2, netbsd-10-0-RC1, netbsd-10, cjep_sun2x-base1, cjep_sun2x-base, cjep_sun2x, cjep_staticlib_x-base1, cjep_staticlib_x-base, cjep_staticlib_x, HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.10: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.10: +18 -6 lines
merge local changes between openssh 8.4 and 8.5

Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Mar 5 17:45:25 2021 UTC (3 years, 10 months ago) by christos
Branches: OPENSSH
CVS tags: v99-20240919, v98-20240701, v97-20240311, v96-20231218, v95-20231004, v93p2-20230719, v93-20230719, v91-20221004, v90-20220408, v89-20220223, v88-20210926, v87-20210820, v86-20210419, v85_20210303
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +18 -6 lines
OpenSSH 8.5/8.5p1 (2021-03-03)

OpenSSH 8.5 was released on 2021-03-03. It is available from the
mirrors listed at
OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
includes sftp client and server support.

Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
project. More information on donations may be found at:

Future deprecation notice

It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the
SHA-1 algorithm for less than USD$50K.

In the SSH protocol, the "ssh-rsa" signature scheme uses the SHA-1
hash algorithm in conjunction with the RSA public key algorithm.
OpenSSH will disable this signature scheme by default in the near

Note that the deactivation of "ssh-rsa" signatures does not necessarily
require cessation of use for RSA keys. In the SSH protocol, keys may be
capable of signing using multiple algorithms. In particular, "ssh-rsa"
keys are capable of signing using "rsa-sha2-256" (RSA/SHA256),
"rsa-sha2-512" (RSA/SHA512) and "ssh-rsa" (RSA/SHA1). Only the last of
these is being turned off by default.

This algorithm is unfortunately still used widely despite the
existence of better alternatives, being the only remaining public key
signature algorithm specified by the original SSH RFCs that is still
enabled by default.

The better alternatives include:

 * The RFC8332 RSA SHA-2 signature algorithms rsa-sha2-256/512. These
   algorithms have the advantage of using the same key type as
   "ssh-rsa" but use the safe SHA-2 hash algorithms. These have been
   supported since OpenSSH 7.2 and are already used by default if the
   client and server support them.

 * The RFC8709 ssh-ed25519 signature algorithm. It has been supported
   in OpenSSH since release 6.5.

 * The RFC5656 ECDSA algorithms: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/384/521. These
   have been supported by OpenSSH since release 5.7.

To check whether a server is using the weak ssh-rsa public key
algorithm, for host authentication, try to connect to it after
removing the ssh-rsa algorithm from ssh(1)'s allowed list:

    ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=-ssh-rsa user@host

If the host key verification fails and no other supported host key
types are available, the server software on that host should be

This release enables the UpdateHostKeys option by default to assist
the client by automatically migrating to better algorithms.

[1] "SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and
    Application to the PGP Web of Trust" Leurent, G and Peyrin, T


 * ssh-agent(1): fixed a double-free memory corruption that was
   introduced in OpenSSH 8.2 . We treat all such memory faults as
   potentially exploitable. This bug could be reached by an attacker
   with access to the agent socket.

   On modern operating systems where the OS can provide information
   about the user identity connected to a socket, OpenSSH ssh-agent
   and sshd limit agent socket access only to the originating user
   and root. Additional mitigation may be afforded by the system's
   malloc(3)/free(3) implementation, if it detects double-free

   The most likely scenario for exploitation is a user forwarding an
   agent either to an account shared with a malicious user or to a
   host with an attacker holding root access.

 * Portable sshd(8): Prevent excessively long username going to PAM.
   This is a mitigation for a buffer overflow in Solaris' PAM username
   handling (CVE-2020-14871), and is only enabled for Sun-derived PAM
   implementations.  This is not a problem in sshd itself, it only
   prevents sshd from being used as a vector to attack Solaris' PAM.
   It does not prevent the bug in PAM from being exploited via some
   other PAM application. GHPR212

Potentially-incompatible changes

This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): this release changes the first-preference signature
   algorithm from ECDSA to ED25519.

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): set the TOS/DSCP specified in the configuration
   for interactive use prior to TCP connect. The connection phase of
   the SSH session is time-sensitive and often explicitly interactive.
   The ultimate interactive/bulk TOS/DSCP will be set after
   authentication completes.

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): remove the pre-standardization cipher It is an alias for aes256-cbc before
   it was standardized in RFC4253 (2006), has been deprecated and
   disabled by default since OpenSSH 7.2 (2016) and was only briefly
   documented in ssh.1 in 2001.

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): update/replace the experimental post-quantum
   hybrid key exchange method based on Streamlined NTRU Prime coupled
   with X25519.

   The previous method is
   replaced with Per its
   designers, the sntrup4591761 algorithm was superseded almost two
   years ago by sntrup761.

   (note this both the updated method and the one that it replaced are
   disabled by default)

 * ssh(1): disable CheckHostIP by default. It provides insignificant
   benefits while making key rotation significantly more difficult,
   especially for hosts behind IP-based load-balancers.

Changes since OpenSSH 8.4

New features

 * ssh(1): this release enables UpdateHostkeys by default subject to
   some conservative preconditions:
    - The key was matched in the UserKnownHostsFile (and not in the
    - The same key does not exist under another name.
    - A certificate host key is not in use.
    - known_hosts contains no matching wildcard hostname pattern.
    - VerifyHostKeyDNS is not enabled.
    - The default UserKnownHostsFile is in use.

   We expect some of these conditions will be modified or relaxed in

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): add a new LogVerbose configuration directive for
   that allows forcing maximum debug logging by file/function/line

 * ssh(1): when prompting the user to accept a new hostkey, display
   any other host names/addresses already associated with the key.

 * ssh(1): allow UserKnownHostsFile=none to indicate that no
   known_hosts file should be used to identify host keys.

