File:  [] / pkgsrc / mail / p5-MIME-Types / distinfo
Revision 1.23: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Jul 7 08:16:00 2021 UTC (3 years, 5 months ago) by wen
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2021Q3-base, pkgsrc-2021Q3, HEAD
Update to 2.21

Upstream changes:
version 2.21: Fri 28 May 12:01:00 CEST 2021

        - application/octet-stream is better for .dat [issue #11, Даша Федорова]
        - add video/webm which Google forgot to register [issue #12, Brent Laabs]
        - add image/webp which Google registered too late [issue #12, Brent Laabs]

version 2.20: Thu 22 Apr 12:48:35 CEST 2021

        - problems with PAUSE cause the previous release to show-up in
          the wrong location.  Let's hope this release solves it.

        - heif/heic/heifs/heics/hif fix [issue #9, Даша Федорова]
        - no 'and' and 'or' extensions [issue #9, Даша Федорова]
        - application/octet-stream is better for .bin [issue #10, Даша Федорова]

version 2.19: Fri 16 Apr 11:47:10 CEST 2021

        - update with the newest data from IANA and Apache httpd

        - mp4 preference is video/mp4 [issue #5, Даша Федорова]
        - yt preference is video/ [issue #6, Даша Федорова]
        - 3gp and 3gpp preference is video/3gpp [issue #7, Даша Федорова]

version 2.18: Wed  9 Dec 10:29:46 CET 2020

        - update with newest data

        - Mojo 6.0 changed types() into mapping() [Dmitry Latin]
        - Mojo 7.94 adds experimental file_type()
        - Mojo 7.94 adds experimental content_type()

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.23 2021/07/07 08:16:00 wen Exp $

SHA1 (MIME-Types-2.21.tar.gz) = fd5451268eda477ae36dc39a25b59249f7db4723
RMD160 (MIME-Types-2.21.tar.gz) = fe8bedd22974d9744966b8d35d88276f7113e95d
SHA512 (MIME-Types-2.21.tar.gz) = 223aacf8f8ea3c8dd3059791bb86d3203684fb632d972639d88d9e176a5fee428c5fd637cbeee65b52f008ad70a92cef3f82f524926fc5fa55ea24ca0448f4ad
Size (MIME-Types-2.21.tar.gz) = 64535 bytes

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