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Revision 1.60, Fri Dec 13 01:39:23 2019 UTC (4 years, 4 months ago) by rillig
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.59: +44 -5 lines

pkgtools/pkglint: update to 19.3.17

Changes since 19.3.16:

Pkglint now handles SUBST blocks correctly, even those in which some of
the variables are defined conditionally. It correctly reports those that
are missing in at least one of the possible branches.

PKG_JVM is no longer marked as deprecated. It was once package-settable.
Since 2002 it is system-provided, and the package-settable counterpart
is PKG_JVM_DEFAULT. This does not fit into pkglint's simple model of
deprecating variables since the variable name is still valid, it should
just not be defined by packages anymore.

The alignment of variable assignments has been fixed in some edge cases.
In continuation lines where the backslash is beyond column 72, the
whitespace before the continuation backslash is fixed to a single space.

package pkglint

import (


const CvsID = "$" + "NetBSD$"
const MkCvsID = "# $" + "NetBSD$"
const PlistCvsID = "@comment $" + "NetBSD$"

type Suite struct {
	Tester *Tester

// Init creates and returns a test helper that allows to:
// * create files for the test:
// CreateFileLines, SetUpPkgsrc, SetUpPackage
// * load these files into Line and MkLine objects (for tests spanning multiple files):
// SetUpFileLines, SetUpFileMkLines
// * create new in-memory Line and MkLine objects (for simple tests):
// NewLine, NewLines, NewMkLine, NewMkLines
// * check the files that have been changed by the --autofix feature:
// CheckFileLines
// * check the pkglint diagnostics: CheckOutputEmpty, CheckOutputLines
func (s *Suite) Init(c *check.C) *Tester {

	// Note: the check.C object from SetUpTest cannot be used here,
	// and the parameter given here cannot be used in TearDownTest;
	// see https://github.com/go-check/check/issues/22.

	t := s.Tester // Has been initialized by SetUpTest
	if t.c != nil {
		panic("Suite.Init must only be called once.")
	t.c = c
	return t

func (s *Suite) SetUpTest(c *check.C) {
	t := Tester{c: c, testName: c.TestName()}
	s.Tester = &t

	G = NewPkglint(&t.stdout, &t.stderr)
	G.Testing = true
	trace.Out = &t.stdout

	// XXX: Maybe the tests can run a bit faster when they don't
	// create a temporary directory each.
	G.Pkgsrc = NewPkgsrc(t.File("."))

	t.c = c
	t.SetUpCommandLine("-Wall")    // To catch duplicate warnings
	G.Todo.Pop()                   // The "." was inserted by default.
	t.seenSetUpCommandLine = false // This default call doesn't count.

	// To improve code coverage and ensure that trace.Result works
	// in all cases. The latter cannot be ensured at compile time.

	prevdir, err := os.Getwd()
	assertNil(err, "Cannot get current working directory: %s", err)
	t.prevdir = NewCurrPathString(prevdir)

	// No longer usable; see https://github.com/go-check/check/issues/22
	t.c = nil

func (s *Suite) TearDownTest(c *check.C) {
	t := s.Tester
	t.c = nil // No longer usable; see https://github.com/go-check/check/issues/22

	err := os.Chdir(t.prevdir.String())
	assertNil(err, "Cannot chdir back to previous dir: %s", err)

	if t.seenSetupPkgsrc > 0 && !t.seenFinish && !t.seenMain {
		t.InternalErrorf("After t.SetupPkgsrc(), either t.FinishSetUp() or t.Main() must be called.")

	t.tmpdir = ""

	G = unusablePkglint()

// Ensures that all test names follow a common naming scheme:
//  Test_${Type}_${Method}__${description_using_underscores}
func Test__qa(t *testing.T) {
	ck := intqa.NewQAChecker(t.Errorf)

	ck.Configure("autofix.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("buildlink3.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)     // TODO
	ck.Configure("distinfo.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)       // TODO
	ck.Configure("files.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)          // TODO
	ck.Configure("licenses.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)       // TODO
	ck.Configure("line.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)           // TODO
	ck.Configure("linechecker.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)    // TODO
	ck.Configure("lineslexer.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)     // TODO
	ck.Configure("lines.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)          // TODO
	ck.Configure("logging.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("mkline.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)         // TODO
	ck.Configure("mklineparser.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)   // TODO
	ck.Configure("mklinechecker.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)  // TODO
	ck.Configure("mklines.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("mkparser.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)       // TODO
	ck.Configure("mkshparser.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)     // TODO
	ck.Configure("mkshtypes.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)      // TODO
	ck.Configure("mkshwalker.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)     // TODO
	ck.Configure("mktokenslexer.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)  // TODO
	ck.Configure("mktypes.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("options.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("package.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("paragraph.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)      // TODO
	ck.Configure("patches.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("pkglint.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("pkgsrc.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)         // TODO
	ck.Configure("redundantscope.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest) // TODO
	ck.Configure("shell.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)          // TODO
	ck.Configure("shtokenizer.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)    // TODO
	ck.Configure("shtypes.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)        // TODO
	ck.Configure("substcontext.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)   // TODO
	ck.Configure("tools.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)          // TODO
	ck.Configure("util.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)           // TODO
	ck.Configure("var.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)            // TODO

	ck.Configure("varalignblock.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)            // TODO
	ck.Configure("varalignblock.go", "varalignLine", "*", +intqa.EMissingTest) // TODO: remove as redundant

	ck.Configure("vardefs.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)   // TODO
	ck.Configure("vargroups.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest) // TODO
	ck.Configure("vartype.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)   // TODO

	// For now, don't require tests for all the test code.
	// Having good coverage for the main code is more important.
	ck.Configure("*_test.go", "*", "*", -intqa.EMissingTest)

