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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / security / p11-kit / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.6, Tue Apr 17 13:26:15 2018 UTC (6 years ago) by wiz
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.5: +6 -6 lines

p11-kit: update to 0.23.10.

This is a development release, but gnutls needs at least 0.23.x,
so take the latest development release.

0.23.10 (devel)
 * filter: Respect "write-protected" vendor-specific attribute in
   PKCS#11 URI [PR#129]
 * server: Improve shell integration and documentation [PR#107, PR#108]
 * proxy: Reuse existing slot ID mapping in after fork() [PR#120]
 * trust: Forcibly mark "Default Trust" read-only [PR#123]
 * New function p11_kit_override_system_files() which can be used for
   testing [PR#110]
 * trust: Filter out duplicate extensions [PR#69]
 * Update translations [PR#128]
 * Bug fixes [PR#125, PR#126]

0.23.9 (devel)
 * Fix p11-kit server regressions [PR#103, PR#104]
 * trust: Respect anyExtendedKeyUsage in CA certificates [PR#99]
 * Build fixes related to reallocarray [PR#96, PR#98, PR#100]

0.23.8 (devel)
 * Improve vendor query attributes handling in PKCS#11 URI [PR#92]
 * Add OTP and GOST mechanisms to pkcs11.h [PR#90, PR#91]
 * New envvar P11_KIT_NO_USER_CONFIG to stop looking at user
   configurations [PR#87]
 * Build fixes for Solaris and 32-bit big-endian platforms [PR#81, PR#86]

0.23.7 (devel)
 * Fix memory issues with "p11-kit server" [PR#78]
 * Build fixes [PR#77 ...]

0.23.6 (devel)
 * Port "p11-kit server" to Windows and portability fixes of the RPC
   protocol [PR#67, PR#72, PR#74]
 * Recover the old behavior of "trust anchor --remove" [PR#70, PR#71]
 * Build fixes [PR#63 ...]

0.23.5 (devel)
 * Fix license notice of common/unix-peer.c [PR#58]
 * Remove systemd unit files for now [PR#60]
 * Build fixes for FreeBSD [PR#56]

0.23.4 (devel)
 * Recognize query attributes defined in PKCS#11 URI (RFC7512) [PR#31,
   PR#37, PR#52]
 * The trust policy module now recognizes CKA_NSS_MOZILLA_CA_POLICY
   attribute, used by Firefox [#99453, PR#46]
 * Add 'trust dump' command to dump all PKCS#11 objects in the
   persistence format [PR#44]
 * New experimental 'p11-kit server' command that allows PKCS#11
   forwarding through a Unix domain socket.  A client-side module
   p11-kit-client.so is also provided [PR#15]
 * Add systemd unit files for exporting the proxy module through a
   Unix domain socket [PR#35]
 * New P11KitIter API to iterate over slots, tokens, and modules in
   addition to objects [PR#28]
 * libffi dependency is now optional [PR#9]
 * Build fixes for FreeBSD, macOS, and Windows [PR#32, PR#39, PR#45]

0.23.3 (devel)
 * Install private executables in libexecdir [#98817]
 * Fix link error of proxy module on macOS [#98022]
 * Use new PKCS#11 URI specification for URIs [#97245]
 * Support x-init-reserved argument of C_Initialize() in remote modules [#80519]
 * Incorporate changes from PKCS#11 2.40 specification
 * Bump libtool library version
 * Documentation fixes
 * Build fixes [#87192 ...]

0.23.2 (devel)
 * Fix forking issues with libffi [#90289 ...]
 * Updated translations
 * Build fixes [#90827 #89081 #92434 #92520 #92445 #92551 #92843 #92842 #92807 #93211 ...]

0.23.1 (devel)
 * Use new PKCS#11 URI draft fields for URIs [#86474 #87582]
 * Add pem-directory-hash extract format
 * Build fixes

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2018/04/17 13:26:15 wiz Exp $

DISTNAME=	p11-kit-0.23.10
CATEGORIES=	security
#MASTER_SITES=	http://p11-glue.freedesktop.org/releases/

MAINTAINER=	pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE=	https://p11-glue.freedesktop.org/p11-kit.html
COMMENT=	PKCS\#11 module manager
LICENSE=	modified-bsd

DEPENDS=	mozilla-rootcerts>=1.0.20150804nb1:../../security/mozilla-rootcerts

CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-trust-paths=${PREFIX}/share/mozilla-rootcerts/cacert.pem

USE_TOOLS+=	pkg-config

# dirfd(3)

LDFLAGS.SunOS+=	-lsocket -lnsl

PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE+=	p11-kit/p11-kit-1.pc.in

CONF_FILES+=	share/examples/p11-kit/pkcs11.conf.example \

.include "../../devel/libffi/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../security/libtasn1/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"