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Revision 1.37, Fri Oct 11 23:30:02 2019 UTC (4 years, 6 months ago) by rillig
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.36: +2 -2 lines

pkgtools/pkglint: update to 19.3.1

Changes since 19.3.0:

* In buildlink3.mk files, the package identifier doesn't have to match
  the PKGBASE from the package Makefile exactly. The PKGBASE may have a
  leading "lib" (for libiconv and libgettext), as well as a trailing
  number (for emacs20 and netatalk22).

* GITHUB_RELEASE is added to the variables that should appear in a fixed
  order in the package Makefile.

* In the MASTER_SITE URLs, the transport protocol is irrelevant for
  matching direct URLs to the predefined MASTER_SITE_* variables.

package pkglint

import (

// Pkgsrc describes a pkgsrc installation.
// In each pkglint run, only a single pkgsrc installation is ever loaded.
// It just doesn't make sense to check multiple pkgsrc installations at once.
// This type only contains data that is loaded once and then stays constant.
// Everything else (distfile hashes, package names) is recorded in the Pkglint
// type instead.
type Pkgsrc struct {
	// The top directory (PKGSRCDIR), either absolute or relative to
	// the current working directory.
	topdir string

	// The set of user-defined variables that are added to BUILD_DEFS
	// within the bsd.pkg.mk file.
	buildDefs map[string]bool

	Tools *Tools

	MasterSiteURLToVar map[string]string // "github.com/" => "MASTER_SITE_GITHUB"
	MasterSiteVarToURL map[string]string // "MASTER_SITE_GITHUB" => "https://github.com/"

	PkgOptions map[string]string // "x11" => "Provides X11 support"

	suggestedUpdates    []SuggestedUpdate
	suggestedWipUpdates []SuggestedUpdate

	LastChange      map[string]*Change
	LastFreezeStart string // e.g. "2018-01-01", or ""
	LastFreezeEnd   string // e.g. "2018-01-01", or ""

	listVersions map[string][]string // See Pkgsrc.ListVersions

	// Variables that may be overridden by the pkgsrc user.
	// They are typically defined in mk/defaults/mk.conf.
	// Whenever a package uses such a variable, it must add the variable name
	// to BUILD_DEFS.
	UserDefinedVars Scope

	Deprecated map[string]string
	vartypes   VarTypeRegistry

func NewPkgsrc(dir string) Pkgsrc {
	return Pkgsrc{

func (src *Pkgsrc) loadDefaultBuildDefs() {

	// Some user-defined variables do not influence the binary
	// package at all and therefore do not have to be added to
	// BUILD_DEFS; therefore they are marked as "already added".

	// The following variables are used so often that not every
	// package should need to add it to BUILD_DEFS manually.

	// The following variables are so obscure that they are
	// probably not used in practice.

	// The following variables are added to _BUILD_DEFS by the pkgsrc
	// infrastructure and thus don't need to be added by the package again.
	// To regenerate the below list:
	//  grep -hr '^_BUILD_DEFS+=' mk/ | tr ' \t' '\n\n' | sed -e 's,.*=,,' -e '/^_/d' -e '/^$/d' -e 's,.*,"&"\,,' | sort -u
	// TODO: Run the equivalent of the above command at startup.

// LoadInfrastructure reads the pkgsrc infrastructure files to
// extract information like the tools, packages to update,
// user-defined variables.
// This work is not done in the constructor to keep the tests
// simple, since setting up a realistic pkgsrc environment requires
// a lot of files.
func (src *Pkgsrc) LoadInfrastructure() {

// Latest returns the latest package matching the given pattern.
// It searches the category for subdirectories matching the given
// regular expression, takes the latest of them and replaces its
// name with repl.
// Example:
//  Latest("lang", `^php[0-9]+$`, "../../lang/$0")
//      => "../../lang/php72"
func (src *Pkgsrc) Latest(category string, re regex.Pattern, repl string) string {
	versions := src.ListVersions(category, re, repl, true)

	if len(versions) > 0 {
		return versions[len(versions)-1]
	return ""

// ListVersions searches the category for subdirectories matching the given
// regular expression, replaces their names with repl and returns a slice
// of them, properly sorted from early to late.
// Example:
//  ListVersions("lang", `^php[0-9]+$`, "php-$0")
//      => {"php-53", "php-56", "php-73"}
func (src *Pkgsrc) ListVersions(category string, re regex.Pattern, repl string, errorIfEmpty bool) []string {
	if G.Testing {
		// Regular expression must be anchored at both ends, to avoid typos.
		assert(hasPrefix(string(re), "^"))
		assert(hasSuffix(string(re), "$"))