	// These helper methods are usually so simple that they don't need
	// separate tests.
	// They are tested indirectly by the tests of their corresponding checks.
	ck.Configure("*", "*", "warn[A-Z]*", -intqa.EMissingTest)

	// Generated code doesn't need a unit test.
	// If any, every grammar production in the corresponding yacc file
	// should have a unit test.
	ck.Configure("*yacc.go", "*", "*", intqa.ENone)

	// Type definitions don't need a unit test.
	// Only functions and methods do.
	ck.Configure("*", "*", "", -intqa.EMissingTest)

	// The Suite type is used for testing all parts of pkglint.
	// Therefore its test methods may be everywhere.
	ck.Configure("*.go", "Suite", "*", -intqa.EMethodsSameFile)
	ck.Configure("*.go", "Tester", "*", -intqa.EMethodsSameFile)


var _ = check.Suite(new(Suite))

func Test(t *testing.T) { check.TestingT(t) }

// Tester provides utility methods for testing pkglint.
// It is separated from the Suite since the latter contains
// all the test methods, which makes it difficult to find
// a method by auto-completion.
type Tester struct {
	c        *check.C // Only usable during the test method itself
	testName string
	argv     []string // from the last invocation of Tester.SetUpCommandLine

	stdout  bytes.Buffer
	stderr  bytes.Buffer
	tmpdir  CurrPath
	prevdir CurrPath // The current working directory before the test started
	cwd     RelPath  // relative to tmpdir; see Tester.Chdir

	seenSetUpCommandLine bool
	seenSetupPkgsrc      int
	seenFinish           bool
	seenMain             bool

// SetUpCommandLine simulates a command line for the remainder of the test.
// See Pkglint.ParseCommandLine.
// If SetUpCommandLine is not called explicitly in a test, the command line
// "-Wall" is used, to provide a high code coverage in the tests.
func (t *Tester) SetUpCommandLine(args ...string) {

	// Prevent tracing from being disabled; see EnableSilentTracing.
	prevTracing := trace.Tracing
	defer func() { trace.Tracing = prevTracing }()

	argv := append([]string{"pkglint"}, args...)
	t.argv = argv
	exitcode := G.ParseCommandLine(argv)
	if exitcode != -1 && exitcode != 0 {
		t.c.Fatalf("Cannot parse command line: %#v", args)

	// Duplicate diagnostics often mean that the checking code is run
	// twice, which is unnecessary.
	// It also reveals diagnostics that are logged multiple times per
	// line and thus can easily get annoying to the pkgsrc developers.
	// To avoid running a check multiple times, see Line.once or MkLines.once.
	G.Logger.verbose = true

	t.seenSetUpCommandLine = true

// SetUpVartypes registers a few hundred variables like MASTER_SITES,
// WRKSRC, SUBST_SED.*, so that their data types are known to pkglint.
// Without calling this, there will be many warnings about undefined
// or unused variables, or unknown shell commands.
// See SetUpTool for registering tools like echo, awk, perl.
func (t *Tester) SetUpVartypes() {

func (t *Tester) SetUpMasterSite(varname string, urls ...string) {
	if !G.Pkgsrc.vartypes.IsDefinedExact(varname) {
		G.Pkgsrc.vartypes.DefineParse(varname, BtFetchURL,
			"buildlink3.mk: none",
			"*: use")

	for _, url := range urls {
		G.Pkgsrc.registerMasterSite(varname, url)

// SetUpOption pretends that the given package option is defined in mk/defaults/options.description.
// In tests, the description may be left empty.
func (t *Tester) SetUpOption(name, description string) {
	G.Pkgsrc.PkgOptions[name] = description

func (t *Tester) SetUpTool(name, varname string, validity Validity) *Tool {
	return G.Pkgsrc.Tools.def(name, varname, false, validity, nil)

// SetUpType defines a variable to have a certain type and access permissions,
// like in the type definitions in vardefs.go.
// Example:
//  SetUpType("PKGPATH", BtPkgpath, DefinedIfInScope|NonemptyIfDefined,
//      "Makefile, *.mk: default, set, append, use, use-loadtime")
func (t *Tester) SetUpType(varname string, basicType *BasicType,
	options vartypeOptions, aclEntries ...string) {

	if len(aclEntries) == 0 {
		aclEntries = []string{"Makefile, *.mk: default, set, append, use, use-loadtime"}

	G.Pkgsrc.vartypes.acl(varname, basicType, options, aclEntries...)

	// Make sure that registering the type succeeds.
	// This is necessary for BtUnknown and guessed types.
	vartype := G.Pkgsrc.VariableType(nil, varname)
	t.c.Assert(vartype.basicType, check.Equals, basicType)

// SetUpFileLines creates a temporary file and writes the given lines to it.
// The file is then read in, without interpreting line continuations.
// See SetUpFileMkLines for loading a Makefile fragment.
func (t *Tester) SetUpFileLines(filename RelPath, lines ...string) *Lines {
	abs := t.CreateFileLines(filename, lines...)
	return Load(abs, MustSucceed)

// SetUpFileLines creates a temporary file and writes the given lines to it.
// The file is then read in, handling line continuations for Makefiles.
// See SetUpFileLines for loading an ordinary file.
// If the filename is irrelevant for the particular test, take filename.mk.
func (t *Tester) SetUpFileMkLines(filename RelPath, lines ...string) *MkLines {
	abs := t.CreateFileLines(filename, lines...)
	return LoadMk(abs, MustSucceed)

// LoadMkInclude loads the given Makefile fragment and all the files it includes,
// merging all the lines into a single MkLines object.
// This is useful for testing code related to Package.readMakefile.
func (t *Tester) LoadMkInclude(filename RelPath) *MkLines {
	var lines []*Line

