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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / pkgtools / pkglint / files / Attic / package.go (download)

Revision 1.48, Sun Mar 24 13:58:38 2019 UTC (5 years ago) by rillig
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: pkgsrc-2019Q1-base, pkgsrc-2019Q1
Changes since 1.47: +150 -27 lines

pkgtools/pkglint: update to 5.7.3

Changes since 5.7.2:

PLIST files are checked for non-ASCII characters. Even though pkgsrc
sets up the environment with LC_ALL=C, there are still some cases
of encoding errors. The case discussed on the tech-pkg mailing list
was lang/go112.

The checks for variable permissions ("may not be set in this file")
have been reworked completely. Many of the variable permissions had
different rules for Makefile and Makefile.common. These different
rules tried to prevent accidental overwriting of variables. Starting
in July 2018, pkglint got a check for redundant variables that is
far more accurate than the previous variable permissions. Therefore
these fine-grained permissions are no longer necessary. This removes
a few hundred wrong warnings about insufficient permissions.

The check that adds missing SHA512 hashes to distinfo files has been
fixed to work correctly in DIST_SUBDIR cases.

Improved the checks regarding tools that are used by a package but
not added to USE_TOOLS. For example, the "make" tool is always
available, as are all tools that are added to TOOLS_CREATE.

Lots of small improvements, as always.

package pkglint

import (

// TODO: What about package names that refer to other variables?
const rePkgname = `^([\w\-.+]+)-(\d[.0-9A-Z_a-z]*)$`

// Package is the pkgsrc package that is currently checked.
// Most of the information is loaded first, and after loading the actual checks take place.
// This is necessary because variables in Makefiles may be used before they are defined,
// and such dependencies often span multiple files that are included indirectly.
type Package struct {
	dir                  string       // The directory of the package, for resolving files
	Pkgpath              string       // e.g. "category/pkgdir"
	Pkgdir               string       // PKGDIR from the package Makefile
	Filesdir             string       // FILESDIR from the package Makefile
	Patchdir             string       // PATCHDIR from the package Makefile
	DistinfoFile         string       // DISTINFO_FILE from the package Makefile
	EffectivePkgname     string       // PKGNAME or DISTNAME from the package Makefile, including nb13
	EffectivePkgbase     string       // EffectivePkgname without the version
	EffectivePkgversion  string       // The version part of the effective PKGNAME, excluding nb13
	EffectivePkgnameLine MkLine       // The origin of the three Effective* values
	Plist                PlistContent // Files and directories mentioned in the PLIST files

	vars Scope
	bl3  map[string]MkLine // buildlink3.mk name => line; contains only buildlink3.mk files that are directly included.

	// Remembers the Makefile fragments that have already been included.
	// The key to the map is the filename relative to the package directory.
	// Typical keys are "../../category/package/buildlink3.mk".
	// TODO: Include files with multiple-inclusion guard only once.
	// TODO: Include files without multiple-inclusion guard as often as needed.
	// TODO: Set an upper limit, to prevent denial of service.
	included Once

	seenMakefileCommon bool // Does the package have any .includes?

	// Files from .include lines that are nested inside .if.
	// They often depend on OPSYS or on the existence of files in the build environment.
	conditionalIncludes map[string]MkLine
	// Files from .include lines that are not nested.
	// These are cross-checked with buildlink3.mk whether they are unconditional there, too.
	unconditionalIncludes map[string]MkLine

	once                 Once
	IgnoreMissingPatches bool // In distinfo, don't warn about patches that cannot be found.

func NewPackage(dir string) *Package {
	pkgpath := G.Pkgsrc.ToRel(dir)
	if strings.Count(pkgpath, "/") != 1 {
		G.Assertf(false, "Package directory %q must be two subdirectories below the pkgsrc root %q.",
			dir, G.Pkgsrc.File("."))

	pkg := Package{
		dir:                   dir,
		Pkgpath:               pkgpath,
		Pkgdir:                ".",
		Filesdir:              "files",              // TODO: Redundant, see the vars.Fallback below.
		Patchdir:              "patches",            // TODO: Redundant, see the vars.Fallback below.
		DistinfoFile:          "${PKGDIR}/distinfo", // TODO: Redundant, see the vars.Fallback below.
		Plist:                 NewPlistContent(),
		vars:                  NewScope(),
		bl3:                   make(map[string]MkLine),
		included:              Once{},
		conditionalIncludes:   make(map[string]MkLine),
		unconditionalIncludes: make(map[string]MkLine),

	pkg.vars.Fallback("PKGDIR", ".")
	pkg.vars.Fallback("DISTINFO_FILE", "${PKGDIR}/distinfo")
	pkg.vars.Fallback("FILESDIR", "files")
	pkg.vars.Fallback("PATCHDIR", "patches")
	pkg.vars.Fallback("KRB5_TYPE", "heimdal")
	pkg.vars.Fallback("PGSQL_VERSION", "95")
	pkg.vars.Fallback(".CURDIR", ".") // FIXME: In reality, this is an absolute pathname.

