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py-yubikey-manager,ykman: update to 5.4.0 * Version 5.4.0 (released) * Support for YubiKey Bio Multi-protocol Edition. * CLI: Improve error messages for several failures. * Attempt to send SIGHUP to yubikey-agent if it is blocking the connection. * Bugfix: Allow "fido config" to work when no PIN is set on the YubiKey. * Bugfix: MacOS - Fix race condition resulting in unneeded delay in fido commands over USB. * Bugfix: Linux - Fix error when listing OTP devices when no YubiKeys are attached. * Bugfix: OpenPGP - Fix RSA key generation on YubiKey NEO.
py-yubikey, ykman: update to 5.3.0 Version 5.3.0 (released 2024-01-31) FIDO: Add new CLI commands for PIN management and authenticator config (force-change, set-min-length, toggle-always-uv, enable-ep-attestation). PIV: Improve handling of legacy "PUK blocked" flag. PIV: Improve handling of malformed certificates. PIV: Display key information in "piv info" output on supported devices. OTP: Fix some commands incorrectly showing errors when used over NFC/CCID. Add tab-completion for YubiKey serial numbers and NFC readers.
py-yubikey-manager, ykman: update to 5.2.1 * Version 5.2.1 (released 2023-10-10) ** Add support for Python 3.12. ** OATH: detect and remove corrupted credentials. ** Bugfix: HSMAUTH: Fix order of CLI arguments.
py-yubikey-manager, ykman: update to 5.2.0 * Version 5.2.0 (released 2023-08-21) * PIV: Support for compressed certificates. * OpenPGP: Use InvalidPinError for wrong PIN. * Add YubiHSM Auth application support. * Improved API documentation. * Scripting: Add name attribute to device. * Bugfix: PIV: don't throw InvalidPasswordError on malformed PEM private key.
ykman, py-yubikey-manager: update to 5.1.1 * Version 5.1.1 (released 2023-04-27) ** Bugfix: PIV: string representation of SLOT caused infinite loop on Python <3.11. ** Bugfix: Fix errors in 'ykman config nfc' on YubiKeys without NFC capability. ** Bugfix: Fix error message shown when invalid modhex input length given for YubiOTP.
py-yubikey-manager: update to 5.1.0 * Version 5.1.0 (released 2023-04-17) ** Add OpenPGP functionality to supported API. ** Add PIV key info command to CLI. ** PIV: Support signing prehashed data via API. ** Bugfix: Fix signing PIV certificates/CSRs with key that always requires PIN. ** Bugfix: Fix incorrect display name detection for certain keys over NFC.
py-yubikey-manager, ykman: update to 5.0.1 * Version 5.0.1 (released 2023-01-17) ** Bugfix: Fix the interactive confirmation prompt for some CLI commands. ** Bugfix: OpenPGP Signature PIN policy values were swapped. ** Bugfix: FIDO: Handle discoverable credentials that are missing name or displayName. ** Add support for Python 3.11. ** Remove extra whitespace characters from CLI into command output. * Version 5.0.0 (released 2022-10-19) ** Various cleanups and improvements to the API. ** Improvements to the handling of YubiKeys and connections. ** Command aliases for ykman 3.x (introduced in ykman 4.0) have now been dropped. ** Installers for ykman are now provided for Windows (amd64) and MacOS (universal2). ** Logging has been improved, and a new TRAFFIC level has been introduced. ** The codebase has been improved for scripting usage, either directly as a Python module, or via the new "ykman script" command. See doc/Scripting.adoc, doc/Library_Usage.adoc, and examples/ for more details. ** PIV: Add support for dotted-string OIDs when parsing RFC4514 strings. ** PIV: Drop support for signing certificates and CSRs with SHA-1. ** FIDO: Credential management commands have been improved to deal with ambiguity in certain cases. ** OATH: Access Keys ("remembered" passwords) are now stored in the system keyring. ** OpenPGP: Commands have been added to manage PINs. * Version 4.0.9 (released 2022-06-17) ** Dependency: Add support for python-fido2 1.x ** Fix: Drop stated support for Click 6 as features from 7 are being used. * Version 4.0.8 (released 2022-01-31) ** Bugfix: Fix error message for invalid modhex when programing a YubiOTP credential. ** Bugfix: Fix issue with displaying a Steam credential when it is the only account. ** Bugfix: Prevent installation of files in site-packages root. ** Bugfix: Fix cleanup logic in PIV for protected management key. ** Add support for token identifier when programming slot-based HOTP. ** Add support for programming NDEF in text mode. ** Dependency: Add support for Cryptography <= 38. * Version 4.0.7 (released 2021-09-08) ** Bugfix release: Fix broken naming for "YubiKey 4", and a small OATH issue with touch Steam credentials. * Version 4.0.6 (released 2021-09-08) ** Improve handling of YubiKey device reboots. ** More consistently mask PIN/password input in prompts. ** Support switching mode over CCID for YubiKey Edge. ** Run pkill from PATH instead of fixed location. * Version 4.0.5 (released 2021-07-16) ** Bugfix: Fix PIV feature detection for some YubiKey NEO versions. ** Bugfix: Fix argument short form for --period when adding TOTP credentials. ** Bugfix: More strict validation for some arguments, resulting in better error messages. ** Bugfix: Correctly handle TOTP credentials using period != 30 AND touch_required. ** Bugfix: Fix prompting for access code in the otp settings command (now uses "-A -"). * Version 4.0.3 (released 2021-05-17) ** Add support for fido reset over NFC. ** Bugfix: The --touch argument to piv change-management-key was ignored. ** Bugfix: Don't prompt for password when importing PIV key/cert if file is invalid. ** Bugfix: Fix setting touch-eject/auto-eject for YubiKey 4 and NEO. ** Bugfix: Detect PKCS#12 format when outer sequence uses indefinite length. ** Dependency: Add support for Click 8. * Version 4.0.2 (released 2021-04-12) ** Update device names. ** Add read_info output to the --diagnose command, and show exception types. ** Bugfix: Fix read_info for YubiKey Plus. * Version 4.0.1 (released 2021-03-29) ** Add support for YK5-based FIPS YubiKeys. ** Bugfix: Fix OTP device enumeration on Win32. * Version 4.0.0 (released 2021-03-02) ** Drop support for Python < 3.6. ** Drop reliance on libusb and libykpersonalize. ** Support the "fido" and "otp" subcommands over NFC (using the --reader flag) ** New "ykman --diagnose" command to aid in troubleshooting. ** New "ykman apdu" command for sending raw APDUs over the smart card interface. ** Restructuring of subcommands, with aliases for old versions (to be removed in a future release). ** Major changes to the underlying "library" code: *** New "yubikit" package added for custom development and advanced scripting. *** Type hints added for a large part of the "public" API. ** OpenPGP: Add support for KDF enabled YubiKeys. ** Static password: Add support for FR, IT, UK and BEPO keyboard layouts. * Version 3.1.2 (released 2021-01-21) ** Bugfix release: Fix dependency on python-fido2 version.
security: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and SHA512 hashes Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?): ./security/cyrus-sasl/distinfo cyrus-sasl-dedad73e5e7a75d01a5f3d5a6702ab8ccd2ff40d.patch.v2
security: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
security/py-yubikey-manager: Avoid crash on NetBSD for non-CCID keys.
Import yubikey-manager-3.1.1 as security/py-yubikey-manager Yubico's Python library and command-line tool for managing Yubikeys. Meta-package security/ykman gives a more obvious name, without any Python package prefixing, for the ykman command-line tool package.