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py-junos-eznc: updated to 2.7.2 2.7.2 Enhancements done Introduced bind_addr parameter in Device() API Introduced vmhost paramater in dev.facts Introduced hostkey_verify paramater in Device() API Updated Docker file to use the latest Alpine Bugs Fixed Fixed the missing key to EthernetSwitchingTable Fixed error handling on HelloHandler Fixed the version check Removed Google and Stackflow link from the ReadME Fixed SystemStorageTable tables and views to handles multiple routing-engine file system storage information. Fixed Console' object has no attribute '_use_filter' error when executed Table/View script Fixed cli function to get full RPC response Fixed sw.install to set no_validate option when validate=False for NSSU and ISSU upgrade Fixed UT framework mock to use built-in unittest.mock Fixed specific VC member reboot handling Supported latest paramiko version which supports aes128-gcm and aes256-gcm cipher
py-*: remove unused tool dependency py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
py-junos-eznc: updated to 2.7.1 2.7.1 Enhancements done Added customer juniper paramiko module as a dependency which supported aes128 and aes257 cipher
py-junos-eznc: updated to 2.7.0 Release 2.7.0 Enhancements done Support added for Python 3.10 and above version.
py-junos-eznc: add missing tool
py-junos-eznc: update to 2.6.8. Release 2.6.8 - 3 OCT 2023 Features Added Introduced optional argument routing instance for fs.cp() API Intoduced optional argument member_id for installation of pkg on specific member id of EX-VC Bugs fixed Changed the VlanTable field name to vlan-name and BfdSessionTable field name to client-bame #423 Fixed the port details in StartShell to use the port from Device object instead of default Port 22 #573 Fixed the sw.install to use Windows file path for package copy #1206 Fixed the sw.install to install the vc_master after the other vc_members gets installed for EX-3400 where unlink is set by default #1247 Removed Unused Dependency: Netaddr #1257 Fixed "object": version_info(re_version) emits ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '17-EVO' for EVO version X50.17-EVO#1264
py-junos-eznc: update to version 2.6.7. Pkgsrc changes: * update dependency list to match package requirements * PLIST and checksum fixes Upstream changes: 2.6.7: Enhancements done Supported option to set look_for_keys with bool True/False #1234 Bugs Fixed Fixed build failure against setuptools #1231 2.6.6: Bugs Fixed Fixed reboot failing on other RE #1199 Fixed passing 'sleep' arg to StartShell run() #1202 Fixed PyEZ get-facts support for ACX model #1209 Fixed EthPortTable regex pattern #1215 Fixed StartShell UnboundLocalError #1203 #1211 2.6.5: Enhancements done Supported multi-gig ports for EthPortTable.yml #1177 Bugs Fixed Fixed on-box support for start shell types #1190 #1186 Fixed conn_open_timeout value was getting set None , changed it to default 30 seconds #1184 2.6.4: Enhancements done Supported start_shell options to choose the shell types (sh or csh) #995 Supported for python 3.9 Bugs Fixed Fixed Device facts current_re returns the SRX cluster node0 and node1 details with cluster ID 16 #1135 Fixed upgrade ncclient version 0.6.13, updated requirements.txt to install ncclient==0.6.13 #1153 Fixed deprecation warning due to invalid escape sequences #1034 Fixed Unit tests test_sw_put_ftp failure #1165 2.6.3: Enhancements done Adding ignore warning for rollback api #1131 Add escaped $ Bourne-style shell prompt support #868 Bugs Fixed Fix for junos versions returning a bool value for config diff if there are no changes #1093 Handle ncclient timeout exception at close. #787 Newer junos versions return a bool for config diff and not etree if there are no changes #1093 2.6.2: Bugs Fixed Fix for evo device as Password prompt comes directly during telnet #1112 2.6.1: Enhancement Added Flag for json.loads() for special character like newline was made false by default. #1029 Bugs Fixed Transform function modified only for the rpc and set back to original value. #1108 Skip the values returned in re-list without numbers during multi re software install #1099 getiterator() replaced with iter() as was deprecated in Python 3.2 and removed in Python 3.9 #1110 2.6.0: Enhancement Added Python 2 support removed from this release. Session-id variable added to support telnet based persistent connection in Juniper supported ansible collections. 