	return &pkg

// File returns the (possibly absolute) path to relativeFileName,
// as resolved from the package's directory.
// Variables that are known in the package are resolved, e.g. ${PKGDIR}.
func (pkg *Package) File(relativeFileName string) string {
	return cleanpath(resolveVariableRefs(pkg.dir + "/" + relativeFileName))

func (pkg *Package) checkPossibleDowngrade() {
	if trace.Tracing {
		defer trace.Call0()()

	m, _, pkgversion := match2(pkg.EffectivePkgname, rePkgname)
	if !m {

	mkline := pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine

	change := G.Pkgsrc.LastChange[pkg.Pkgpath]
	if change == nil {
		if trace.Tracing {
			trace.Step1("No change log for package %q", pkg.Pkgpath)

	if change.Action == "Updated" {
		changeVersion := replaceAll(change.Version, `nb\d+$`, "")
		if pkgver.Compare(pkgversion, changeVersion) < 0 {
			mkline.Warnf("The package is being downgraded from %s (see %s) to %s.",
				change.Version, mkline.Line.RefToLocation(change.Location), pkgversion)
				"The files in doc/CHANGES-*, in which all version changes are",
				"recorded, have a higher version number than what the package says.",
				"This is unusual, since packages are typically upgraded instead of",

			// TODO: Check whether the current version is mentioned in doc/CHANGES.

// checkLinesBuildlink3Inclusion checks whether the package Makefile and
// the corresponding buildlink3.mk agree for all included buildlink3.mk
// files whether they are included conditionally or unconditionally.
func (pkg *Package) checkLinesBuildlink3Inclusion(mklines MkLines) {
	if trace.Tracing {
		defer trace.Call0()()

	// Collect all the included buildlink3.mk files from the file.
	includedFiles := make(map[string]MkLine)
	for _, mkline := range mklines.mklines {
		if mkline.IsInclude() {
			includedFile := mkline.IncludedFile()
			if matches(includedFile, `^\.\./\.\./.*/buildlink3\.mk`) {
				includedFiles[includedFile] = mkline
				if pkg.bl3[includedFile] == nil {
					mkline.Warnf("%s is included by this file but not by the package.", includedFile)

	if trace.Tracing {
		for packageBl3 := range pkg.bl3 {
			if includedFiles[packageBl3] == nil {
				trace.Step1("%s is included by the package but not by the buildlink3.mk file.", packageBl3)

func (pkg *Package) load() ([]string, MkLines, MkLines) {
	// Load the package Makefile and all included files,
	// to collect all used and defined variables and similar data.
	mklines, allLines := pkg.loadPackageMakefile()
	if mklines == nil {
		return nil, nil, nil

	files := dirglob(pkg.File("."))
	if pkg.Pkgdir != "." {
		files = append(files, dirglob(pkg.File(pkg.Pkgdir))...)
	if G.Opts.CheckExtra {
		files = append(files, dirglob(pkg.File(pkg.Filesdir))...)
	files = append(files, dirglob(pkg.File(pkg.Patchdir))...)
	if pkg.DistinfoFile != pkg.vars.fallback["DISTINFO_FILE"] {
		files = append(files, pkg.File(pkg.DistinfoFile))

	// Determine the used variables and PLIST directories before checking any of the Makefile fragments.
	// TODO: Why is this code necessary? What effect does it have?
	for _, filename := range files {
		basename := path.Base(filename)
		if (hasPrefix(basename, "Makefile.") || hasSuffix(filename, ".mk")) &&
			!matches(filename, `patch-`) &&
			!contains(filename, pkg.Pkgdir+"/") &&
			!contains(filename, pkg.Filesdir+"/") {
			if fragmentMklines := LoadMk(filename, MustSucceed); fragmentMklines != nil {
		if hasPrefix(basename, "PLIST") {

	return files, mklines, allLines

func (pkg *Package) check(files []string, mklines, allLines MkLines) {
	haveDistinfo := false
	havePatches := false

	for _, filename := range files {
		if containsVarRef(filename) {
			if trace.Tracing {
				trace.Stepf("Skipping file %q because the name contains an unresolved variable.", filename)

		st, err := os.Lstat(filename)
		switch {
		case err != nil:
			// For missing custom distinfo file, an error message is already generated
			// for the line where DISTINFO_FILE is defined.
			// For all other cases it is next to impossible to reach this branch
			// since all those files come from calls to dirglob.

