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misc/hs-extra: Update to 1.7.14 1.7.14, released 2023-07-01 #106, add compatibility with GHC 9.7 #103, future-proof against addition of Data.List.unsnoc 1.7.13, released 2023-04-22 #102, add mwhen :: Monoid a => Bool -> a -> a #99, make replace with an empty from intersperse the replacement #101, future-proof against addition of Data.List.!?
misc/hs-extra: Update to 1.7.12 1.7.12, released 2022-09-02 * #98, make both lazy in its argument * #98, make first3,second3,third3 lazy in their argument * #98, make firstM,secondM lazy in their argument * #86, add notNull for Foldable 1.7.11, released 2022-08-21 * #95, add List.repeatedlyNE and NonEmpty.repeatedly * #94, add groupOnKey * #91, add foldl1' to NonEmpty
Update to extra-1.7.10 1.7.10, released 2021-08-29 #81, add assertIO function #85, add !? to do !! list indexing returning a Maybe #80, add strict Var functions modifyVar', modifyVar_', writeVar'
misc: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and SHA512 hashes The following distfiles could not be fetched (possibly fetched conditionally?): ./misc/libreoffice/distinfo libreoffice/harfbuzz-2.6.4.tar.xz
misc: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
Update to extra-1.7.9 1.7.9, released 2020-12-19 #72, add pureIf #73, make takeEnd, dropEnd, splitAtEnd: return immediately if i <= 0 #71, add compareLength and comparingLength 1.7.8, released 2020-09-12 #68, make sure Data.Foldable.Extra is exposed 1.7.7, released 2020-08-25 #67, defer to System.IO readFile', hGetContents' in GHC 9.0 1.7.6, released 2020-08-21 #66, add lots of functions to Data.Foldable.Extra (anyM etc) 1.7.5, released 2020-08-12 #65, add Data.Foldable.Extra #65, add sum', product', sumOn' and productOn' 1.7.4, released 2020-07-15 #59, add whileJustM and untilJustM #61, optimise nubOrd (10% or so) Add first3, second3, third3 1.7.3, released 2020-05-30 #58, add disjointOrd and disjointOrdBy 1.7.2, released 2020-05-25 #56, add zipWithLongest #57, make duration in MonadIO Simplify and optimise Barrier Mark modules that are empty as DEPRECATED Remove support for GHC 7.10 1.7.1, released 2020-03-10 Add NOINLINE to errorIO to work around a GHC 8.4 bug 1.7, released 2020-03-05 * #40, delete deprecated function for * zipFrom now truncates lists, rather than error, just like zip 1.6.21, released 2020-03-02 #54, deprecate nubOn since its O(n^2). Use nubOrdOn #53, add some nub functions to NonEmpty 1.6.20, released 2020-02-16 Add firstM, secondM 1.6.19, released 2020-02-11 #50, add headDef, lastDef, and dropEnd1
Import extra-1.6.18 A library of extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries. Most functions are simple additions, filling out missing functionality. A few functions are available in later versions of GHC, but this package makes them available back to GHC 7.2.