2.5.4: Features Added cRPD model check to be added for on-box junos #1084 Bugs Fixed support use-fast-diff in diff/pdff function #1088 Zeroize handling modified for scenario where only warning is returned in the rpc-reply #1087 ntc_template and textfsm module's installation made optional and to be done explicitly if one want to use PyEZ table/view for other vendors cli o/p parsing. #1085 Checksum algorithm argument to be passed during remote checksum in software installation. #1083 docstring initialized with empty string as it becomes empty if optimization flag is added. #1081 2.5.3: Bugs Fixed vmhost single re based image upgrade is failing while reboot #1071 2.5.2: Bugs Fixed juniper_junos_system fails when (vmhost) rebooting MX204 router #1068 Testcase failing in PyEZ after ncclient upgrade #1064 Wheel support for version integrated with versioneer. #1070 rpc-reply during reboot parsing gives error #1066 2.5.1: Bugs Fixed Adding monitor-failure information in juniper_junos_facts output #991 Raise exception when dev.cli fails with exception #925 Device version fix for srx when cluster id greater than 15 #1032 #819 2.5.0: Features Added Black tool integrated and checked in Travis. Versioneer support added for the code. Changes for ansible actions of the reboot, shutdown to be handled in PyEZ Bugs Fixed sax parser filter generation generic logic #1047 Changes for the msg displayed in case of failure in software update #1030 fix for default ssh_config path in windows #1043 ntc_template latest version uses textfsm 1.1.0 #1042 drop hard dependency on unittest2 #1040 Note: Due to changes in software install functionality, the return type has changed for the function sw.install. Now it will return tuple in place of Boolean, Tuple contains Success/Failure status and software install message (if any) 2.4.1: Bugs fixed Latest textfsm doesn't support in windows. Hence, supporting textfsm 0.4.1 for windows user #1019 Convert port argument when passed as str to int data type #1020 Return type of sw.install function going to change in the upcoming major release. So, added a deprecation warning in sw.install #1025 2.4.0: Features Added Added TableView Null Key support #983 Added timeout support for commit_check() #998 Added Win serial COM support #1000 Added load patch support #1001 Added textfsm support for table/view #1009 Bugs fixed: Fixed table/view issue w.r.t to get() call #981 Fixed documentation typo #986 Handled sax parser input for nested fields #997 Fixed outbound ssh issue #1007 Fixed xpath issue when defined with a string function #1008 2.3.2: Features Added Added TableView Null Key support #983 Added timeout support for commit_check() #998 Added Win serial COM support #1000 Added load patch support #1001 Added textfsm support for table/view #1009 Bugs fixed: Fixed table/view issue w.r.t to get() call #981 Fixed documentation typo #986 Handled sax parser input for nested fields #997 Fixed outbound ssh issue #1007 Fixed xpath issue when defined with a string function #1008 2.3.1: Bugs fixed: Handled a check for pending Junos OS or package installation #966 Fixed MetaPathLoader support only for jnpr.junos* modules #977 Fixed huge tree XML support #975 Fixed Junos sax parser issue for filter_xml broken #969 2.3.0: Features Added TableView extended for vty/cli unstructured command #950 Added junos SAX parser feature #942 #955 #951 Added TableView Null Key support #910 Added command tables #958. Added reboot support for junos vmhost platform #952 Added ElsEthernetSwitchingTable TableView #939 Added callback functionality to ftp get #932 Extended start shell support for Bourne shell #934 Added at option support for sw.reboot() and sw.poweroff() #916 Added generalized function for ssh-client #957 Bugs Fixed Updated fact collection for srx platform #935 Supports new ssh private key format #945 Handled exception in dev.close() #956 Updated file transfers to use context manager to open files #885 Fixed reboot and poweroff behavior #916 2.2.1: Bugs Fixed Handle multiple package-result values from sw.install #864 Extended support to WR-Based Linux H/W #882 #883 #889 Fixed issues in Console over SSH #877 Optimized PyEZ docker image size and minor bug fixes #894 #911 Fixed JSON serialization for Junos facts #902 Updated securityzone.yml. Added item zone-security #909 Fixed runtime error while using Outbound-SSH #915 Fixed Pyyaml bugs #914 #917 #918 2.2.0: Features Added: Support for Node Slicing based platforms #856 Support for Linux based Juniper devices #862 Support SSH Connection through console server (having login credentials) #861 #870 Outbound SSH #732 2.1.9: Bugs Fixed Added op tables and views for SRX security zones #855 Changed facts for DVATIA platform #856 Fixed issue in gathering facts when other RE is rebooting/off #852 Added and fixed existing unit test cases in PyEZ #838 #854 #840 Fixed RpcTimeoutError for pdiff() #839 Handled newer junos device #853 2.1.8: Bug Fixed: Correct PyEZ TechWiki link #813 Support active and inactive configuration options in config table/view #826 Upgraded alpine 3.6 to support docker in PyEZ #789 #828 #827 Support configuration table/view in telnet mode #829 Added new unit test cases in PyEZ #831 Detect set config format with all keywords like insert, activate, copy etc #791 #792
Roll back net/py-junos-eznc. Sorry... Committed to wrong branch, this rolls back.