		case path.Base(filename) == "Makefile":
			G.checkExecutable(filename, st.Mode())
			pkg.checkfilePackageMakefile(filename, mklines, allLines)

			G.checkDirent(filename, st.Mode())

		if contains(filename, "/patches/patch-") {
			havePatches = true
		} else if hasSuffix(filename, "/distinfo") {
			haveDistinfo = true

	if pkg.Pkgdir == "." {
		if havePatches && !haveDistinfo {
			// TODO: Add Line.RefTo to make the context clear.
			NewLineWhole(pkg.File(pkg.DistinfoFile)).Warnf("File not found. Please run %q.", bmake("makepatchsum"))

func (pkg *Package) loadPackageMakefile() (MkLines, MkLines) {
	filename := pkg.File("Makefile")
	if trace.Tracing {
		defer trace.Call1(filename)()

	mainLines := NewMkLines(NewLines(filename, nil))
	allLines := NewMkLines(NewLines("", nil))
	if _, result := pkg.readMakefile(filename, mainLines, allLines, ""); !result {
		LoadMk(filename, NotEmpty|LogErrors) // Just for the LogErrors.
		return nil, nil

	// TODO: Is this still necessary? This code is 20 years old and was introduced
	//  when pkglint loaded the package Makefile including all included files into
	//  a single string. Maybe it makes sense to print the file inclusion hierarchy
	//  to quickly see files that cannot be included because of unresolved variables.
	if G.Opts.DumpMakefile {
		G.out.WriteLine("Whole Makefile (with all included files) follows:")
		for _, line := range allLines.lines.Lines {

	// See mk/tools/cmake.mk
	if pkg.vars.Defined("USE_CMAKE") {
		mainLines.Tools.def("cmake", "", false, AtRunTime)
		mainLines.Tools.def("cpack", "", false, AtRunTime)


	pkg.Pkgdir = pkg.vars.LastValue("PKGDIR")
	pkg.DistinfoFile = pkg.vars.LastValue("DISTINFO_FILE")
	pkg.Filesdir = pkg.vars.LastValue("FILESDIR")
	pkg.Patchdir = pkg.vars.LastValue("PATCHDIR")

	// See lang/php/ext.mk
	if varIsDefinedSimilar(pkg, nil, "PHPEXT_MK") {
		if !varIsDefinedSimilar(pkg, nil, "USE_PHP_EXT_PATCHES") {
			pkg.Patchdir = "patches"
		if varIsDefinedSimilar(pkg, nil, "PECL_VERSION") {
			pkg.DistinfoFile = "distinfo"
		} else {
			pkg.IgnoreMissingPatches = true

		// For PHP modules that are not PECL, this combination means that
		// the patches in the distinfo cannot be found in PATCHDIR.

	if trace.Tracing {
		trace.Step1("DISTINFO_FILE=%s", pkg.DistinfoFile)
		trace.Step1("FILESDIR=%s", pkg.Filesdir)
		trace.Step1("PATCHDIR=%s", pkg.Patchdir)
		trace.Step1("PKGDIR=%s", pkg.Pkgdir)

	return mainLines, allLines

// TODO: What is allLines used for, is it still necessary? Would it be better as a field in Package?
func (pkg *Package) readMakefile(filename string, mainLines MkLines, allLines MkLines, includingFileForUsedCheck string) (exists bool, result bool) {
	if trace.Tracing {
		defer trace.Call1(filename)()

	fileMklines := LoadMk(filename, NotEmpty) // TODO: Document why omitting LogErrors is correct here.
	if fileMklines == nil {
		return false, false

	exists = true
	result = true

	isMainMakefile := len(mainLines.mklines) == 0

	handleIncludeLine := func(mkline MkLine) YesNoUnknown {
		includedFile, incDir, incBase := pkg.findIncludedFile(mkline, filename)

		if includedFile == "" {
			return unknown

		dirname, _ := path.Split(filename)
		dirname = cleanpath(dirname)
		fullIncluded := dirname + "/" + includedFile
		relIncludedFile := relpath(pkg.dir, fullIncluded)

		if !pkg.diveInto(filename, includedFile) {
			return unknown

		if !pkg.included.FirstTime(relIncludedFile) {
			return unknown

		if matches(includedFile, `^\.\./[^./][^/]*/[^/]+`) {
			if G.Wip && contains(includedFile, "/mk/") {
				mkline.Warnf("References to the pkgsrc-wip infrastructure should look like \"../../wip/mk\", not \"../mk\".")
			} else {
				mkline.Warnf("References to other packages should look like \"../../category/package\", not \"../package\".")

