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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / lang / php71 / Attic / distinfo (download)

Revision 1.33, Fri Feb 2 12:53:39 2018 UTC (6 years, 2 months ago) by jdolecek
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.32: +5 -5 lines

Update lang/php71 to php 7.1.14

Changes since 7.1.13:

Fixed bug #75679 (Path 260 character problem).
Fixed bug #75786 (segfault when using spread operator on generator passed by reference).
Fixed bug #75799 (arg of get_defined_functions is optional).
Fixed bug #75396 (Exit inside generator finally results in fatal error).
Fixed bug #75079 (self keyword leads to incorrectly generated TypeError when in closure in trait).

Fixed bug #75794 (getenv() crashes on Windows 7.2.1 when second parameter is false).

Fixed bug #75774 (imap_append HeapCorruction).

Fixed bug #75720 (File cache not populated after SHM runs full).
Fixed bug #75579 (Interned strings buffer overflow may cause crash).

Fixed bug #75671 (pg_version() crashes when called on a connection to cockroach).
Fixed bug #75775 (readline_read_history segfaults with empty file).

Fixed bug #75735 ([embed SAPI] Segmentation fault in sapi_register_post_entry).

Fixed bug #70469 (SoapClient generates E_ERROR even if exceptions=1 is used).
Fixed bug #75502 (Segmentation fault in zend_string_release).

Fixed bug #75717 (RecursiveArrayIterator does not traverse arrays by reference).
Fixed bug #75242 (RecursiveArrayIterator doesn't have constants from parent class).
Fixed bug #73209 (RecursiveArrayIterator does not iterate object properties).

Fixed bug #75781 (substr_count incorrect result).

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.33 2018/02/02 12:53:39 jdolecek Exp $

SHA1 (php-7.1.14.tar.bz2) = a189b48cddd3f658d7cf09559f9eb98b57e29169
RMD160 (php-7.1.14.tar.bz2) = 7d3616b695cfcb7a90401693d704215d32007c22
SHA512 (php-7.1.14.tar.bz2) = e676f066a3ad5fcf93a10c39305fe20a0f539a0df0bffc7add6186d6c2e119b7e5826a1119523880dc03b7e42fb950a67ed0e616671c31cccc9ce875826645a9
Size (php-7.1.14.tar.bz2) = 14962060 bytes
SHA1 (patch-acinclude.m4) = b682280fd89950c082c2226bdb7364b0dc475bad
SHA1 (patch-configure) = 862707ff3fd8b8d7312104bb44a48fe8379951bd
SHA1 (patch-ext_gd_config.m4) = 93b62daad93b9ee6dc28e06016f739bc26b0dc9f
SHA1 (patch-ext_imap_config.m4) = f4e10ab81697b72019313f63bc630627a08efd92
SHA1 (patch-ext_intl_config.m4) = 1ea3d3e6f05d5fed0bd4ca4518440199aec0954d
SHA1 (patch-ext_pcre_pcrelib_config.h) = c5fba95856628f68639fe63feeef04a5f83d3916
SHA1 (patch-ext_pdo__mysql_config.m4) = b1ef91be5a729040197e9af50da0f5fd1f6c90a8
SHA1 (patch-ext_pdo_config.m4) = 522281775cc0e70a135b1f813158988ef1f3e244
SHA1 (patch-ext_phar_Makefile.frag) = 558869b60f8ed6674a3ba1d595a65f010df4c426
SHA1 (patch-ext_phar_phar_phar.php) = f630e3946b21b76d4fe857a43e00e25c9445f2c8
SHA1 (patch-ext_recode_recode.c) = a97a1815d6a41410f68c289debbb9396128a2159
SHA1 (patch-ext_sqlite3_libsqlite_sqlite3.c) = 8a529a1b3f7c97731f2e719d006f67c3a7259bb5
SHA1 (patch-ext_standard_basic__functions.c) = f97a2748c7b15fbd9a2d3c21e56079088cc05d56
SHA1 (patch-ext_standard_uniqid.c) = a13b951cef823172bc61a1d1f964fc8725188a2c
SHA1 (patch-ext_xsl_php__xsl.h) = a9877bff7bacc77926a4541a0ac171c00ad1a627
SHA1 (patch-makedist) = 2ac0e0391c031c4fcf4993e2269cde4c6bfddfd5
SHA1 (patch-php.ini-development) = dd65962000ec06439fae3c9bf252fa46be4e33fd
SHA1 (patch-php.ini-production) = ae61dffedf574b688fe576b0b2af748b7a28cd89
SHA1 (patch-run-tests.php) = 86c4d3f03eb8e31b5a35820f426533c9478571fb
SHA1 (patch-sapi_cgi_Makefile.frag) = 18769900f588ff81cc34474542afa1d65c070e65
SHA1 (patch-sapi_cli_Makefile.frag) = 1cd29d09042863acbf5330e406410fdcf75d06b3
SHA1 (patch-sapi_fpm_fpm_events_port.c) = 0f10fdb32fb7cab58e2abda49fb1fc658c410150
SHA1 (patch-sapi_fpm_php-fpm.conf.in) = b3c4fd499cbfd2dffd9176abb54e298ea542a5d7