 * ssh(1): add a ssh_config KnownHostsCommand option that allows the
   client to obtain known_hosts data from a command in addition to
   the usual files.

 * ssh(1): add a ssh_config PermitRemoteOpen option that allows the
   client to restrict the destination when RemoteForward is used
   with SOCKS.

 * ssh(1): for FIDO keys, if a signature operation fails with a
   "incorrect PIN" reason and no PIN was initially requested from the
   user, then request a PIN and retry the operation. This supports
   some biometric devices that fall back to requiring PIN when reading
   of the biometric failed, and devices that require PINs for all
   hosted credentials.

 * sshd(8): implement client address-based rate-limiting via new
   sshd_config(5) PerSourceMaxStartups and PerSourceNetBlockSize
   directives that provide more fine-grained control on a per-origin
   address basis than the global MaxStartups limit.


 * ssh(1): Prefix keyboard interactive prompts with "(user@host)" to
   make it easier to determine which connection they are associated
   with in cases like scp -3, ProxyJump, etc. bz#3224

 * sshd(8): fix sshd_config SetEnv directives located inside Match
   blocks. GHPR201

 * ssh(1): when requesting a FIDO token touch on stderr, inform the
   user once the touch has been recorded.

 * ssh(1): prevent integer overflow when ridiculously large
   ConnectTimeout values are specified, capping the effective value
   (for most platforms) at 24 days. bz#3229

 * ssh(1): consider the ECDSA key subtype when ordering host key
   algorithms in the client.

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): rename the PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes keyword to
   PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms. The previous name incorrectly suggested
   that it control allowed key algorithms, when this option actually
   specifies the signature algorithms that are accepted. The previous
   name remains available as an alias. bz#3253

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): similarly, rename HostbasedKeyTypes (ssh) and
   HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes (sshd) to HostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms.

 * sftp-server(8): add missing documentation
   and advertisement in the server's SSH2_FXP_VERSION hello packet.

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): more strictly enforce KEX state-machine by
   banning packet types once they are received. Fixes memleak caused
   by duplicate SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST (oss-fuzz #30078).

 * sftp(1): allow the full range of UIDs/GIDs for chown/chgrp on 32bit
   platforms instead of being limited by LONG_MAX. bz#3206

 * Minor man page fixes (capitalization, commas, etc.) bz#3223

 * sftp(1): when doing an sftp recursive upload or download of a
   read-only directory, ensure that the directory is created with
   write and execute permissions in the interim so that the transfer
   can actually complete, then set the directory permission as the
   final step. bz#3222

 * ssh-keygen(1): document the -Z, check the validity of its argument
   earlier and provide a better error message if it's not correct.

 * ssh(1): ignore comments at the end of config lines in ssh_config,
   similar to what we already do for sshd_config. bz#2320

 * sshd_config(5): mention that DisableForwarding is valid in a
   sshd_config Match block. bz3239

 * sftp(1): fix incorrect sorting of "ls -ltr" under some
   circumstances. bz3248.

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix potential integer truncation of (unlikely)
   timeout values. bz#3250

 * ssh(1): make hostbased authentication send the signature algorithm
   in its SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST packets instead of the key type.
   This make HostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms do what it is supposed to -
   filter on signature algorithm and not key type.


 * sshd(8): add a number of platform-specific syscalls to the Linux
   seccomp-bpf sandbox. bz#3232 bz#3260

 * sshd(8): remove debug message from sigchld handler that could cause
   deadlock on some platforms. bz#3259

 * Sync contrib/ssh-copy-id with upstream.

 * unittests: add a hostname function for systems that don't have it.
   Some systems don't have a hostname command (it's not required by
   POSIX). The do have uname -n (which is), but not all of those have
   it report the FQDN.


 - SHA1 (openssh-8.5.tar.gz) = 04cae43c389fb411227c01219e4eb46e3113f34e
 - SHA256 (openssh-8.5.tar.gz) = 5qB2CgzNG4io4DmChTjHgCWqRWvEOvCKJskLdJCz+SU=

 - SHA1 (openssh-8.5p1.tar.gz) = 72eadcbe313b07b1dd3b693e41d3cd56d354e24e
 - SHA256 (openssh-8.5p1.tar.gz) = 9S8/QdQpqpkY44zyAK8iXM3Y5m8FLaVyhwyJc3ZG7CU=

Please note that the SHA256 signatures are base64 encoded and not
hexadecimal (which is the default for most checksum tools). The PGP
key used to sign the releases is available from the mirror sites:

Please note that the OpenPGP key used to sign releases has been
rotated for this release. The new key has been signed by the previous
key to provide continuity.

Reporting Bugs:

- Please read
  Security bugs should be reported directly to

Revision 1.10: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Dec 4 18:42:50 2020 UTC (4 years, 1 month ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.9: +4 -1 lines
Merge conflicts

Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Dec 4 18:40:05 2020 UTC (4 years, 1 month ago) by christos
Branches: OPENSSH
CVS tags: v84-20200927
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +4 -1 lines
OpenSSH 8.4 was released on 2020-09-27. It is available from the
mirrors listed at

OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0 implementation and
includes sftp client and server support.

Once again, we would like to thank the OpenSSH community for their
continued support of the project, especially those who contributed
code or patches, reported bugs, tested snapshots or donated to the
project. More information on donations may be found at:

Future deprecation notice

It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the
SHA-1 algorithm for less than USD$50K. For this reason, we will be
disabling the "ssh-rsa" public key signature algorithm by default in a
near-future release.

This algorithm is unfortunately still used widely despite the
existence of better alternatives, being the only remaining public key
signature algorithm specified by the original SSH RFCs.

The better alternatives include:

 * The RFC8332 RSA SHA-2 signature algorithms rsa-sha2-256/512. These
   algorithms have the advantage of using the same key type as
   "ssh-rsa" but use the safe SHA-2 hash algorithms. These have been
   supported since OpenSSH 7.2 and are already used by default if the
   client and server support them.