		pkg.collectUsedBy(mkline, incDir, incBase, includedFile)

		if trace.Tracing {
			trace.Step1("Including %q.", fullIncluded)
		fullIncluding := ifelseStr(incBase == "Makefile.common" && incDir != "", filename, "")
		innerExists, innerResult := pkg.readMakefile(fullIncluded, mainLines, allLines, fullIncluding)

		if !innerExists {
			if fileMklines.indentation.IsCheckedFile(includedFile) {
				return yes // See https://github.com/rillig/pkglint/issues/1

			// Only look in the directory relative to the
			// current file and in the package directory.
			// Make(1) has a list of include directories, but pkgsrc
			// doesn't make use of that, so pkglint also doesn't
			// need this extra complexity.
			pkgBasedir := pkg.File(".")
			if dirname != pkgBasedir { // Prevent unnecessary syscalls
				dirname = pkgBasedir

				fullIncludedFallback := dirname + "/" + includedFile
				innerExists, innerResult = pkg.readMakefile(fullIncludedFallback, mainLines, allLines, fullIncluding)

			if !innerExists {
				mkline.Errorf("Cannot read %q.", includedFile)

		if !innerResult {
			result = false
			return no

		return unknown

	lineAction := func(mkline MkLine) bool {
		if isMainMakefile {
			mainLines.mklines = append(mainLines.mklines, mkline)
			mainLines.lines.Lines = append(mainLines.lines.Lines, mkline.Line)
		allLines.mklines = append(allLines.mklines, mkline)
		allLines.lines.Lines = append(allLines.lines.Lines, mkline.Line)

		if mkline.IsInclude() {
			includeResult := handleIncludeLine(mkline)
			if includeResult != unknown {
				return includeResult == yes

		if mkline.IsVarassign() {
			varname, op, value := mkline.Varname(), mkline.Op(), mkline.Value()

			if op != opAssignDefault || !pkg.vars.Defined(varname) {
				if trace.Tracing {
					trace.Stepf("varassign(%q, %q, %q)", varname, op, value)
				pkg.vars.Define(varname, mkline)
		return true

	atEnd := func(mkline MkLine) {}
	fileMklines.ForEachEnd(lineAction, atEnd)

	if includingFileForUsedCheck != "" {

	// For every included buildlink3.mk, include the corresponding builtin.mk
	// automatically since the pkgsrc infrastructure does the same.
	if path.Base(filename) == "buildlink3.mk" {
		builtin := cleanpath(path.Dir(filename) + "/builtin.mk")
		builtinRel := relpath(pkg.dir, builtin)
		if pkg.included.FirstTime(builtinRel) && fileExists(builtin) {
			pkg.readMakefile(builtin, mainLines, allLines, "")


func (pkg *Package) diveInto(includingFile string, includedFile string) bool {

	// The variables that appear in these files are largely modeled by
	// pkglint in the file vardefs.go. Therefore parsing these files again
	// doesn't make much sense.
	if hasSuffix(includedFile, "/bsd.pkg.mk") || IsPrefs(includedFile) {
		return false

	// All files that are included from outside of the pkgsrc infrastructure
	// are relevant. This is typically mk/compiler.mk or the various
	// mk/*.buildlink3.mk files.
	if !contains(includingFile, "/mk/") {
		return true

	// The mk/*.buildlink3.mk files often come with a companion file called
	// mk/*.builtin.mk, which also defines variables that are visible from
	// the package.
	// This case is needed for getting the redundancy check right. Without it
	// there will be warnings about redundant assignments to the
	// BUILTIN_CHECK.pthread variable.
	if contains(includingFile, "buildlink3.mk") && contains(includedFile, "builtin.mk") {
		return true

	return false

func (pkg *Package) collectUsedBy(mkline MkLine, incDir string, incBase string, includedFile string) {
	switch {
		mkline.Basename != "Makefile",
		hasPrefix(incDir, "../../mk/"),
		incBase == "buildlink3.mk",
		incBase == "builtin.mk",
		incBase == "options.mk":

	if trace.Tracing {
		trace.Step1("Including %q sets seenMakefileCommon.", includedFile)
	pkg.seenMakefileCommon = true

func (pkg *Package) findIncludedFile(mkline MkLine, includingFilename string) (includedFile, incDir, incBase string) {