	// TODO: Include files with multiple-inclusion guard only once.
	// TODO: Include files without multiple-inclusion guard as often as needed.
	// TODO: Set an upper limit, to prevent denial of service.

	var load func(filename CurrPath)
	load = func(filename CurrPath) {
		for _, mkline := range NewMkLines(Load(filename, MustSucceed)).mklines {
			lines = append(lines, mkline.Line)

			if mkline.IsInclude() {


	// This assumes that the test files do not contain parse errors.
	// Otherwise the diagnostics would appear twice.
	return NewMkLines(NewLines(t.File(filename), lines))

// SetUpPkgsrc sets up a minimal but complete pkgsrc installation in the
// temporary folder, so that pkglint runs without any errors.
// Individual files may be overwritten by calling other SetUp* methods.
// This setup is especially interesting for testing Pkglint.Main.
func (t *Tester) SetUpPkgsrc() {

	// This file is needed to locate the pkgsrc root directory.
	// See findPkgsrcTopdir.

	// See Pkgsrc.loadDocChanges.

	// See Pkgsrc.loadSuggestedUpdates.

	// Some example licenses so that the tests for whole packages
	// don't need to define them on their own.
		"Redistribution and use in source and binary forms ...")
		"The licenses for most software are designed to take away ...")

	// The various MASTER_SITE_* variables for use in the
	// MASTER_SITES are defined in this file.
	// To define a MASTER_SITE for a pkglint test, call t.SetUpMasterSite.
	// See Pkgsrc.loadMasterSites.

	// The options for the PKG_OPTIONS framework are defined here.
	// See Pkgsrc.loadPkgOptions.
		"example-option   Description for the example option",

	// The user-defined variables are read in to check for missing
	// BUILD_DEFS declarations in the package Makefile.

	// The tool definitions are defined in various files in mk/tools/.
	// The relevant files are listed in bsd.tools.mk.
	// The tools that are defined here can be used in USE_TOOLS.
		".include \"defaults.mk\"")

	// Those tools that are added to USE_TOOLS in bsd.prefs.mk may be
	// used at load time by packages.

	// This file is used for initializing the allowed values for
	// USE_LANGUAGES; see VarTypeRegistry.compilerLanguages.
		"_CXX_STD_VERSIONS=\tc++ c++14",
		".if ${USE_LANGUAGES:Mada} || \\",
		"    ${USE_LANGUAGES:Mc} || \\",
		"    ${USE_LANGUAGES:Mc99} || \\",
		"    ${USE_LANGUAGES:Mobjc} || \\",
		"    ${USE_LANGUAGES:Mfortran} || \\",
		"    ${USE_LANGUAGES:Mfortran77}",

	// Category Makefiles require this file for the common definitions.

	// TODO
	// assert(!t.File("mk/bsd.options.mk").IsFile())
	// t.CreateFileLines("mk/bsd.options.mk")


// SetUpCategory makes the given category valid by creating a dummy Makefile.
// After that, it can be mentioned in the CATEGORIES variable of a package.
func (t *Tester) SetUpCategory(name RelPath) {
	assert(G.Pkgsrc.Rel(t.File(name)).Count() == 1)

	makefile := name.JoinNoClean("Makefile")
	if !t.File(makefile).IsFile() {

// SetUpPackage sets up all files for a package (including the pkgsrc
// infrastructure) so that it does not produce any warnings.
// The given makefileLines start in line 20. Except if they are variable
// definitions for already existing variables, then they replace that line.
// Returns the path to the package, ready to be used with Pkglint.Check.
// After calling this method, individual files can be overwritten as necessary.
// At the end of the setup phase, t.FinishSetUp() must be called to load all
// the files.
func (t *Tester) SetUpPackage(pkgpath RelPath, makefileLines ...string) CurrPath {
		matches(pkgpath.String(), `^[^/]+/[^/]+$`),
		"pkgpath %q must have the form \"category/package\"", pkgpath)

	distname := pkgpath.Base()
	category := pkgpath.DirNoClean()
	if category == "wip" {
		// To avoid boilerplate CATEGORIES definitions for wip packages.
		category = "local"


		"Package description")

	// Because the package Makefile includes this file, the check for the
	// correct ordering of variables is skipped. As of February 2019, the
	// SetupPackage function does not insert the custom variables in the
	// correct position. To prevent the tests from having to mention the
	// unrelated warnings about the variable order, that check is suppressed
	// here.

	// This distinfo file contains dummy hashes since pkglint cannot check the
	// distfiles hashes anyway. It can only check the hashes for the patches.
		"SHA1 (distfile-1.0.tar.gz) = 12341234",
		"RMD160 (distfile-1.0.tar.gz) = 12341234",
		"SHA512 (distfile-1.0.tar.gz) = 12341234",
		"Size (distfile-1.0.tar.gz) = 12341234")

	mlines := []string{
		"DISTNAME=\t" + distname + "-1.0",
		"CATEGORIES=\t" + category.String(),
		"MASTER_SITES=\t# none",
		"HOMEPAGE=\t# none",
		"COMMENT=\tDummy package",
		".include \"suppress-varorder.mk\""}
	if len(mlines) < 19 {
		mlines = append(mlines, "")
	for len(mlines) < 18 {
		mlines = append(mlines, "# filler")
	if len(mlines) < 19 {
		mlines = append(mlines, "")

	for _, line := range makefileLines {
		assert(!hasSuffix(line, "\\")) // Continuation lines are not yet supported.