	// TODO: Maybe convert cache key to a struct, to save allocations.
	cacheKey := category + "/" + string(re) + " => " + repl
	if latest, found := src.listVersions[cacheKey]; found {
		return latest

	categoryDir := src.File(category)

	var names []string
	for _, fileInfo := range src.ReadDir(category) {
		name := fileInfo.Name()
		if matches(name, re) {
			names = append(names, name)
	if len(names) == 0 {
		if errorIfEmpty {
			dummyLine.Errorf("Cannot find package versions of %q in %q.", re, categoryDir)
		src.listVersions[cacheKey] = nil
		return nil

	// In the pkgsrc directories, the major versions of packages are
	// written without dots, which leads to ambiguities:
	// databases/postgresql: 94 < 95 < 96 < 10 < 11
	// lang/go: 19 < 110 < 111 < 2
	keys := make(map[string]int)
	for _, name := range names {
		if m, pkgbase, versionStr := match2(name, `^(\D+)(\d+)$`); m {
			version := toInt(versionStr, 0)
			if pkgbase == "postgresql" && version < 60 {
				version = 10 * version
			if pkgbase == "go" {
				major := toInt(versionStr[:1], 0)
				minor := toInt(versionStr[1:], 0)
				version = 100*major + minor
			keys[name] = version

	sort.SliceStable(names, func(i, j int) bool {
		if keyI, keyJ := keys[names[i]], keys[names[j]]; keyI != keyJ {
			return keyI < keyJ
		return naturalLess(names[i], names[j])

	var repls = make([]string, len(names))
	for i, name := range names {
		repls[i] = replaceAll(name, re, repl)

	src.listVersions[cacheKey] = repls
	return repls

func (src *Pkgsrc) checkToplevelUnusedLicenses() {
	if !G.InterPackage.Enabled() {

	licensesDir := src.File("licenses")
	for _, licenseFile := range src.ReadDir("licenses") {
		licenseName := licenseFile.Name()
		if !G.InterPackage.LicenseUsed(licenseName) {
			licensePath := joinPath(licensesDir, licenseName)
			NewLineWhole(licensePath).Warnf("This license seems to be unused.")

// loadTools loads the tool definitions from `mk/tools/*`.
func (src *Pkgsrc) loadTools() {
	tools := src.Tools

	toolFiles := []string{"defaults.mk"}
		toc := src.File("mk/tools/bsd.tools.mk")
		mklines := LoadMk(toc, MustSucceed|NotEmpty)
		for _, mkline := range mklines.mklines {
			if mkline.IsInclude() {
				includedFile := mkline.IncludedFile()
				if !contains(includedFile, "/") {
					toolFiles = append(toolFiles, includedFile)
		if len(toolFiles) <= 1 {
			NewLineWhole(toc).Fatalf("Too few tool files.")

	// TODO: parse bsd.prefs.mk and bsd.pkg.mk instead of hardcoding this.
	tools.def("echo", "ECHO", true, AfterPrefsMk, nil)
	tools.def("echo -n", "ECHO_N", true, AfterPrefsMk, nil)
	tools.def("false", "FALSE", true, AtRunTime, nil) // from bsd.pkg.mk
	tools.def("test", "TEST", true, AfterPrefsMk, nil)
	tools.def("true", "TRUE", true, AfterPrefsMk, nil)

	for _, basename := range toolFiles {
		mklines := src.LoadMk("mk/tools/"+basename, MustSucceed|NotEmpty)
		mklines.ForEach(func(mkline *MkLine) {
			tools.ParseToolLine(mklines, mkline, true, !mklines.indentation.IsConditional())

	for _, relativeName := range [...]string{"mk/bsd.prefs.mk", "mk/bsd.pkg.mk"} {

		mklines := src.LoadMk(relativeName, MustSucceed|NotEmpty)
		mklines.ForEach(func(mkline *MkLine) {
			if mkline.IsVarassign() {
				varname := mkline.Varname()
				switch varname {
				case "USE_TOOLS":
					tools.ParseToolLine(mklines, mkline, true, !mklines.indentation.IsConditional())

				case "_BUILD_DEFS":
					// TODO: Compare with src.loadDefaultBuildDefs; is it redundant?
					for _, buildDefsVar := range mkline.Fields() {

	if trace.Tracing {

// loadUntypedVars scans all pkgsrc infrastructure files in mk/
// to find variable definitions that are not yet covered in
// Pkgsrc.InitVartypes.
// Even if pkglint cannot guess the type of each variable,
// at least prevent the "used but not defined" warnings.
func (src *Pkgsrc) loadUntypedVars() {

