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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / security / opensc / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.12, Fri Nov 30 14:44:34 2012 UTC (11 years, 4 months ago) by gdt
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.11: +6 -4 lines

Update to 0.12.2.

Thanks to manu@ for testing and resolving pcsc-lite ptthread leakage

Note that pcsc-lite and openct should be an options group.

Disable some obsolete CONFIGURE_ARGS.

Work around assumption that either getopt_long_only is present or
allgetopt functions must be provided.

Finnish EID patches have been applied upstream (from whence they came,

From upstream NEWS:

Complete change history is available online:

New in 0.12.2; 2011-07-15
* Builds are now silent by default when OpenSC is built from source on Unix.
* Using --wait with command line tools works with 64bit Linux again.
* Greatly improved OpenPGP card support, including OpenPGP 2.0 cards
  like the one found in German Privacy Foundation CryptoStick.
* Fixed support for FINeID cards issued after 01.03.2011 with 2048bit keys.
* #256: Fixed support for TCOS cards (broken since 0.12.0).
* Added support for IDKey-cards to TCOS3 driver.
* #361: Improved PC/SC driver to fetch the maximum PIN sizes from the open
  source CCID driver. This fixes the issue for Linux/OSX with recent driver.
* WindowsInstaller now installs only static DLL-s (PKCS#11, minidriver) to
  system folder.
* Fix FINeID cards for organizations.
* Several smaller bugs and compiler warnings fixed.

New in 0.12.1; 2011-05-17
* New card driver: IAS/ECC 1.0.1
* rutoken-tool has been deprecated and removed.
* eidenv and piv-tool utilities now have manual pages.
* pkcs11-tool now requires the use of --module parameter.
* All tools can now use an ATR as an argument to --reader, to skip to the
  card with given ATR.
* opensc-tool -l with -v now shows information about the inserted cards.
* Creating files have an enforced upper size limit, 64K
* Support for multiple PKCS#15 applications with different AID-s.
  PKCS#15 applications can be listed with pkcs15-tool --list-applications.
  Binding to a specific AID with PKCS#15 tools can be done with --aid.
* Hex strings (like card ATR or APDU-s) can now be separated by space, in
  addition to colons.
* Pinpad readers known to be bogus are now ignored by OpenSC. At the moment
  only "HP USB Smart Card Keyboard" is disabled.
* Windows installer is now distributed as a statically built MSI, for both
  x86 and x64.
* Numerous compiler warnings, unused code and internal bugs have been

New in 0.12.0; 2010-12-22
* OpenSC uses a single reader driver, specified at compile time.
* New card driver: Italian eID (CNS) by Emanuele Pucciarelli.
* New card driver: Portuguese eID by João Poupino.
* New card driver: westcos by François Leblanc.
* pkcs11-tool can use a slot based on ID, label or index in the slot list.
* PIN flags are updated from supported cards when C_GetTokenInfo is called.
* Support for CardOS 4.4 cards added.
* Fature to exclude readers from OpenSC PKCS#11 via "ignored_readers"
  configuration file entry.
* #229: Support semi-automatic fixes to cards personalized with older and
  broken OpenSC versions.
* Software keys removed from pkcs15-init and the PKCS#11 module. OpenSC
  can either generate keys on card or import plaintext keys to the card, but
  will never generate plaintext key material in software by itself.
  All traces of a software token (PKCS#15 Section 7) shall be removed.
* Updates to PC/SC driver to build with pcsc-lite >= 1.6.2
* Build script for a binary Mac OS X installer for 10.5 and 10.6 systems.
  Binary installer includes OpenSC.tokend for platform integration.
  10.6 installer includes engine_pkcs11.
* Modify Rutoken S binary interfaces by Aktiv Co.
* Support GOST R 34.10-2001 and GOST R 34.11-94 by Aktiv Co.
* CardOS driver now emulates sign on rsa keys with sign+decrypt usage
  with padding and decrypt(). This is compatible with old cards and
  card initialized by Siemens software. Removed "--split-key" option,
  as it is no longer needed.
* Improved debugging support: debug level 3 will show everything
  except of ASN1 and card matching debugging (usualy not needed).
* Massive changes to libopensc. This library is now internal, only
  used by opensc-pkcs11.so and command line tools. Header files are
  no longer installed, library should not be used by other applications.
  Please use generic PKCS#11 interface instead.
* #include file statements cleaned up: first include "config.h", then
  system headers, then additional libraries, then headers in opensc
  (but from other directories), then header files from same directory.
  Fix path to reference headers, remove src/include/ directory.
* Various source code fixes and improvements.
* OpenSC now depends on xsltproc utility and docbook-xsl to build docs and man
* Remove iconv dependency. EstEID driver now uses the commonName from the
  certificate for card label.
* Possibility to change the default behavior for card resets via

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2012/11/30 14:44:34 gdt Exp $

COMMENT=		Smart Card drivers and middleware
LICENSE=		gnu-lgpl-v2.1

.include "../../security/opensc/Makefile.common"

CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-xsl-stylesheetsdir=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.docbook-xsl}/share/xsl/docbook

EGDIR=			${PREFIX}/share/examples/opensc
CONF_FILES+=		${EGDIR}/opensc.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/opensc.conf

	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/opensc.conf ${DESTDIR}${EGDIR}

# build tools for doc
.include "../../textproc/libxslt/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../textproc/docbook-xsl/buildlink3.mk"

.include "../../devel/libltdl/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../devel/readline/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../devel/zlib/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../security/openssl/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"