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dbmail: update to 3.3.1 3.3.1: MySQL 8 is supported and fixes an issue with 8.0.31 and libzdb 3.3.0: This release bumps gmime to version 3.0 (3.2), all other requirements are the same. 3.2.6: The maintenance(dbmail-util) process should be issued in a maintenance window do to massive changes on database compatibility compiler standard was raised to C17 Added IMAP Daemon: added switch to control the sequence update strategy IMAP Daemon: added switch to control the sync between DELETE flag and the actual state of the message (deleted) Build: automatic installation script (v 0.5) Maintenance(dbmail-util): added option to upgrade to utf8mb4(MariaDB/MySQL) Optimizations IMAP: optimizing differential state + bugfixes
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.76 2022/10/29 15:48:59 tnn Exp $ DISTNAME= dbmail-3.3.1 CATEGORIES= mail MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:=dbmail/} GITHUB_TAG= v${PKGVERSION_NOREV} MAINTAINER= HOMEPAGE= COMMENT= Store and retrieve mail messages in a database LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2 USE_TOOLS+= gmake pkg-config pax USE_LIBTOOL= yes USE_PKGLOCALEDIR= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-logdir=${VARBASE}/log CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --sysconfdir=${PKG_SYSCONFDIR} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --localstatedir=${VARBASE}/run CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-zdb=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.libzdb} BUILD_DEFS+= VARBASE EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/dbmail CONF_FILES_PERMS+= ${EGDIR}/dbmail.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/dbmail.conf \ ${REAL_ROOT_USER} ${REAL_ROOT_GROUP} 0640 RCD_SCRIPTS= dbmail dbmailimapd dbmaillmtpd dbmailpop3d DATADIR= ${PREFIX}/share/dbmail MESSAGE_SUBST+= DATADIR=${DATADIR} SUBST_CLASSES+= sysconf SUBST_STAGE.sysconf= do-configure SUBST_FILES.sysconf= man/commonopts.txt SUBST_SED.sysconf= -e 's|/etc/dbmail\.conf|${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/dbmail.conf|g' SUBST_MESSAGE.sysconf= Fixing sysconf paths. INSTALLATION_DIRS= lib ${PKGMANDIR}/man1 ${PKGMANDIR}/man5 ${PKGMANDIR}/man8 sbin ${EGDIR} ${DATADIR}/sql post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dbmail.conf ${DESTDIR}${EGDIR} .for f in mysql postgresql sqlite cd ${WRKSRC}/sql && pax -rw ${f} ${DESTDIR}${DATADIR}/sql/. .endfor .include "" .include "../../databases/libzdb/" BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.glib2+= glib2>=2.8.0 .include "../../devel/glib2/" .include "../../devel/libevent/" .include "../../mail/gmime3/" .include "../../security/mhash/" .include "../../security/openssl/" .include "../../mk/"