		if m, varname := match1(line, `^#?(\w+)[!+:?]?=`); m {
			for i, existingLine := range mlines[:19] {
				if hasPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(existingLine, "#"), varname+"=") {
					mlines[i] = line
					continue line
		mlines = append(mlines, line)

	mlines = append(mlines,
		".include \"../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk\"")


	return t.File(pkgpath)

// CreateFileLines creates a file in the temporary directory and writes the
// given lines to it.
// It returns the full path to the created file.
func (t *Tester) CreateFileLines(filename RelPath, lines ...string) CurrPath {
	var content strings.Builder
	for _, line := range lines {

	abs := t.File(filename)
	err := os.MkdirAll(abs.DirNoClean().String(), 0777)
	t.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)

	err = abs.WriteString(content.String())
	t.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)


	return abs

// CreateFileDummyPatch creates a patch file with the given name in the
// temporary directory.
func (t *Tester) CreateFileDummyPatch(filename RelPath) {
	// Patch files only make sense in category/package/patches directories.
	assert(G.Pkgsrc.Rel(t.File(filename)).Count() == 4)

		"--- oldfile",
		"+++ newfile",
		"@@ -1 +1 @@",

func (t *Tester) CreateFileBuildlink3(filename RelPath, customLines ...string) {
	// Buildlink3.mk files only make sense in category/package directories.
	assert(G.Pkgsrc.Rel(t.File(filename)).Count() == 3)

	dir := filename.DirClean()
	lower := dir.Base()
	// see pkgtools/createbuildlink/files/createbuildlink, "package specific variables"
	upper := strings.Replace(strings.ToUpper(lower), "-", "_", -1)

	width := tabWidthSlice("BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.", lower, "+=\t")

	aligned := func(format string, args ...interface{}) string {
		msg := sprintf(format, args...)
		for tabWidth(msg) < width {
			msg += "\t"
		return msg

	var lines []string
	lines = append(lines,
		sprintf("BUILDLINK_TREE+=\t%s", lower),
		sprintf(".if !defined(%s_BUILDLINK3_MK)", upper),
		sprintf("%s_BUILDLINK3_MK:=", upper),
		aligned("BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.%s+=", lower)+sprintf("%s>=0", lower),
		aligned("BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.%s?=", lower)+sprintf("../../%s", dir),
		aligned("BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.%s?=", lower)+"build",
	lines = append(lines, customLines...)
	lines = append(lines,
		sprintf(".endif # %s_BUILDLINK3_MK", upper),
		sprintf("BUILDLINK_TREE+=\t-%s", lower))

	t.CreateFileLines(filename, lines...)

// File returns the absolute path to the given file in the
// temporary directory. It doesn't check whether that file exists.
// Calls to Tester.Chdir change the base directory for the relative filename.
func (t *Tester) File(filename RelPath) CurrPath {
	if t.tmpdir.IsEmpty() {
		t.tmpdir = NewCurrPathSlash(t.c.MkDir())
	if t.cwd != "" {
		return NewCurrPath(filename.Clean().AsPath())
	return t.tmpdir.JoinClean(filename)

// Copy copies a file inside the temporary directory.
func (t *Tester) Copy(source, target RelPath) {
	absSource := t.File(source)
	absTarget := t.File(target)

	data, err := absSource.ReadString()
	assertNil(err, "Copy.Read")
	err = os.MkdirAll(absTarget.DirClean().String(), 0777)
	assertNil(err, "Copy.MkdirAll")
	err = absTarget.WriteString(data)
	assertNil(err, "Copy.Write")

// Chdir changes the current working directory to the given subdirectory
// of the temporary directory, creating it if necessary.
// After this call, all files loaded from the temporary directory via
// SetUpFileLines or CreateFileLines or similar methods will use path names
// relative to this directory.
// After the test, the previous working directory is restored, so that
// the other tests are unaffected.
// As long as this method is not called in a test, the current working
// directory is indeterminate.
func (t *Tester) Chdir(dirname RelPath) {
	if t.cwd != "" {
		// When multiple calls of Chdir are mixed with calls to CreateFileLines,
		// the resulting Lines and MkLines variables will use relative filenames,
		// and these will point to different areas in the file system. This is
		// usually not indented and therefore prevented.
		t.c.Fatalf("Chdir must only be called once per test; already in %q.", t.cwd)

	absDirName := t.File(dirname)
	assertNil(os.MkdirAll(absDirName.String(), 0700), "MkDirAll")
	assertNil(os.Chdir(absDirName.String()), "Chdir")
	t.cwd = dirname
	G.cwd = absDirName
	G.Pkgsrc.topdir = NewCurrPath(absDirName.Rel(G.Pkgsrc.topdir).AsPath())

// Remove removes the file or directory from the temporary directory.
// The file or directory must exist.
func (t *Tester) Remove(filename RelPath) {
	abs := t.File(filename)
	err := os.Remove(abs.String())
	t.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)

// SetUpHierarchy provides a function for creating hierarchies of MkLines
// that include each other.
// The hierarchy is created only in memory, nothing is written to disk.
//  include, get := t.SetUpHierarchy()
//  include("including.mk",
//      include("other.mk",
//          "VAR= other"),
//      include("subdir/module.mk",
//          "VAR= module",
//          include("subdir/version.mk",
//              "VAR= version"),
//          include("subdir/env.mk",
//              "VAR= env")))
//  mklines := get("including.mk")
//  module := get("subdir/module.mk")
// The filenames passed to the include function are all relative to the
// same location, which is typically the pkgsrc root or a package directory,
// but the code doesn't care.
// The generated .include lines take the relative paths into account.
// For example, when subdir/module.mk includes subdir/version.mk,
// the include line is just:
//  .include "version.mk"
func (t *Tester) SetUpHierarchy() (
	include func(filename RelPath, args ...interface{}) *MkLines,
	get func(path RelPath) *MkLines) {

	files := map[RelPath]*MkLines{}
	basedir := NewPath(".")