	// Setting guessed to false prevents the vartype.guessed case in MkLineChecker.CheckVaruse.
	unknownType := NewVartype(BtUnknown, NoVartypeOptions, NewACLEntry("*", aclpAll))

	define := func(varcanon string, mkline *MkLine) {
		switch {
		case src.vartypes.DefinedCanon(varcanon):
			// Already defined, can also be a tool.

		case hasPrefix(varcanon, "_"):
			// Variables starting with an underscore are reserved for the
			// infrastructure and are not available for use by packages.

		case contains(varcanon, "$"):
			// Indirect, but not the usual parameterized form. Variables of
			// this form should not be unintentionally visible from outside
			// the infrastructure since they don't follow the pkgsrc naming
			// conventions.

		case hasSuffix(varcanon, "_MK"):
			// Multiple-inclusion guards are internal to the infrastructure.

			if trace.Tracing {
				trace.Stepf("Untyped variable %q in %s", varcanon, mkline)
			src.vartypes.DefineType(varcanon, unknownType)

	handleMkFile := func(path string) {
		mklines := LoadMk(path, MustSucceed)
		for varname, mkline := range mklines.vars.firstDef {
			define(varnameCanon(varname), mkline)
		for varname, mkline := range mklines.vars.used {
			define(varnameCanon(varname), mkline)

	handleFile := func(pathName string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		assertNil(err, "handleFile %q", pathName)
		baseName := info.Name()
		if info.Mode().IsRegular() && (hasSuffix(baseName, ".mk") || baseName == "mk.conf") {
		return nil

	err := filepath.Walk(src.File("mk"), handleFile)
	assertNil(err, "Walk error in pkgsrc infrastructure")

func (src *Pkgsrc) parseSuggestedUpdates(lines *Lines) []SuggestedUpdate {
	if lines == nil {
		return nil

	var updates []SuggestedUpdate
	state := 0
	for _, line := range lines.Lines {
		text := line.Text

		// TODO: Replace this state transition scheme with explicit code,
		//  hoping that the code will be easier to understand.
		if state == 0 && text == "Suggested package updates" {
			state = 1
		} else if state == 1 && text == "" {
			state = 2
		} else if state == 2 {
			state = 3
		} else if state == 3 && text == "" {
			state = 4

		if state == 3 {
			if m, pkgname, comment := match2(text, `^\to[\t ]([^\t ]+)(?:[\t ]*(.+))?$`); m {
				if m, pkgbase, pkgversion := match2(pkgname, rePkgname); m {
					updates = append(updates, SuggestedUpdate{line.Location, intern(pkgbase), intern(pkgversion), intern(comment)})
				} else {
					line.Warnf("Invalid package name %q.", pkgname)
			} else {
				line.Warnf("Invalid line format %q.", text)
	return updates

func (src *Pkgsrc) loadSuggestedUpdates() {
	src.suggestedUpdates = src.parseSuggestedUpdates(Load(src.File("doc/TODO"), MustSucceed))
	src.suggestedWipUpdates = src.parseSuggestedUpdates(Load(src.File("wip/TODO"), NotEmpty))

func (*Pkgsrc) parseDocChange(line *Line, warn bool) *Change {
	lex := textproc.NewLexer(line.Text)

	space := lex.NextHspace()
	if space == "" {
		return nil

	if space != "\t" {
		if warn {
			line.Warnf("Package changes should be indented using a single tab, not %q.", space)
				"To avoid this formatting mistake in the future, just run",
				sprintf("%q", bmake("cce")),
				"after committing the update to the package.")

		return nil

	f := strings.Fields(lex.Rest())
	n := len(f)
	if n != 4 && n != 6 {
		return nil

	action := ParseChangeAction(f[0])
	pkgpath := f[1]
	author := f[len(f)-2]
	date := f[len(f)-1]

	if !hasPrefix(author, "[") || !hasSuffix(date, "]") {
		return nil
	author, date = author[1:], date[:len(date)-1]

	switch {
		action == Added && f[2] == "version",
		action == Updated && f[2] == "to",
		action == Downgraded && f[2] == "to",
		action == Removed && (f[2] == "successor" || n == 4),
		(action == Renamed || action == Moved) && f[2] == "to":
		return &Change{
			Location: line.Location,
			Action:   action,
			Pkgpath:  intern(pkgpath),
			target:   intern(condStr(n == 6, f[3], "")),
			Author:   intern(author),
			Date:     intern(date),

	if warn {
		line.Warnf("Unknown doc/CHANGES line: %s", line.Text)
			"See mk/misc/developer.mk for the rules.")

