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py-jsbeautifier: updated to 1.14.11 v1.14.11 Editor not working https://beautifier.io/ Set nodejs minimum to v14 Invalid prettification of object with unicode escape character as object key invalid json being generated with wrap_line_length v1.14.9 Bump semver and editorconfig Update editorconfig package Allow to configure the "custom elements as inline elements" behavior v1.14.8 Require nodejs v12 or greater CSS insideNonNestedAtRule generic variable Update dependencies Fix CI build Fixed 2133 Theme Toggle on without_codemirror Mode use correct variable name docs: Fix a few typos Add support for new record types (cont.) fix - semicolon followed by block statement doesnt have new line Fix formatting related to the element issue prettifying (function(){code();{code}})() v1.14.7 Doc: Updates web browser implementation examples HTML formatter breaks layout by introducing newlines v1.14.6 Globs no longer work on Windows in 1.14.5 v1.14.5 Dependency updates and UI tweaks Bump terser from 5.12.1 to 5.14.2 new layout breaks everything on long lines Dark mode v1.14.4 Extra space before !important added css format removes space after quoted value Add grid-template-areas to NON_SEMICOLON_NEWLINE_PROPERTY list CSS formatter removes useful space CHANGELOG.md file was wiped out in v1.14.2 Fails to recognize Handlebars block with whitespace control, e.g. {{~#if true ~}} Support new sass @use syntax Do not remove whitespace after number html formatter doesn't support handlebars partial blocks in keyword in class method causes indentation problem space_after_named_function not working inside an ES6 class Restyle website improper line concatenation between 'return' and a prefix expression v1.14.3 [LESS] Fixing issues with spacing when an object literal lives inside a mixin Overindentation when using "class" as a key in an object CSS Grid template formatting is broken when adding track size after line names SCSS module system @use problem JS "space_in_empty_paren" failing for class methods LESS mixins gets formatted strangely v1.14.2 Why put npm in dependencies? [Bug] Logical assignments in JS are incorrectly beautified v1.14.1 feature request: cmd+enter hotkey for mac users Wrong indentation when the last line in a case is a right brace v1.14.0 import.meta appears on newline Added buttons to website Logical assignment operators; Fix parsing of optional chaining Numbers should be allowed to contain underscores Use native mkdirSync instead of 'mkdirp' package selector_separator_newline adds erroneous newline on @extend SCSS statements
py-jsbeautifier: updated to 1.13.13 v1.13.13 Closed Issues IE11 compatibility failure v>1.13.5 v1.13.11 Closed Issues Support short PHP tags v1.13.6 Closed Issues Fix space-before-conditional: false to work on switch-case statement Optional chaining obj?.[expr]
py-jsbeautifier: updated to 1.13.0 v1.13.0 Description This release truly fixes the python cssbeautifier installation and updates cssbeautifier cli to use the same general code as jsbeautifier. Also, as of this release Node.js 8.x is no longer guaranteed to work. Node.js 8.x LTS reached end-of-life in January 2020. Parts of our test infrastructure no longer support Node.js 8.x. The js-beautifier should still run on Node.js 8.x, but it is not part of the CI system and so not guaranteed to work. Closed Issues (internal) Refactor python cssbeautifier to reuse jsbeautifier CLI methods (internal) Switch from node-static to serve Fixed pip install cssbeautifier
py-jsbeautifier: updated to 1.10.0 v1.10.0 Added templating setting to control when template languages are recognized. All languages are off by default in Javascript and on by default in HTML. Closed Issues beautifying scss selector with colon in it adds space Javascript multiline comments duplicates Tokenizer crashes if the input terminates with a dot character. stop reformatting valid css \! into invalid \ ! wrong indent for unclosed <? - need to support disabling templating Beautify inserts space before exclamation mark in comment <!-- in css <style> 'less' mixins parameter formatting problem Change css tests to use 4 space indenting instead of tabs Braces after case get pushed onto new line Extra space in pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes selectors LESS formatting - mixins with multiple variables Bug in less format
py-jsbeautifier: updated to 1.9.0 v1.9.0: Description Fixed Tab indenting - when tabs indenting enabled, they are used universally. Also, tab size customizable: 8-space tabs would mean each tab is treated as 8 spaces. Accurate line wrapping - Layout always wraps when line length exceed specified column, unless wrapping would not reduce line length. Improved Template handling in HTML - Go, Django, Handlebars, ERB/EJS/ASP, PHP (still only handlebars indenting) Improved Template handling in Javascript - ERB/EJS/ASP, PHP (no indenting, no Django or Handlebars due to potential syntax conflicts for curly braces) Fixed indenting of mustache inverted conditionals Fixed indenting for HTML tags with option end tags https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify/compare/v1.8.9...v1.9.0 Closed Issues Incorrect indentation of ^ inverted section tags in Handlebars/Mustache code PHP In HTML Attributes DeanEdward python unpacker offset problem CLI on Windows doesn't accept -f - for stdin? HTML type attribute breaks JavaScript beautification? Use of global MODE before declaration caused uglify problem When building html tags using Mustache variables, extra whitespace is added after opening arrow <script type="text/html">isnot abled to be beautified _get_full_indent undefined Website "autodetect" setting doesn't distinguish css vs javascript Add setting to keep HTML tag text content unformatted or ignore custom delimiters HTML auto formatting using spaces instead of tabs Unclosed single quote in php tag causes formatting changes which break php code Using tabs when wrapping attributes and wrapping if needed HTML --wrap-attributes doesn't respect --wrap-line-length Bad indent level(HTML) js-beautify produces invalid code for variables with Unicode escape sequences support vuejs Go templates in HTML Better behavior for javascript --wrap-line-length
py-jsbeautifier: updated to 1.8.6 v1.8.6 Beautifier has moved to https://beautifier.io Closed Issues JS beautify break the angular compile base64 string is broken with v1.8.4 Bookmarklet becomes totally useless HTTPS Beautify breaks when js starts with space followed by multi-line comment v1.8.4 Broader adoption of 1.8.x revealed a few more high priority fixes Closed Issues Multiple newlines added between empty textarea and "unformatted" inline elements unindent_chained_methods broken v1.8.3 Closed Issues Missing Bower Assets Javascript ternary breaked with await Object property indented after await Handlebars formatting problems beautify.js doesn't have indent_level option v1.8.1 Closed Issues Why npm is a dependency? indent_inner_html not working in v1.8.0
py-jsbeautifier: updated to 1.7.4 v1.7.4 Closed Issues * Whitespace after ES7 async keyword for arrow functions
Import py-jsbeautifier-1.6.12 as textproc/py-jsbeautifier Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript. Handles popular online obfuscators.