	// includePath returns the path to be used in an .include.
	// This is the same mechanism that is used in Pkgsrc.Relpath.
	includePath := func(including, included RelPath) RelPath {
		fromDir := including.DirClean()
		to := basedir.Rel(included.AsPath())
		if fromDir == to.DirNoClean() {
			return NewRelPathString(to.Base())
		} else {
			return fromDir.Rel(basedir).JoinNoClean(to).CleanDot()

	include = func(filename RelPath, args ...interface{}) *MkLines {
		var lines []*Line
		lineno := 1
		relFilename := basedir.Rel(filename.AsPath())

		addLine := func(text string) {
			lines = append(lines, t.NewLine(NewCurrPath(relFilename.AsPath()), lineno, text))

		for _, arg := range args {
			switch arg := arg.(type) {
			case string:
			case *MkLines:
				rel := includePath(relFilename, NewRelPath(arg.lines.Filename.AsPath()))
				addLine(sprintf(".include %q", rel))
				lines = append(lines, arg.lines.Lines...)
				panic("invalid type")

		mklines := NewMkLines(NewLines(NewCurrPath(relFilename.AsPath()), lines))
		assertf(files[filename] == nil, "MkLines with name %q already exists.", filename)
		files[filename] = mklines
		return mklines

	get = func(filename RelPath) *MkLines {
		assertf(files[filename] != nil, "MkLines with name %q doesn't exist.", filename)
		return files[filename]


// Demonstrates that Tester.SetUpHierarchy uses relative paths for the
// .include directives.
func (s *Suite) Test_Tester_SetUpHierarchy(c *check.C) {
	t := s.Init(c)

	include, get := t.SetUpHierarchy()
			"VAR= other"),
			"VAR= module",
				"VAR= version"),
				"VAR= env")))

	mklines := get("including.mk")

	mklines.ForEach(func(mkline *MkLine) { mkline.Notef("Text is: %s", mkline.Text) })

		"NOTE: including.mk:1: Text is: .include \"other.mk\"",
		"NOTE: other.mk:1: Text is: VAR= other",
		"NOTE: including.mk:2: Text is: .include \"subdir/module.mk\"",
		"NOTE: subdir/module.mk:1: Text is: VAR= module",
		"NOTE: subdir/module.mk:2: Text is: .include \"version.mk\"",
		"NOTE: subdir/version.mk:1: Text is: VAR= version",
		"NOTE: subdir/module.mk:3: Text is: .include \"env.mk\"",
		"NOTE: subdir/env.mk:1: Text is: VAR= env")

// FinishSetup loads the pkgsrc infrastructure.
// Later changes to the files in mk/ have no effect.
func (t *Tester) FinishSetUp() {
	if t.seenSetupPkgsrc == 0 {
		t.InternalErrorf("Unnecessary t.FinishSetUp() since t.SetUpPkgsrc() has not been called.")

	if !t.seenFinish {
		t.seenFinish = true
	} else {
		t.InternalErrorf("Redundant t.FinishSetup() since it was called multiple times.")

// Main runs the pkglint main program with the given command line arguments.
// Other than in the other tests, the -Wall option is not added implicitly.
// Arguments that name existing files or directories in the temporary test
// directory are transformed to their actual paths.
// Does not work in combination with SetUpOption.
func (t *Tester) Main(args ...string) int {
	if t.seenFinish && !t.seenMain {
		t.InternalErrorf("Calling t.FinishSetup() before t.Main() is redundant " +
			"since t.Main() loads the pkgsrc infrastructure.")
	if t.seenSetUpCommandLine {
		t.InternalErrorf("Calling t.SetupCommandLine() before t.Main() is redundant " +
			"since t.Main() accepts the command line options directly.")

	t.seenMain = true

	// Reset the logger, for tests where t.Main is called multiple times.
	G.Logger.errors = 0
	G.Logger.warnings = 0
	G.Logger.logged = Once{}

	argv := []string{"pkglint"}
	for _, arg := range args {
		fileArg := NewCurrPathSlash(arg)
		if fileArg.IsAbs() {
			argv = append(argv, arg)

		file := t.File(NewRelPathString(arg))
		if file.Exists() {
			argv = append(argv, file.String())
		} else {
			argv = append(argv, arg)

	return G.Main(&t.stdout, &t.stderr, argv)

// Check delegates a check to the check.Check function.
// Thereby, there is no need to distinguish between c.Check and t.Check
// in the test code.
func (t *Tester) Check(obj interface{}, checker check.Checker, args ...interface{}) bool {
	return t.c.Check(obj, checker, args...)

func (t *Tester) CheckEquals(actual interface{}, expected interface{}) bool {
	return t.c.Check(actual, check.Equals, expected)

func (t *Tester) CheckEqualsf(actual interface{}, expected interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) bool {
	return t.c.Check(actual, check.Equals, expected,
		check.Commentf(format, args...))

func (t *Tester) CheckDeepEquals(actual interface{}, expected interface{}) bool {
	return t.c.Check(actual, check.DeepEquals, expected)

func (t *Tester) CheckDeepEqualsf(actual interface{}, expected interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) bool {
	return t.c.Check(actual, check.DeepEquals, expected,
		check.Commentf(format, args...))

// InternalErrorf reports a consistency error in the tests.
func (t *Tester) InternalErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
	// It is not possible to panic here since check.v1 would then
	// ignore all subsequent tests.
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "In %s: %s\n", t.testName, sprintf(format, args...))