 * The ssh-ed25519 signature algorithm. It has been supported in
   OpenSSH since release 6.5.

 * The RFC5656 ECDSA algorithms: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/384/521. These
   have been supported by OpenSSH since release 5.7.

To check whether a server is using the weak ssh-rsa public key
algorithm, for host authentication, try to connect to it after
removing the ssh-rsa algorithm from ssh(1)'s allowed list:

    ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=-ssh-rsa user@host

If the host key verification fails and no other supported host key
types are available, the server software on that host should be

We intend to enable UpdateHostKeys by default in the next OpenSSH
release. This will assist the client by automatically migrating to
better algorithms. Users may consider enabling this option manually.

[1] "SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and
    Application to the PGP Web of Trust" Leurent, G and Peyrin, T


 * ssh-agent(1): restrict ssh-agent from signing web challenges for
   FIDO/U2F keys.

   When signing messages in ssh-agent using a FIDO key that has an
   application string that does not start with "ssh:", ensure that the
   message being signed is one of the forms expected for the SSH protocol
   (currently public key authentication and sshsig signatures).

   This prevents ssh-agent forwarding on a host that has FIDO keys
   attached granting the ability for the remote side to sign challenges
   for web authentication using those keys too.

   Note that the converse case of web browsers signing SSH challenges is
   already precluded because no web RP can have the "ssh:" prefix in the
   application string that we require.

 * ssh-keygen(1): Enable FIDO 2.1 credProtect extension when generating
   a FIDO resident key.

   The recent FIDO 2.1 Client to Authenticator Protocol introduced a
   "credProtect" feature to better protect resident keys. We use this
   option to require a PIN prior to all operations that may retrieve
   a resident key from a FIDO token.

Potentially-incompatible changes

This release includes a number of changes that may affect existing

 * For FIDO/U2F support, OpenSSH recommends the use of libfido2 1.5.0
   or greater. Older libraries have limited support at the expense of
   disabling particular features. These include resident keys, PIN-
   required keys and multiple attached tokens.

 * ssh-keygen(1): the format of the attestation information optionally
   recorded when a FIDO key is generated has changed. It now includes
   the authenticator data needed to validate attestation signatures.

 * The API between OpenSSH and the FIDO token middleware has changed
   and the SSH_SK_VERSION_MAJOR version has been incremented as a
   result. Third-party middleware libraries must support the current
   API version (7) to work with OpenSSH 8.4.

 * The portable OpenSSH distribution now requires automake to rebuild
   the configure script and supporting files. This is not required when
   simply building portable OpenSSH from a release tar file.

Changes since OpenSSH 8.3

New features

 * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): support for FIDO keys that require a PIN for
   each use. These keys may be generated using ssh-keygen using a new
   "verify-required" option. When a PIN-required key is used, the user
   will be prompted for a PIN to complete the signature operation.

 * sshd(8): authorized_keys now supports a new "verify-required"
   option to require FIDO signatures assert that the token verified
   that the user was present before making the signature. The FIDO
   protocol supports multiple methods for user-verification, but
   currently OpenSSH only supports PIN verification.

 * sshd(8), ssh-keygen(1): add support for verifying FIDO webauthn
   signatures. Webauthn is a standard for using FIDO keys in web
   browsers. These signatures are a slightly different format to plain
   FIDO signatures and thus require explicit support.

 * ssh(1): allow some keywords to expand shell-style ${ENV}
   environment variables. The supported keywords are CertificateFile,
   ControlPath, IdentityAgent and IdentityFile, plus LocalForward and
   RemoteForward when used for Unix domain socket paths. bz#3140

 * ssh(1), ssh-agent(1): allow some additional control over the use of
   ssh-askpass via a new $SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE environment variable,
   including forcibly enabling and disabling its use. bz#69

 * ssh(1): allow ssh_config(5)'s AddKeysToAgent keyword accept a time
   limit for keys in addition to its current flag options. Time-
   limited keys will automatically be removed from ssh-agent after
   their expiry time has passed.

 * scp(1), sftp(1): allow the -A flag to explicitly enable agent
   forwarding in scp and sftp. The default remains to not forward an
   agent, even when ssh_config enables it.

 * ssh(1): add a '%k' TOKEN that expands to the effective HostKey of
   the destination. This allows, e.g., keeping host keys in individual
   files using "UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts.d/%k". bz#1654

 * ssh(1): add %-TOKEN, environment variable and tilde expansion to
   the UserKnownHostsFile directive, allowing the path to be
   completed by the configuration (e.g. bz#1654)

 * ssh-keygen(1): allow "ssh-add -d -" to read keys to be deleted
   from stdin. bz#3180

 * sshd(8): improve logging for MaxStartups connection throttling.
   sshd will now log when it starts and stops throttling and periodically
   while in this state. bz#3055


 * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): better support for multiple attached FIDO
   tokens. In cases where OpenSSH cannot unambiguously determine which
   token to direct a request to, the user is now required to select a
   token by touching it. In cases of operations that require a PIN to
   be verified, this avoids sending the wrong PIN to the wrong token
   and incrementing the token's PIN failure counter (tokens
   effectively erase their keys after too many PIN failures).

 * sshd(8): fix Include before Match in sshd_config; bz#3122

 * ssh(1): close stdin/out/error when forking after authentication
   completes ("ssh -f ...") bz#3137

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): limit the amount of channel input data buffered,
   avoiding peers that advertise large windows but are slow to read
   from causing high memory consumption.

 * ssh-agent(1): handle multiple requests sent in a single write() to
   the agent.

 * sshd(8): allow sshd_config longer than 256k

 * sshd(8): avoid spurious "Unable to load host key" message when sshd
   load a private key but no public counterpart

 * ssh(1): prefer the default hostkey algorithm list whenever we have
   a hostkey that matches its best-preference algorithm.

