File:  [] / pkgsrc / math / libnumbertext / distinfo
Revision 1.7: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Jan 5 21:44:53 2022 UTC (3 years, 1 month ago) by wiz
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2022Q1-base, pkgsrc-2022Q1, HEAD
libnumbertext: update to 1.0.8.

2021-12-31: 1.0.8 release:
	* src/ fix FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position, reported by Rene Engelhard
	* fr.sor:
		- use hyphens instead of spaces, e.g. cent-deux, reported by "4560041" at GitHub
		- new prefix "informal" for 1100–1900 (onze-cents - dix-neuf-cents)
		- add prefix "feminine" and "masculine" (1 -> une/un), bug reports by arena94 at GitGub
	* hu_Hung.sor:
		- fix transliteration of old Hungarian family names, bug report by Zoltán Óvári
		- fix 100–199, 1000–1999, 1000000–1999999 and 1000000000–1999999999 (bad ordering)
		– fix conversion of single letters "í", "Í" and "NY";
		- fix unnecessary conversion of words ending with "q", e.g. "IQ";
		- fix unnecessary conversion of words not ending with unknown letters
	* mr.sor: Marathi spelling corrections by Shantanu Oak
	* pl.sor: fix ordinal 20-29, reported by Gabryha at GitHub
	* uk.sor, CalcAddIn.xcu, fix spell by Olexandr Nesterenko
		- replace apostrophe symbol to U+02BC, reported by Volodymyr Lisivka
		- up number to 10^42
		- add cardinal, update help
		- add uk locale
	* zh.sor: add ordinal numbers, use always 二 for 2, reported by Ming-Hua

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.7 2022/01/05 21:44:53 wiz Exp $

BLAKE2s (libnumbertext-1.0.8.tar.xz) = 61b8d11a9b4ce4da8cee3425c01440648d6eabec98bd50b2d19f990e6d1d30c7
SHA512 (libnumbertext-1.0.8.tar.xz) = b29e544eac25a0603ba7fc68744ac54a372402af32f4bbf52f2373b280efce2eb6831c803d0a10e1f674988839f4c123b8a120e2697bcfa2510d3852d856fe2d
Size (libnumbertext-1.0.8.tar.xz) = 292568 bytes

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