py-junos-eznc: update to version 2.6.7. Pkgsrc changes: * update dependency list to match package requirements * PLIST and checksum fixes Upstream changes: 2.6.7: Enhancements done Supported option to set look_for_keys with bool True/False #1234 Bugs Fixed Fixed build failure against setuptools #1231 2.6.6: Bugs Fixed Fixed reboot failing on other RE #1199 Fixed passing 'sleep' arg to StartShell run() #1202 Fixed PyEZ get-facts support for ACX model #1209 Fixed EthPortTable regex pattern #1215 Fixed StartShell UnboundLocalError #1203 #1211 2.6.5: Enhancements done Supported multi-gig ports for EthPortTable.yml #1177 Bugs Fixed Fixed on-box support for start shell types #1190 #1186 Fixed conn_open_timeout value was getting set None , changed it to default 30 seconds #1184 2.6.4: Enhancements done Supported start_shell options to choose the shell types (sh or csh) #995 Supported for python 3.9 Bugs Fixed Fixed Device facts current_re returns the SRX cluster node0 and node1 details with cluster ID 16 #1135 Fixed upgrade ncclient version 0.6.13, updated requirements.txt to install ncclient==0.6.13 #1153 Fixed deprecation warning due to invalid escape sequences #1034 Fixed Unit tests test_sw_put_ftp failure #1165 2.6.3: Enhancements done Adding ignore warning for rollback api #1131 Add escaped $ Bourne-style shell prompt support #868 Bugs Fixed Fix for junos versions returning a bool value for config diff if there are no changes #1093 Handle ncclient timeout exception at close. #787 Newer junos versions return a bool for config diff and not etree if there are no changes #1093 2.6.2: Bugs Fixed Fix for evo device as Password prompt comes directly during telnet #1112 2.6.1: Enhancement Added Flag for json.loads() for special character like newline was made false by default. #1029 Bugs Fixed Transform function modified only for the rpc and set back to original value. #1108 Skip the values returned in re-list without numbers during multi re software install #1099 getiterator() replaced with iter() as was deprecated in Python 3.2 and removed in Python 3.9 #1110 2.6.0: Enhancement Added Python 2 support removed from this release. Session-id variable added to support telnet based persistent connection in Juniper supported ansible collections. 2.5.4: Features Added cRPD model check to be added for on-box junos #1084 Bugs Fixed support use-fast-diff in diff/pdff function #1088 Zeroize handling modified for scenario where only warning is returned in the rpc-reply #1087 ntc_template and textfsm module's installation made optional and to be done explicitly if one want to use PyEZ table/view for other vendors cli o/p parsing. #1085 Checksum algorithm argument to be passed during remote checksum in software installation. #1083 docstring initialized with empty string as it becomes empty if optimization flag is added. #1081 2.5.3: Bugs Fixed vmhost single re based image upgrade is failing while reboot #1071 2.5.2: Bugs Fixed juniper_junos_system fails when (vmhost) rebooting MX204 router #1068 Testcase failing in PyEZ after ncclient upgrade #1064 Wheel support for version integrated with versioneer. #1070 rpc-reply during reboot parsing gives error #1066 2.5.1: Bugs Fixed Adding monitor-failure information in juniper_junos_facts output #991 Raise exception when dev.cli fails with exception #925 Device version fix for srx when cluster id greater than 15 #1032 #819 2.5.0: Features Added Black tool integrated and checked in Travis. Versioneer support added for the code. Changes for ansible actions of the reboot, shutdown to be handled in PyEZ Bugs Fixed sax parser filter generation generic logic #1047 Changes for the msg displayed in case of failure in software update #1030 fix for default ssh_config path in windows #1043 ntc_template latest version uses textfsm 1.1.0 #1042 drop hard dependency on unittest2 #1040 Note: Due to changes in software install functionality, the return type has changed for the function sw.install. Now it will return tuple in place of Boolean, Tuple