File:  [] / pkgsrc / sysutils / bacula-qt-console / Attic / Makefile
Revision 1.25: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Oct 6 17:54:53 2012 UTC (12 years, 4 months ago) by christos
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Upgrade to 5.2.12. This is a bug fix release.

- A new bpluginfo utility tool
- Make dump_resource respect console ACL's (security fix)
- Add chio-changer-openbsd submitted in bug #1903
- Important Copy job bug fixed.

Major changes since 5.2.9:
- IPv6 networking should work correctly now
- SQL Counter problems resolved
- Bat hanging after running a number of jobs
- dbcheck rw_writelock problem
- Windows VSS restore bug

New Feature:
- Add rudimentary support for backing up AFS

More complete changelog at:

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.25 2012/10/06 17:54:53 christos Exp $

PKGNAME=	${DISTNAME:S/-/-qt-console-/}
COMMENT=	Qt-based console for Bacula - The Network Backup Solution


DISTINFO_FILE=		${.CURDIR}/../../sysutils/bacula/distinfo
PATCHDIR=		${.CURDIR}/../../sysutils/bacula/patches

USE_TOOLS+=		gmake pkg-config
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-client-only
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-bat

BUILD_DIRS=		src/qt-console

INSTALLATION_DIRS=	bin share/examples/bacula


	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/src/qt-console/bat.conf ${DESTDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}

.include "../../sysutils/bacula/Makefile.common"
.include "../../sysutils/bacula/"
.include "../../x11/qt4-libs/"
.include "../../x11/qt4-tools/"
.include "../../mk/"

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