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multimedia: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and SHA512 hashes The following distfiles could not be fetched (for legal reasons?): ./multimedia/adobe-flash-player/distinfo adobe-flash-player- ./multimedia/adobe-flash-player/distinfo adobe-flash-player- ./multimedia/libdvdcss/distinfo libdvdcss-1.4.3.tar.bz2
multimedia: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
gst123: update to 0.3.5. Switch to gstreamer1. Overview of changes in gst123-0.3.5: * Support faster/slower playback [David Fries]. * Better status bar notification (on the same line as time). * Minor bugfixes.
Updated gst123 to 0.3.4. Overview of changes in gst123-0.3.4: * Option parsing bug for "-@, --list" fixed. * Avoid annoying redundant tag updates. * Support video subtitles [Ahmed El-Mahmoudy]. * Use A/a keys to set video opacity [Ahmed El-Mahmoudy]. * Work around kwin window manager policy "focus stealing prevention". * Fix image filetype detection bug. * Fix Issue 14: Use sync bus handler to set window xid. * Fix Issue 13: In some cases playing videos leads to g_criticals(). * Added "-f, --fullscreen" option to start playback in fullscreen mode. * Added "--volume" option to set initial playback volume. * Ignore symlinks when crawling directories. * Various bugfixes.
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for multimedia category Problems found locating distfiles: Package adobe-flash-plugin11: missing distfile flash-plugin- Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/AlienMind-1.2.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/BlueHeart-1.5.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/CornerMP-aqua-1.4.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/MPlayer-1.1.1.tar.xz Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/WMP6-2.2.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/gnome-1.1.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/hwswskin-1.3.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/neutron-1.6.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/plastic-1.3.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/slim-1.3.tar.bz2 Package gmplayer: missing distfile mplayer/xine-lcd-1.2.tar.bz2 Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/HandBrake-0.9.3.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/bzip2-1.0.5.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/faad2-2.6.1.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/lame-3.98.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/libdvdread-0.9.7.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/libmp4v2-r45.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/libquicktime-0.9.10.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/libtheora-1.0.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/mpeg2dec-0.5.1.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/x264-r1028-83baa7f.tar.gz Package handbrake: missing distfile handbrake/zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz Package libdvdcss: missing distfile libdvdcss-1.3.99.tar.bz2 Package mplayer-share: missing distfile mplayer/MPlayer-1.1.1.tar.xz Package mpv: missing distfile mpv-0.12.0.tar.gz Package realplayer-codecs: missing distfile rp8codecs-20040626.tar.bz2 Package realplayer-codecs: missing distfile rp8codecs-alpha-20050115.tar.bz2 Package win32-codecs: missing distfile rp9codecs-win32-20050115.tar.bz2 Package xanim: missing distfile xa2.0_cvid_netbsd386.o.gz Package xanim: missing distfile xa2.0_iv32_netbsd386.o.gz Package xanim: missing distfile xa1.0_cyuv_netbsd68k.o.gz Package xanim: missing distfile xa2.0_cvid_linuxELF.o.gz Package xanim: missing distfile xa2.0_iv32_linuxELF.o.gz Package xanim: missing distfile xa1.0_cyuv_sparcAOUT.o.gz Package xanim: missing distfile xa2.0_cvid_sparcELF.o.gz Package xanim: missing distfile xa2.0_iv32_sparcELF.o.gz Package xanim: missing distfile xa1.0_cyuv_linuxPPC.o.gz Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
Update to 0.3.3 Changelog: Overview of changes is gst123-0.3.3: * Fix Issue 10: Local files not properly escaped when converted to URLs * Added "-k, --skip=<n>" option: skip first 'n' seconds [Tobias Bengfort] Overview of changes in gst123-0.3.2: * Support building with gstreamer 1.0 or gstreamer 0.10 (Issue 11). * Added "-a pulse" PulseAudio output support. * Fix time display updates (broken by introduction of quiet mode). * Properly quit player if none of the files in the playlist can be played. * Cleanup code to avoid compiler warnings.
Update to 0.3.1 Changelog: Overview of changes in gst123-0.3.1: * Added quiet mode (Issue 9). * Ignore image files during playback (Issue 1). * Added keybinding 'n' for 'play next file'.
Update to 0.3.0 * Fix LICENSE, the license is gnu-lgpl-v3 not gnu-gpl-v3 Changelog: Overview of changes in gst123-0.3.0: * Support visualization plugins during audio playback (Issue 3). * Fix compilation for GNU/Hurd (Issue 7).
Update to 0.2.2 Changelog: Overview of changes in gst123-0.2.2: * Disable screensaver during video playback (via xdg-screensaver). * Fixed includes to compile with gcc-4.7. [Siddhesh Poyarekar] * Fixed a problem with fullscreen/unfullscreen.
Update to 0.2.1 Changelog: Overview of changes in gst123-0.2.1: * Fixed minor memory leak. * Fix warnings due to wrong glib option parsing. [Nicholas Miell] * Use wikihtml2man for documentation (replaces old doxer based manpage).
Update to 0.2.0 Changelog: Overview of changes in gst123-0.2.0: * Made --shuffle, --repeat and --random behave identical to ogg123 options. * Allow colon in filenames. [Siddhesh Poyarekar] * Support "none" audio driver which disables audio output. * Added --full-version option which prints versions of the libraries used by gst123. * Support --enable-debug configure option. * Minor fixes.
Import gst123-0.1.4 as multimedia/gst123 The program gst123 is designed to be a more flexible command line player in the spirit of ogg123 and mpg123, based on gstreamer. It plays all file formats gstreamer understands, so if you have a music collection which contains different file formats, like flac, ogg and mp3, you can use gst123 to play all your music and video files. It is implemented in C++ and licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.
Initial revision