 * sshd(1): when ordering the hostkey algorithms to request from a
   server, prefer certificate types if the known_hosts files contain a key
   marked as a @cert-authority; bz#3157

 * ssh(1): perform host key fingerprint comparisons for the "Are you
   sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?"
   prompt with case sensitivity.

 * sshd(8): ensure that address/masklen mismatches in sshd_config
   yield fatal errors at daemon start time rather than later when
   they are evaluated.

 * ssh-keygen(1): ensure that certificate extensions are lexically
   sorted. Previously if the user specified a custom extension then
   the everything would be in order except the custom ones. bz#3198

 * ssh(1): also compare username when checking for JumpHost loops.

 * ssh-keygen(1): preserve group/world read permission on known_hosts
   files across runs of "ssh-keygen -Rf /path". The old behaviour was
   to remove all rights for group/other. bz#3146

 * ssh-keygen(1): Mention the [-a rounds] flag in the ssh-keygen
   manual page and usage().

 * sshd(8): explicitly construct path to ~/.ssh/rc rather than
   relying on it being relative to the current directory, so that it
   can still be found if the shell startup changes its directory.

 * sshd(8): when redirecting sshd's log output to a file, undo this
   redirection after the session child process is forked(). Fixes
   missing log messages when using this feature under some

 * sshd(8): start ClientAliveInterval bookkeeping before first pass
   through select() loop; fixed theoretical case where busy sshd may
   ignore timeouts from client.

 * ssh(1): only reset the ServerAliveInterval check when we receive
   traffic from the server and ignore traffic from a port forwarding
   client, preventing a client from keeping a connection alive when
   it should be terminated. bz#2265

 * ssh-keygen(1): avoid spurious error message when ssh-keygen
   creates files outside ~/.ssh

 * sftp-client(1): fix off-by-one error that caused sftp downloads to
   make one more concurrent request that desired. This prevented using
   sftp(1) in unpipelined request/response mode, which is useful when
   debugging. bz#3054

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): handle EINTR in waitfd() and timeout_connect()
   helpers. bz#3071

 * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): defer creation of ~/.ssh until we attempt to
   write to it so we don't leave an empty .ssh directory when it's not
   needed. bz#3156

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix multiplier when parsing time specifications
   when handling seconds after other units. bz#3171


 * sshd(8): always send any PAM account messages. If the PAM account
   stack returns any messages, always send them to the user and not
   just if the check succeeds. bz#2049

 * Implement some backwards compatibility for libfido2 libraries
   older than 1.5.0. Note that use of an older library will result
   in the loss of certain features including resident key support,
   PIN support and support for multiple attached tokens.

 * configure fixes for XCode 12

 * gnome-ssh-askpass3: ensure the "close" button is not focused by
   default for SSH_ASKPASS_PROMPT=none prompts. Avoids space/enter
   accidentally dismissing FIDO touch notifications.

 * gnome-ssh-askpass3: allow some control over textarea colour via
   environment variables.

 * sshd(8): document another PAM spec problem in a frustrated comment

 * sshd(8): support NetBSD's utmpx.ut_ss address field. bz#960

 * Add the ssh-sk-helper binary and its manpage to the RPM spec file

 * Detect the Frankenstein monster of Linux/X32 and allow the sandbox
   to function there. bz#3085

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Aug 15 05:27:52 2017 UTC (7 years, 5 months ago) by snj
Branches: netbsd-6
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +60 -6 lines
Apply patch (requested by mrg in ticket #1468):
Update OpenSSH to 7.5.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Aug 15 04:40:16 2017 UTC (7 years, 5 months ago) by snj
Branches: netbsd-6-1
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +60 -6 lines
Apply patch (requested by mrg in ticket #1468):
Update OpenSSH to 7.5.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Aug 15 04:39:21 2017 UTC (7 years, 5 months ago) by snj
Branches: netbsd-6-0
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +60 -6 lines
Apply patch (requested by mrg in ticket #1468):
Update OpenSSH to 7.5.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Apr 26 02:52:14 2017 UTC (7 years, 8 months ago) by pgoyette
Branches: pgoyette-localcount
Diff to: previous preferred, colored; branchpoint 1.7: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision +1 -1 lines
Sync with HEAD

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Apr 21 16:50:57 2017 UTC (7 years, 8 months ago) by bouyer
Branches: bouyer-socketcan
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +1 -1 lines
Sync with HEAD

Revision 1.9: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Apr 18 18:41:46 2017 UTC (7 years, 8 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: prg-localcount2-base3, prg-localcount2-base2, prg-localcount2-base1, prg-localcount2-base, prg-localcount2, phil-wifi-base, phil-wifi-20200421, phil-wifi-20200411, phil-wifi-20200406, phil-wifi-20191119, phil-wifi-20190609, phil-wifi, pgoyette-localcount-20170426, pgoyette-compat-merge-20190127, pgoyette-compat-base, pgoyette-compat-20190127, pgoyette-compat-20190118, pgoyette-compat-1226, pgoyette-compat-1126, pgoyette-compat-1020, pgoyette-compat-0930, pgoyette-compat-0906, pgoyette-compat-0728, pgoyette-compat-0625, pgoyette-compat-0521, pgoyette-compat-0502, pgoyette-compat-0422, pgoyette-compat-0415, pgoyette-compat-0407, pgoyette-compat-0330, pgoyette-compat-0322, pgoyette-compat-0315, pgoyette-compat, perseant-stdc-iso10646-base, perseant-stdc-iso10646, netbsd-9-base, netbsd-9-3-RELEASE, netbsd-9-2-RELEASE, netbsd-9-1-RELEASE, netbsd-9-0-RELEASE, netbsd-9-0-RC2, netbsd-9-0-RC1, netbsd-8-base, netbsd-8-3-RELEASE, netbsd-8-2-RELEASE, netbsd-8-1-RELEASE, netbsd-8-1-RC1, netbsd-8-0-RELEASE, netbsd-8-0-RC2, netbsd-8-0-RC1, netbsd-8, matt-nb8-mediatek-base, matt-nb8-mediatek, is-mlppp-base, is-mlppp, bouyer-socketcan-base1
Branch point for: netbsd-9
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +0 -0 lines
merge conflicts

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jan 7 08:53:41 2017 UTC (8 years ago) by pgoyette
Branches: pgoyette-localcount
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +1 -1 lines
Sync with HEAD.  (Note that most of these changes are simply $NetBSD$
tag issues.)