contains Success/Failure status and software install message (if any) 2.4.1: Bugs fixed Latest textfsm doesn't support in windows. Hence, supporting textfsm 0.4.1 for windows user #1019 Convert port argument when passed as str to int data type #1020 Return type of sw.install function going to change in the upcoming major release. So, added a deprecation warning in sw.install #1025 2.4.0: Features Added Added TableView Null Key support #983 Added timeout support for commit_check() #998 Added Win serial COM support #1000 Added load patch support #1001 Added textfsm support for table/view #1009 Bugs fixed: Fixed table/view issue w.r.t to get() call #981 Fixed documentation typo #986 Handled sax parser input for nested fields #997 Fixed outbound ssh issue #1007 Fixed xpath issue when defined with a string function #1008 2.3.2: Features Added Added TableView Null Key support #983 Added timeout support for commit_check() #998 Added Win serial COM support #1000 Added load patch support #1001 Added textfsm support for table/view #1009 Bugs fixed: Fixed table/view issue w.r.t to get() call #981 Fixed documentation typo #986 Handled sax parser input for nested fields #997 Fixed outbound ssh issue #1007 Fixed xpath issue when defined with a string function #1008 2.3.1: Bugs fixed: Handled a check for pending Junos OS or package installation #966 Fixed MetaPathLoader support only for jnpr.junos* modules #977 Fixed huge tree XML support #975 Fixed Junos sax parser issue for filter_xml broken #969 2.3.0: Features Added TableView extended for vty/cli unstructured command #950 Added junos SAX parser feature #942 #955 #951 Added TableView Null Key support #910 Added command tables #958. Added reboot support for junos vmhost platform #952 Added ElsEthernetSwitchingTable TableView #939 Added callback functionality to ftp get #932 Extended start shell support for Bourne shell #934 Added at option support for sw.reboot() and sw.poweroff() #916 Added generalized function for ssh-client #957 Bugs Fixed Updated fact collection for srx platform #935 Supports new ssh private key format #945 Handled exception in dev.close() #956 Updated file transfers to use context manager to open files #885 Fixed reboot and poweroff behavior #916 2.2.1: Bugs Fixed Handle multiple package-result values from sw.install #864 Extended support to WR-Based Linux H/W #882 #883 #889 Fixed issues in Console over SSH #877 Optimized PyEZ docker image size and minor bug fixes #894 #911 Fixed JSON serialization for Junos facts #902 Updated securityzone.yml. Added item zone-security #909 Fixed runtime error while using Outbound-SSH #915 Fixed Pyyaml bugs #914 #917 #918 2.2.0: Features Added: Support for Node Slicing based platforms #856 Support for Linux based Juniper devices #862 Support SSH Connection through console server (having login credentials) #861 #870 Outbound SSH #732 2.1.9: Bugs Fixed Added op tables and views for SRX security zones #855 Changed facts for DVATIA platform #856 Fixed issue in gathering facts when other RE is rebooting/off #852 Added and fixed existing unit test cases in PyEZ #838 #854 #840 Fixed RpcTimeoutError for pdiff() #839 Handled newer junos device #853 2.1.8: Bug Fixed: Correct PyEZ TechWiki link #813 Support active and inactive configuration options in config table/view #826 Upgraded alpine 3.6 to support docker in PyEZ #789 #828 #827 Support configuration table/view in telnet mode #829 Added new unit test cases in PyEZ #831 Detect set config format with all keywords like insert, activate, copy etc #791 #792
*: mark two more as not-for-python-2.x (due to py-selectors2)
py-junos-eznc: use versioned dependencies for jinja2
*: bump PKGREVISION for egg.mk users They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
*: switch to versioned_dependencies.mk for py-setuptools
py-junos-eznc: update to 2.1.7 Release 2.1.7: Features Added: * None Bugs Fixed: * Correct PyEZ TechWiki link. * SRX Branch cluster fails SW.install()
Follow some redirects.
Restrict to python-2.7 due to py-scp.