	// TODO: resolveVariableRefs uses G.Pkg implicitly. It should be made explicit.
	// TODO: Try to combine resolveVariableRefs and ResolveVarsInRelativePath.
	includedFile = resolveVariableRefs(mkline.ResolveVarsInRelativePath(mkline.IncludedFile()))
	if containsVarRef(includedFile) {
		if trace.Tracing && !contains(includingFilename, "/mk/") {
			trace.Stepf("%s:%s: Skipping include file %q. This may result in false warnings.",
				mkline.Filename, mkline.Linenos(), includedFile)
		includedFile = ""
	incDir, incBase = path.Split(includedFile)

	if includedFile != "" {
		if mkline.Basename != "buildlink3.mk" {
			if matches(includedFile, `^\.\./\.\./(.*)/buildlink3\.mk$`) {
				pkg.bl3[includedFile] = mkline
				if trace.Tracing {
					trace.Step1("Buildlink3 file in package: %q", includedFile)


func (pkg *Package) checkfilePackageMakefile(filename string, mklines MkLines, allLines MkLines) {
	if trace.Tracing {
		defer trace.Call1(filename)()

	vars := pkg.vars
	if !vars.Defined("PLIST_SRC") &&
		!vars.Defined("GENERATE_PLIST") &&
		!vars.Defined("META_PACKAGE") &&
		!fileExists(pkg.File(pkg.Pkgdir+"/PLIST")) &&
		!fileExists(pkg.File(pkg.Pkgdir+"/PLIST.common")) {
		// TODO: Move these technical details into the explanation, making space for an understandable warning.
		NewLineWhole(filename).Warnf("Neither PLIST nor PLIST.common exist, and PLIST_SRC is unset.")

	if (vars.Defined("NO_CHECKSUM") ||
		vars.Defined("META_PACKAGE")) && isEmptyDir(pkg.File(pkg.Patchdir)) {

		if distinfoFile := pkg.File(pkg.DistinfoFile); fileExists(distinfoFile) {
			NewLineWhole(distinfoFile).Warnf("This file should not exist if NO_CHECKSUM or META_PACKAGE is set.")
	} else {
		if distinfoFile := pkg.File(pkg.DistinfoFile); !containsVarRef(distinfoFile) && !fileExists(distinfoFile) {
				"File not found. Please run %q or define NO_CHECKSUM=yes in the package Makefile.", bmake("makesum"))

	// TODO: There are other REPLACE_* variables which are probably also affected by NO_CONFIGURE.
	if noConfigureLine := vars.FirstDefinition("NO_CONFIGURE"); noConfigureLine != nil {
		if replacePerlLine := vars.FirstDefinition("REPLACE_PERL"); replacePerlLine != nil {
			replacePerlLine.Warnf("REPLACE_PERL is ignored when NO_CONFIGURE is set (in %s).",

	if !vars.Defined("LICENSE") && !vars.Defined("META_PACKAGE") && pkg.once.FirstTime("LICENSE") {
		line := NewLineWhole(filename)
		line.Errorf("Each package must define its LICENSE.")
		// TODO: Explain why the LICENSE is necessary.
			"To take a good guess on the license of a package,",
			sprintf("run %q.", bmake("guess-license")))

	scope := NewRedundantScope()
	scope.Check(allLines) // Updates the variables in the scope


	if !vars.Defined("COMMENT") {
		NewLineWhole(filename).Warnf("Each package should define a COMMENT.")

	if imake := vars.FirstDefinition("USE_IMAKE"); imake != nil {
		if x11 := vars.FirstDefinition("USE_X11"); x11 != nil {
			if !hasSuffix(x11.Filename, "/mk/x11.buildlink3.mk") {
				imake.Notef("USE_IMAKE makes USE_X11 in %s redundant.", imake.RefTo(x11))


func (pkg *Package) checkGnuConfigureUseLanguages(s *RedundantScope) {

	gnuConfigure := s.vars["GNU_CONFIGURE"]
	if gnuConfigure == nil || !gnuConfigure.vari.Constant() {

	useLanguages := s.vars["USE_LANGUAGES"]
	if useLanguages == nil || !useLanguages.vari.Constant() {

	var wrongLines []MkLine
	for _, mkline := range useLanguages.vari.WriteLocations() {

		if G.Pkgsrc.IsInfra(mkline.Line.Filename) {

		if matches(mkline.VarassignComment(), `(?-i)\b(?:c|empty|none)\b`) {
			// Don't emit a warning since the comment probably contains a
			// statement that C is really not needed.

		languages := mkline.Value()
		if matches(languages, `(?:^|[\t ]+)(?:c|c99|objc)(?:[\t ]+|$)`) {

		wrongLines = append(wrongLines, mkline)

	gnuLine := gnuConfigure.vari.WriteLocations()[0]
	for _, useLine := range wrongLines {
			"GNU_CONFIGURE almost always needs a C compiler, "+
				"but \"c\" is not added to USE_LANGUAGES in %s.",

