Up to [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / textproc / link-grammar / patches
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link-grammar: update to 5.10.2 Version 5.10.2 (16 Sept 2021) * Fix python install path. * Fix size in brand-new `link-generator` (hits 32-bit & ARM) #1247 Version 5.10.1 (7 Sept 2021) * Fix perl bindings build fail. #1248 Version 5.10.0 (4 September 2021) * Expanded English vocabulary * Support dictionary "#define allow-duplicate-words true". #1204 * Fix crash for sentences containing wildcard words. #1206 * Connector names starting with "ID" are no longer reserved. #1208 * Connector names starting with underbar are reserved for internal use. * ".I" subscripts are no longer reserved; "._" subscripts are reserved. These last three changes introduce linkage incompatibilities. * Fix parsing with nulls when using an sqlite3 dictionary. * Fix regexes for NetBSD when using libc regexes. #1223 * English dict: fix many "how?" questions. * English dict: fix conditional sentences #1240
link-grammar: Fix runtime error on NetBSD 9.99.80 after 2021-02-26 * Pass REG_GNU to regcomp(3) for GNU extensions, suggested by christos@. Thank you. * Fix PR 56024. * Bump PKGREVISION for binary change.