	return nil

func (src *Pkgsrc) loadDocChangesFromFile(filename string) []*Change {

	warn := G.Opts.CheckGlobal && !G.Wip

	// Each date in the file should be from the same year as the filename says.
	// This check has been added in 2018.
	// For years earlier than 2018 pkglint doesn't care because it's not a big issue anyway.
	year := ""
	if _, yyyy := match1(filename, `-(\d\d\d\d)$`); yyyy >= "2018" {
		year = yyyy

	infra := false
	lines := Load(filename, MustSucceed|NotEmpty)
	var changes []*Change
	for _, line := range lines.Lines {

		if hasPrefix(line.Text, "\tmk/") {
			infra = true
			if hasPrefix(line.Text, "\tmk/bsd.pkg.mk: started freeze for") {
				if m, date := match1(line.Text, `(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)\]$`); m {
					src.LastFreezeStart = date
					src.LastFreezeEnd = ""
			} else if hasPrefix(line.Text, "\tmk/bsd.pkg.mk: freeze ended for") {
				if m, date := match1(line.Text, `(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)\]$`); m {
					src.LastFreezeEnd = date
		if infra {
			if hasSuffix(line.Text, "]") {
				infra = false

		change := src.parseDocChange(line, warn)
		if change == nil {

		changes = append(changes, change)

		if !warn {

		if year != "" && len(change.Date) >= 4 && change.Date[0:4] != year {
			line.Warnf("Year %q for %s does not match the filename %s.",
				change.Date[0:4], change.Pkgpath, filename)

		if len(changes) >= 2 && year != "" {
			if prev := changes[len(changes)-2]; change.Date < prev.Date {
				line.Warnf("Date %q for %s is earlier than %q in %s.",
					change.Date, change.Pkgpath, prev.Date, line.RefToLocation(prev.Location))
					"The entries in doc/CHANGES should be in chronological order, and",
					"all dates are assumed to be in the UTC timezone, to prevent time",
					"To fix this, determine which of the involved dates are correct",
					"and which aren't.",
					"To prevent this kind of mistakes in the future,",
					"make sure that your system time is correct and run",
					sprintf("%q", bmake("cce")),
					"to commit the changes entry.")

	return changes

func (src *Pkgsrc) SuggestedUpdates() []SuggestedUpdate {
	if G.Wip {
		return src.suggestedWipUpdates
	} else {
		return src.suggestedUpdates

func (src *Pkgsrc) loadDocChanges() {
	docDir := src.File("doc")
	files := src.ReadDir("doc")
	if len(files) == 0 {
		NewLineWhole(docDir).Fatalf("Cannot be read for loading the package changes.")

	var filenames []string
	for _, file := range files {
		filename := file.Name()
		if matches(filename, `^CHANGES-20\d\d$`) && filename >= "CHANGES-2011" { // TODO: Why 2011?
			filenames = append(filenames, filename)

	src.LastChange = make(map[string]*Change)
	for _, filename := range filenames {
		changes := src.loadDocChangesFromFile(joinPath(docDir, filename))
		for _, change := range changes {
			src.LastChange[change.Pkgpath] = change
			if change.Action == Renamed || change.Action == Moved {
				src.LastChange[change.Target()] = change


func (src *Pkgsrc) checkRemovedAfterLastFreeze() {
	if src.LastFreezeStart == "" || G.Wip || !G.Opts.CheckGlobal {

	var wrong []*Change
	for pkgpath, change := range src.LastChange {
		switch change.Action {
		case Added, Updated, Downgraded:
			if !dirExists(src.File(pkgpath)) {
				wrong = append(wrong, change)

	sort.Slice(wrong, func(i, j int) bool { return wrong[i].Above(wrong[j]) })

	for _, change := range wrong {
		// It's a bit cheated to construct a Line from only a Location,
		// without the wrong text. That's only because I'm too lazy loading
		// the file again, and the original text is not lying around anywhere.
		line := NewLineMulti(change.Location.Filename, int(change.Location.firstLine), int(change.Location.lastLine), "", nil)
		line.Errorf("Package %s must either exist or be marked as removed.", change.Pkgpath)

func (src *Pkgsrc) loadUserDefinedVars() {
	mklines := src.LoadMk("mk/defaults/mk.conf", MustSucceed|NotEmpty)

	for _, mkline := range mklines.mklines {
		if mkline.IsVarassignMaybeCommented() {
			src.UserDefinedVars.Define(mkline.Varname(), mkline)

func (src *Pkgsrc) initDeprecatedVars() {
	src.Deprecated = map[string]string{
		// December 2003
		"FIX_RPATH": "It has been removed from pkgsrc in 2003.",