// nbPart determines the smallest part of the package version number,
// typically "nb13" or an empty string.
// It is only used inside pkgsrc to mark changes that are
// independent from the upstream package.
func (pkg *Package) nbPart() string {
	pkgrevision := pkg.vars.LastValue("PKGREVISION")
	if rev, err := strconv.Atoi(pkgrevision); err == nil {
		return "nb" + strconv.Itoa(rev)
	return ""

func (pkg *Package) determineEffectivePkgVars() {
	distnameLine := pkg.vars.FirstDefinition("DISTNAME")
	pkgnameLine := pkg.vars.FirstDefinition("PKGNAME")

	distname := ""
	if distnameLine != nil {
		distname = distnameLine.Value()

	pkgname := ""
	if pkgnameLine != nil {
		pkgname = pkgnameLine.Value()

	effname := pkgname
	if distname != "" && effname != "" {
		merged, ok := pkg.pkgnameFromDistname(effname, distname)
		if ok {
			effname = merged

	if pkgname != "" && (pkgname == distname || pkgname == "${DISTNAME}") {
		if pkgnameLine.VarassignComment() == "" {
			pkgnameLine.Notef("This assignment is probably redundant " +
				"since PKGNAME is ${DISTNAME} by default.")
				"To mark this assignment as necessary, add a comment to the end of this line.")

	if pkgname == "" && distname != "" && !containsVarRef(distname) && !matches(distname, rePkgname) {
		distnameLine.Warnf("As DISTNAME is not a valid package name, please define the PKGNAME explicitly.")

	if pkgname != "" {
		distname = ""

	if effname != "" && !containsVarRef(effname) {
		if m, m1, m2 := match2(effname, rePkgname); m {
			pkg.EffectivePkgname = effname + pkg.nbPart()
			pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine = pkgnameLine
			pkg.EffectivePkgbase = m1
			pkg.EffectivePkgversion = m2

	if pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine == nil && distname != "" && !containsVarRef(distname) {
		if m, m1, m2 := match2(distname, rePkgname); m {
			pkg.EffectivePkgname = distname + pkg.nbPart()
			pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine = distnameLine
			pkg.EffectivePkgbase = m1
			pkg.EffectivePkgversion = m2

	if pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine != nil {
		if trace.Tracing {
			trace.Stepf("Effective name=%q base=%q version=%q",
				pkg.EffectivePkgname, pkg.EffectivePkgbase, pkg.EffectivePkgversion)

func (pkg *Package) pkgnameFromDistname(pkgname, distname string) (string, bool) {
	tokens := NewMkParser(nil, pkgname, false).MkTokens()

	// TODO: Make this resolving of variable references available to all other variables as well.

	var result strings.Builder
	for _, token := range tokens {
		if token.Varuse != nil {
			if token.Varuse.varname != "DISTNAME" {
				return "", false

			newDistname := distname
			for _, mod := range token.Varuse.modifiers {
				if mod.IsToLower() {
					newDistname = strings.ToLower(newDistname)
				} else if subst, ok := mod.Subst(newDistname); ok {
					newDistname = subst
				} else {
					return "", false
		} else {
	return result.String(), true

func (pkg *Package) checkUpdate() {
	if pkg.EffectivePkgbase == "" {

	for _, sugg := range G.Pkgsrc.SuggestedUpdates() {
		if pkg.EffectivePkgbase != sugg.Pkgname {

		suggver, comment := sugg.Version, sugg.Comment
		if comment != "" {
			comment = " (" + comment + ")"

		pkgnameLine := pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine
		cmp := pkgver.Compare(pkg.EffectivePkgversion, suggver)
		switch {

		case cmp < 0:
			pkgnameLine.Warnf("This package should be updated to %s%s.",
				sugg.Version, comment)
				"The wishlist for package updates in doc/TODO mentions that a newer",
				"version of this package is available.")

		case cmp > 0:
			pkgnameLine.Notef("This package is newer than the update request to %s%s.",
				suggver, comment)

			pkgnameLine.Notef("The update request to %s from doc/TODO%s has been done.",
				suggver, comment)

// CheckVarorder checks that in simple package Makefiles,
// the most common variables appear in a fixed order.
// The order itself is a little arbitrary but provides
// at least a bit of consistency.
func (pkg *Package) CheckVarorder(mklines MkLines) {
	if trace.Tracing {
		defer trace.Call0()()

	if pkg.seenMakefileCommon {

	type Repetition uint8
	const (
		optional Repetition = iota

	type Variable struct {
		varname    string
		repetition Repetition

	type Section struct {
		repetition Repetition
		vars       []Variable

	variable := func(name string, repetition Repetition) Variable { return Variable{name, repetition} }
	section := func(repetition Repetition, vars ...Variable) Section { return Section{repetition, vars} }