Revision 1.8: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Dec 25 00:07:47 2016 UTC (8 years ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pgoyette-localcount-20170320, pgoyette-localcount-20170107, bouyer-socketcan-base
Branch point for: bouyer-socketcan
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +0 -0 lines
merge conflicts

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Apr 30 06:07:30 2015 UTC (9 years, 8 months ago) by riz
Branches: netbsd-7
CVS tags: netbsd-7-nhusb-base-20170116, netbsd-7-nhusb-base, netbsd-7-nhusb, netbsd-7-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-RC2, netbsd-7-1-RC1, netbsd-7-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-1, netbsd-7-0-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0-RC3, netbsd-7-0-RC2, netbsd-7-0-RC1, netbsd-7-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0-1-RELEASE, netbsd-7-0
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +60 -6 lines
Pull up blacklistd(8), requested by christos in ticket #711:
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/Makefile up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/moduli up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/ up to
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crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli-gen/moduli.8192 up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/bcrypt_pbkdf.c up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexc25519.c    up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/smult_curve25519_ref.c up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/bitmap.c       up to 1.2 plus patch
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.chacha20poly1305 up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.key   up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/blf.h          up to 1.1
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/blocks.c       up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/blowfish.c     up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/chacha.c       up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/chacha.h       up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-aesctr.c up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-aesctr.h up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-chachapoly.c up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-chachapoly.h up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/crypto_api.h   up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/digest-libc.c  up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/digest-openssl.c up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/digest.h       up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ed25519.c      up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/fe25519.c      up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/fe25519.h      up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ge25519.c      up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ge25519.h      up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hash.c         up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hmac.c         up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hmac.h         up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexc25519c.c   up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexc25519s.c   up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/poly1305.c     up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/poly1305.h     up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/rijndael.c     up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/rijndael.h     up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sc25519.c      up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sc25519.h      up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-ed25519.c  up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf-getput-basic.c up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf-getput-crypto.c up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf-misc.c  up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf.c       up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshbuf.h       up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssherr.c       up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssherr.h       up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshkey.c       up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshkey.h       up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/verify.c       up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/opacket.c      up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/umac128.c      up to 1.1
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/pfilter.c      up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/pfilter.h      up to 1.1
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/bitmap.h       up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/opacket.h      up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh_api.c      up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh_api.h      up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-jpake.c  delete
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/compress.c     delete
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/compress.h     delete
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/jpake.c        delete
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/jpake.h        delete
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/schnorr.c      delete
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/schnorr.h      delete
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/strtonum.c     1.1
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/        up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/    up to 1.3
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/ssh-keyscan/Makefile up to 1.2
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/bin/sshd/Makefile   up to 1.12
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL       up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/PROTOCOL.krl   up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/addrmatch.c    up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/atomicio.c     up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-bsdauth.c up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-chall.c   up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-krb5.c    up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-options.c up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-options.h up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-passwd.c  up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-rh-rsa.c  up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-rhosts.c  up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth-rsa.c     up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth.c         up to 1.12
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth.h         up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth1.c        up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-chall.c  up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-gss.c    up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-hostbased.c up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-kbdint.c up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-krb5.c   up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-none.c   up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-passwd.c up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2-pubkey.c up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/auth2.c        up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/authfd.c       up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/authfd.h       up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/authfile.c     up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/authfile.h     up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/bufaux.c       up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/bufbn.c        up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/bufec.c        up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/buffer.c       up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/buffer.h       up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/canohost.c     up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/channels.c     up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/channels.h     up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-3des1.c up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher-bf1.c   up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher.c       up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/cipher.h       up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/clientloop.c   up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/compat.c       up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/compat.h       up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/deattack.c     up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/deattack.h     up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dh.c           up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dh.h           up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dispatch.c     up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dispatch.h     up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dns.c          up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/dns.h          up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/groupaccess.c  up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/gss-genr.c     up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/gss-serv-krb5.c up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/gss-serv.c     up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hostfile.c     up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/hostfile.h     up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/includes.h     up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kex.c          up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kex.h          up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexdh.c        up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexdhc.c       up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexdhs.c       up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexecdh.c      up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexecdhc.c     up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexecdhs.c     up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexgex.c       up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexgexc.c      up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/kexgexs.c      up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/key.c          up to 1.16
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/key.h          up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/krl.c          up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/krl.h          up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/mac.c          up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/mac.h          up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/match.c        up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/misc.c         up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/misc.h         up to 1.9 plus patch
