File:  [] / pkgsrc / misc / ruby-memoizable / Attic / distinfo
Revision 1.5: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Oct 26 10:59:30 2021 UTC (3 years, 2 months ago) by nia
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2023Q2-base, pkgsrc-2023Q2, pkgsrc-2023Q1-base, pkgsrc-2023Q1, pkgsrc-2022Q4-base, pkgsrc-2022Q4, pkgsrc-2022Q3-base, pkgsrc-2022Q3, pkgsrc-2022Q2-base, pkgsrc-2022Q2, pkgsrc-2022Q1-base, pkgsrc-2022Q1, pkgsrc-2021Q4-base, pkgsrc-2021Q4, HEAD
misc: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

The following distfiles could not be fetched (possibly fetched

./misc/libreoffice/distinfo libreoffice/harfbuzz-2.6.4.tar.xz

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2021/10/26 10:59:30 nia Exp $

BLAKE2s (memoizable-0.4.2.gem) = b978bbd7e64f4ccd7f1c379314a32ae397c3f7e315929e6b3933ffbb81c47573
SHA512 (memoizable-0.4.2.gem) = 6fa80eea7922bf93f9e2fcf88c0d0890e658820e8fdf9fc6bf7becf822435fbb95332a1d7b51aebb85018e787d87500899eb4d95f7467b6b2eb7c391c0e9583c
Size (memoizable-0.4.2.gem) = 13312 bytes

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