Update py-junos-eznc to version 2.1.3. Pkgsrc changes: =============== * Update dependencies to match requirements.txt * Adapt to PLIST changes Upstream changes: ================= Release 2.1.3 ------------- Features Added: * Ephemeral config support #707 * Add a srx_cluster_redundancy_group fact. #711 Bugs Fixed: * ignore_warning fails when single that is first child of . #712 * mode='telnet' did not logout non-cli user #713 * JSONLoadError was thrown when load valid JSON config #717/#718 * Fix XML normalization feature when using NETCONF over console. #719/#720 * Handle differences in |display xml rpc #722 Release 2.1.2 ------------- Bugs Fixed: * Doc badge was pointing to older version #694 * Fix new-style fact gathering for SRX clusters. #697/#698 * Properly handle SW upgrades on multi-RE and/or multi-chassis systems when using new-style fact gathering. #700 * Raise JSONLoadError if json config is malformed #706 * Handle ConnectClosedError exception for lock() and unlock() #708 Release 2.1.1 ------------- Bugs Fixed: * Fix regressions caused by ignore_warning. #691 Release 2.1.0 ------------- Features Added: * Enhanced fact gathering. Facts are now gathered "on demand." Additional facts are added. * The definition of facts and return values are properly documented. #638 * Support for YANG get RPCs. #672 * Add an ignore_warning argument to suppress RpcError exceptions for warnings. #672/#685 * Enhanced the sw.install() method with basic ISSU and NSSU support using the issu and nssu * boolean arguments. #606/#630/#632 * ** NSSU support has not yet been tested and should currently be considered experimental. * Provide a master property and a re_name property for Device. #682 * Enhanced reboot() method to take an all_re boolean parameter which controls if only the connected * Routing Engine, or all Routing Engines, are rebooted. #613 * Enhanced the warning message produced by the cli() method to recommend the corresponding * dev.rpc.<method>() call. #603 * Add support for update parameter to configuration load() method. #681 * Added directory_usage to utils #629/#631/#636 * Adding support for NFX/JDM fact gathering. #652/#659 * Connected property. #664 Bugs Fixed: * Updated the interface-name glob pattern to correctly match et-<x>/<y>/<z> interfaces * in several tables and views. #609 * Take care of special chars on screen during console connection. #610 * Address issue with fact gathering stopping when it encounters a problem. #615 * Minor typos fixed in RuntimeError exception message and in comments. #621 * Added console_has_banner parameter. #622 * Add CentOS Support to install instructions #623 * Key value is needed in _IsisAdjacencyLogTable #627 * Improved functionality and documentation of Docker build. #637/#673/#674/#677 * added remote port ID to lldp.yml (OP) #645 * Fix documentation for rollback() #647 * Fix for fact gathering pprint. #660/#661 * update ospf view, add bgp/inventory #665 * Updated doc string for close function #686 * Add Travis builds for Python 3.5 and 3.6 #687 * StartShell.run to take this as None for non returning commands #680 * Modify ignore_warning return value to mimic normal RPC return value. #688 Release 2.0.1 ------------- * StartShell to take timeout (30 second by default) as paramter * Proper exception handling in case of Console connection #595 * Fix: Config.lock() return exception when normalize is on * Added microbadge badge for the Docker image #593 * Fix: print dev for Console conn was printing object not Device(....) #591 * Fix: To take care of special chars with StartShell->run function call #589 * Fix: ssh private key file to be considered for scp util #586 * Added Dockerfile to enable automated image builds on project commits #585
py-ncclient is python-3.x ready now.
Mark as not ready for python-3.x due to py-ncclient.
Update to version 2.0.0. Notable changes: ref. https://github.com/Juniper/py-junos-eznc/releases * Now PyEZ will support Console (Telnet/Serial) connection apart from SSH * Python >=3.4 support * Configuration Tables to Define and Configure Structured Resources * JSON Config load For devices >=16.1, user can also load JSON config apart from xml/set/text * FTP Utility Option to use FTP utility to transfer files in addition to existing SCP. * Multi RPC error If the config being loaded got more then 1 error/warning, PyEZ will give all error details to the user * Bug fixes * dev.cli "invalid command" returned even in case of proper command. #498 #492 * StartShell utility to work on Occam and root users. * StartShell run function to return Tuple of last_ok & command output * Many other bug fixes.
Umm, adjust dependencies to go with the previous update. Ride on the coattails of that version bump.