		// February 2005
		"LIB_DEPENDS":    "Use DEPENDS instead.",
		"NOT_FOR_ARCHS":  "Use NOT_FOR_PLATFORM instead.",
		"NOT_FOR_OPSYS":  "Use NOT_FOR_PLATFORM instead.",

		// May 2005
		"ALL_TARGET":         "Use BUILD_TARGET instead.",
		"DIGEST_FILE":        "Use DISTINFO_FILE instead.",
		"IGNORE":             "Use PKG_FAIL_REASON or PKG_SKIP_REASON instead.",
		"KERBEROS":           "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR": "Use some form of MASTER_SITES instead.",
		"MD5_FILE":           "Use DISTINFO_FILE instead.",
		"MIRROR_DISTFILE":    "Use NO_BIN_ON_FTP and/or NO_SRC_ON_FTP instead.",
		"NO_CDROM":           "Use NO_BIN_ON_CDROM and/or NO_SRC_ON_CDROM instead.",
		"NO_PATCH":           "You can just remove it.",
		"NO_WRKSUBDIR":       "Use WRKSRC=${WRKDIR} instead.",
		"PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR":  "Use some form of PATCHES_SITES instead.",
		"PATCH_SUM_FILE":     "Use DISTINFO_FILE instead.",
		"PKG_JVM":            "Use PKG_DEFAULT_JVM instead.",
		"USE_BUILDLINK2":     "You can just remove it.",
		"USE_BUILDLINK3":     "You can just remove it.",
		"USE_CANNA":          "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"USE_DB4":            "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"USE_DIRS":           "You can just remove it.",
		"USE_ESOUND":         "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"USE_GIF":            "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"USE_GMAKE":          "Use USE_TOOLS+=gmake instead.",
		"USE_GNU_TOOLS":      "Use USE_TOOLS instead.",
		"USE_IDEA":           "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"USE_LIBCRACK":       "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"USE_MMX":            "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"USE_PKGLIBTOOL":     "Use USE_LIBTOOL instead.",
		"USE_SSL":            "Include \"../../security/openssl/buildlink3.mk\" instead.",

		// July 2005
		"USE_PERL5": "Use USE_TOOLS+=perl or USE_TOOLS+=perl:run instead.",

		// October 2005
		"NO_TOOLS":   "You can just remove it.",
		"NO_WRAPPER": "You can just remove it.",

		// November 2005
		"ALLFILES":       "Use CKSUMFILES instead.",
		"DEPENDS_TARGET": "Use DEPENDS instead.",
		"FETCH_DEPENDS":  "Use DEPENDS instead.",
		"RUN_DEPENDS":    "Use DEPENDS instead.",

		// December 2005
		"USE_CUPS":     "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option cups) instead.",
		"USE_I586":     "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option i586) instead.",
		"USE_INN":      "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",
		"USE_OPENLDAP": "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option openldap) instead.",
		"USE_OSS":      "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option oss) instead.",
		"USE_RSAREF2":  "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option rsaref) instead.",
		"USE_SASL":     "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option sasl) instead.",
		"USE_SASL2":    "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option sasl) instead.",
		"USE_SJ3":      "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option sj3) instead.",
		"USE_SOCKS":    "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (socks4 and socks5 options) instead.",
		"USE_WNN4":     "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework (option wnn4) instead.",
		"USE_XFACE":    "Use the PKG_OPTIONS framework instead.",

		// February 2006
		"TOOLS_DEPMETHOD":     "Use the :build or :run modifiers in USE_TOOLS instead.",
		"MANDIR":              "Please use ${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR} instead.",
		"DOWNLOADED_DISTFILE": "Use the shell variable $$extract_file instead.",
		"DECOMPRESS_CMD":      "Use EXTRACT_CMD instead.",

