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Sort PLIST files. Unsorted entries in PLIST files have generated a pkglint warning for at least 12 years. Somewhat more recently, pkglint has learned to sort PLIST files automatically. Since pkglint 5.4.23, the sorting is only done in obvious, simple cases. These have been applied by running: pkglint -Cnone,PLIST -Wnone,plist-sort -r -F
@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.7 2018/01/01 22:29:47 rillig Exp $ bin/axfr-get bin/axfrdns bin/axfrdns-conf bin/dnscache bin/dnscache-conf bin/dnsfilter bin/dnsip ${PLIST.inet6}bin/dnsip6 ${PLIST.inet6}bin/dnsip6q bin/dnsipq bin/dnsmx bin/dnsname bin/dnsq bin/dnsqr bin/dnstrace bin/dnstracesort bin/dnstxt bin/pickdns bin/pickdns-conf bin/pickdns-data bin/random-ip bin/rbldns bin/rbldns-conf bin/rbldns-data bin/tinydns bin/tinydns-conf bin/tinydns-data bin/tinydns-edit bin/tinydns-get bin/walldns bin/walldns-conf man/man1/dnsfilter.1 man/man1/dnsip.1 man/man1/dnsipq.1 man/man1/dnsmx.1 man/man1/dnsname.1 man/man1/dnsq.1 man/man1/dnsqr.1 man/man1/dnstrace.1 man/man1/dnstracesort.1 man/man1/dnstxt.1 man/man1/tinydns-get.1 man/man5/qualification.5 man/man8/axfr-get.8 man/man8/axfrdns-conf.8 man/man8/axfrdns.8 man/man8/dnscache-conf.8 man/man8/dnscache.8 man/man8/rbldns-conf.8 man/man8/rbldns-data.8 man/man8/rbldns.8 man/man8/tinydns-conf.8 man/man8/tinydns-data.8 man/man8/tinydns-edit.8 man/man8/tinydns.8 man/man8/walldns-conf.8 man/man8/walldns.8 share/examples/djbdns/