Upgrade py-junos-eznc to version 1.3.1. Upstream changes: 1.3.1: * Bugfix: Not to suppress exception under Config util context manager. 1.3.0: * Feature add: support "private" and "dynamic" database access #301 #458. * Feature enhancements: - Support for Feature Velocity releases #442 - Multiple RPC support #338 #453 - Merged Table/View pull requests from user. #441 - Facts gathering to raise only warning in case of exception #459 * Bugfixes: - Raise RpcTimeoutError in commit_check #437 - Config load not throwing RpcTimeoutError #443 #444 - Prevented AttributeError upon XML comment #448 #447 - Facts gathering fix for QFX and other specific software releases #450 #463 1.2.3: * Bugfixes: - Software upgrade for multi RE and multi VC #429 - single chassis (EX8208 1EA-2RE) software installation was broken. - Facts gathering on VMx & Qfabric #313 - SCP & SW progress to print proper log messages #422, #421 - TXP facts broken #417 - Prefer explicitly defined ssh_private_key_file to sshconfig #418 * Feature ehnancements: - Implement context manager for Device #433 - JSON as format option to RPC calls for Junos >= 14.2 - Merged Table/View pull requests from users. 1.2.2: * Bugfixes: - Suppress paramiko logger warnings #363 - A few places warnings similar to No handlers could be found for logger "paramiko.transport" would be displayed. - Device password setter did not work #400 - dev.password = 'newpass' - Facts gather for EX8200 standalone failing #402 - JSON dump of RPC XML failing when contents include XML comment #406 - SCP logger not enabled by default #362 1.2.1: * Bugfixes: - Unable to use get() multiple times with Tables - Add increased timeout value for remote_checksum - Ability to set options in CfgTable definition - Domain Fact - Put RPC inside try block - Search inherited version of config - Update support of swver fact for Junos 15.1 1.2.0: * New features: * Enhanced exception handling: * XML Normalization Support: * OpTables normalization * Mixed Mode Virtual Chassis Upgrade Support * Add sync, force_sync, full, detail to Config.commit(), * Configuration Table Support * Support for SSH ProxyCommand in SCP * Set minimum paramiko version to 1.15.2 * Bugfixes: - Facts - MX Virtual Chassis - All physical RE's are now accounted for in facts in the format Device-RE => 'RE1-RE0' - Master fact is same format as other VC systems. - Domain - Domain lookup now checks configuration first before attempting to parse /etc/resolv.conf or /var/etc/resolv.conf - 2RE - Fixed false positive of 2RE on vc_capable systems - StartShell root user - Utils.start_shell now supports the user root - utils.fs multiple RE support - Fixed bug affecting multiple RE systems - OpTables loading from XML files and objects - OpTables were not properly loading when passing in a XML file path or lxml object 1.1.2: * Bugfixes: - onbox Device() 1.1.1: * Bugfixes: - Device _auth_user overwritten after device open. This was breaking SCP 1.1.0: * New features: * Enhanced Exception Handling * Per execution timeout * Serialization of Junos facts * Composite table key support for missing XPATH * Regex support for View boolean values * OS Install force-host * Added display_xml_rpc command * ncclient proxycommand support * Added support for pipe (union) operator in Table keys * Format optional for configuration strings * Bugfixes: * JSON Output - Views that had compound keys failed to dump. - RPC command output failed to dump. * FutureWarning - Config utility would output a FutureWarning 1.0.2: * Bugfixes: * XML Templates not properly loading * Templates without a file extension no longer assumed to be XML
Removing python26. EOL'd quite some ago and discussed a couple times on tech-pkg@ and pkgsrc-users@.
Improve EGG_NAME default to work for packages with '-' in their name. Remove now unnecessary overrides in various packages.
Add Junos PyEZ as py-junos-eznc. Junos PyEZ is a Python library to remotely manage/automate Junos devices. Junos PyEZ is designed to provide the same capabilties as a user would have on the Junos CLI, but in an environment built for automation tasks. These capabiltieis include, but are not limited to: * Remote connectivty and management of Junos devices via NETCONF * Provide "facts" about the device such as software-version, serial-number, etc. * Retrieve "operational" or "run-state" information as Tables/Views * Retrieve configuration information as Tables/Views * Make configuration changes in unstructured and structured ways * Provide common utilities for tasks such as secure copy of files and software updates