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/moduli.c       up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor.c      up to 1.14
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor.h      up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor_fdpass.c up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor_mm.c   up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor_mm.h   up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor_wrap.c up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/monitor_wrap.h up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/msg.c          up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/msg.h          up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/mux.c          up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/myproposal.h   up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/namespace.h    up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/packet.c       up to 1.18
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/packet.h       up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/pathnames.h    up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/pkcs11.h       up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/progressmeter.c up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/progressmeter.h up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/reallocarray.c new
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/readconf.c     up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/readconf.h     up to 1.12
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/readpass.c     up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/roaming_client.c up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/roaming_common.c up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/roaming_dummy.c up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/rsa.c          up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/rsa.h          up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sandbox-systrace.c up to
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/scp.1          up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/scp.c          up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/servconf.c     up to 1.17
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/servconf.h     up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/serverloop.c   up to 1.12
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/session.c      up to 1.14
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/session.h      up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-client.c  up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-client.h  up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-common.c  up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-common.h  up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-glob.c    up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-server.8  up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp-server.c  up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp.1         up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sftp.c         up to 1.15
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-add.1      up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-add.c      up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-agent.1    up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-agent.c    up to 1.14
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-dss.c      up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-ecdsa.c    up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-gss.h      up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keygen.1   up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keygen.c   up to 1.16
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keyscan.1  up to 1.10
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keyscan.c  up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keysign.8  up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-keysign.c  up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11-client.c up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11-helper.c up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11.c   up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-pkcs11.h   up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh-rsa.c      up to 1.7
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh.1          up to 1.14
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh.c          up to 1.16
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh2.h         up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh_config     up to 1.8
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/ssh_config.5   up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshconnect.c   up to 1.11
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshconnect.h   up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshconnect1.c  up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshconnect2.c  up to 1.19
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshd.8         up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshd.c         up to 1.18
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshd_config    up to 1.13
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshd_config.5  up to 1.17
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshlogin.c     up to 1.6
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/sshpty.c       up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/uidswap.c      up to 1.4
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/umac.c         up to 1.9
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/version.h      up to 1.14
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/dist/xmalloc.c      up to 1.5
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/lib/Makefile        up to 1.17 plus patch
crypto/external/bsd/openssh/lib/shlib_version   up to 1.13
distrib/sets/lists/base/ad.aarch64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/base/ad.arm			patch
distrib/sets/lists/base/ad.mips			patch
distrib/sets/lists/base/ad.powerpc		patch
distrib/sets/lists/base/md.amd64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/base/md.sparc64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/base/mi			patch
distrib/sets/lists/base/shl.mi			patch
distrib/sets/lists/comp/ad.aarch64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/comp/ad.arm			patch
distrib/sets/lists/comp/ad.mips			patch
distrib/sets/lists/comp/ad.powerpc		patch
distrib/sets/lists/comp/md.amd64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/comp/md.sparc64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/comp/mi			patch
distrib/sets/lists/comp/shl.mi			patch
distrib/sets/lists/debug/ad.aarch64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/debug/ad.arm			patch
distrib/sets/lists/debug/ad.mips		patch
distrib/sets/lists/debug/ad.powerpc		patch
distrib/sets/lists/debug/md.amd64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/debug/md.sparc64		patch
distrib/sets/lists/debug/shl.mi			patch
distrib/sets/lists/etc/mi			patch
distrib/sets/lists/man/mi			patch
etc/defaults/rc.conf				1.130
etc/mtree/NetBSD.dist.base			1.142
external/bsd/Makefile                           up to 1.48
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/Makefile             up to 1.11 plus patch
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/blacklistctl.8       up to 1.6
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/blacklistctl.c       up to 1.17
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/blacklistd.8         up to 1.10
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/blacklistd.c         up to 1.32
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/blacklistd.conf.5    up to 1.2
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/conf.c               up to 1.18
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/conf.h               up to 1.6
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/internal.c           up to 1.5
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/internal.h           up to 1.12
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/run.c                up to 1.12
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/run.h                up to 1.5
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/state.c              up to 1.15
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/state.h              up to 1.5
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/support.c            up to 1.6
external/bsd/blacklist/bin/support.h            up to 1.5
external/bsd/blacklist/etc/rc.d/Makefile        up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/etc/rc.d/blacklistd      up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/etc/Makefile             up to 1.3
external/bsd/blacklist/etc/blacklistd.conf      up to 1.3
external/bsd/blacklist/etc/npf.conf             up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/Makefile                 up to 1.2
external/bsd/blacklist/             up to 1.3
external/bsd/blacklist/README                   up to 1.7
external/bsd/blacklist/TODO                     up to 1.7
external/bsd/blacklist/diff/ftpd.diff           up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/diff/named.diff          up to 1.6
external/bsd/blacklist/diff/ssh.diff            up to 1.6
external/bsd/blacklist/include/Makefile         up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/include/bl.h             up to 1.12
external/bsd/blacklist/include/blacklist.h      up to 1.3
external/bsd/blacklist/include/config.h		new
external/bsd/blacklist/lib/Makefile             up to 1.3
external/bsd/blacklist/lib/bl.c                 up to 1.24
external/bsd/blacklist/lib/blacklist.c          up to 1.5
external/bsd/blacklist/lib/libblacklist.3       up to 1.3
external/bsd/blacklist/lib/shlib_version        up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/libexec/Makefile         up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/libexec/blacklistd-helper up to 1.4
external/bsd/blacklist/port/m4/.cvsignore       up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/port/         up to 1.4
external/bsd/blacklist/port/_strtoi.h           up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/port/clock_gettime.c     up to 1.2
external/bsd/blacklist/port/        up to 1.7
external/bsd/blacklist/port/fgetln.c            up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/port/fparseln.c          up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/port/getprogname.c       up to 1.4
external/bsd/blacklist/port/pidfile.c           up to 1.1
external/bsd/blacklist/port/popenve.c           up to 1.2
external/bsd/blacklist/port/port.h              up to 1.6
external/bsd/blacklist/port/sockaddr_snprintf.c up to 1.9
external/bsd/blacklist/port/strlcat.c           up to 1.2
external/bsd/blacklist/port/strlcpy.c           up to 1.2
external/bsd/blacklist/port/strtoi.c            up to 1.3
external/bsd/blacklist/test/Makefile            up to 1.2
external/bsd/blacklist/test/cltest.c            up to 1.6
external/bsd/blacklist/test/srvtest.c           up to 1.9
lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/pam_ssh.c            up to 1.23
libexec/ftpd/pfilter.c                          up to 1.1
libexec/ftpd/pfilter.h                          up to 1.1
libexec/ftpd/Makefile                           up to 1.64
libexec/ftpd/ftpd.c                             up to 1.201