		// March 2006

		// April 2006
		"RECOMMENDED":        "Use ABI_DEPENDS instead.",
		"BUILD_USES_MSGFMT":  "Use USE_TOOLS+=msgfmt instead.",
		"USE_MSGFMT_PLURALS": "Use USE_TOOLS+=msgfmt instead.",

		// May 2006
		"EXTRACT_USING_PAX":       "Use \"EXTRACT_OPTS=-t pax\" instead.",
		"NO_EXTRACT":              "It doesn't exist anymore.",
		"_FETCH_MESSAGE":          "Use FETCH_MESSAGE (different format) instead.",
		"USE_RMAN":                "It has been removed.",

		// June 2006
		"DEINSTALL_SRC":      "Use the pkginstall framework instead.",
		"INSTALL_SRC":        "Use the pkginstall framework instead.",
		"_REPLACE.*":         "Use REPLACE.* instead.",
		"_REPLACE_FILES.*":   "Use REPLACE_FILES.* instead.",
		"MESSAGE":            "Use MESSAGE_SRC instead.",
		"INSTALL_FILE":       "It may only be used internally by pkgsrc.",
		"DEINSTALL_FILE":     "It may only be used internally by pkgsrc.",

		// July 2006
		"USE_DIGEST":           "You can just remove it.",
		"LTCONFIG_OVERRIDE":    "You can just remove it.",
		"USE_GNU_GETTEXT":      "You can just remove it.",
		"BUILD_ENV":            "Use PKGSRC_MAKE_ENV instead.",
		"DYNAMIC_MASTER_SITES": "You can just remove it.",

		// September 2006
		"MAKEFILE": "Use MAKE_FILE instead.",

		// November 2006
		"SKIP_PORTABILITY_CHECK": "Use CHECK_PORTABILITY_SKIP (a list of patterns) instead.",

		// January 2007

		// March 2007
		"SCRIPTDIR":       "You can just remove it.",
		"NO_PKG_REGISTER": "You can just remove it.",
		"NO_DEPENDS":      "You can just remove it.",

		// October 2007
		"_PKG_SILENT": "Use RUN (with more error checking) instead.",
		"_PKG_DEBUG":  "Use RUN (with more error checking) instead.",
		"LICENCE":     "Use LICENSE instead.",

		// November 2007
		//USE_NCURSES: Include "../../devel/ncurses/buildlink3.mk" instead.

		// December 2007

		// April 2009
		"NO_PACKAGE": "It doesn't exist anymore.",
		"NO_MTREE":   "You can just remove it.",

		// July 2012
		"GAMEGRP":    "Use GAMES_GROUP instead.",
		"GAMEOWN":    "Use GAMES_USER instead.",

		// July 2013
		"USE_GNU_READLINE": "Include \"../../devel/readline/buildlink3.mk\" instead.",

		// October 2014
		"SVR4_PKGNAME":           "Just remove it.",
		"PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES": "Just remove it.",

		// November 2015, commit abccb56
		"EVAL_PREFIX": "All packages are installed in PREFIX now.",

		// January 2016
		"SUBST_POSTCMD.*": "Has been removed, as it seemed unused.",

		// June 2016
		"USE_CROSSBASE": "Has been removed.",

// Load loads the file relative to the pkgsrc top directory.
func (src *Pkgsrc) Load(filename string, options LoadOptions) *Lines {
	return Load(src.File(filename), options)

// LoadMk loads the Makefile relative to the pkgsrc top directory.
func (src *Pkgsrc) LoadMk(filename string, options LoadOptions) *MkLines {
	return LoadMk(src.File(filename), options)

func (src *Pkgsrc) LoadMkInfra(filename string, options LoadOptions) *MkLines {
	if G.Testing {
		// During testing, the infrastructure files don't have to exist.
		// They are often emulated by setting their data structures manually.
		options &^= MustSucceed
	return src.LoadMk(filename, options)

// ReadDir lists the files and subdirectories from the given directory
// (relative to the pkgsrc root), filtering out any ignored files (CVS/*)
// and empty directories.
func (src *Pkgsrc) ReadDir(dirName string) []os.FileInfo {
	dir := src.File(dirName)
	files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	var relevantFiles []os.FileInfo
	for _, dirent := range files {
		name := dirent.Name()
		if !dirent.IsDir() || !isIgnoredFilename(name) && !isEmptyDir(joinPath(dir, name)) {
			relevantFiles = append(relevantFiles, dirent)

	return relevantFiles

// File resolves a filename relative to the pkgsrc top directory.
// Example:
//  NewPkgsrc("/usr/pkgsrc").File("distfiles") => "/usr/pkgsrc/distfiles"
func (src *Pkgsrc) File(relativeName string) string {
	// TODO: Package.File resolves variables, Pkgsrc.File doesn't. They should behave the same.
	return cleanpath(joinPath(src.topdir, relativeName))

