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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / textproc / tex-lwarp / distinfo (download)

Revision 1.4, Tue Jan 29 06:58:06 2019 UTC (5 years, 2 months ago) by markd
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: pkgsrc-2019Q1-base, pkgsrc-2019Q1
Changes since 1.3: +4 -4 lines

tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.65

Tested and added support for numerous classes and packages for CJK:
Chinese: cjkpunct, upzhkinsoku, xpinyin, zhspacing, zhlineskip.
Japanese:  pLATEX, upLATEX, bxjsarticle and related, ltjsarticle and
related, luatexja, luatexja-fontspec, ujarticle and related,
Korean:  kotex, luatexko, xetexko.

Japanese: Added utarticle and related classes.  Improved ujarticle and
 related classes.
Chinese: Fix for biblatex with CTEX.
Koma-Script: Fixes for scrlayer, scrlayer-scrpage.  Added scrpage2.
Updated addlines.
Added bsheaders, gmeometric, marginal, rmpage, scrpage2.

Added numerous Japanese classes and packages.
Improved page layout.
Added an \includegraphics alt tag option.
Added an error if detects a duplicate HTML file name.
Fixes for tabular*.
Improved HTML validation for \quad, \enskip, figure captions.
Added support for fontspec \textsi and \sishape.
Added multicols \docolaction.
Added embrac, footnoterange, multicolrule, versonotes.

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2019/01/29 06:58:06 markd Exp $

SHA1 (tex-lwarp-49479/lwarp.tar.xz) = bed65d58f9f60e18715b21ac242441f1a1f8a235
RMD160 (tex-lwarp-49479/lwarp.tar.xz) = d9f48432160a093e4b50fcca5626010b441ef591
SHA512 (tex-lwarp-49479/lwarp.tar.xz) = b2a659977f593b92f7e200df986d1c1c2c20c6af323f05216da59564ad16f97c19d5f2b2e78b63988062af5cdb72be42d1f8f5668ba11f4071f93d552ab0005c
Size (tex-lwarp-49479/lwarp.tar.xz) = 122200 bytes