	Add blacklistd(8), a daemon to block and release network ports
	on demand to mitigate abuse, and related changes to system daemons
	to support it.
	[christos, ticket #711]

Revision 1.7: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Apr 3 23:58:19 2015 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pgoyette-localcount-base, pgoyette-localcount-20161104, pgoyette-localcount-20160806, pgoyette-localcount-20160726, localcount-20160914
Branch point for: pgoyette-localcount
Diff to: previous 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.6: +59 -5 lines
Merge conflicts

Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Apr 3 23:49:23 2015 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by christos
Branches: OPENSSH
CVS tags: v83-20200527, v82-20200214, v81-20191009, v80-20190417, v78-20180824, v77-20180405, v76-20171003, v75-20170418, v74-20161219, v73-20160802, v72-20160310, v71-20150821, v70-20150812, v69-20150630, v68-20150318
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +59 -5 lines
Changes since OpenSSH 6.7

This is a major release, containing a number of new features as
well as a large internal re-factoring.

Potentially-incompatible changes

 * sshd(8): UseDNS now defaults to 'no'. Configurations that match
   against the client host name (via sshd_config or authorized_keys)
   may need to re-enable it or convert to matching against addresses.

New Features

 * Much of OpenSSH's internal code has been re-factored to be more
   library-like. These changes are mostly not user-visible, but
   have greatly improved OpenSSH's testability and internal layout.

 * Add FingerprintHash option to ssh(1) and sshd(8), and equivalent
   command-line flags to the other tools to control algorithm used
   for key fingerprints. The default changes from MD5 to SHA256 and
   format from hex to base64.

   Fingerprints now have the hash algorithm prepended. An example of
   the new format: SHA256:mVPwvezndPv/ARoIadVY98vAC0g+P/5633yTC4d/wXE
   Please note that visual host keys will also be different.

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): Experimental host key rotation support. Add a
   protocol extension for a server to inform a client of all its
   available host keys after authentication has completed. The client
   may record the keys in known_hosts, allowing it to upgrade to better
   host key algorithms and a server to gracefully rotate its keys.

   The client side of this is controlled by a UpdateHostkeys config
   option (default off).

 * ssh(1): Add a ssh_config HostbasedKeyType option to control which
   host public key types are tried during host-based authentication.

 * ssh(1), sshd(8): fix connection-killing host key mismatch errors
   when sshd offers multiple ECDSA keys of different lengths.

 * ssh(1): when host name canonicalisation is enabled, try to
   parse host names as addresses before looking them up for
   canonicalisation. fixes bz#2074 and avoiding needless DNS
   lookups in some cases.

 * ssh-keygen(1), sshd(8): Key Revocation Lists (KRLs) no longer
   require OpenSSH to be compiled with OpenSSL support.

 * ssh(1), ssh-keysign(8): Make ed25519 keys work for host based

 * sshd(8): SSH protocol v.1 workaround for the Meyer, et al,
   Bleichenbacher Side Channel Attack. Fake up a bignum key before
   RSA decryption.

 * sshd(8): Remember which public keys have been used for
   authentication and refuse to accept previously-used keys.
   This allows AuthenticationMethods=publickey,publickey to require
   that users authenticate using two _different_ public keys.

 * sshd(8): add sshd_config HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes and
   PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes options to allow sshd to control what
   public key types will be accepted. Currently defaults to all.

 * sshd(8): Don't count partial authentication success as a failure
   against MaxAuthTries.

 * ssh(1): Add RevokedHostKeys option for the client to allow
   text-file or KRL-based revocation of host keys.

 * ssh-keygen(1), sshd(8): Permit KRLs that revoke certificates by
   serial number or key ID without scoping to a particular CA.

 * ssh(1): Add a "Match canonical" criteria that allows ssh_config
   Match blocks to trigger only in the second config pass.

 * ssh(1): Add a -G option to ssh that causes it to parse its
   configuration and dump the result to stdout, similar to "sshd -T".

 * ssh(1): Allow Match criteria to be negated. E.g. "Match !host".

 * The regression test suite has been extended to cover more OpenSSH
   features. The unit tests have been expanded and now cover key


 * ssh-keyscan(1): ssh-keyscan has been made much more robust again
   servers that hang or violate the SSH protocol.

 * ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1): Fix regression bz#2306: Key path names were
   being lost as comment fields.

 * ssh(1): Allow ssh_config Port options set in the second config
   parse phase to be applied (they were being ignored). bz#2286

 * ssh(1): Tweak config re-parsing with host canonicalisation - make
   the second pass through the config files always run when host name
   canonicalisation is enabled (and not whenever the host name
   changes) bz#2267

 * ssh(1): Fix passing of wildcard forward bind addresses when
   connection multiplexing is in use; bz#2324;

 * ssh-keygen(1): Fix broken private key conversion from non-OpenSSH
   formats; bz#2345.

 * ssh-keygen(1): Fix KRL generation bug when multiple CAs are in

 * Various fixes to manual pages: bz#2288, bz#2316, bz#2273

Portable OpenSSH

 * Support --without-openssl at configure time

   Disables and removes dependency on OpenSSL. Many features,
   including SSH protocol 1 are not supported and the set of crypto
   options is greatly restricted. This will only work on systems
   with native arc4random or /dev/urandom.

   Considered highly experimental for now.

 * Support --without-ssh1 option at configure time

   Allows disabling support for SSH protocol 1.

 * sshd(8): Fix compilation on systems with IPv6 support in utmpx; bz#2296

 * Allow custom service name for sshd on Cygwin. Permits the use of
   multiple sshd running with different service names.