// ToRel returns the path of `filename`, relative to the pkgsrc top directory.
// Example:
//  NewPkgsrc("/usr/pkgsrc").ToRel("/usr/pkgsrc/distfiles") => "distfiles"
func (src *Pkgsrc) ToRel(filename string) string {
	return relpath(src.topdir, filename)

// IsInfra returns whether the given filename (relative to the pkglint
// working directory) is part of the pkgsrc infrastructure.
func (src *Pkgsrc) IsInfra(filename string) bool {
	rel := src.ToRel(filename)
	return hasPrefix(rel, "mk/") || hasPrefix(rel, "wip/mk/")

func (src *Pkgsrc) addBuildDefs(varnames ...string) {
	for _, varname := range varnames {
		src.buildDefs[varname] = true

// IsBuildDef returns whether the given variable is automatically added
// to BUILD_DEFS by the pkgsrc infrastructure. In such a case, the
// package doesn't need to add the variable to BUILD_DEFS itself.
func (src *Pkgsrc) IsBuildDef(varname string) bool {
	return src.buildDefs[varname]

func (src *Pkgsrc) loadMasterSites() {
	mklines := src.LoadMk("mk/fetch/sites.mk", MustSucceed|NotEmpty)

	for _, mkline := range mklines.mklines {
		if mkline.IsVarassign() {
			varname := mkline.Varname()
			// TODO: Give a plausible reason for the MASTER_SITE_BACKUP exception.
			if hasPrefix(varname, "MASTER_SITE_") && varname != "MASTER_SITE_BACKUP" {
				for _, url := range mkline.ValueFields(mkline.Value()) {
					if matches(url, `^(?:http://|https://|ftp://)`) {
						src.registerMasterSite(varname, url)

				// TODO: register variable type, to avoid redundant definitions in vardefs.go.

	// Explicitly allowed, although not defined in mk/fetch/sites.mk.
	// TODO: Document where this definition comes from and why it is good.
	src.registerMasterSite("MASTER_SITE_LOCAL", "ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/pkgsrc/distfiles/LOCAL_PORTS/")

	if trace.Tracing {
		trace.Stepf("Loaded %d MASTER_SITE_* URLs.", len(src.MasterSiteURLToVar))

func (src *Pkgsrc) registerMasterSite(varname, url string) {
	nameToURL := src.MasterSiteVarToURL
	urlToName := src.MasterSiteURLToVar

	if nameToURL[varname] == "" {
		nameToURL[varname] = url
	urlToName[replaceAll(url, `^\w+://`, "")] = varname

func (src *Pkgsrc) loadPkgOptions() {
	lines := src.Load("mk/defaults/options.description", MustSucceed)

	for _, line := range lines.Lines {
		if m, name, description := match2(line.Text, `^([-0-9a-z_+]+)(?:[\t ]+(.*))?$`); m {
			src.PkgOptions[name] = description
		} else {
			line.Errorf("Invalid line format: %s", line.Text)

// VariableType returns the type of the variable
// (possibly guessed based on the variable name),
// or nil if the type cannot even be guessed.
func (src *Pkgsrc) VariableType(mklines *MkLines, varname string) (vartype *Vartype) {
	if trace.Tracing {
		defer trace.Call(varname, trace.Result(&vartype))()

	// When scanning mk/** for otherwise unknown variables, their type
	// is set to BtUnknown. These variables must not override the guess
	// based on the variable name.
	vartype = src.vartypes.Canon(varname)
	if vartype != nil && vartype.basicType != BtUnknown {
		return vartype

	if tool := G.ToolByVarname(mklines, varname); tool != nil {
		if trace.Tracing {
			trace.Stepf("Use of tool %+v", tool)
		perms := aclpUse
		if tool.Validity == AfterPrefsMk && mklines.Tools.SeenPrefs {
			perms |= aclpUseLoadtime
		return NewVartype(BtShellCommand, NoVartypeOptions, NewACLEntry("*", perms))

	if m, toolVarname := match1(varname, `^TOOLS_(.*)`); m {
		if tool := G.ToolByVarname(mklines, toolVarname); tool != nil {
			return NewVartype(BtPathname, NoVartypeOptions, NewACLEntry("*", aclpUse))

	return src.guessVariableType(varname)

