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Revision 1.7, Sun Jan 24 02:03:28 2016 UTC (8 years, 2 months ago) by rillig
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.6: +8 -0 lines

Updated pkglint to 5.3.2

Changes since 5.3.1:

Alignment of variable values is no longer checked by single line, but by
the complete block (e.g. SUBST_*).  Pkglint now checks that all variables
belonging to a block are indented consistently, so that their values are
aligned nicely.

Since pkglint does not report warnings, but only notes, and since it can
fix them automatically, the burden on the package developers will be very
low. Especially, since these notes are only printed when pkglint is called
with the -Wspace or -Wall options.

Also, pkglint supports running its unit tests now.

package main

import (

	check "gopkg.in/check.v1"

var equals = check.Equals
var deepEquals = check.DeepEquals

type Suite struct {
	stdout bytes.Buffer
	stderr bytes.Buffer
	tmpdir string

func (s *Suite) Stdout() string {
	defer s.stdout.Reset()
	return s.stdout.String()

func (s *Suite) Stderr() string {
	defer s.stderr.Reset()
	return s.stderr.String()

// Returns and consumes the output from both stdout and stderr.
func (s *Suite) Output() string {
	return s.Stdout() + s.Stderr()

func (s *Suite) OutputCleanTmpdir() string {
	if s.tmpdir == "" {
		return "error: OutputCleanTmpdir must only be called when s.tmpdir is actually set."
	return strings.Replace(s.Output(), s.tmpdir, "~", -1)

// Arguments are either (lineno, orignl) or (lineno, orignl, textnl).
func (s *Suite) NewRawLines(args ...interface{}) []*RawLine {
	rawlines := make([]*RawLine, len(args)/2)
	j := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(args); i += 2 {
		lineno := args[i].(int)
		orignl := args[i+1].(string)
		textnl := orignl
		if i+2 < len(args) {
			if s, ok := args[i+2].(string); ok {
				textnl = s
		rawlines[j] = &RawLine{lineno, orignl, textnl}
	return rawlines[:j]

func (s *Suite) NewLines(fname string, texts ...string) []*Line {
	result := make([]*Line, len(texts))
	for i, text := range texts {
		textnl := text + "\n"
		result[i] = NewLine(fname, i+1, text, s.NewRawLines(i+1, textnl))
	return result

func (s *Suite) NewMkLines(fname string, lines ...string) *MkLines {
	return NewMkLines(s.NewLines(fname, lines...))

func (s *Suite) DebugToStdout() {
	G.debugOut = os.Stdout
	G.opts.DebugTrace = true

func (s *Suite) UseCommandLine(c *check.C, args ...string) {
	exitcode := new(Pkglint).ParseCommandLine(append([]string{"pkglint"}, args...))
	if exitcode != nil && *exitcode != 0 {
		c.Fatalf("Cannot parse command line: %#v", args)

func (s *Suite) RegisterTool(toolname, varname string, varRequired bool) {
	if G.globalData.Tools == nil {
		G.globalData.Tools = make(map[string]bool)
		G.globalData.Vartools = make(map[string]string)
		G.globalData.toolsVarRequired = make(map[string]bool)
		G.globalData.PredefinedTools = make(map[string]bool)
	G.globalData.Tools[toolname] = true
	G.globalData.Vartools[toolname] = varname
	if varRequired {
		G.globalData.toolsVarRequired[toolname] = true
	G.globalData.PredefinedTools[toolname] = true

func (s *Suite) CreateTmpFile(c *check.C, relFname, content string) (absFname string) {
	if s.tmpdir == "" {
		s.tmpdir = filepath.ToSlash(c.MkDir())
	absFname = s.tmpdir + "/" + relFname
	err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(absFname), 0777)
	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(absFname, []byte(content), 0666)
	c.Check(err, check.IsNil)

func (s *Suite) CreateTmpFileLines(c *check.C, relFname string, rawTexts ...string) (absFname string) {
	text := ""
	for _, rawText := range rawTexts {
		text += rawText + "\n"
	return s.CreateTmpFile(c, relFname, text)

func (s *Suite) LoadTmpFile(c *check.C, relFname string) string {
	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.tmpdir + "/" + relFname)
	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
	return string(bytes)

func (s *Suite) ExpectFatalError(action func()) {
	if r := recover(); r != nil {
		if _, ok := r.(pkglintFatal); ok {

func (s *Suite) SetUpTest(c *check.C) {
	G = GlobalVars{TestingData: &TestingData{VerifiedBits: make(map[string]bool)}}
	G.logOut, G.logErr, G.debugOut = &s.stdout, &s.stderr, &s.stdout
	s.UseCommandLine(c /* no arguments */)

func (s *Suite) TearDownTest(c *check.C) {
	G = GlobalVars{}
	if out := s.Output(); out != "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unchecked output in %q; check with: c.Check(s.Output(), equals, %q)", c.TestName(), out)
	s.tmpdir = ""

var _ = check.Suite(new(Suite))

func Test(t *testing.T) { check.TestingT(t) }