File:  [] / pkgsrc / sysutils / capistrano / Attic / distinfo
Revision 1.37: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Nov 11 14:49:00 2023 UTC (15 months ago) by taca
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2023Q4-base, pkgsrc-2023Q4, HEAD
sysutils/capistrano: update to 3.18.0

3.18.0 (2023-10-18)


* Remove default webpacker path to linked_dirs (#2139) @taketo1113

Bug Fixes

* Fix "lambda method requires a literal block" error (Ruby 3.3) (#2141)


* Upgrade to latest ver of release-drafter and update config (#2143)
* Upgrade CI to actions/checkout v4 (#2142) @mattbrictson
* Auto-bump version number in generated release notes (#2140) @mattbrictson
* Migrate from CircleCI to GitHub Actions; add Cucumber features to CI
  (#2132) @mattbrictson

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.37 2023/11/11 14:49:00 taca Exp $

BLAKE2s (capistrano-3.18.0.gem) = 2f1d8a9d0464f1775efeae43f3d37fcbd9a2d7c10c43ebce13718036f55633ee
SHA512 (capistrano-3.18.0.gem) = 126abb8934bed1bd1c58f53c1e8cd0ead99499d7e99d09e51290df4619a2f570a3f2f1a5cbdb683f1286a2b9aa7b0a2690a4c165d07705c5157ebf3ed1118f3e
Size (capistrano-3.18.0.gem) = 69632 bytes

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