	// See doc/Makefile-example.
	// See https://netbsd.org/docs/pkgsrc/pkgsrc.html#components.Makefile.
	var sections = []Section{
			variable("GITHUB_PROJECT", optional), // either here or below MASTER_SITES
			variable("GITHUB_TAG", optional),
			variable("DISTNAME", optional),
			variable("PKGNAME", optional),
			variable("PKGREVISION", optional),
			variable("CATEGORIES", once),
			variable("MASTER_SITES", many),
			variable("GITHUB_PROJECT", optional), // either here or at the very top
			variable("GITHUB_TAG", optional),
			variable("DIST_SUBDIR", optional),
			variable("EXTRACT_SUFX", optional),
			variable("DISTFILES", many),
			variable("SITES.*", many)),
			variable("PATCH_SITES", optional), // or once?
			variable("PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR", optional),
			variable("PATCHFILES", optional), // or once?
			variable("PATCH_DIST_ARGS", optional),
			variable("PATCH_DIST_STRIP", optional),
			variable("PATCH_DIST_CAT", optional)),
			variable("MAINTAINER", optional),
			variable("OWNER", optional),
			variable("HOMEPAGE", optional),
			variable("COMMENT", once),
			variable("LICENSE", once)),
			variable("LICENSE_FILE", optional),
			variable("RESTRICTED", optional),
			variable("NO_BIN_ON_CDROM", optional),
			variable("NO_BIN_ON_FTP", optional),
			variable("NO_SRC_ON_CDROM", optional),
			variable("NO_SRC_ON_FTP", optional)),
			variable("BROKEN_EXCEPT_ON_PLATFORM", many),
			variable("BROKEN_ON_PLATFORM", many),
			variable("NOT_FOR_PLATFORM", many),
			variable("ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM", many),
			variable("NOT_FOR_COMPILER", many),
			variable("ONLY_FOR_COMPILER", many),
			variable("NOT_FOR_UNPRIVILEGED", optional),
			variable("ONLY_FOR_UNPRIVILEGED", optional)),
			variable("BUILD_DEPENDS", many),
			variable("TOOL_DEPENDS", many),
			variable("DEPENDS", many))}

	relevantLines := (func() []MkLine {
		firstRelevant := -1
		lastRelevant := -1

		relevantVars := make(map[string]bool)
		for _, section := range sections {
			for _, variable := range section.vars {
				relevantVars[variable.varname] = true

		firstIrrelevant := -1
		for i, mkline := range mklines.mklines {
			switch {
			case mkline.IsVarassign(), mkline.IsCommentedVarassign():
				varcanon := mkline.Varcanon()
				if relevantVars[varcanon] {
					if firstRelevant == -1 {
						firstRelevant = i
					if firstIrrelevant != -1 {
						if trace.Tracing {
							trace.Stepf("Skipping varorder because of line %s.",
						return nil
					lastRelevant = i
				} else {
					if firstIrrelevant == -1 {
						firstIrrelevant = i

			case mkline.IsComment(), mkline.IsEmpty():

				if firstIrrelevant == -1 {
					firstIrrelevant = i

		if firstRelevant == -1 {
			return nil
		return mklines.mklines[firstRelevant : lastRelevant+1]

	skip := func() bool {
		interesting := relevantLines

		varcanon := func() string {
			for len(interesting) > 0 && interesting[0].IsComment() {
				interesting = interesting[1:]
			if len(interesting) > 0 && (interesting[0].IsVarassign() || interesting[0].IsCommentedVarassign()) {
				return interesting[0].Varcanon()
			return ""

		for _, section := range sections {
			for _, variable := range section.vars {
				switch variable.repetition {
				case optional:
					if varcanon() == variable.varname {
						interesting = interesting[1:]
				case once:
					if varcanon() == variable.varname {
						interesting = interesting[1:]
					} else if section.repetition == once {
						if variable.varname != "LICENSE" {
							if trace.Tracing {
								trace.Stepf("Wrong varorder because %s is missing.", variable.varname)
							return false
				case many:
					for varcanon() == variable.varname {
						interesting = interesting[1:]

			for len(interesting) > 0 && (interesting[0].IsEmpty() || interesting[0].IsComment()) {
				interesting = interesting[1:]

		return len(interesting) == 0

	if len(relevantLines) == 0 || skip() {

	var canonical []string
	for _, section := range sections {
		for _, variable := range section.vars {
			found := false
			for _, mkline := range relevantLines {
				if mkline.IsVarassign() || mkline.IsCommentedVarassign() {
					if mkline.Varcanon() == variable.varname {
						canonical = append(canonical, mkline.Varname())
						found = true
			if !found && section.repetition == once && variable.repetition == once {
				canonical = append(canonical, variable.varname)
		if len(canonical) > 0 && canonical[len(canonical)-1] != "empty line" {
			canonical = append(canonical, "empty line")
	if len(canonical) > 0 && canonical[len(canonical)-1] == "empty line" {
		canonical = canonical[:len(canonical)-1]