// guessVariableType guesses the data type of the variable based on naming conventions.
func (src *Pkgsrc) guessVariableType(varname string) (vartype *Vartype) {
	plainType := func(basicType *BasicType, permissions ACLPermissions) *Vartype {
		gtype := NewVartype(basicType, Guessed, NewACLEntry("*", permissions))
		trace.Step2("The guessed type of %q is %q.", varname, gtype.String())
		return gtype
	listType := func(basicType *BasicType, permissions ACLPermissions) *Vartype {
		gtype := NewVartype(basicType, List|Guessed, NewACLEntry("*", permissions))
		trace.Step2("The guessed type of %q is %q.", varname, gtype.String())
		return gtype

	varbase := varnameBase(varname)
	switch {
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "DIRS"):
		return listType(BtPathPattern, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "DIR") && !hasSuffix(varbase, "DESTDIR"), hasSuffix(varname, "_HOME"):
		// TODO: hasSuffix(varbase, "BASE")
		return plainType(BtPathname, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "FILES"):
		return listType(BtPathPattern, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "FILE"):
		return plainType(BtPathname, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "PATH"):
		return plainType(BtPathlist, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "PATHS"):
		return listType(BtPathname, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "_USER"):
		return plainType(BtUserGroupName, aclpAll)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "_GROUP"):
		return plainType(BtUserGroupName, aclpAll)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "_ENV"):
		return listType(BtShellWord, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "_CMD"):
		return plainType(BtShellCommand, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "_ARGS"):
		return listType(BtShellWord, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "_CFLAGS"), hasSuffix(varname, "_CPPFLAGS"), hasSuffix(varname, "_CXXFLAGS"):
		return listType(BtCFlag, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varname, "_LDFLAGS"):
		return listType(BtLdFlag, aclpAllRuntime)
	case hasSuffix(varname, "FLAGS"):
		return listType(BtShellWord, aclpAll)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "_MK"):
		// TODO: Add BtGuard for inclusion guards, since these variables may only be checked using defined().
		return plainType(BtUnknown, aclpAll)
	case hasSuffix(varbase, "_SKIP"):
		return listType(BtPathPattern, aclpAllRuntime)

	// Variables whose name doesn't match the above patterns may be
	// looked up from the pkgsrc infrastructure.
	// As of May 2019, pkglint only distinguishes plain variables and
	// list variables, but not "unknown". Therefore the above patterns
	// must take precedence over this rule, because otherwise, list
	// variables from the infrastructure would be guessed to be plain
	// variables.
	vartype = src.vartypes.Canon(varname)
	if vartype != nil {
		return vartype

	if trace.Tracing {
		trace.Step1("No type definition found for %q.", varname)
	return nil

// Change describes a modification to a single package, from the doc/CHANGES-* files.
type Change struct {
	Location Location
	Action   ChangeAction // Added, Updated, Downgraded, Renamed, Moved, Removed
	Pkgpath  string       // For renamed or moved packages, the previous PKGPATH
	target   string
	Author   string
	Date     string

// Version returns the version number for an Added, Updated or Downgraded package.
func (ch *Change) Version() string {
	assert(ch.Action == Added || ch.Action == Updated || ch.Action == Downgraded)
	return ch.target

// Target returns the target PKGPATH for a Renamed or Moved package.
func (ch *Change) Target() string {
	assert(ch.Action == Renamed || ch.Action == Moved)
	return ch.target

// Successor returns the successor for a Removed package.
func (ch *Change) Successor() string {
	assert(ch.Action == Removed)
	return ch.target

func (ch *Change) Above(other *Change) bool {
	if ch.Date != other.Date {
		return ch.Date < other.Date
	return ch.Location.firstLine < other.Location.firstLine

type ChangeAction uint8

const (
	Added ChangeAction = 1 + iota

func ParseChangeAction(s string) ChangeAction {
	switch s {
	case "Added":
		return Added
	case "Updated":
		return Updated
	case "Downgraded":
		return Downgraded
	case "Renamed":
		return Renamed
	case "Moved":
		return Moved
	case "Removed":
		return Removed
	return 0

func (ca ChangeAction) String() string {
	return [...]string{"", "Added", "Updated", "Downgraded", "Renamed", "Moved", "Removed"}[ca]

// SuggestedUpdate describes a desired package update, from the doc/TODO file.
type SuggestedUpdate struct {
	Line    Location
	Pkgname string
	Version string
	Comment string