 - SHA1 (openssh-6.8.tar.gz) = 99903c6ca76e0a2c044711017f81127e12459d37
 - SHA256 (openssh-6.8.tar.gz) = N1uzVarFbrm2CzAwuDu3sRoszmqpK+5phAChP/QNyuw=

 - SHA1 (openssh-6.8p1.tar.gz) = cdbc51e46a902b30d263b05fdc71340920e91c92
 - SHA256 (openssh-6.8p1.tar.gz) = P/ZM5z7hJEgLW/dnuYMNfTwDu8tqvnFrePAZLDfOFg4=

Please note that the PGP key used to sign releases was recently rotated.
The new key has been signed by the old key to provide continuity. It is
available from the mirror sites as RELEASE_KEY.asc.

Reporting Bugs:

- Please read
  Security bugs should be reported directly to

OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
Ben Lindstrom.

Revision 1.6: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Oct 19 16:30:58 2014 UTC (10 years, 2 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +0 -0 lines
merge openssh-6.7

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Aug 19 23:45:24 2014 UTC (10 years, 4 months ago) by tls
Branches: tls-maxphys
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +3 -3 lines
Rebase to HEAD as of a few days ago.

Revision download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu May 22 13:21:34 2014 UTC (10 years, 7 months ago) by yamt
Branches: yamt-pagecache
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored; next MAIN 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +3 -3 lines
sync with head.

for a reference, the tree before this commit was tagged
as yamt-pagecache-tag8.

this commit was splitted into small chunks to avoid
a limitation of cvs.  ("Protocol error: too many arguments")

Revision 1.5: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Nov 8 19:18:25 2013 UTC (11 years, 2 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-pagecache-base9, tls-maxphys-base, tls-earlyentropy-base, tls-earlyentropy, riastradh-xf86-video-intel-2-7-1-pre-2-21-15, riastradh-drm2-base3, netbsd-7-base
Branch point for: netbsd-7
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +3 -3 lines
merge conflicts.

Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Nov 8 17:58:10 2013 UTC (11 years, 2 months ago) by christos
Branches: OPENSSH
CVS tags: v67-20141018, v64-20131107
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +2 -2 lines
Import new openssh to address

Changes since OpenSSH 6.3

This release fixes a security bug:

 * sshd(8): fix a memory corruption problem triggered during rekeying
   when an AES-GCM cipher is selected. Full details of the vulnerability
   are available at:


 - SHA1 (openssh-6.4.tar.gz) = 4caf1a50eb3a3da821c16298c4aaa576fe24210c
 - SHA1 (openssh-6.4p1.tar.gz) = cf5fe0eb118d7e4f9296fbc5d6884965885fc55d

Reporting Bugs:

- Please read
  Security bugs should be reported directly to

OpenSSH is brought to you by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt,
Kevin Steves, Damien Miller, Darren Tucker, Jason McIntyre, Tim Rice and
Ben Lindstrom.

Revision 1.4: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Jul 25 03:03:10 2011 UTC (13 years, 5 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: yamt-pagecache-tag8, yamt-pagecache-base8, yamt-pagecache-base7, yamt-pagecache-base6, yamt-pagecache-base5, yamt-pagecache-base4, yamt-pagecache-base3, yamt-pagecache-base2, yamt-pagecache-base, riastradh-drm2-base2, riastradh-drm2-base1, riastradh-drm2-base, riastradh-drm2, netbsd-6-base, netbsd-6-1-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-RC4, netbsd-6-1-RC3, netbsd-6-1-RC2, netbsd-6-1-RC1, netbsd-6-1-5-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-4-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-3-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-2-RELEASE, netbsd-6-1-1-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-RC2, netbsd-6-0-RC1, netbsd-6-0-6-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-5-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-4-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-3-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-2-RELEASE, netbsd-6-0-1-RELEASE, matt-nb6-plus-nbase, matt-nb6-plus-base, matt-nb6-plus, khorben-n900, agc-symver-base, agc-symver
Branch point for: yamt-pagecache, tls-maxphys, netbsd-6-1, netbsd-6-0, netbsd-6
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +25 -7 lines
- Merge conflicts

Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Jul 24 15:08:24 2011 UTC (13 years, 5 months ago) by christos
Branches: OPENSSH
CVS tags: v62-20130321, v61-20120828, v60-20120421, v59-20110906, v58-20110724
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +24 -7 lines

Revision 1.3: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Nov 21 18:29:48 2010 UTC (14 years, 1 month ago) by adam
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: matt-mips64-premerge-20101231, cherry-xenmp-base, cherry-xenmp, bouyer-quota2-nbase, bouyer-quota2-base, bouyer-quota2
Diff to: previous 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.2: +6 -3 lines
Resolve conflicts

Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Nov 21 17:05:43 2010 UTC (14 years, 1 month ago) by adam
Branches: OPENSSH
CVS tags: v56-20101121
Diff to: previous preferred, colored
Changes since revision +5 -2 lines
Imported openssh-5.6

Revision 1.2: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Jun 7 22:38:46 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: matt-premerge-20091211
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Merge in our changes:
- conditionalize login_cap
- conditionalize bsd_auth
- bring in pam from portable
- restore krb5, krb4, afs, skey
- bring in hpn patches, disable mt aes cipher, keep speedups and cipher none
- add ignore root rhosts option
- fix ctype macro arguments
- umac is broken, disable it
- better ~homedir handling
- netbsd style tunnels
- urandom, xhome, chrootdir, rescuedir NetBSD handling
- utmp/utmpx handling
- handle tty posix_vdisable properly
- handle setuid and unsetuid the posix way instead of setresuid()
- add all missing functions
- add new moduli
- add build glue

Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Jun 7 22:19:09 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by christos
Branches: OPENSSH
CVS tags: v53-20091226, v52-20090607
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +0 -0 lines
import 5.2 from

Revision 1.1: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Jun 7 22:19:09 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
Initial revision

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