	// TODO: This leads to very long and complicated warnings.
	//  Those parts that are correct should not be mentioned,
	//  except if they are helpful for locating the mistakes.
	mkline := relevantLines[0]
	mkline.Warnf("The canonical order of the variables is %s.", strings.Join(canonical, ", "))
		"In simple package Makefiles, some common variables should be",
		"arranged in a specific order.",
		"See doc/Makefile-example for an example Makefile.",
		seeGuide("Package components, Makefile", "components.Makefile"))

// checkLocallyModified checks files that are about to be committed.
// Depending on whether the package has a MAINTAINER or an OWNER,
// the wording differs.
// Pkglint assumes that the local username is the same as the NetBSD
// username, which fits most scenarios.
func (pkg *Package) checkLocallyModified(filename string) {
	if trace.Tracing {
		defer trace.Call(filename)()

	owner := pkg.vars.LastValue("OWNER")
	maintainer := pkg.vars.LastValue("MAINTAINER")
	if maintainer == "pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org" {
		maintainer = ""
	if owner == "" && maintainer == "" {

	username := G.Username
	if trace.Tracing {
		trace.Stepf("user=%q owner=%q maintainer=%q", username, owner, maintainer)

	if username == strings.Split(owner, "@")[0] || username == strings.Split(maintainer, "@")[0] {

	if !isLocallyModified(filename) {

	if owner != "" {
		NewLineWhole(filename).Warnf("Don't commit changes to this file without asking the OWNER, %s.", owner)
			seeGuide("Package components, Makefile", "components.Makefile"))

	if maintainer != "" {
		NewLineWhole(filename).Notef("Please only commit changes that %s would approve.", maintainer)
			"See the pkgsrc guide, section \"Package components\",",
			"keyword \"maintainer\", for more information.")

func (pkg *Package) checkIncludeConditionally(mkline MkLine, indentation *Indentation) {
	conditionalVars := mkline.ConditionalVars()
	if len(conditionalVars) == 0 {
		conditionalVars = indentation.Varnames()

	if path.Dir(abspath(mkline.Filename)) == abspath(pkg.File(".")) {
		includedFile := mkline.IncludedFile()

		if indentation.IsConditional() {
			pkg.conditionalIncludes[includedFile] = mkline
			if other := pkg.unconditionalIncludes[includedFile]; other != nil {
					"%q is included conditionally here (depending on %s) "+
						"and unconditionally in %s.",
					cleanpath(includedFile), strings.Join(mkline.ConditionalVars(), ", "), mkline.RefTo(other))

		} else {
			pkg.unconditionalIncludes[includedFile] = mkline
			if other := pkg.conditionalIncludes[includedFile]; other != nil {
					"%q is included unconditionally here "+
						"and conditionally in %s (depending on %s).",
					cleanpath(includedFile), mkline.RefTo(other), strings.Join(other.ConditionalVars(), ", "))

		// TODO: Check whether the conditional variables are the same on both places.
		//  Ideally they should match, but there may be some differences in internal
		//  variables, which need to be filtered out before comparing them, like it is
		//  already done with *_MK variables.

func (pkg *Package) loadPlistDirs(plistFilename string) {
	lines := Load(plistFilename, MustSucceed)
	for _, line := range lines.Lines {
		text := line.Text
		pkg.Plist.Files[text] = true // XXX: ignores PLIST conditions for now
		// Keep in sync with PlistChecker.collectFilesAndDirs
		if !contains(text, "$") && !contains(text, "@") {
			for dir := path.Dir(text); dir != "."; dir = path.Dir(dir) {
				pkg.Plist.Dirs[dir] = true

func (pkg *Package) AutofixDistinfo(oldSha1, newSha1 string) {
	distinfoFilename := pkg.File(pkg.DistinfoFile)
	if lines := Load(distinfoFilename, NotEmpty|LogErrors); lines != nil {
		for _, line := range lines.Lines {
			fix := line.Autofix()
			fix.Replace(oldSha1, newSha1)

type PlistContent struct {
	Dirs  map[string]bool
	Files map[string]bool

func NewPlistContent() PlistContent {
	return PlistContent{