// ExpectFatal runs the given action and expects that this action calls
// Line.Fatalf or uses some other way to panic with a pkglintFatal.
// Usage:
//  t.ExpectFatal(
//      func() { /* do something that panics */ },
//      "FATAL: ~/Makefile:1: Must not be empty")
func (t *Tester) ExpectFatal(action func(), expectedLines ...string) {
	defer func() {
		r := recover()
		if r == nil {
			panic("Expected a pkglint fatal error but didn't get one.")
		} else if _, ok := r.(pkglintFatal); ok {
		} else {


// ExpectFatalMatches runs the given action and expects that this action
// calls Line.Fatalf or uses some other way to panic with a pkglintFatal.
// It then matches the output against the given regular expression.
// Usage:
//  t.ExpectFatalMatches(
//      func() { /* do something that panics */ },
//      `FATAL: ~/Makefile:1: .*\n`)
func (t *Tester) ExpectFatalMatches(action func(), expected regex.Pattern) {
	defer func() {
		r := recover()
		if r == nil {
			panic("Expected a pkglint fatal error but didn't get one.")
		} else if _, ok := r.(pkglintFatal); ok {
			pattern := `^(?:` + string(expected) + `)$`
			t.Check(t.Output(), check.Matches, pattern)
		} else {


// ExpectPanic runs the given action and expects that this action calls
// assert or assertf, or uses some other way to panic.
// Usage:
//  t.ExpectPanic(
//      func() { /* do something that panics */ },
//      "runtime error: path not found")
func (t *Tester) ExpectPanic(action func(), expectedMessage string) {
	t.Check(action, check.Panics, expectedMessage)

// ExpectPanicMatches runs the given action and expects that this action
// calls assert or assertf, or uses some other way to panic.
func (t *Tester) ExpectPanicMatches(action func(), expectedMessage string) {
	t.Check(action, check.PanicMatches, expectedMessage)

// ExpectAssert runs the given action and expects that this action calls assert.
// Usage:
//  t.ExpectAssert(
//      func() { /* do something that panics */ })
func (t *Tester) ExpectAssert(action func()) {
	t.Check(action, check.Panics, "Pkglint internal error")

// ExpectDiagnosticsAutofix first runs the given action with -Wall, and
// then another time with -Wall --autofix.
func (t *Tester) ExpectDiagnosticsAutofix(action func(autofix bool), diagnostics ...string) {

	t.SetUpCommandLine("-Wall", "--autofix")


// NewRawLines creates lines from line numbers and raw text, including newlines.
// Arguments are sequences of either (lineno, orignl) or (lineno, orignl, textnl).
// Specifying textnl is only useful when simulating a line that has already been
// modified by Autofix.
func (t *Tester) NewRawLines(args ...interface{}) []*RawLine {
	rawlines := make([]*RawLine, len(args)/2)
	j := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(args); i += 2 {
		lineno := args[i].(int)
		orignl := args[i+1].(string)
		textnl := orignl
		if i+2 < len(args) {
			if s, ok := args[i+2].(string); ok {
				textnl = s
		rawlines[j] = &RawLine{lineno, orignl, textnl}
	return rawlines[:j]

// NewLine creates an in-memory line with the given text.
// This line does not correspond to any line in a file.
func (t *Tester) NewLine(filename CurrPath, lineno int, text string) *Line {
	textnl := text + "\n"
	rawLine := RawLine{lineno, textnl, textnl}
	return NewLine(filename, lineno, text, &rawLine)

// NewMkLine creates an in-memory line in the Makefile format with the given text.
func (t *Tester) NewMkLine(filename CurrPath, lineno int, text string) *MkLine {
	basename := filename.Base()
		hasSuffix(basename, ".mk") ||
			basename == "Makefile" ||
			hasPrefix(basename, "Makefile.") ||
			basename == "mk.conf",
		"filename %q must be realistic, otherwise the variable permissions are wrong", filename)

	return NewMkLineParser().Parse(t.NewLine(filename, lineno, text))

func (t *Tester) NewShellLineChecker(text string) *ShellLineChecker {
	mklines := t.NewMkLines("filename.mk", text)
	return NewShellLineChecker(mklines, mklines.mklines[0])

// NewLines returns a list of simple lines that belong together.
// To work with line continuations like in Makefiles, use SetUpFileMkLines.
func (t *Tester) NewLines(filename CurrPath, lines ...string) *Lines {
	return t.NewLinesAt(filename, 1, lines...)

// NewLinesAt returns a list of simple lines that belong together.
// To work with line continuations like in Makefiles, use SetUpFileMkLines.
func (t *Tester) NewLinesAt(filename CurrPath, firstLine int, texts ...string) *Lines {
	lines := make([]*Line, len(texts))
	for i, text := range texts {
		lines[i] = t.NewLine(filename, i+firstLine, text)
	return NewLines(filename, lines)

// NewMkLines returns a list of lines in Makefile format,
// as if they were parsed from a Makefile fragment,
// taking continuation lines into account.
// No actual file is created for the lines;
// see SetUpFileMkLines for loading Makefile fragments with line continuations.
// After calling Tester.Chdir, NewMkLines creates the same object as
// SetUpFileMkLines, just without anything being written to disk.
// This can lead to strange error messages such as "Relative path %s does
// not exist." because an intermediate directory in the path does not exist.
// If the filename is irrelevant for the particular test, take filename.mk.
func (t *Tester) NewMkLines(filename CurrPath, lines ...string) *MkLines {
	basename := filename.Base()
		hasSuffix(basename, ".mk") || basename == "Makefile" || hasPrefix(basename, "Makefile."),
		"filename %q must be realistic, otherwise the variable permissions are wrong", filename)

	var rawText strings.Builder
	for _, line := range lines {
	return NewMkLines(convertToLogicalLines(filename, rawText.String(), true))

// Returns and consumes the output from both stdout and stderr.
// In the output, the temporary directory is replaced with a tilde (~).
func (t *Tester) Output() string {
	stdout := t.stdout.String()
	stderr := t.stderr.String()

	if G.isUsable() {
		G.Logger.logged = Once{}
		if G.Logger.out != nil { // Necessary because Main resets the G variable.
			G.Logger.out.state = 0 // Prevent an empty line at the beginning of the next output.
			G.Logger.err.state = 0

	assertf(t.tmpdir != "", "Tester must be initialized before checking the output.")
	return strings.Replace(stdout+stderr, t.tmpdir.String(), "~", -1)

// CheckOutputEmpty ensures that the output up to now is empty.
// See CheckOutputLines.
func (t *Tester) CheckOutputEmpty() {

// CheckOutputLines checks that the output up to now equals the given lines.
// After the comparison, the output buffers are cleared so that later
// calls only check against the newly added output.
// See CheckOutputEmpty, CheckOutputLinesIgnoreSpace.
func (t *Tester) CheckOutputLines(expectedLines ...string) {
	assertf(len(expectedLines) > 0, "To check empty lines, use CheckOutputEmpty instead.")

// CheckOutputLinesMatching checks that the lines from the output that match
// the given pattern equal the given lines.
// After the comparison, the output buffers are cleared so that later
// calls only check against the newly added output.
// See CheckOutputEmpty, CheckOutputLinesIgnoreSpace.
func (t *Tester) CheckOutputLinesMatching(pattern regex.Pattern, expectedLines ...string) {
	output := t.Output()
	var actualLines []string
	for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(output, "\n"), "\n") {
		if matches(line, pattern) {
			actualLines = append(actualLines, line)
	t.CheckDeepEquals(emptyToNil(actualLines), emptyToNil(expectedLines))

// CheckOutputLinesIgnoreSpace checks that the output up to now equals the given lines.
// During comparison, each run of whitespace (space, tab, newline) is normalized so that
// different line breaks are ignored. This is useful for testing line-wrapped explanations.
// After the comparison, the output buffers are cleared so that later
// calls only check against the newly added output.
// See CheckOutputEmpty, CheckOutputLines.
func (t *Tester) CheckOutputLinesIgnoreSpace(expectedLines ...string) {
	assertf(len(expectedLines) > 0, "To check empty lines, use CheckOutputEmpty instead.")
	assertf(!t.tmpdir.IsEmpty(), "Tester must be initialized before checking the output.")

	rawOutput := t.stdout.String() + t.stderr.String()
	_ = t.Output() // Just to consume the output

	actual, expected := t.compareOutputIgnoreSpace(rawOutput, expectedLines, t.tmpdir)
	t.CheckDeepEquals(actual, expected)

func (t *Tester) compareOutputIgnoreSpace(rawOutput string, expectedLines []string, tmpdir CurrPath) ([]string, []string) {
	whitespace := regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`)

	// Replace all occurrences of tmpdir in the raw output with a tilde,
	// also covering cases where tmpdir is wrapped into multiple lines.
	output := func() string {
		var tmpdirPattern strings.Builder
		for i, part := range whitespace.Split(tmpdir.String(), -1) {
			if i > 0 {

		return regexp.MustCompile(tmpdirPattern.String()).ReplaceAllString(rawOutput, "~")

	normSpace := func(s string) string {
		return whitespace.ReplaceAllString(s, " ")
	if normSpace(output) == normSpace(strings.Join(expectedLines, "\n")) {
		return nil, nil

	actualLines := strings.Split(output, "\n")
	actualLines = actualLines[:len(actualLines)-1]

	return emptyToNil(actualLines), emptyToNil(expectedLines)

func (s *Suite) Test_Tester_compareOutputIgnoreSpace(c *check.C) {
	t := s.Init(c)

	lines := func(lines ...string) []string { return lines }
	test := func(rawOutput string, expectedLines []string, tmpdir CurrPath, eq bool) {
		actual, expected := t.compareOutputIgnoreSpace(rawOutput, expectedLines, tmpdir)
		t.CheckEquals(actual == nil && expected == nil, eq)

	test("", lines(), "/tmp", true)

	// The expectedLines are missing a space at the end.
	test(" \t\noutput\n\t ", lines("\toutput"), "/tmp", false)

	test(" \t\noutput\n\t ", lines("\toutput\n"), "/tmp", true)

	test("/tmp/\n\t \nspace", lines("~"), "/tmp/\t\t\t   \n\n\nspace", true)

	// The rawOutput contains more spaces than the tmpdir.
	test("/tmp/\n\t \nspace", lines("~"), "/tmp/space", false)

	// The tmpdir contains more spaces than the rawOutput.
	test("/tmp/space", lines("~"), "/tmp/ \t\nspace", false)

// CheckOutputMatches checks that the output up to now matches the given lines.
// Each line may either be an exact string or a regular expression.
// By convention, regular expressions are written in backticks.
// After the comparison, the output buffers are cleared so that later
// calls only check against the newly added output.
// See CheckOutputEmpty.
func (t *Tester) CheckOutputMatches(expectedLines ...regex.Pattern) {
	output := t.Output()
	actualLines := strings.Split(output, "\n")
	actualLines = actualLines[:len(actualLines)-1]

	ok := func(actualLine string, expectedLine regex.Pattern) bool {
		if actualLine == string(expectedLine) {
			return true

		pattern := `^(?:` + string(expectedLine) + `)$`
		re, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
		return err == nil && re.MatchString(actualLine)

	// If a line matches the corresponding pattern, make them equal in the
	// comparison output, in order to concentrate on the lines that don't match.
	var patterns []string
	for i, expectedLine := range expectedLines {
		if i < len(actualLines) && ok(actualLines[i], expectedLine) {
			patterns = append(patterns, actualLines[i])
		} else {
			patterns = append(patterns, string(expectedLine))

	t.CheckDeepEquals(emptyToNil(actualLines), emptyToNil(patterns))

// CheckOutput checks that the output up to now equals the given lines.
// After the comparison, the output buffers are cleared so that later
// calls only check against the newly added output.
// The expectedLines can be either empty or non-empty.
// When the output is always empty, use CheckOutputEmpty instead.
// When the output always contain some lines, use CheckOutputLines instead.
// This variant should only be used when the expectedLines are generated dynamically.
func (t *Tester) CheckOutput(expectedLines []string) {
	output := t.Output()
	actualLines := strings.Split(output, "\n")
	actualLines = actualLines[:len(actualLines)-1]
	t.CheckDeepEquals(emptyToNil(actualLines), emptyToNil(expectedLines))

// EnableTracing logs the tracing output to os.Stdout instead of silently discarding it.
// The normal diagnostics are written to the in-memory buffer as usual,
// and additionally they are written to os.Stdout,
// where they are shown together with the trace log.
// This is useful when stepping through the code, especially
// in combination with SetUpCommandLine("--debug").
func (t *Tester) EnableTracing() {
	G.Logger.out = NewSeparatorWriter(io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, &t.stdout))
	trace.Out = os.Stdout
	trace.Tracing = true

// EnableTracingToLog enables the tracing and writes the tracing output
// to the test log that can be examined with Tester.Output.
func (t *Tester) EnableTracingToLog() {
	G.Logger.out = NewSeparatorWriter(&t.stdout)
	trace.Out = &t.stdout
	trace.Tracing = true

// EnableSilentTracing enables tracing mode but discards any tracing output.
// This is the default mode when running the tests.
// The diagnostics go to the in-memory buffer.
// It is used to check all calls to trace.Result, since the compiler
// cannot check them.
func (t *Tester) EnableSilentTracing() {
	G.Logger.out = NewSeparatorWriter(&t.stdout)
	trace.Out = ioutil.Discard
	trace.Tracing = true

// DisableTracing skips all tracing code.
// The diagnostics go to the in-memory buffer again,
// ready to be checked with CheckOutputLines.
func (t *Tester) DisableTracing() {
	if G.isUsable() {
		G.Logger.out = NewSeparatorWriter(&t.stdout)
	trace.Tracing = false
	trace.Out = nil

// CheckFileLines loads the lines from the temporary file and checks that
// they equal the given lines.
func (t *Tester) CheckFileLines(filename RelPath, lines ...string) {
	content, err := t.File(filename).ReadString()
	t.c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
	actualLines := strings.Split(content, "\n")
	actualLines = actualLines[:len(actualLines)-1]
	t.CheckDeepEquals(emptyToNil(actualLines), emptyToNil(lines))

// CheckFileLinesDetab loads the lines from the temporary file and checks
// that they equal the given lines. The loaded file may use tabs or spaces
// for indentation, while the lines in the code use spaces exclusively,
// in order to make the depth of the indentation clearly visible in the test code.
func (t *Tester) CheckFileLinesDetab(filename RelPath, lines ...string) {
	actualLines := Load(t.File(filename), MustSucceed)

	var detabbedLines []string
	for _, line := range actualLines.Lines {
		detabbedLines = append(detabbedLines, detab(line.Text))

	t.CheckDeepEquals(detabbedLines, lines)

// CheckDotColumns verifies that each appearance of "..34" is indeed
// right-aligned at column 34, taking tabs into account.
// Columns are zero-based.
func (t *Tester) CheckDotColumns(lines ...string) {
	for index, line := range lines {
		ms := regcomp(`\.\.(\d+)`).FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(line, -1)
		for _, m := range ms {
			prefix := line[:m[1]]
			width := tabWidth(prefix)
			num, err := strconv.Atoi(line[m[2]:m[3]])
			assertNil(err, "")
			t.CheckEqualsf(num, width, "lines[%d]", index)

// Use marks all passed functions as used for the Go compiler.
// This means that the test cases that follow do not have to use each of them,
// and this in turn allows uninteresting test cases to be deleted during
// development.
func (t *Tester) Use(...interface{}) {}

// Shquote renders the given paths into the message, adding shell quoting
// around the paths if necessary.
// It is typically used to check the advertisement lines at the very end
// of the pkglint output. ("Run \"pkglint -e %s\" to show explanations.")
func (t *Tester) Shquote(format string, rels ...RelPath) string {
	var subs []interface{}
	for _, rel := range rels {
		quoted := shquote(t.tmpdir.JoinClean(rel).String())
		subs = append(subs, strings.Replace(quoted, t.tmpdir.String(), "~", -1))
	return sprintf(format, subs...)

func (t *Tester) ReportUncheckedOutput() {
	out := t.Output()
	if out == "" {

	var msg strings.Builder
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&msg, "Unchecked output in %s; check with:\n", t.testName)
	lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(out), "\n")
	for i, line := range lines {
		_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&msg, "\t%q%s\n", line, condStr(i == len(lines)-1, ")", ","))
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&msg, "\n")
	_, _ = os.Stderr.WriteString(msg.String())

// SplitStringsBool unpacks the given varargs into a string slice and a bool.
func (t *Tester) SplitStringsBool(data []interface{}) ([]string, bool) {
	var strs []string
	for _, text := range data[:len(data)-1] {
		strs = append(strs, text.(string))
	return strs, data[len(data)-1].(bool)